
Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Aries Sirius Black, once known as Harry Potter, endured a miserable childhood under the Dursleys until the day the Blacks found him. Rescued and educated, Harry learns the intricacies of the wizarding world and the manipulations of Dumbledore. How will Aries Sirius Black navigate the challenges of the wizarding world? Will he rise as a hero, or will he choose to become the next Dark Lord—an outcome eagerly anticipated by the Blacks? Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Nebula_Scribe · Derivasi dari karya
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120 Chs

Secrets and Shadows

Remus Lupin fought desperately to keep his anxiety hidden as he stepped into Dumbledore's office. Sirius had eventually persuaded him that this was the right course of action for them to take, with a bit of help from James's portrait, but Sirius and James had always possessed an uncanny ability to convince Remus to do things that deep down he felt to be wrong. Filch's cat in third year was only one example.

'Good afternoon, Remus,' Dumbledore greeted him, a twinkle in his eye. 'What a delightful surprise! Please sit down.' He gestured towards a dish of sweets. 'Would you care for a sherbet lemon?'

'No, thank you, Professor,' Remus replied as he took a seat.

'It is very good to see you, Remus. It has been far too long.'

'About that, Professor, I wanted to apologise,' Remus said. 'It wasn't fair of me to blame you for what happened to Harry.'

'I assure you, my boy, you cannot possibly blame me for that tragic incident as much as I blame myself,' Dumbledore said soberly. 'It was my duty to protect Harry, and I failed to do so. I can only hope that my inadequacy in this regard does not have dire consequences for the future.'

Remus chewed his lower lip. 'I wanted to talk with you about that as well. I've decided that, no matter what mistakes might have been made, it's still my duty to help fight in whatever way I can.'

Dumbledore beamed. 'I'm very glad to hear it. As a matter of fact, there is one immediate task for which I believe you to be most eminently suited.' He paused. 'I understand that it may prove emotionally difficult for you, and I want you to feel free to decline, or to desist at any time.'

'Thank you, Professor. What would you have me do?'

'As you know, Sirius Black has been freed from Azkaban on technical grounds,' Dumbledore explained. 'Looking back, I suppose we ought to have given him a trial, but it would hardly change the verdict. James himself told me they intended to use Sirius as the Secret Keeper, and, really, who else would they have picked?' Remus wanted to speak up and defend his friend, but Sirius had strictly forbidden him to do so. He forced himself to nod in agreement. 'I do not feel comfortable having such a dangerous wizard at large,' Dumbledore continued. 'For all we know, he's currently searching for Lord Voldemort in an attempt to bring him back.'

Or playing Quidditch with Harry Potter in the rear garden of one of his family's many houses, Remus thought. Aloud he said, 'It would make sense to have someone in a position to monitor his activities.'

'Precisely,' Dumbledore said. 'And who better than an old friend?'

'Me, Professor?' Remus feigned surprise. 'I couldn't possibly do such a thing! He betrayed James and Lily, and Harry too. We are hardly on good terms with one another.'

'Nonetheless, I hope you will muster the courage once again to befriend Sirius Black,' Dumbledore replied. 'Watch his movements. See who his friends are. It may be that we shall gather some clue as to the nature of his schemes.'

Remus lowered his head. 'If there's no one else, I suppose I could. For James and Lily's sake.'

'And Harry's,' Dumbledore reminded him.

'And Harry's,' Remus agreed. He let out a deep breath. 'I'll do it.'

'Thank you, Remus,' Dumbledore said with a beneficent smile. 'I know you will do a fine job.'

Remus rose to his feet, eager to get out of the office, which felt increasingly cramped. 'I suppose that will be all, Professor?'

Dumbledore raised a finger. 'Actually, there is another matter we ought to discuss.'

Remus sat back down. 'Yes?'

'I am very curious to learn more about Aries Black. I have heard rumours from certain sources that the boy may be extraordinarily gifted, and may have an unfortunate predilection for the Dark Arts. I am sure, given his lineage, this does not surprise you.'

Remus shook his head. 'He's half Black and half Malfoy. I can hardly think of a more unfortunate combination.'

'Precisely,' Dumbledore agreed. 'Find out what you can about the boy. Anything we learn now may prove to be of vital importance in the coming years.'

'I'll do my best,' Remus said, nodding his head.

'That's all any of us can do,' Dumbledore replied. 'I have one more thing to discuss with you.' He opened a drawer in his desk and removed a shimmering silver cloak. Remus gasped.

'James's Invisibility Cloak? I thought it was lost.'

'James lent it to me shortly before he died,' Dumbledore explained. 'I have learnt that the Potters made you their heir, in the event that anything happened to Harry?'

Remus nodded. 'That's right.'

Dumbledore handed the Cloak over to Remus. 'I should very much like to keep it for myself. It is a fascinating artefact. However, I believe it is right for you to have it.' He smiled. 'Besides, it may prove useful if ever you feel the need to...explore the Black family home.'

'Thank you, Professor,' Remus said sincerely. 'I shall make good use of it.'


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