
Harry Potter: The Name's Constantine...

Getting reincarnated after having cancer all his life, he is determined to make his journey in the magical world of Harry Potter as fun and exciting as possible, that includes tragedies along with ups and downs, by the way, the full experience. What else can be more exciting than becoming a hit-wizard for hire with morals? Oh, did he mention that he was older than the Golden Trio by two years? "Yeah, magic's cool. Sure, it's quite versatile and is more efficient in killing someone. But, you know what? A gun's more satisfying to shoot and kill." Harry Potter X John Wick Inspired OC

Damaine_N · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs



As promised, I'll post a total of 3 chapters of HP:The Name's Constantine and 2 chapters of RWBY: The Boy Named Rin this week.

See you soon ;)




Entering the familiar bar, instead of seating near the bar counter as usual, Edwin lead them to the side of the bar with privacy wards already erected for each private seating.

Taking a seat, they ordered some beverages, Edwin with whiskey, while John asked for just water. They were about 30 minutes early so while waiting, John continues his daily magic missions in silent in the meantime while looking at his progress with Occlumency.

x x x x x

Occlumency Level: Beginner

Occlumency Progress: 12% (6 months)


Mind of Steel: A trait that allows the user to temporary turn their mind into "steel", increasing their Occlumency proficiency by 1 level for 5 minutes at crucial times.

Additional Traits will be gained per increase in level.

x x x x x

'6 months and only 12%? Sigh... It's going to be a long long time before I hit Master level...'

He thought to himself as he continued to focus on his body and mind, emptying it while trying to strengthen his body with his magic passively instead of needing to activate it every time.

He was trying to self-hypnotize himself to always turn on Body Strengthening while his mind is empty, but he had to make strengthening his body in an instant a muscle memory first before he could continue his self-hypnotizing.

While John was training, Edwin just watched as his apprentice flowed his Mana almost perfectly without any leaks anywhere. This boy had the talent of the likes of Grindelwald or Dumbledore with magic, especially Combat magic.

Who in the world could even master the Diffindo spell in just 2 weeks after witnessing it for the first time? No less wandless AND wordless. And he had created a sub variant of Protego.

Usually it is a spherical shield that protects the user from any direction, but his is just ingenious, using it to cover his own body instead to save the extra Mana required. And he could even conjure both his Aura Version and the ordinary one to protect himself further.

He had honestly thought that the kid was just a normal boy who had a Life Debt on him, but he couldn't help but think that this boy was going to be a legend.

Hearing footsteps nearby, he turned to see his old friend. Giving a wave, he noticed the little figure behind his friend with a hood. This was going to be interesting... And amusing.

"Noire! It's been too long!"

"Charles, it's been a while."




Grabbing ten Galleons from his Bag of Holding, he placed them onto the table before casting Mana Tendrils to start constantly spinning all of them while grabbing one for himself.

He was training his multitasking, rolling a Galleon across his knuckles, whistling to Killer Queen, using Mana Tendrils to spin the Galleons on the table, emptying his mind completely, while strengthening his body to its maximum.

So because of his brain focusing on 5 things at once, he didn't even notice two unknown presences sitting across him.

"Is this your apprentice?"

The moment he heard someone other than Edwin talk, his arms instinctively shot out in finger gun gestures and pointed each at the presences without looking up.

"Yes. Calm down, Wick."

Now noticing what was happening, he stopped everything before apologizing.

"Oh, crap, I'm so sorry!"

Lowering his hands and letting the accumulated Mana for Diffindos leak away into the surroundings, he finally looked up before his mind went blank at the sight of the person in front of him.

Long dirty blond hair that was slightly curly, striking sky blue eyes, a perfect face with the perfect jawline and nose, her nice rose lips, she was perfect in any sense. She was so beautiful.

x x x x x

Mind of Steel, activated.

x x x x x

Blinking furiously, John snapped out of it before slapping himself, the girl looking shock that he managed to snap out of whatever he was in.

'What the fuck?'

His Occlumency trait activated on its own, and who is this girl — Ohhhhh...

"Ho? Impressive!"

The one sitting opposite of Edwin laughed as Edwin nodded in praise, patting on the head of John who was panting from the sudden mental attack.

"I know right? A natural Occlumens."

"A Veela."

John mutters as the girl nodded in silence, her face with a hint of guilt.

"My grandmother."

Her voice was heavenly. Breathing in deeply to control himself from doing anything stupid, he nodded at her and greeted.


"Aria. Nice to meet you, Wick."

The person next to her said his greeting too, but he didn't hear him talk at all. His brain just stopped at her saying his name... Oh, god. His name sounded perfect with her voice.

She said with a slight smile, thankful that there was someone (Noire and her teacher didn't count.) who she could actually talk to normally without them just staring at her.

She was honestly excited to talk to him since she was quite lonely in her first year of Ilvermorny. No one would be able to talk to her at all, both girls and boys from their year to even the older students, it was frustrating to say the least.

Before she could open her mouth to talk to John once more, Edwin cut the conversation short.

"Enough flirting around, kids. Time for business."

Edwin said as he took a sip of his whiskey, causing John's face to blank in concentration. It was work mode now.

Feeling the intoxicating aura fade away, his Occlumency started to work overtime to calm himself down at the mission that they were going to take.

"The details are in the files."

Edwin gave them all files to look at as he briefed them.

"We're tasked to bodyguard a VIP, Jacob Greengrass of the Sacred Twenty Eight, along with his family to the US for a trip. He had specifically requested for me, and I invited Charles with me since the job was for 2 weeks straight. Wick and I had to call for help."

Greengrass. A canon name in the books, he remembered. Finally, a character of the Harry Potter series, even if she was just mentioned here and there.

"Their trip will be supervised by the Ministry themselves, but he had hired us as a backup since he was neutral during the war, both sides will likely target him for not helping during the two weeks, so expect fighting."

Digging into his robes, he took out 3 earpieces that could be worn with one ear.

"These are charmed with mainly communication charms and other spells, we will use them to communicate, so wear them at all times. We will take 2 shifts, Wick and I will be the morning shift while Charles, you and Aria will be the night shift."

Nodding, the man looked over at Aria.

"Are you OK with this, Aria?"

Nodding in agreement, Charles nodded to Edwin who continued.

"Good, the rest of the details are in the files, we're going to meet up here tomorrow at 6 in the morning to take a portkey at 7 sharp, don't be late Charles."

"I am never late!"

"Oh yeah? What about Germany?"

"We don't talk about Germany, you promised!"

As the two were bickering, John just sat there awkwardly as he sipped on his water, trying to ignore the girl who had the face of determination for some reason.

This was a horrible start to a day.




x x x x x

Occlumency Level: Beginner

Occlumency Progress: 27% (6 months)


Mind of Steel: A trait that allows the user to temporary turn their mind into "steel", increasing their Occlumency proficiency by 1 level for 5 minutes at crucial times.

Additional Traits will be gained per increase in level.

x x x x x

His progress percentage just shot up to 27%, wow. He didn't know to either be happy or laugh humorless at it since keeping it up for almost 5 hours straight gave him a major headache last night.

They went to buy supplies together, with the girl talking to him at any chance about himself. He politely replied since it was rude to just ignore the girl, but boy was it tough to answer her without kneeling down to worship her.

'You're a 21-year-old (16 + 5), this is considered pedophilia...'

He chanted in his head, that kinda helped with the Allure. At least he gained some interesting information yesterday.

From what she explained, there is no such thing as Half or Quarter Veela. And if a girl is born from a Veela, they automatically become a Veela equipped with Allure and the ability to transform into their look alike Harpies form when angered.

If a boy is born, he will just be a normal wizard, though beautiful or handsome enough to be referenced as a Veela with maybe a talent of fire magic.

And Veela consisted of almost 0.5% of the wizardry community, almost only 400,000 Veela out of 800 million wizards around the world because the fertility rate of a Veela was almost impossible, and that is with fertility potions and charms.

Was it sensitive information? Yes it was, but he could see that Aria really did like talking about her heritage, and that she had this excited expression when he responded or asked a question about something.

Seems like Aria doesn't have anyone to talk to usually due to her heritage as a Veela, so he'll at least respond to her, even if it was only a nod or a short sentence, he didn't really have any social skills at all from 6 years in a hospital straight to an orphanage where he only talked to the Matron.

Their talk about magic was very informative to say the least. From what she was bragging, she had the reserves of a 6th year at only the age of 11, and had the skills of a 7th year due to her father teaching her about combat since she was 7.

She also had talent in Combat and Transfiguration magic due to her heritage as a Veela, making her one of the top students that caught Charles' eye back in Canada when he was on a job for her father.

When he asked about his father, Aria changed topics quickly, making him stop talking all about her family at all since he could see that the topic was quite sensitive to her.

Overall, the 5 hours was quite worth it, even if he did get a headache for it. And she asked a lot about him. He asked Edwin beforehand if he should follow Rule 1, to which he just responded.

"Sometimes, rules are meant to be broken. It's good to have an ally at a young age, and she's a good girl."

So he talked about himself as vaguely as possible. He was called Wick, he's 5 this year, he can do magic at such a young age due to his Core stabilizing at a young age, and he likes chocolates. That was all he gave about himself.

Bitter chocolate to be exact, never those milk chocolate or worse, white chocolate. Too sugary for his taste buds, to which she just giggled at.

"You're so picky, Wick! It's just chocolate!"

"Dark Chocolate is the gift from God."

"Hmm... Then we should get some US milk chocolate when we have the time then! We'll compare it with Englands when we come back!"

She said, turning to look at the boy with a smile, to which he honestly thought that her social problem must be horrible, since she was getting a little bit comfortable with him so quickly.

'We just met, and she drops all this sensitive information on the get-go? She must be holding onto this conversation tightly, trying to not to make me lose interest.'

Nodding, they continued on with their conversation about desserts with the adults behind whispering to themselves.


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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