
Draka Malfoy

Darka Malfoy is a very tall handsome looking boy with pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair he is known for creating potions and his skills in other things especially knowledge.

He lives in the Malfoys mansion and stays in his room due to him being very frail nobody except for his mother and father have ever seen him not even his brother Draco.

Today was a special day as Draca had received a letter it was from Hogwarts asking him if he would like to attend school there he looked very excited and begged his parents to let him go.

After begging them they think about it and after a day they come back into his room to tell him he is able to go if he wants this makes him very happy as he heard his brother Draco was going so he could finally meet him in person.

He couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts but before that, he needs to buy all the things he needed to go there everything he needed was listed there.