
Past Wound

:Are you talking to me?:

The snake made a sound that could only be interpreted as a bemused huff.

:Well there's no one else here, is there?:

Tom just stared.

The snake sighed. :Cheer up, it's not every day I meet a two legged creature that can hear my words. You must be really special.:

:You're a snake.:


:And you're talking.:


Tom sucked in a deep breath. :Are you the devil?:

The snake cocked its head to the side :The what?:

:Satan. The serpent.:

:My name's Cici, not Satan. That's an awfully strange name. Are you Satan?:

Tom's lips twitched. :The other children seem to think I am.:

Cici looked terribly confused at that.

Tom rolled his eyes. :They don't like me much.:

:Why? You're obviously of superior breeding – you speak the eloquent tongue of serpents, after all.:

Tom's small smile transformed into a full-on grin. :Finally, someone who agrees with me.:

:Do you like them?:


:You said they don't like you much. Do you like them?:

:Of course not. They're loud, and crass, and stupid. I'd rather cut my own finger off than call any of them my friend.:

:You don't have any friends?:

:No, I don't need any.:

:You should meet my friends!:

Tom narrowed his eyes. :Why?:

:So we can all be friends together, of course!:

Tom stared at the little creature for a moment, before his face morphed into the strangest expression – one might even call it tender. :Alright. That doesn't sound so bad.:

Cici made a pleased hissing sound.

:My name's Tom, Tom Riddle.:

:A pleasure to meet you Tom.:

A smile worked its way onto Harry's face again, as he recalled the dream. It was the first time he had genuinely wanted to be Tom Riddle. The unfamiliar feeling of warmth that flooded his chest when he made his first friend was something that Harry coveted for himself.

That's when he got the idea. He'd later come to reminisce on this idea with mixed feelings.

Either way, the idea went roughly like this; Tom Riddle wasn't really the most agreeable bloke. He was rude and unkind, and he took great pleasure in hurting whoever bothered him. Harry knew he was much nicer than Tom. So if Tom could make a friend, why couldn't he? It wasn't too strange an idea.

That's why, instead of finding his own secluded corner to eat his meagre meal in peace – away from Dudley's grabby hands and wayward feet – he sat down beside Lisa Alberts at lunch that day.

She was small, like him, and quiet too. Really, they had a lot in common. She had messy hair and glasses, just like him, and she liked to draw pictures of lakes and rivers, like he did. They both favoured the dark blue crayon.

"Hi," he said, not really knowing what else to say. It seemed like a decent way to start a conversation.

She looked up at him, her pretty face somewhat puzzled. "Hi."

First contact established. Things were going well.

Harry blushed, his heart suddenly fluttering in his chest. Could she be it? His first friend.

Pull it together, Harry, you can do this.

"My name's Harry. Can I sit with you?" he said with a nervous grin.

Lisa smiled. "I know who you are."

Harry's grin faltered a bit. "You do?"

"Yeah! You draw nice pictures!"

Harry could feel relief wash over him like a tidal wave. The one person Dudley hadn't managed to poison against him. He couldn't believe his luck. "Thanks! Yours are nice too."

Lisa's smile grew wider, and encouraged, he sat down beside her.

"Why aren't you playing over there with the other boys?"

Harry's gaze strayed to the playground. "I could ask you the same. The other girls are way over there."

Lisa blushed. "Sometimes I don't know what to say, so I don't bother saying anything."

Harry nodded. "You're talking to me just fine though."

"You're nice though. And friendly."

"You think so?"

Lisa was about to respond, but she froze as the subtle warmth of the late winter sun vanished behind the imposing figure that had somehow managed to sneak up on them. "Can we help you?"

Dudley smirked, and Harry audibly groaned.

"Is this freak bothering you?"

Lisa started in surprise, and was about to reply, before Harry stood up and stepped between his cousin and the puzzled girl.

"I haven't done anything, Dudley. Just talking, is all."

A fire was lit in the larger boy's eyes. A kind of malice that had Harry warily twitching as nervousness overtook his previous confidence. "Talking? To you, freak? Why would anyone want to talk to you? Unless -" Harry really didn't like the glint in Dudley's eye "- is she a freak too?"

Harry sucked in a breath, anger welling up inside him, slowly replacing the nerves. "No! Leave her alone."

Dudley laughed triumphantly. "She is, isn't she! You've found yourself a freaky girlfriend, have you Potter!?"

Harry gritted his teeth, his whole body growing tense. "Leave her alone, Dudley!"

"You know what? I don't think I will! I know! Let's all play Harry Hunting together! She can be on your team," he added darkly.

Harry went white at that. Lisa was going to be his friend, and good friends don't let their friends get hurt. "Leave her alone," he whispered harshly, his entire frame shaking now.

Dudley laughed at him. "Look! Little baby Potter's shaking in fear! You should be! How dare you tell me what to do! I'll just have to teach you a lesson! And then I'll teach her one too."

Harry's eyes snapped open wide, alight with a strange green fire, and before Dudley could make a move, he was flung backward with incredible force, knocking him off his feet while Harry's enraged scowl froze... and then transformed into fearful shock. He'd done it again.
