
Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE]

How bad can life be? For Happy Lestrange, an ordinary boy from an ordinary world, after being diagnosed with stomach cancer at three, the hospital became his permanent home. As a result, he never got to make friends, never got to play, run, swim, and worst of all—eat. His only respite to his boredom was various novels, movies, manga, and comics. But one of them stood above all others: Harry Potter. He was always interested in its lore and slowly fell in love with everything about the Wizarding World. But the thing he envied the most was not the magic but rather the Hogwarts feasts. So, with no cure in sight, at the age of 15, in a coma, he was put to eternal sleep. But that was not the end of the journey for Happy. "Speak, young child, what do you desire? Heaven, or reincarnation?" "Grandpa God, I want to go to Hogwarts and eat lots of tasty food!" "..." "Child, are you sure?" "YES!" "Young child, I bless you with luck. So go, taste the food, and experience all the mouthwatering scents! Go and eat to your heart's content." And so began the journey of the boy who eats. But, there was a surprise for Happy. One that could also be a curse if used unwisely. In a world so dark, and hurdles in his way plenty, can he overcome them and be...Happy? ___________________ WARNING: I write wholesome, Slice of Life stories where a greater and more serious plot is slowly expanded as the story goes. If that's not your thing, then you won't like this book. Peace!!! MC has the power of luck, but it's not omnipotent. People can and will scheme against him. People can come after him. But luck is supposed to ensure Happy gets the best out of all the troubles. ___________________ A/N: This is a light-hearted fic with a bigger plot being slowly introduced. I hope you like it. Join my discord for discussions: https://discord.gg/misterimmortal

MisterImmortal · Derivasi dari karya
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107 Chs

63.  This Is Business!

If you want, you can read 30 chapters in advance on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.


"The President? I don't believe she'll agree to meet just anyone without a reason." Tina replied, almost refraining from denying the request.

Happy smiled. He knew something that most others didn't. The truth was that there was no information in the books about who was MACUSA president during the events of Harry Potter. So, after looking around a bit, Happy finally found a name that left him hopeful.

"Well, the current President's name is Elaine Roosevelt. Her grandmother was Nozéa Lestrange, from the French side of my family. Although she's a woman, married into a muggle political family, and lost all rights to inherit, it does not change the fact that the current President and I are distantly related. I see no problem in wanting to find a distant relative since the ones left are rotting in Azkaban." Happy dropped the bomb. However, it wasn't his real intention, as he just wanted to meet her for business purposes.

But, after checking his family history, he found a connection. He planned to use the spread-out bloodlines of the Lestrange family for his benefit and gain connections.

Newt and Tina were flabbergasted at the revelation. Though, the more they thought about it, the more they felt it was believable. Heck, it made total sense that a muggle, powerful political family would seek to marry a wizard of high origins.

"That's quite a news." Tina drank some water. "I will forward the words to the President tomorrow. Do you have anything special you want me to tell her?"

Happy bobbed his head and took out a sealed letter with the Lestrange family seal from his coat. "Hand this over to Madam President, please."

She intriguingly took the letter and pocketed it before continuing the dinner. They didn't talk about anything serious after that, just a few words about Hogwarts and such.

Eventually, bedtime came, and Happy was shown the room he'd be staying in. He didn't waste time and called it a night since he had a lot planned for the next day.

Beep! Beep!

The morning came, and the alarm clock woke Happy up. Following the ring, the radio turned itself on, and music started to play.

Sun is shinin' in the sky

There ain't a cloud in sight

It's stopped rainin' everybody's in the play…

Happy rubbed his eyes and looked around, only to find Koko perched on the radio and shaking his feathered back while tapping his feet to the beat. The sunlight streamed into the room through the large windows, making the morning feel very energizing.

"Hah, I never knew you liked to dance, Koko." He walked up to the radio and turned the volume up. "Now it's good…This is great, having muggle technology in the house."

With a delightful morning, Happy hurried to brush his teeth, wore normal muggle clothes, and combed his hair. Then, he went to greet Newt and headed out of the house to the muggle streets. The destination was lower Manhattan, where there was a street that should have money in its name instead of a wall.

Instead of taking a taxi, he decided just to walk and see all the shops on the way, food shops, to be precise. That was the reason why he skipped his breakfast.

"Alright, the first stop is Lombardi's, the first Pizza Shop in America. What do you think, Koko? Great or overrated?" Happy walked nonchalantly, minding his own business while Koko sat on his shoulder.

Yes, heads turned to look at the strange kid with a goose on his shoulder. But, since it wasn't the era of cell phones, Happy had no worries about someone taking his picture.

In no time, he arrived at the location and took their bestseller—a New york style pizza. To his annoyance, they only sold whole pies, not slices. Still, he took it and then found out they only took cash, no cards.

"This better be worth it." Happy annoyedly took his pizza and went outside to eat since Koko was waiting for him there.

"It doesn't look particularly special." He muttered after picking up a slice and taking a bite.

"Quack," Koko asked for some.

Happy went ahead and gave the goose a bite. Both of them chewed the pizza with closed eyes as if they were master critics. A few seconds passed, and both had their brows furrowed. In Koko's case, it was just his eyes.


Koko threw up the bite and angrily glared at the pizza box before letting out a phoenix-like cry. "Wreee!"

Happy sighed and placed the plate in a dustbin. "Yeah, I know… It's a disappointment. As expected, all overhyped tourist attractions are mostly garbage. And why is this pizza so expensive? It's not even something special… Ugh… let's go to some random streetside cafe and freshen our taste buds."

And so, in Happy's book of food, the pizza shop instantly received one star. Not just because of the taste but because it looked like any other random pizza shop while advertising itself as Italian this or that.

Slowly, Happy arrived at Wall Street by noon, and his special appointment time arrived. On his way, Happy and Koko had already fattened up with a bunch of street foods, which they liked much more.

Eventually, they arrived at an expensive restaurant. Of course, Koko was allowed in because Happy was a rich boy, not to mention, Koko was very well-behaved and loved by anyone who saw him.

"There you are!" Happy exclaimed and walked over to the window-side table for four. It was an old figure in a modern loose suit; His hair was covered with long white locks, and his beard also majestically draped his front. While on his eyes were new, larger glasses.

Happy sat down on the chair beside the man, "When did you arrive, Professor?"

"Just an hour ago, Happy. Seeing the way people dress now, I believe I have lost the muggle touch." Dumbledore remarked as he noticed the various men and women in formal dresses.

"Hehe…Don't worry, I will send you the finest modern clothes later. It's best not to stand out among the muggles."

Dumbledore eyed Koko, who sat on the table's edge, looking out of the window as the view was majestic from the 50th floor. "Matter of standing out seems far from the truth in this case."

"I can't leave him behind, Professor." Happy replied and quickly looked at the menu. After all, climbing 50 floors made him hungry—even if it was on an elevator.

Thankfully, just fifteen minutes later, the first guest appeared. It was a middle-aged man, smartly dressed in an expensive suit, with a costly watch on his wrist. He maintained a constant smile and tried to exude charisma.

Sadly, since Happy knew the man's nature, no charisma worked on him. "Ah! Leonardo DiCaprio!"


"Leo–who? No, I'm Jordan Belfort, the owner of Stratton Oakmont, the best investment firm on Wall Street."

[A/N: Movie name: The Wolf of Wall Street]

Happy nodded. "Of course, I'm well aware of the Wolf of Wall Street. Anyway, I'm Happy Lestrange, and this is my Grandpa, Albus."


Dumbledore nearly coughed out a mouthful of the water he was drinking. Being Happy's grandpa was not a part of the deal. Heck, he wasn't even married. But he played along. "Ah, hello there, young man."

"British?" Jordan exclaimed. "You have a great accent, Mr. Albus. So, what can this young man do for you? I heard from my assistant that you wanted to invest millions in the market."

Happy took over from there, although Jordan kept looking at Dumbledore, thinking the old man was the actual investor. "Yes, we do… Mr. Jordan, I wish to buy you out."

Jordan Belfort, the cocaine-loving, debaucherous man, with the pride and ego to challenge Voldemort, looked shocked. He quickly drank a glass of water before asking back in a mocking tone. "Kid, do you know how much I'm worth?"

"Yes, a hundred and fifteen million dollars. Well, it can become a mere hundred million once the FBI catches up to your pump-and-dump scheme. Honestly, you're a smart and shrewd businessman, but you took the illegal route. What I'm offering you is a clean start. Come and work for me, Lestrange Investment Bank, and legally make millions." Happy offered him. He didn't really care about the man's lifestyle. All he saw was a man who could secure great deals from not just companies around the world but big governments.

Of course, Jordan knew the FBI was sniffing around. "If I was afraid of the FBI, I'd have never gone this big. My books are clean. They can't catch me in this lifetime. As for your offer, who are you? What industry do you work in, and above all—who sends a kid to make a business deal?"

Happy smugly answered. "An ultra-wealthy ancient family that remains hidden in the shadows—they send kids. Anyway, it was a genuine offer. Here's my card if you ever change your mind. I know your thoughts are filled with the ecstasy that easy money is bringing you right now. But one mistake and nothing of this sort will last."

Jordan took the card and got up to leave, not taking Happy seriously. "Lestrange Investment Bank? Never heard of it…Well, thanks for wasting my time. I have another meeting to attend."

With that, the man strode away, and only Happy and Dumbledore were left while Koko ate the fresh strawberries they ordered.

"That didn't go well," Dumbledore muttered.

"Hah, no, Professor. It went very well because I thought he'd come here drugged with cocaine. Anyway, I've sent an anonymous letter to the FBI. His illegal company won't last for long."

Dumbledore sighed and stroked his beard. "Why choose a weak-willed man like him?"

"He's very talented in negotiations and persuasions. But, for now, let's focus on the real candidate…he should be arriving very soon." Happy looked at his watch and nodded. "About time."


"Fine, I'll get another plate… But you'll share it with me!"

Koko rolled his eyes, his equivalent of 'whatever.'

"You eat too much!" Happy accused him.


"Yes, I eat more because I'm big, and you're small."

Dumbledore just sat there with confusion in his head, wondering what he had gotten himself into. He was now a grandpa and the face of a company with billions in assets already. Should he be happy or worried? He had no idea.

"Ah, excuse me, I'm sorry I was late…Are you Mister Lestrange, the person I was informed about?"

Just then, a tall Black man with bushy hair on his head came up to them. He was wearing a plain grey jacket and pants with paint splattered on it. Beside him, a young boy was carrying a schoolbag on his back.

"Ah, Will Smith…Please take a seat." Happy responded to him. "Order whatever you want. It's on me."

While the man timidly sat down, the little boy stared at Koko with amusement. He tried to touch the goose, but his father held his hands back each time.

"I'm actually Christopher Gardner, and first of all, I want to thank you for giving me an opportunity for this interview—"

[A/N: From Movie: The Pursuit of Happiness]

Happy raised his hand. "Interview? Who said this was an interview?"

"But…I was told…"

"No, this is our first work meeting to discuss your first project. Mr. Gardner, you're already hired, and I'm willing to pay a hundred thousand per year for now, and if you prove yourself, I'll increase it. Yes, we will sign a contract." Happy dropped the ball. After all, why wouldn't he hire a man who was to become a millionaire in the future?

Christopher looked at Happy and Dumbledore's faces alternatively. "Hire? But…I have no credentials."

"Well, I invest in the future. Prove yourself to me, and you'll be making millions each month. My company, Lestrange Investment, sells rice and other grains, and I need you to become the salesman. We sell at a price slightly lower than the market, and you need to ensure we get large contracts." Happy described the rough plan.

"Who do we sell to?" Christopher asked, instantly switching into work mode.

"Governments." Happy replied. "Poor ones mainly."


"How many employees do you have, Mr. Lestrange?" Christopher looked at Dumbledore for an answer.

Happy counted in his head, adding the elves. "Hmm…Around seven, including me. I think I should buy a workspace for the company. Chris, how much do you think this building costs?"

Christopher looked left and right, taking it as a trick question of sorts. After all, no sane human, let alone a kid, talks like that. He guessed that Dumbledore was indirectly testing him. "Um…I believe a few hundred million. I suppose…three hundred million?"

"Hmmm…" Happy rubbed his chin. "Not that expensive…I can buy it."



"We don't need so much space." Dumbledore reminded Happy.


Christopher looked at their faces with shock, unable to comprehend what the hell was going on. A kid doing business, an old man chilling, and a goose eating strawberries.


And the damn Goose barked!


See Dumbledore. Join the Monke family - Discord https://discord.gg/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *phong thanh nguyen* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*