
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

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Chapter 16: Do You Deserve to Be in Hufflepuff?

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Wilson Wright wasn't quite normal.

Because this little guy's spellcasting was more proficient than that of those old wizards, and the power of his magic was incomparable.

Crouch Sr. no longer criticized Wilson's study methods. Instead, he subtly remarked that such a diligent student like Wilson would likely be sorted into Ravenclaw upon entering Hogwarts.

Of course.

Wilson might also be sorted into Slytherin.

At least from Crouch Sr.'s perspective, a Slytherin full of ambition and self-interest seemed a perfect match for Wilson's image.


Wilson might also be sorted into Gryffindor.

Without a doubt, Wilson had never lacked courage.

In fact.

Crouch Sr. believed that Wilson would fit into any Hogwarts house except for the one Wilson always aspired to: Hufflepuff.

What kind of students did Hufflepuff have?

Hufflepuff had the most ordinary students. Every year, Hufflepuff had the highest number of new students.







These were the traits that Hufflepuff freshmen possessed.

While these traits were very admirable, they were also traits that every ordinary person could have, making it hard for them to stand out.

Some people didn't have noble family backgrounds and ambitious goals, so they didn't get into Slytherin. Some wanted a peaceful life, so they didn't get into Gryffindor. Some didn't have outstanding talents, so they didn't get into Ravenclaw.

That's the truth about the Hogwarts sorting.

However, these people made up the majority of the wizarding world.

"I like Hufflepuff."

Before the start of Hogwarts, Wilson formally discussed with Crouch Sr. to justify his choice of Hufflepuff.

"Hufflepuff isn't like Gryffindor. They may lack the courage to disrupt their peaceful lives, but they won't back down when facing evil."

"Hufflepuff isn't like Slytherin. They don't have those so-called noble pure-blood lineages, but they now make up the largest group in the wizarding world."

"Hufflepuff isn't like Ravenclaw. They can't completely immerse themselves in knowledge, but they have their own thoughts and knowledge, and they strive to learn and live."

"I admit, you are very accurate."

Crouch Sr. sincerely agreed with Wilson's viewpoint, and even he himself was convinced, changing his attitude toward Hufflepuff.


After agreeing, Crouch Sr. looked at Wilson with suspicion, "But you don't have any Hufflepuff traits…"

Hufflepuffs were good people…

Wouldn't this kid be a disaster there?

Realizing his words might have been too harsh, Crouch Sr. hesitated and explained, "Of course, I'm not saying you don't deserve Hufflepuff..."

"What do you mean, then?"

Wilson's face darkened.

He had been explaining how excellent Hufflepuff was, and Crouch Sr. listened, yet somehow concluded that Wilson wasn't fit for it?

"Deciding which house you enter isn't up to one person…"

Crouch Sr. shook his head, trying to soothe Wilson, "I'm just suggesting you don't get your hopes too high about Hufflepuff."

"I understand your point, but…"

Wilson calmed down, looked up at Crouch Sr., and said, "For the future of the wizarding world, I must enter Hufflepuff. We need most people on our side."


Crouch Sr. nodded reluctantly.

With such ambition, how could he not be sorted into Slytherin? And yet he's still aiming for Hufflepuff?

"Alright, let's discuss something else…"

Wilson ignored Crouch Sr.'s odd look and changed the topic, "If a first-year student causes a bit of trouble during the sorting ceremony, there shouldn't be any issues, right?"

"…Sorry, I don't have experience with that."

Crouch Sr.'s eye twitched.

For years, every new student at Hogwarts had been nervous during the sorting ceremony. What kind of student would think about causing trouble then?

"You can go rest."

Wilson waved Crouch Sr. off, then called him back, reminding him, "Before school starts, help me find the potion recipe for Polyjuice Potion, the one that lets you turn into someone else…"


What mischief is this kid planning?

Crouch Sr. immediately became wary, "I hope you don't cause too much trouble at Hogwarts. If Dumbledore starts paying attention to you and discovers your skill in dark magic…"

"Don't worry."

Wilson seriously promised, "Even if something big happens at Hogwarts, it won't be my doing…"


Crouch Sr. felt a bit reassured.

Generally speaking, time doesn't stop for anyone, and a comfortable holiday always passes quickly. Finally, the start of Hogwarts arrived.

September 1, 1989.

The day Hogwarts opened.

During this time, Wilson Wright had been studying diligently at home and had achieved enough results. He mastered many spells from the textbooks.

He even learned spells that first-year students weren't supposed to know, thanks to Crouch Sr.'s magical notes. The power of Wilson's spells was dozens of times stronger than Crouch Sr's.

It was terrifying.

Name: Wilson Wright

Gender: Male

Birthday: August 8, 1978

Health Points: 330 (100 for an average adult male)

Health Regeneration: 2/second

Magic Points: 1925 (500 for an average Auror)

Magic Regeneration: 2/second

Magic Spells:

- [Killing Curse], [Imperius Curse], [Cruciatus Curse], [Unlocking Charm], [Cleaning Charm], [Disarming Charm], [Lighting Charm], [Repairing Charm], [Fire-Making Charm], [Levitation Charm], [Petrification Charm], [Summoning Charm], [Revealing Charm], [Shield Charm].

(Any spell's magic consumption will be determined based on the power of the magic.)

Magical Skills:

- [Purification], [Void Orb]

Magical Perks:

- [Never Petrified], [Wind Riding]

Potion Recipes:

- [Life Potion]

- [Magic Potion]

- [Polyjuice Potion]

Magical Pets:

- [Avinia, an ice phoenix skilled in ice magic.]

- [Tom, an owl skilled in catching mice.]

"Everything seems fine…"

Wilson Wright was satisfied as he reviewed his progress. He floated his luggage and placed it into the car's trunk.

With his current level of magic…

Handling first-year coursework would be no problem.

Crouch Sr. glanced at his watch and got into the driver's seat, "I heard there are many new students this year. You might meet some familiar people at the station…"

"That would be great."

Wilson said, getting into the car and reclining in the back seat, "If their children cause trouble at school, blame it on their parents…"

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