
Harry Potter: Se’x Oriented Hogwarts

“Please, Daddy fuck me. I need you so much!” Lucifer let go of her bum and slid his hand under her hip, going straight for her pussy. Her petals were silken with want, and he nodded, deciding that it was wet enough. “Get on your knees, pet. Suck me hard again.” Hermione backed off his lap and knelt to receive his offering. Tickling and tapping him with her tongue, she worked it back to full strength. His hand sank into her hair, slowly dragging her mouth closer to his pelvis. “That’s my good girl. Are you ready for that dip you’ve been begging for?” Hermione released his cock and looked up at him in a daze. “Did you say dip or dick?” “Dip,” Lucifer repeated, smirking. “But since you’re a good girl, you can have both.” ______________ Synopsis - Lucifer Morningstar, The Devil escapes the Underworld to have a vacation on Earth. But due to some unexpected problems, he would be forced to enroll into Hogwarts, and meet a certain Bushy-haired girl, Hermione Granger. All characters doing sex age is 18+ Lucifer, The Devil is Billions of years old, with Hermione Granger having multiple personalities, her other self's age is 18+ (Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+) __________ Remember do not compare reality to fiction. No copyright infringement intended. All characters rights belong to their owners. Updates - Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun 1 Extra Chapter - 125 Power Stones! ________________ To Read 45+ Advanced Chapters, and support this novel, pls join me on Patreon. Link - patreon.com/SmutDxddy Thank you so much for your Support!

SmutDxddy · Book&Literature
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Ch 212 - Heavenly Dragon

Lucifer didn't answer her, his eyes was focused on the Dementors.

One of them hovered over Hermione's limp form, and he realized it was about to perform it's infamous Kiss.

Bounded forward, a flood of Happy Memories washed through him, and Lucifer raised his wand, "EXPECTO! PATRONUM!"

He yelled and a blinding light was at the tip of his wand; he saw what his Corporeal Patronus was brightly and clearly; his Patronus was a giant Dragon.

Not just the ones similar to have been handled by Charlie at Romania.

"I am the heavenly dragon who stole the principle of domination from God...I mock the infinite and fret over the dream...I am the red dragon of domination...I shall drown my enemies into the depths of crimson purgatory."

It was Ddraig, one of the 2 Heavenly Dragons and the arch-rival of Albion.

Unlike other beings, Ddraig's wings are much larger and more bat-like in appearance - the membrane of each wing is supported by four bat-like phalanges extending from it's wrists, and an additional three phalanges that extend from the sides of creature's torso.

All these phalanges end in blade-like tips that emerge from the wing membrane.

If you look closely, be able to found his green eyes blazing in the cold dark

night, unlike the usual white or blueish colour of Patronus.

It let out a mighty roar, waves almost shook the entire Forbidden Forest and charged straight towards the Dementor, who now let out a horrible screech because of the Creature's Fire Breath.

It was a Blazing Inferno of Scorching Flames, which can incinerate almost anything until nothing remains, with Ddraig stating that not being instantaneously disintegrated the moment one was touched by these flames would prove the survivor to be beyond God-class beings.

When the Dementors got forced with nothing but terror, and flew back to their posts, Lucifer saw Snape walking over to them and he ducked out of sight, watching the hated Professor.

He soon found that Hermione had been right, and she was watching it unfold; Snape had started kicking him, hard in the stomach and chest.

While pointing his wand over at Lucifer's fainted body, non-stop muttering under his breath.

She still couldn't believe it, even though she was looking at it happening right in front of her.

"Come on!" she said, trying to get Lucifer away from the scene, and herself, because she couldn't stand to watch it any longer.

They went into the Forest with Buckbeak, "That..."

"That was bloody amazing, Lucifer, what did you use for your Memory?!" Hermione almost yelled at his face, it just showed how excited she was, and looked at the boy in admiration.

He didn't say anything, but the Memories re-entered his mind: The first time he met Hermione at Lux;

Being placed in Gryffindor with Hermione; Seeing Hermione alive and well after awakening from her petrification; finding Hermione at Platform 9¾ at the start of this year; Getting to go with her to Hogsmeade and spend time with her without worrying about schoolwork; Knowing that she was there for him all Year long, whenever he needed her; the Kiss she placed upon his lips just hours ago, and will be doing again, just before they walk back into the Hospital Wing.

Not even including all the time spent during making love to each other.

Every memory he used to conjure that Patronus was of Hermione.

Lucifer couldn't deny it at that point if he still had any doubts, he was in love with his best friend, and girlfriend, cherished each moment they spent together, "I used You, for the Memory."

Hermione's cheeks burned with embarrassment, she didn't even know what to say in response for several moments, "R-Really?"

"I'm not laughing," Lucifer said, looking at her with both eyes straight.

He then said something that both made Hermione feel hurt and contented at the same time, "You're both my best friend, and girlfriend. Most, if not all, of my happiest memories involve you."

She smiled, but something inside her cracked, 'Not even a single good moment with his family...' 

Hermione put up her best fake smile, 'Of course he would use a memory with me in it.'

Lucifer looked back at the Castle.

"Hermione! Black! We've got to go!"

He said urgently and they both hopped on Buckbeak and, much to Hermione's complete dismay, flew Buckbeak into the air, making their way towards Hogwarts.

The best thing about this was Hermione's arms being around him tightly, because she was afraid of falling off.

"I don't like this....I really don't like this, Lucifer!"

They flew to the Castle and hovered near the Thirteenth Window.

Lucifer tapped the window and Sirius looked up at them in complete disbelief.

Hermione had her wand out, "Alohomora!"

"How - how-?" Black began to ask.

"No time to explain, get on!" Lucifer said and he and Hermione helped Sirius through the window.

When he was behind Hermione, he directed the Hippogriff, "Alright, Buckbeak, to the top of the tower!"

Lucifer pulled the ropes and Buckbeak flew up there, landing when he arrived.

He and Hermione got off, Sirius thanked them for everything they've done for him.

"Please, look out for Harry, he's going to need his friends with him in the coming years, I can feel it... you know... you both are easily the brightest Witch and Wizard of your age, and Lucifer, I'd say you're the most powerful Wizard of our time. If Voldemort has anyone to be afraid of, it's you," Sirius said with a genuine smile before thanking them again and flying away on Buckbeak.

They were finally out of sight when Lucifer and Hermione broke out into a run to make it back to the Hospital Wing before anyone aside from Dumbledore knew they had gone somewhere.

They ran as quickly and quietly as they could, but had to hide when they came across Snape and Fudge, "-only hope Dumbledore's not going to make difficulties," they heard Snape saying, "The Kiss will be performed immediately?"

"As soon as Macnair returns with the Dementors. This whole Black affair has been highly embarrassing. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to informing the Daily Prophet that we've got him at last... I daresay they'll want to interview you, Snape... and once young Harry's back in his right mind, I expect he'll want to tell the Prophet exactly how you saved him..." Fudge was heard saying.

It was only when their footsteps died away completely that they left their hiding place and began to run again.

They saw Dumbledore's back as they ran down the Corridor, he pulled the door shut and turned to see them.

"Professor, we did it... Sirius and Buckbeak... both saved..."

"Well done. I think-" He listened for any sound within the Wing, "Yes, I think you've gone, too. Get inside - I'll lock you in-"

Lucifer and Hermione slipped back into the Hospital Wing to see a confused Harry, "Where - how did - what?"

"Get back in bed, now please," Hermione hissed at him.

She got in bed, and saw Lucifer at the far end of the room, getting back into his bed and pretending to be asleep.

Madam Pomfrey had the most perfect timing and came out of her office.

"Did I hear the Headmaster leave? Am I allowed to look after my patients now?" She was in a very bad mood, and even though Harry didn't know what just happened, he thought it best to do as Hermione said.

"He took the worst of it, Black did a serious curse on him...."

Hermione knew it wasn't Black that did that, she couldn't say as much, though.

"To be honest, I would've expected him at least awake by now," she looked back at his sleeping figure.

There was suddenly a distant roar of fury echoing from somewhere above them.

"What was that?" Madam Pomfrey asked in alarm.

Hermione looked over and saw Lucifer rustling a bit.

Now they could hear angry voices, growing louder and louder.

Madam Pomfrey was staring at the locked door, "Really - they'll wake everybody up! What do they think they are doing?"

Hermione couldn't quite yet make out the voices, but if she had to guess, Snape was the one who was raging with anger, but it was Fudge's voice she first heard.

"He must have Disapparated, Severus, we should have left somebody in the room with him. When this gets out-"


"Severus - be reasonable - Harry has been locked up-"

The door was suddenly and violently opened; Fudge, Snape, and Dumbledore came striding into the Ward.

Dumbledore alone looked calm, Hermione noticed, and he even looked as though he was enjoying himself.

Fudge appeared angry, but Snape was beside himself.

"OUT WITH IT, POTTER!" Snape bellowed, "WHAT DID YOU DO!?"

"Professor Snape!" Pomfrey shrieked at him, "Control yourself!"

"See here, Snape, be reasonable," Fudge said in an attempt to calm him, despite being angry himself, "This door's been locked we just saw-"

"THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!" Snape howled, and Hermione half expected him to start foaming at the mouth as he pointed at Harry and herself.

"Calm down, man!" Fudge barked, "You're talking nonsense!"

"YOU DON'T KNOW POTTER!" Snape was relentless, "HE DID IT! I KNOW HE-"

"What is that yelling!?" Lucifer's voice was heard from his spot over at the far end of the Ward.

He was rubbing his eyes as he sat up and then held his stomach and chest, prompting Madam Pomfrey to hustle over to him, "Oh, Professor Snape, come to check in on the Infirm have you? How kind of you to care about my what feels to be cursed, broken ribs and possibly ruptured internal organs," Lucifer then laughed, but regretted it immediately as he winced a little in pain.

"YOU HELPED HIM!" Snape then began pointing the finger at Lucifer.

"I appreciate your wishfulness... for me to already be at full strength... Professor... but I can barely move as it is..." Lucifer said and allowed Pomfrey to lay him back down.

"Severus, are you really going to suggest that Morningstar helped young Harry here free Black? The boy can barely move!" Fudge said, somewhat angrily with Snape.


"Payback for what?" Dumbledore asked curiously, as though he already knew.

"HE KNOWS THAT I-" Snape stopped himself, realizing that he almost just gave away the fact that he was the cause of Lucifer's main injuries.

'Oh, you bastard,' Hermione thought to herself, 'I wish you had said more!'

"That will do, Severus," Dumbledore said quietly, "Think about what you are saying. This door has been locked since I left the Ward ten minutes ago. Madam Pomfrey, have these students left their beds?"

"Of course not!" Pomfrey walked back over to them, having left Lucifer with a piece of chocolate to alleviate some pain, "I've been with them ever since you left!"

"Well, there you have it, Severus," Dumbledore said calmly, "Unless you are suggesting that Harry, Hermione, and Lucifer are able to be in two places at once, I'm afraid I don't see any point in troubling them further."

Snape stood there, seething, staring from Fudge, who looked thoroughly shocked at his behavior, to Dumbledore, whose eyes were twinkling behind his glasses.

Snape whirled about, robes swishing behind him, and stormed out of the Ward.

As he passed Dumbledore, he was stopped momentarily, but the old man spoke so quietly, Hermione was unable to hear him.

"Fellow seems quite unbalanced," Fudge said, staring where he just left, "I'd keep an eye on him if I were you, Dumbledore."

"Oh, he's not unbalanced," Dumbledore was quietly, "He's just suffered a severe... disappointment."

"He's not the only one!" puffed Fudge, "The Daily Prophet's going to have a field day! We had Black cornered and he slipped through our fingers yet again! All it needs now is for the story of that Hippogriff's escape to get out, and I'll be a laughing stock! Well... I'd better go and notify the Ministry..."

"And the Dementors?" Dumbledore asked, with a smiling face, "They'll be removed from the school, I trust?"

"Oh, yes, they'll have to go," Fudge ran his fingers through his hair nervously, "Never dreamed they'd attempt to administer the Kiss on an innocent boy and girl... completely out of control... No, I'll have them packed off back to Azkaban tonight. Perhaps we should think about Dragons at the school entrance?"

"Hagrid would like that," Dumbledore said, with a swift smile to the three awake Gryffindors.

He and Fudge soon left the Ward and Madam Pomfrey hurried back to lock it again.

She huffed and muttered angrily to herself as she went back into her office.

There was a low moaning from the other end of the Ward across from Harry and Hermione.

Ron had just woken up, and he was sitting up, rubbing his head, looking around, "What - what happened?" He groaned, "Harry? Why are we in here? Where's Sirius? Where's Lupin? What's going on?"

"I - I don't know..." Harry looked at Hermione who sighed exasperatedly, but began to recount what happened after Ron passed out, and when explaining what she and Lucifer did, also gave Harry an explanation for everything as well.

Needless to say, they were blown away.


Author's Note

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