
Chapter 5: Preparations

During the year that I had before I started my school life at Hogwarts, I put twice as much effort into preparing myself.

Due to the strange absence of Gnomes from our garden, which there would be no reason to link to me, I wanted to spend a week at the Lovegoods' house to find more, since I missed those walking moneybags.

I wanted to be able to spend that week alone without bringing Ginny because she would realize what he was doing, but it would get weird to want to spend time alone with Luna knowing that she is also her friend. Also, my brothers were already pestering me with comments that I should ask my parents to talk to Xenophilus so we can get engaged before someone steals her from me, so I decided not to give them any more room to continue talking so my sister and I we went together.

Luna found out what he was doing the first day we arrived, not that I was very discreet either. She and her father did not agree with my hunting them, for them, all creatures should love each other. Seeing that things were more complicated than I thought, I decided to tell they some of my secrets.

Luna was Xenophilus's only weakness and if she wasn't in danger he wouldn't betray me under any circumstances, he's a good man although a little weird with his ideas. Even so, I asked to make an unbreakable oath with him that he would not divulge any secrets I showed him without my permission. I accept without problems, to my surprise.

During that night I took them to the merchant who appeared near their house because he was there at the time. The merchant had begun to appear more frequently, every two or three days. Also, on my map, a diamond with a market symbol was marked in the place where it appeared, so it became easier to find it, despite the fact that it always appeared near the place where it was residing.

When I introduced them, they were quite surprised by his appearance. Xenophilus was very curious about the merchant and did a lot of research on him and tried to talk to him several times, but like me, he didn't get any results.

Ginny was fascinated as she now understood where she got my candy from, and she felt freer to ask for more. Luna just watched everything with her normal look of shock.

After explaining his functions and that I obtained money selling the gnomes, Xenophilus was still against what I was doing, arguing that selling them without knowing what would happen to them later, at least until Luna said

"No need to worry, when they are sold they are transported to another part of the world where it would be common to find them..."

That surprised us, when we asked her where she knew that from, she pointed us to the merchant. To everyone's surprise, Luna is able to communicate with him, although when she did, he always kept smiling without any difference, it seems that if she was talking alone we couldn't understand him. According to Luna, he said that he was an immaterial higher species who became fond of the idea of ​​trade, so he appears in different worlds, so he can play a vendor and enjoy the feeling of buying and selling items.

He explained to us that through anchors, me in this case, remains in this world using his power to create from nothing, objects that do not have consciousness and life of their own that are used as a commercial product in this world to exchange it for some monetary element; or create some form of money to buy myself items, which means that I can use any type of cash as long as it is considered such in this world, and that I can only buy things that are used for trading with which I have been in contact.

Everything that I have previously sold is also added to the store, but without limits beyond what my pockets can pay, and in case I want to buy living beings, these will be removed from the nature of this world or some other alternate that contains the same creature, so I can get whatever I want from this shop unlimitedly as long as I can afford it.

I saw that the store is now overcrowded with products. I went to every store I could find in Diagon Alley to get access to as many products as possible plus some Muggle items from other stores in the nearby town.

Now the carriage has wooden buttons in the shape of arrows to be able to change the shelves to other products. Among them I could see Gnomes like the ones I caught, and from there came a question. If you were able to sell a person to be stored among the merchant's products and had enough money, could you buy back the person and many other people, or would you buy multiple copies of the same person? Save these ideas for another time.

After we reached a consensus on my way of earning money, we decided that we would all participate. We asked mom and dad to stay a week longer than agreed with the excuse of 'a camp' which was not a lie, but the reason for the camp was something else than they thought. They agreed and Xenophilus took a tent with an extension spell, and we set sail on our quest for fantastic beasts.

It was not a great adventure, but it was entertaining. We managed to catch Gnomes, Cornish pixies, fairies, imps and even a couple of Ghouls among others. Mr. Lovegood and I were in charge of catching and knocking them out, while Ginny and Luna were in charge of tying them up and, at the request of Father-daughter Lovegood, treating them if they received any injuries.

We made good money, due to the lack of gnomes in my house there was a period where I could not sell it, which caused the price to rise again, and the profits were better. We decided to split the profits, Xenophilus didn't want his part, explaining that he really enjoyed the adventure and preferred the children to enjoy their hard-earned money. The money was divided into 60% for me and another 20% for each of the girls because it is my ability that gave us this opportunity, I did not reject it because I thought I would need it for the future, but I told them that if they wanted something from the store would gladly buy them whenever they wanted.

Luna kept most of the money, but bought some muggle sweets that I recommended. Ginny wanted to buy her own broom, but I advised her to wait until she got to Hogwarts before doing so, since even if she could explain how she got it, her mom wouldn't let her fly on it just yet. I accept and decided to give me her part if in the future she bought him the best broom she could, accept the deal.

Thanks to Luna I learned that the merchant can make custom orders, but only for things that have already been enabled in the store and to a certain extent nothing else, although this will add an additional cost to the product delivered. Let's say I want a coffee, but I want a different proportion of coffee or sugar or maybe add milk or double the pre-established amount, then I will take the original price of the product plus the additions, the greater or lesser quantity and a extra for ordering.

When I went to Diagon Alley I went to Ollivanders to try to buy my own wand, but he rejected me because I wasn't old enough, so I could only resign myself. Then when I enabled the wands in the merchant's shop I didn't buy one, since they can't be trying the items before paying I couldn't be sure if it would be the right wand, but from what Luna told me that wasn't a problem anymore.

I asked for "the most suitable wand" and paying a price of 40 gallons I got it, twelve inches, Pine wood with Phoenix feather core. I quite liked it and I could feel my connection with it at the moment I took it in my hand. I planned to practice some simple spells while I was at Luna's, the rest of the time until I went to Hogwarts it would stay hidden in my inventory.

After the two weeks were up, we returned to the Burrow. Our parents were happy with the lies we told about our 'camping', our brothers were a bit jealous of our trip, so our parents promised to take them on trips in the future.

Even with the promise of our parents to please my siblings, I made the decision to go buy a Pixie (which came in a cage when the merchant gave it to me) to give to Fred and George for their amusement.

They were completely excited and grateful, and it didn't take long for their heads to come up with a plan to use it. They decided to drop it in the bathroom when Percy came in. I had never seen anyone run away from somewhere so terrified holding their crotch, I don't know what happened, but it sure was horrible.

Mom took them off and punished them until the holidays were over, and they had to go back to school, Percy never went into the bathroom again without casting strong glances from afar looking for any danger pointing his wand with a trembling hand and the other protecting his parts.

Under my pleas, I was able to travel the Floo network to Diagon Alley on my own. At first, they refused several times, but they ended up giving in under some of my reasons, and since I was the most serious of all my brothers and showed great maturity (most of the time) they allowed it with some rules. Under no circumstances should I go to Knockturn Alley which I currently didn't want to visit anyway, I could supplement my personal shop, but with my current power it would be a very stupid suicide.

With my freedom to come and go I extended my range of activities, I bought my own Floo powders that I used for my personal travels.

I would visit Flourish and Blotts usually, so I could have more books to read, they let me stay and read the books in the store during their opening hours as long as I looked after the books plus a small 'contribution'. I ended up staying very late, sometimes reading the same book, trying to understand it and expand my knowledge. I also bought some Occlumency and Legilimency books, so I could learn while I was at home.

My parents noticed the amount of things I bought lately and asked where the money for it came from, I made up a lie in which I told them that because I helps Mr. Lovegood with his magazine he gave me some money, they went to talk with Xenophilus. Without even contacting him before, he easily followed my lie and, exposing it as hard-earned money, my parents accepted.

He was a good colleague who knew how to go with the flow, I appreciate having told him some of my secrets, as I make many things easier with his help. With excuses ready, I started to buy different things, but nothing of a value that would make my family suspicious.

Using my brothers' old cauldrons, I tried to produce the cheapest potions I could find. Although they were simple and cheap they were quite difficult to produce, I admire Snape as a potions master. It takes precision, calm and patience to be able to do them correctly, I ended up failing many times before I got the hang of it.

After I managed to produce my first potions, I sold them to the merchant, though sometimes depending on the level of the potion I couldn't get back the cost of the materials.

Again, with the excuse that Mr. Lovegood was selling my potions in thrift stores under his name, I was able to justify a new source of income.

The Twins and Ron seeing that I was making money from it wanted to join in, but even though at least the twins had potions classes, their interventions wreaked havoc and our other siblings or our parents had to save us a few times.

They forbade us to try again, but after a month under my constant pleas they gave me permission again, but only me. Ron didn't want to try again after the terrible rash he got last time, and Fred and George gave up when Charlie and Percy told them that the profits from those low level Potions were next to nothing.

Speaking of family... I may not have mentioned it, but William Weasley, my brother Bill, has already graduated from Hogwarts and gone to work in Egypt at Gringotts. My mother wept inconsolably at his departure, but my parents were completely proud of him. I will miss him a bit too, he was my older brother and although there were times when we clashed, mainly because of me, I still appreciated him; we ended up giving each other a big hug before he left.

I had my income and my theoretical studies assured, for the physical part I trained quite hard because, thanks to my magic, I recovered quite quickly from both injuries and fatigue. My physical condition was not that of an athlete, but I was getting closer with each passing day.

I studied Occlumency and Legilimency and in the latter I had almost no progress, but in Occlumency I was surprised. Perhaps due to the mental structure with which I was born, of which I constantly complain about my insensitivity, I was able to obtain results very quickly and in almost a month I already had some mastery, if I continued at this speed I could consider myself an expert within a year, but I have to make time to work on other things.

I strengthened myself in all the aspects that I could, from emotional to economic, I tried to cover as many areas as possible.

I developed more skills that would be very useful to me if I could develop them:

[Blood Manipulation] It allowed me to control the surrounding blood, but with my current power it was very difficult. Using the [Blood Pools] I created a puddle on the floor and with the manipulation I could only make a few ripples and if I tried hard I could a small wave, but if using my wand I got better results and was able to levitate a few drops a few inches off the ground. I'm still far from being able to use it as a weapon or control the blood of my enemies, but I'll get it with effort and hard work.

[Sense Life] This ability was supposed to allow me to sense the surrounding beings, but it was seriously lacking. I had to try to override my other senses so that the range was only a few meters, plus based on the size or power of nearby creatures I could locate them better, but it would be poor for small, weak creatures that were almost unnoticeable. Interestingly, it worked synergistically with [Lineage Connection] giving me a better perception of my family when using this skill.

I also realized that my observations were true, my connection with my family was weakening. It seems that my blood magic not only strengthened me, but also changed me little by little, but I could feel that the change would have a limit, so I might not lose the blood relations of my parents or siblings... but can't be sure. If I have children in the future, they may be not related to them.

[Aura of Mystery] I think I got it from spending a lot of time with Luna. Practically, I give off a sense of mystery that makes people feel that they cannot see me without feeling that I am still hiding something that they have not been able to discover.

[Music] This is another one of the auxiliary system's divine abilities. I can listen to music in my head anytime I want, plus it's music from all over the world including from my previous life. Being able to train while listening to 'Modern talking' or 'Kiss' becomes spectacular in a world where entertainment is so limited.

[Message/Gift] This skill has its limitations, but it is very useful. As long as it's a short message or something small and low in value, I can send it to someone on my friends list, which currently only includes my family, the Lovegood family, and the bookstore workers. You can put some specifications like where you want it to appear, like in the mailbox, a table or on the door as well as being able to be answered.

But it also has several limitations in addition to the above. They cannot be sent during or to people who are in hostile situations, so if they are in a fight, chase, or hostile places they cannot be sent or received; also depending on the distance of the objective the time it takes to arrive will change, in cases sending it with an owl can be three times faster.

I received potentially strong abilities that would help me in the future and I trained them as much as the previous ones, maybe it was a lot of anxiety that I felt, even Ron who usually stays away from me thinks I to be going too far.

I couldn't stop, every day that passed I felt less prepared, they wanted to stop me, but it didn't work. I continued with my high intensity training in various areas every day until a week before September 1 where I relaxed, because if I didn't make enough progress here, then I wouldn't make it this week.

I finally took a break, spent time with my family, who were relieved to see me stop my unhealthy behavior. I spent time with Ginny and Luna, due to the fact that only next year they could attend Hogwarts, so we would be apart for a long time. Took my last few trips to Diagon Alley making sure I wasn't missing anything, went to the merchant for the last few purchases, and now it's only one night before I have to go to King's Cross station to embark on this journey.


Looking at the Hogwarts letter in my hands, lying on my bed watching Ron toss and turn in his bed unable to sleep, I start to remember when I arrived.


"¡Mom! It isn't here yet?" Ron asked uncomfortably.

"Not yet, it's early, calm down, it'll be here" our mother replied while she was preparing breakfast.

"Calm down Ron, he might not arrive, you don't have to worry" (Fred)

"you're probably a squib, so you won't get your letter" (George)

"Yes, you have not managed to turn Scabbers yellow with the spell we taught you" (Fred)

"Shut up, you two, don't make him more nervous" mom reprimanded them.

"But we just said it's a possibility" (George)

"Yes, look at Red, he could also find out that he is a squib, and he wouldn't even flinch" (Fred)

"That's cheating, it's not fair for you to compare them. He never changes his expression" said Percy who had just come down the stairs.

At that moment, Ginny ran downstairs with two envelopes in her hands.

"They arrived... They arrived, the owl left them in their room" she said with emotion.

"We should have guessed that they would arrive at their room" (Fred)

"Yes, we could have hidden them" (George)

Mama hit them over the head with her wooden spoon while Ron nearly dragged Ginny across the floor, so he could take the letter from her due to her excitement, perhaps fear of being a squib if it was real to him. I just waited until my sister brought it to me.

"Red, here's yours" and he handed me the letter that we all expected as children.


Mr Red Weasley

Third room

'The burrow'

Ottery St Catchpole




(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International

Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Weasley,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress"


First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope set

1 brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad




It's identical to how I've seen it before, but still so moving. I don't really know why, but I feel a certain attachment to this role, I'm sure I'll end up framing it in a painting.