
Harry Potter, reborn into the Black family

My life was ordinary. I am 18 years old. I was walking on a regular day, heading to school. While I was on the street and watching the last movie in my favorite series, Harry Potter, where he defeats the Voldemort, I heard the sound of a truck. However, my reaction was too slow, and it hit me, leading to my death. I was then reborn in a world I never imagined I would live in. Follow me as I rise to the top in this world of wizards and become the strongest among them

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Chapter 29

Lee Jordan: "Ohhh, what a goal! What a shot! At first, I thought the Quaffle would be saved by the Keeper, but before he could get a hand on it, the ball changed direction and went into the right hoop."

Albert returned to the Gryffindor half of the field, where George greeted him.

George: "Well done, Albert! Hahaha, if we keep playing like this, we're sure to win!"

The cheers of Gryffindor rang out in the cold air, mixed with the roars and jeers from Slytherin.

Minutes passed, and Harry was darting back and forth in the air, but it seemed he hadn't spotted the Golden Snitch yet.

Lee Jordan: "Slytherin has the ball. Chaser Bodey ducks to avoid two Bludgers, then dodges the Weasley twins and Chaser Bell, heading toward—wait a moment—could that be the Snitch?"

(For context: The Golden Snitch is a small, golden ball with wings that Seekers must catch.)

Adrian Bodey only glanced at the golden light streaking past his left ear, missing the Quaffle. There was a hum of excitement among the crowd.

It appeared that Harry had spotted the Snitch as well, diving swiftly after the golden streak of light, closely followed by Slytherin Seeker, Terence Higgs.

The two raced side by side toward the Snitch. It seemed the Chasers had forgotten their roles and hovered in the air, watching.

Harry was faster than Higgs—he was closing in on the Snitch.

Chaser Marcus Flint of Slytherin tried to bump into Harry to prevent him from catching the Snitch, but—

Boom! There was an angry roar from the Slytherin supporters below as Albert Black deliberately collided with Marcus Flint, causing him to veer off course, but Harry remained unaffected.

Harry looked back and saw that Albert had intervened to stop Flint from colliding with him.

Harry: "Albert!! Thanks for the help." Albert didn't speak but gave a thumbs-up, signaling to continue.

The match continued, with Gryffindor looking strong as they retained possession of the ball.

Suddenly, Harry began to spin erratically in the air. Albert, observing from a distance, immediately understood what was happening.

Albert looked up at Harry and saw his expressions become tense. It seemed his broomstick was now out of control.

Hermione saw Harry spinning in an unusual manner and raised her telescope with a serious expression, scanning the crowd.

At this moment, Harry began to drift slowly away from the field, and some students had already noticed something wrong.

Hermione: "What's happening? Did his broomstick break?"

Ron: "Maybe not. A Nimbus broomstick wouldn't break from a few impacts, and it's more likely that someone used dark magic to interfere with the broom. Considering the Nimbus's ability to resist interference, the caster must be very skilled in dark magic."

Ron added: "An ordinary student couldn't do that."

"Look at Snape." Hermione pointed out. "Look, he's staring at Harry and casting a spell."

Ron lifted the telescope and said: "Look behind him, Quirrell is also staring at the sky and chanting a spell."

"What?" Hermione examined Quirrell closely. "What should we do now?"

"I don't know. You make the decision."

Hermione turned to see Harry back on the field, with nothing wrong and no longer spinning as before.

But as she looked at the crowd, she saw Quirrell and Snape both casting spells.

Hermione: "What? Why is Quirrell still casting spells, and Harry isn't affected now?"

Just two minutes before Hermione discovered the cause of Harry's sudden spinning, Albert had realized that Quirrell's spell was causing Harry's erratic behavior. Without hesitation, Albert used a rare counter-spell he had learned since he was young, known as "Surgito," a spell that the Black family was familiar with. This spell was designed to cancel out magic cast on an object by the user of the "Surgito" spell.

Albert raised his wand and cast: "Surgito!"

Harry, who had been spinning uncontrollably and nearly falling off his broom, suddenly found himself enveloped in a red magical aura, halting the strange spinning immediately.

Returning to the present, after more than ten seconds, the staff room was in chaos, and the two had taken the opportunity to return to their seats.

The match ended, with Albert becoming the first Seeker in the history of the competition to score 14 goals in a single game, making the final score 14-140.

Just two minutes after Harry's broom returned to normal, he caught the Golden Snitch, ending the match with a huge victory for Gryffindor: 290 points to 60.

Harry and Albert met on the ground, smiling and hugging each other in celebration. Without their efforts, Gryffindor wouldn't have won against Slytherin.

Snape, watching from the stands, observed Harry and Albert's smiles from a distance.

Snape: "Damn, is history repeating itself?"

Snape saw Harry as James Potter and Albert as Sirius Black, reminiscent of how James and Sirius were close friends during their time at the school.

As Ron and Hermione were preparing to return to the castle, they happened to meet Harry and Albert, who were on their way to Hagrid's hut for tea. The four walked to Hagrid's hut together.

A few minutes later, the four were sitting by the warm fireplace, each holding a cup of fragrant black tea.

Ron: "It was Snape who did it," he explained to everyone. "I saw him; he was casting a spell on Harry's broomstick, muttering to himself, keeping his eyes fixed on Harry."

"No, it wasn't just Snape. The truth, Ron!" Hermione added loudly. "I saw both Snape and Quirrell behind him, and Quirrell was also casting a spell."

Albert then spoke up: "Well, I saw Quirrell start the spell first, followed by Snape. So, Quirrell was the one using dark magic to make Harry fall off his broom, but Snape stopped him and used a spell to protect Harry from falling."

The three were shocked by Albert's explanation.

Harry: "No, it's impossible! Professor Snape wouldn't save me; it must be the opposite, Albert!!"

Albert: "As I told you, Harry, don't judge a book by its cover. If Snape wanted to harm you, he would have done it before you even entered the Quidditch field. Snape knew something was going to happen to you, so he came to the field to watch and save you."

Harry and the others didn't know what to say, as Albert's explanation made sense.

Hermione: "But wait! I saw Harry's broomstick return to normal, but Snape and Quirrell were still casting spells. So why did Harry's broom return to normal, even though Quirrell was using dark magic?"

Albert sighed: "Well, I was the one who stopped Quirrell's attack on Harry."

Everyone, including Hagrid, froze upon hearing Albert's confession and didn't believe it.

Ron: "Ha! Have you lost your mind, Albert?"

Hermione: "Yes, Albert, how could you stop Quirrell's attack without a wand, and while you were playing with Harry? It doesn't make sense."

Everyone agreed with Hermione's statement.

Albert: "Sigh. Well, I didn't want anyone to know this because my father always warned that if anyone found out, it could cause trouble. But it's fine that you know."

My father was shocked when he first learned that I could perform magic without a wand.

Sirius: "My son!! Promise me you won't tell anyone that you can do magic without a wand."

Albert: "Why, Dad?"

Sirius: "It's like having a trump card. The enemy will think you're using a wand for magic, but what if your wand is removed in a battle with an opponent? You can surprise them with an attack without using a wand. Also, dark wizards will seek you out to experiment on you."

Albert: "Okay, Dad, I promise."

Returning to the present, Albert cast: "Wingardium Leviosa."

A large light burst from Albert's finger, lifting the teacup from the table suddenly.

Everyone in the room was stunned, turning to Albert in amazement.

Hermione covered her mouth in shock and said: "What is this, Albert?"

Harry: "Can you really perform magic without a wand?"

Albert: "Well, don't tell anyone what you've just seen, agreed?"

Everyone: "We promise."

Ron: "But I still can't grasp this. A person can do magic without a wand? This isn't even in the legends."

Harry: "Does this mean we've seen a legend?"

Hermione felt concerned, knowing that everyone would think Albert was extraordinary and a bit of a monster.