
Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness

[A Wizarding World Fic]-[Rights Belong with JKR] Join Nathan Alexander Grey as he tackles the issues and problems of a failing society while simultaneously juggling his studies in magic. Watch as this budget Satoru Gojo(The Honored One) rises to the epitome of the world just so that he can change it (Because it hurts his precious muggle senses to acknowledge games like Quidditch). ******* ******* ******** ********* [World Building], [Magic Building], [Mild to Massive Changes To Canon] [Romance]- Fleur Delacour. [Good Guy MC who isn't an Idiot]

dukeofvirtue · Derivasi dari karya
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52 Chs

[1990 Pt.11]

Welcome back to Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness. As most of you know this is the rewrite of my original story which is crossposted on FFN--- If you want to check that one out.

If you like my take on the wizarding world, show your support for the story by donating powerstones so that others read it and it gets pushed up the rankings. Comments and reviews also help.

Finally, the fic has finally crossed 50K words. 

Read ahead of everyone else on Patreon. You can vote for the story's direction there too.

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[October 15, 1990.]

Nathan was very conflicted about how to deal with the situation that he found himself in. Alan had provoked a sixteen-year-old boy because of his puppy love for Tonks. Said sixteen-year-old had then answered the provocation with two tight slaps to the face of the twelve-year-old.

The question remained- whether he wanted to take things further against Weasley. A star player for the Gryffindor house and a member of the Weasley family. Or to try to get the Professors involved- which Nathan admitted to himself would result in nothing.

Nathan was all for roughing up Charlie, but that would also sour any goodwill between himself and the twins. And that would probably poison the Weasleys against him. It would also pit a large part of Hufflepuffs who wanted to defend the honour of their favourite puff that was Tonks, against the Gryffindors who would definitely try to defend their star player.

No, the best option for all parties concerned would be if the matter was settled amicably.

'But letting Charlie get away with beating Alan also paints a bad picture.'- Nathan sighed before deciding that he needed to arrange an apology session between Alan and Charlie. If Charlie refuses then Nathan would see where to go from that.

He got up from where he had been sitting on his bed and looked towards Alan who was currently doing his assignments for Charms and said, "I am going to the twins and tell them to get their brother to the courtyard in front of the astronomy tower. You and Weasley can talk there."

Having said his piece, Nathan exited his bed and moved to the common room. He saw Jacob and Orion chatting among themselves and waved them towards himself when they looked at him. As they were going to ask about Alan, he just said, "He's fine now," before he moved past them and out of the common room.

Fishing out the Maruader's map from where it was always hidden, Nathan searched for the Weasley twins on the map and found them in the Gryffindor common room.

"This must be done with style." as he said this Nathan's wand slipped into his waiting hand from the wrist holster that he had recently created for himself.

He waved his wand in a wide arc and incantated, "Expecto Patronum," even as he fed the most beautiful moment of his life into the spell.

The effect of the spell was felt immediately by Nathan when his guardian spirit erupted from the tip of his wand. The massive polar bear that was his spirit guardian stood still as Nathan pointed his wand at it.

Dumbledore would probably take some more time before he discovered that Patronii could carry messages, but Nathan's extra-universal knowledge helped him find the method used to do it. He pointed his wand and the polar bear morphed into a glowing white ball that radiated joy and peace before it rushed into the ceiling below which Nathan stood so that it could reach the Weasley twins to deliver the message he intended for them.

Deciding that the patronus charm cast by a twelve-year-old would send a good enough message to the Gryffindors, Nathan checked the map to find Nymphadora Tonks. She was together with Hestia in the Hogwarts Library so he decided to head there next. He had to still check whether she actually had any problems with Weasley or not. Nathan was not at all eager to find himself at the wrong end of her wand for meddling in her affairs after all.

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He entered the library and found the two teenagers huddled around a large pile of books.

He walked up to them and bluntly asked, "So what's going on with Charlie Weasley?"

Tonks looked up from the book with a raised eyebrow that seemed to be saying, 'What do you mean?'

"Heard he asked you out."

She gave Nathan a flat look and sarcastically said, "If you are about to pour your heart out too. I will say stop now." Hestia snorted, but Nathan expertly ignored her and smiled grimly at Tonks.

"Oof. I wasn't going to do it but that rejection somehow still stung my pride a little."

She gave him a weak, nervous smile, probably feeling a bit guilty at how she had phrased the words.

Nathan gave her a reassuring nod and said, "Anyways, I was here for a different matter altogether," Nathan grimaced a little before saying, "So you know how you rejected Wealey? Well, he was badmouthing you on the third-floor boy's washroom and Alan happened to be there and tried defending your honour. As you can assume, my friend has a lot of spirit but his body cannot yet match up with Weasley's, so he ended up with a good faceslapping at the hands of Weasley."

Hestia whistled before she giggled and said, "Gotta give Waynewood credit for his loyalty at least."

Tonks gave her friend an annoyed look before her focus shifted to Nathan and she asked, "And why are you telling me this? Because Alan likes me?"

Nathan's eyes widened a little and Tonks gave him a patronizing smile before saying, "What Grey? I have seen how Alan's eyes wander around me."

Nathan shook his head before he said, "I wasn't telling you because of that. I just wanted to confirm whether Weasley really did get rejected. And what should I do about it?"

Tonks frowned, slightly confused by the reply before she said, "What do you mean?"

"I mean- I was planning to ask both of them to mutually apologize to each other and wanted to know your opinion about it. If you haven't noticed this is the first time I have to deal with something like this. I just want to make sure that you don't have any problems with me or Alan if Weasley acts unreasonably and we get into a fight."

Tonks seemed to think a bit before she started snickering and said, "I don't think that's going to work. Charlie's ego is as large as the dragons he so much admires."

"So no chance of settling the matter peacefully?"

"I don't think there is. Charlie is a good guy but he can be a git sometimes," Hestia chimed in before she quickly corrected herself as Tonks shot her a deadpan look by saying, "Most of the time."

Tonks nodded before saying, "I would say take a few of the older years with you, just in case Charlie does something stupid. Maybe I can ask Philip to go with you lot?"

Nathan nodded but decided that he would ignore the advice so as to not come off as the one to start any hostilities.

'Not like a sixth year is going to win against me.'

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A|N: Interhouse relationships are going to be a small subplot that I will explore through the year 1990 before the Russian summer arc begins in 91. 

Any suggestions about characters and their speaking patterns? I am having a little trouble in making the speech look organic.

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