

'Vincula Umbra!'

Multiple ethereal chains erupted from the ground, piercing through all the floors straight to the upper floor, wrapping up the dark wizards in an invisible bind, preventing them from moving or casting spells. The chains also coiled around their mouth to prevent them from speaking. All of a sudden, everyone froze in their place. The chains then began to twist their arms, forcing them to drop their wands.

Ryan, Bellatrix, and Edgar passed through the hallways, amidst the frozen dark wizards.

Lupin, Alice, and the other survivors were surprised to see Edgar walking with a Death Eater and an unknown wizard. They clenched their wands tighter, ready to fight, but at the same time, they were also surprised by the sudden freezing of the dark wizards. Confusion spread through the survivor's minds.

"Stand down," Edgar said with a sigh after stepping into the room followed by Ryan and Bellatrix.

"Mr. Edgar! What are you doing with a Death Eater? And what did you do to freeze them all instantly?" Lupin asked Edgar suspiciously while eyeing Bellatrix warily. But he didn't reply.

"Bellatrix, kill all these traitors and dark wizards. Meanwhile, I'll have a chat with her," Ryan pointed at the ministry head.

"Yes, Master," Bellatrix grinned madly as she flicked her wand and began to spam Crucio, killing curse and other destructive curses toward the dark wizards. They were completely bound by the invisible chains and were helpless to defend themselves. She killed some, tortured some, and mercilessly had their heads cut off with the Severing charm.

Ryan and Edgar entered the room and closed the door behind them.

"Millicent Bagnold," He walked toward the ministry of magic head and extended his right hand toward her, "Ryan Lance. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, madam."

Lupin, Alice, and the other Aurors raised their wand at Ryan.

"Don't," Edgar stopped them. He saw what Ryan could do firsthand and the number of enemies he slaughtered on his way here, plus he somehow tamed Bellatrix, so, trying to threaten him right now is a very bad idea.

He continued, "You all must know the truth. This situation we are in was created by none other than the ministry to lure Dumbledore in here and then lock up this place with anti-apparation and as you must have seen the floo network has also been disabled. This was all but a ruse to trap Dumbledore in here while making a way for Voldemort to take over Hogwarts. Ain't that the truth, madam?" He looked at Bagnold as his fists tightened and eyes turned cold, "I suggest you talk, Bagnold."

"What?!" Alice's eyes widened as did the others. The ministry is collaborating with the death eaters?!

"LIES!" Millicent Bagnold did not stay quiet either, "Don't believe the words of a dark wizard. Didn't you all see, they are with Bellatrix? Voldemort is simply using her and..."

Ryan just smirked at Bagnold's outburst as he took out a vial of Veritaserum, "Would you prefer Veritaserum, then?"

Bagnold glared at him, refusing to answer as everyone's attention was now focused on Ryan.

"Veritaserum!" Edgar asked.

"Yes," Ryan handed it over to Alice, "The truth shall be revealed in this very room, right now. Or else, say goodbye to your life. I'll simply kill everyone here if need be."

"You promised!" Edgar yelled at him, but a simple wisk of Ryan's wand sent him flying across the room.

"Yes, I did. But I don't know who else in this room is involved in this matter. So, either that bitch takes the potion or I'll simply get rid of everyone. It's better to kill all than to leave a traitor alive." Ryan threatened everyone present in the room. He looked at Bagnold with a cold gaze, "Talk, Millicent. It's your choice. If you don't take the potion, I'll assume you are hiding something and kill everyone here because I don't know who else is involved in this mess."

"You wouldn't dare. Killing me will make you a traitor, and every Auror will go after you!" Bagnold yelled at Ryan.

"Oh, you don't get it, do you? Dead men tell no tales. If you refuse to cooperate, I'll make sure that happens."

Bagnold looked around her, her eyes meeting Alice, Lupin, Edgar, and the other Aurors who were looking at her with suspicion and hostility. She knew she lost this round.

"You all... You can't be serious, right? He's an enemy. Get rid of him," Bagnold tried to sway their opinion once again.

"Take the potion, madam," Alice said coldly as she approached the ministry head.

"Alice..." Bagnold looked at Alice with shock.

"It'll be clear who is lying and why fear if you haven't done anything wrong?" Lupin added as he too approached the ministry head.

Bagnold slowly pulled out her wand, "Ava..."

"Petrificus Totalus," Ryan stunned her before she could finish the spell. "Grab her and sit her down on the chair," He pointed at a nearby chair. Alice and Lupin complied with his orders.

After a few minutes of struggling, Bagnold found herself sitting on a chair, bound with a rope as Ryan forcefully opened her mouth and poured the Veritaserum down her throat.

Ryan made sure Bagnold swallowed the Veritaserum completely and began his questioning, "Are you collaborating with Voldemort?"

"You think we have a choice?" She yelled angrily, "He threatened us with our families. We have to do this otherwise he would kill them!"

Ryan glanced at Edgar who was silently listening to her confession. His guesses were on the mark.

"Why didn't you inform Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore and his little band of Order can't win against him. A handful of them against an army of God knows how many dark wizards... The choice was obvious. And with our families under their constant watch, there was nothing we could do except follow their orders."

"Why frame me and leave me in Azkaban to rot?" Ryan asked coldly as he gripped his wand tightly.

"You are not Ryan Lance. Your face..." Before she could continue, Ryan interrupted her.

"That is none of your concern. Answer the question. Why frame Ryan Lance and leave me in Azkaban to rot?" He repeated his question.

"Abraxas was supposed to be on the other side, but for some reason, he had a change of heart and decided to join Dumbledore. I swear, Dumbledore must have done something or promised him something worthwhile. That snake! Anyways, Lucius bought Ryan's loyalty and had him poison that old coot with a lethal disease, Dragon Pox, and after his death there was no use of a loose end like Ryan Lance. So, we framed him, locked him up in Azkaban, and Lucius took over his position. Once his position was secured properly, we discarded Ryan in Azkaban."

Ryan gritted his teeth as he heard Bagnold's confession.

"Is there anyone else in this room involved in this matter?" Ryan asked again.


"Who else is involved in this conspiracy?"

"Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Augustus Rookwood, Corban Yaxley, and Crouch Jr," She replied.

"How many Death Eaters and dark wizards are with Voldemort right now?"

"I don't know, but I've seen more than a hundred of them following him."

"Thank you for clearing everything," Ryan touched her hand as black smoke emerged from his fingers, "Nex Mortis!"

Ryan cast a Necromantic curse on Bagnold. She started writhing in pain as her body began to rot, her skin began to peel off and bleed, boils and pox started to appear on her rotten flesh and soon enough her eyes began to melt off as she let out a silent scream, unable to make a sound as her tongue melted inside her mouth.

"My God! What did you do?!" Alice gasped in horror as she watched the ministry head rotting away in front of her.

"She sold her soul to Voldemort. Killed me after torturing me for years. Now, her punishment begins," Ryan said calmly as he watched the woman rotting away to death.

"You can't do this!" Alice pointed her wand at Ryan.

"Haa!" Bellatrix entered the room and used a non-verbal spell to disarm Alice. "Master, I finished off those worms outside."

"Good. Now, keep quiet and let me enjoy my revenge," He commanded Bellatrix as he sat down on a chair nearby.

Alice glanced at Lupin and the others, but none of them were willing to fight Ryan, because what should they fight for? A traitor, responsible for the death of countless good people? No one would do that. Even though they felt pity toward the ministry head, she was at fault. She chose to collaborate with Voldemort in the first place and had she succeeded today, things would have become much worse.

In those three minutes, she suffered pain only pain beyond her expectation as her flesh rotted away while being conscious. Ryan did not kill her quickly but instead prolonged her suffering. Bagnold's flesh melted down, leaving her skeleton behind. She died.




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