
when I was reborn

After I woke up from meeting The God who killed me I still don't believe what he said but oh will it's not my places to judge a god.

I woke up and saw my mother and father in this new life for the first time my mother was a beautiful woman gorgeous. My Father was average but they were good people loving caring I could feel at the moment I saw the way they looked at me.

My father said looks how come his hair is like a whitish gray color?

My mother looked at him and said no James, his hair is Pure silver and pure snow white colored.

James said whatever it's the same thing Lilly, why it is that color and why his eyes like a Bluish green.

Lilly said you and your colors really suck James its dark ocean blue with a dark emerald green mixed together in a twist with dark ocean blue on the outside dark emerald green on the inside.

James said okay that's fine, but why is his pupils like a slit down his eyes instead of a DOT, Like everyone else's.

Lilly said that I have no idea you've got me on that.

one of the doctors said do not worry child is fine and healthy for his eyes I have no idea maybe his magic quantity is higher than normal hence the difference or his born with the trait that we don't know of yet only time will tell but I can tell you right now your son is healthy and fine

They both said thank you Doctor.

My mother looked at me with pure love. The entire also door to the room open there stands an old man who look like a grandfather. He walks in the room and looks round and then he looks at me.

James said welcome Dumbledore, would you look at his eyes and tell me what you think.

Dumbledore picks me up and looks in to my eyes and his eyes go wide and get me back to Lilly and take the others out of the room and then he comes back in the room after hour and walks up to them.

Dumbledore said we are leaving.

James said what is wrong Dumbledore?

Dumbledore said I belief your son was born with some essence of a magic creatures. But don't worry I take care of it. I erase all records of it and the minds of the staff that have seen it or know of it.

Lilly said then we need to leave now and what will we do so none find out.

Dumbledore said you will go in to hiding and alone tell one person to be your secret keeper.

Lilly said then we will tell Sirius Black.

Dumbledore said don't me chose someone else now.

James said I know who to tell. When we decision where we will hide I'll tell the person myself.

After they decision they disappear from the room. They went into hiding and James told one person. Months passed nothing happened and I wish God waited and waited until after I hit like 4 years old or something before he wake up. It was embarrassing the first few months because of the breastfeeding times. But it all change when there was loud noises from down stairs. Then my mother bursts into the room rushing towards me and light flashing outside my room. then my mother picks me up and turn s towards the door there still a man in a robe with a hood over his face he raised his granny hands up with his bony hands pointed a stick at us which I'm guessing was a wand not this moment I knew exactly who it was it was Voldemort and he was here to kill me.

But at that moment the essence which I wished for activated. It was the essence of the Phoenix flames on which it burst from his body of out of me devouring everything in the room; the only thing that survived was me and my mother. The house burned down to the ground by the flames leaving nothing behind except a woman and a child in her arms. The woman look round and then at her child. At that moment she know they had to ran from the house and hide us from the world because she don't know if Voldemort survived or not and if the death eaters came looking for them. So they hide somewhere they wouldn't be finding. The next moment I realized we were in a forest and on the outskirts of the Forest I could see a Castle and I knew exactly where we were. we were in the deadly Forest of the Hogwarts ground she traveled deep into The forest and created a whole a hole under a large tree using magic to creature a home and with wards to protect and hide us with and she walked us into the hole.

Lilly said I must teach how to fight and use magic to prepare you for the dangers of the world and I know no place better to prepare you for the Darkness than the deadly forest.

For the first 4 years mother would not let me leave our new home and always said it's too dangerous to go outside and for the next 4 years she taught me everything that I need to know to survive on my own. the next 4 years After that she made me put a leaf in my mouth on the top of my mouth for a month then she made me put it in a jar and after a Month of that during a storm she made me drink the juice and the whole time from the Beginning where the leaf was in my mouth to drinking it she made me repeat a chant repeatedly and then I saw her turn into a wolf Pure snow white colored fur wolf and at that moment I started to change as well into a wolf myself with pure silver and Pure snow white fur mixed she then taught me to hunt in this form and to protect myself from the dangers in the forest and to make it so none will know this that we were in the forest to begin with not even the creatures that live in the forest. She even taught me how to fight, runes, potions, herbs that are in the forest, and the creatures that were in the forest. She even taught me a little bit of magic. On my 11th birthday Dumbledore showed up at our home with a letter I got scared because mother said no one know that we were there.

Lilly said don't worry this is Dumbledore, he is the person that help hide here knew that we were there.

She opened the door and an old man that looked creepy like a really creepy dude walked in that looked like he belonged In the middle ages and look like he needed a bath wearing robes that look like they were from The Lord of the rings and Stood there

Dumbledore said hello Harry I am Dumbledore headmaster of Hogwarts and I have come to take you to get your School things for when school starts at Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardries you will be a student there to learn to use Magic. I looked up my mother and she nodded to me.

Lilly said it is also a safe place and it is not that far from where we Live right now and no one will ever know that we live in the forest and it's time for you to go to school and Dumbledore will take you to where other students will gather on the train to come to Hogwarts and When Hogwarts is over or it's time for you to leave for the holidays you will be taking back to the train station here Without anyone noticing so you will always be safe on the grounds of Hogwarts from the darkness that might come for You that you one day will have to fight.

Dumbledore reached out with his hand and said take my hand my boy we will now leave to get your school things for the school year.

Lilly said Go on my dear take his hand I will see you later.

Dumbledore said oh wait I have a gift for you.

He then pulled out a boxes and hand to me and I open it and in the inside was glasses. I looked at it and then at him and back.

I'm said think but I don't need glasses.

Dumbledore said ha-ha no it's for hiding your eyes and hair by turning your hair brown and stall of a slit it will look like a dot.

I said oh cool?

Lilly said oh think you Dumbledore harry put it on it will help keep you safe.

I put on the glasses and my hair and eyes change.

Lilly said wow you still look handsome.

Dumbledore reached out his hand and I take his hand and off we went.