
Tale of War

"Another Earth? You're from an alternate dimension?!" Natasha blurted out, she was a bit surprised at how she easily believed this but figured that between enhanced individuals and magical beings she must have somehow reached a point where she would believe anything.

"Yeah, it's like this Earth but there are a few major differences."

"Like what?"

"Well...for example there are different countries on this Earth, Wakanda and Latveria, they don't exist on my world. Or at least I had never heard of them."

"Okay," Natasha let out a deep breath as she took a moment to process what she was being told. "go on."

"There was no Shield either, in WW2 there was no Captain America and I am pretty sure that there was no Hydra. Stark didn't exist on my world either as far as I know, there are probably tons of other difference. One major one was in my world there was a secret world of witches and wizards that I was a part of, we hid from the muggles."


"Basically anyone who isn't magical and is born outside of a magical family. You see...there was this sort of divide. Muggles did not know we existed unless there happened to be a 'muggleborn' or 'first generation magic user' born into their family, those two terms basically refer to a magic user born from a muggle family. Though if people wanted to be insulting then they would call them 'mudblood', it's kind of like saying the 'N word' to a black person. Anyway there were others.

A 'squib' would be the opposite of a muggleborn, it means a non-magic person born into a magical family. At the top of the pole you would have 'purebloods', those are people who are born in a magical family and have at least two sets of magical grandparents. I, on the other hand, am a half-blood. My father and his family were magical but my mother was a muggleborn, we could have lived happily ever after if not for the war."

"I know I am probably not going to like the answer but 'the war'?"

"A large amount of purebloods had it into their heads that they needed to either kill or enslave the non-purebloods and then rule the world in their own image. Which was obviously evil and wrong and stupid when you consider problems such as population and jobs but never mind that. Anyway, there was this half-blood, a powerful one, he had everyone convinced that he was a pureblood and would lead the purebloods into a new world where they were on top."

"Kind of like Hitler then?"

"Uglier." Harry nodded. "My parents were in school during the first war, they had me and they died right at the end of the war, I was sent to my non-magical relatives who hated me for my magic, it was an 'enjoyable' experience. I rejoined the magical world when I was eleven, I thought it was an escape from my problems, I look back now and I realize that it was just the start. I suffered a lot, I killed the first time that year." Harry said, his grey eyes locked on her green ones. "A dark wizard was trying to kill me, I burnt him to ashes. it was self defense and nobody apart from a few knew about it so I didn't have any legal problems with that. But as time went by everything went worse. The leader of the 'dark side', came back when I was fourteen, the government spent an entire year denying his return and slandering me when I tried to tell everyone he was back. When they finally were willing to admit he was back he had already had a full year head start on the idiots. Eventually war started, a lot of lives were lost."

"You lost friend and family." She said, her words were not phrased as question.

"I lost a lot," Harry said, his voice never leaving the calm and bland tone he had taken. "there's only so much a person can take before snapping, I snapped eventually. Nobody on my side of the war was doing anything extremely helpful, when I was fifteen I took it on myself to go and get the job done."

"You went after them alone?! At fifteen?!" She blurted out.

"At nights I would go after a target and sneak back in, great thing about wand based magic is everyone has a fighting chance since we all had the same weapon. The first time I caught a target I let him go, I didn't kill him, I just dropped him off to the aurors with evidence of his crime."


"Sort of 'magical policemen' if you will." Harry replied. "Anyway a few days later he was back out after some bribes and a couple of days later he takes part in a raid on a muggle orphanage, burnt it to the ground. It was one of many reasons but eventually I realized that in a war, people needed to die. I killed more on their side while they killed more on my side, during a time when it was a full on war I was brought to trial for all those I killed. It didn't help my case that a great many people at the trial, including the judge, were pureblood sympathizers.

I escaped and ended up with a two front war, eventually the war spilled out of just the wizarding world and the muggles got involved. The longer it lasted the more people got involved and the more people dead. As for me, when I wasn't killing someone I was planning and training. I trained with the British army, I learnt whatever magic I could learn. I killed a lot of them, it was easy for me, too easy. I've been called a lot of things, one of the things that stuck out, that I always remember, is 'army killer' and I was earning that title. I have literally lost count of how many men and women I killed.

I survived that war, I lived on for a few more years. I died when I was a 121 years old. Then I was reborn on this world, new body but still every bit as broken, I still have nightmares from that time you know. I still hear the voices of those people that died, friends and enemy's, saying things they've said before or saying whatever my mind can think up ."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Natasha asked, her voice soft and quiet.

"Because you scare me." Harry replied, surprising her once more. "You scare me more than giant robots and wars, because I like you. I like our talks and I like our time together. You are hope, it's what you give me, and I can't have anymore of that, I don't want that, I don't want to lose someone again. You can do better than me Nat, and me...well I don't want to care for another person just to have them die in my arms."

"That won't happen," Natasha said, she tried to reach her hand across the table and touch his but he pulled his hand out of her reach. "Harry, I..."

"Are you immortal?" Harry cut her off. "Can you die?" Harry paused, waiting for her answer. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Harry said when she didn't answer, "If you don't mind, I am going to go home now," he stood up and left some money on the table. "food's on me." Harry said before he walked off, not looking back for a moment.

"Ickle, wickle, lonely little Potter. All alone, don't worry, Aunty Bellatrix will play with you. Come on Harry, let's play, let's play!" The voice screeched in his ear and Harry's eyes snapped open, it took a few steady breaths but he was eventually able to calm down enough to remember where he was. Harry sat up, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before he sat up and began stretching. A quick stop to the bathroom followed before Harry was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

He had sat down and began eating breakfast after he placed some food down for Padfoot, Padfoot slowly ate at the food, nowhere near his usual speed.

"Woof?" Padfoot barked softly.

"I don't know Padfoot." Harry sighed, Natasha had not come to visit for a week and Padfoot didn't seem to like that. It had been a couple of weeks since the last time Harry and Natasha had talked, she hadn't tried to contact him since and he didn't try to contact her either. Padfoot let out a whine, clearly not happy with his answer. "Go fucking find her then if you are so worried." Harry said before he could stop himself, perhaps slightly more harsh and snappish than he intended. Padfoot gave him a small glare before he stood up and left the room.

"Great," Harry sighed. "my relationship with Nat is probably fucked beyond all repair now my dog's mad at me." Harry continued eating, once he was done his phone rang. "Yeah?" Harry answered.

"Mr Potter," Nick Fury's voice spoke, surprising Harry slightly since he rarely ever spoke to Fury, for the most part he spoke to either Agent Coulson or Agent Hill about missions. "are you busy?"

"Not really." Harry said with a small shrug, even if Fury couldn't see it.

"Good," Fury replied. "we have something that would probably go a lot easier with your help."

"What is it?"

"Have you ever heard of Captain America?"

"You mean the WW2 hero famous for fighting against Nazi Germany? Has had many books written about him? His own sections in museums? The super soldier who crashed a plane into ice and has never been seen since?"


"Never heard of him."

"Ha ha, very funny," Fury said with a fake laugh. "now are you finished being a smart ass?"

"It's a full time job but I will restrain myself for now." Harry replied.

"Good, because we found him." Fury said.

"I'm sorry but are you trying to tell me that you found Captain bloody America?" Harry asked incredulously.

"That is exactly what I am telling you."

"Are Coulson's pants still dry?" Harry asked, knowing that the man was a massive Captain America fan. "Is he still alive? I'm pretty sure that hearing Captain America is alive would cause some kind of major reaction."

"Shut it, now the Captain is currently in a block of ice, I was hoping that you could help get him out of the ice with magic."

"It sounds doable," Harry said after a moment of thinking. "when would you like it done?"

"As soon as possible." Fury answered.

"Give me an address and a minute and I'll teleport over."


"Fucking hell." Harry whispered when he looked at the frozen form of Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America. Fury had managed to get everyone out of the room apart from himself and Coulson.

"Can you get him out safely?" Director Fury asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, that shouldn't be a problem." Harry said dismissively. "Still, it would be a miracle if this guy is still alive."

"If he is then I reckon the super soldier serum would definitely have helped." Coulson replied.

"Probably," Harry nodded before he pulled out his wand. "alright you two back up."

"Why?" Coulson asked.

"Because the last thing this dude needs to see when he wakes up is a fanboy or a scary looking pirate." Harry said as he began waving his wand, Fury glared at him but he and Coulson stepped back. About twenty seconds later the ice had melted away, Harry quickly vanished the water before he looked at Captain America. He was wearing brown gloves and boots, he also wore a suit that was clearly inspired by the American flag, he much like Thor was an 'annoyingly good looking' blonde. "Did you guys find that shield of his?" Harry asked as he began waving his wand over the Captain's body, the two men knew that Harry was clearly referring to the supposedly indestructible shield that Captain America was supposed to possess.

"Yeah, we did," Fury nodded. "why do you ask?"

"Because he may want it back when he wakes up." Harry said after he had finished casting his spells. "He is alive, pretty healthy as well, he'll probably be a bit hungry and tired when he wakes up but apart from that he will be fine. You want me to wake him up now?" Harry asked as he raised his wand. "Personally I think he has done enough sleeping."

"I don't know if this is exactly the right environment to wake him up in," Fury commented as he looked around the room. "we'll move him somewhere comfortable first."

"Fine, but If I may offer a suggestion, be upfront with him. Because if I was in his situation and woke up with people I thought were being dishonest then I'd probably try and hurt you."


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