When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"It's done." Harry spoke to Fury over the phone. Harry was currently in England, he had just taken down a Hydra base as part of project RS-3, "all the hostiles are taken down and I've portkeyed them straight your cells." Harry said.
"Excellent work." Fury responded. "Cap and Romanoff have taken down another base in Switzerland, for now just go and enjoy yourself. Come back here or stay there for a while and take in the sights or whatever, I'll contact you sooner or later."
"Fair enough, Grim out." Harry said as he ended the call. Harry remembered that he hadn't been in England for a while, so taking a look around didn't sound all that bad so Harry decided to take a look around London. Harry took careful care to avoid certain places such as Charing Cross Road, where he knew the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron was located, or at least was located there in his former life.
After about an hour or so Harry was ready to stop and teleport back when suddenly the weather had changed, rain began pouring. Now rain was hardly a surprising thing, especially in England where the weather was about as trusted as fortune tellers, but this particular change was odd. Mostly because it was so incredibly sudden, the weather reports had said that there wouldn't be rain today, but if there was supposed to be rain then it shouldn't have come along so suddenly.
If that wasn't enough reason to start investigating, then the strong magical presence that Harry was feeling was probably good enough. And it seemed to be located at a nearby warehouse area.
"Well that's just great," Harry muttered to himself. "the one time I come to England is the one time something like this decides to happen." He said before he shook his head and walked in to investigate.
After a few minutes of walking around Harry saw that he was not the first person here, there was a bunch of police officers and a couple of civilians plus a noticeable red car. Also for some reason or the other there was a truck turned on its side. Harry could see the police officer's were questioning people while also trying to work out what happened, but that was not what caught his attention. Thor and Jane Foster were standing in the one spot that the rain seemed to be avoiding.
Harry was about to walk up to them when suddenly Jane slapped Thor, Harry was a little surprised by that and couldn't help but wonder if she forgot that Thor was the powerful God of Thunder or if she merely didn't care. She did look apologetic afterwards but slapped him a second time, only to look more apologetic. Deciding that he was never going to understand women, Harry ignored that and began making his way forward after black haired woman interrupted the two, her name was Darcy and she was one of Jane's friends if Harry remembered right.
The rain stopped suddenly, which pretty much confirmed to Harry that it was Thor who was controlling it. Jane walked off, presumably to go talk to the police, while she had done that Darcy turned to Thor and began talking to him.
"So… look at you, still all muscly". Darcy said as she poked his stomach. "How's space?" She asked.
"Space is fine." Thor said with an amused smile.
"Well isn't that nice to here?" Harry asked as he stepped behind Thor.
"Harry?" Thor blurted out in surprise as he and Darcy looked at him. "What are you doing here?"
"I was working and decided to take a walk after I was done only to notice weird weather and an odd feeling from around here," Harry answered. "I come to investigate only to find you here. The weather in this country is shit enough without you messing with it." Harry added. "Now what are you doing here?" Harry asked.
"I came to find Jane," Thor answered. "Heimdall could not see her, I had feared the worst."
"Hey, I remember you!" Darcy said suddenly as she pointed to Harry. "You're Grim!"
"You know it's rude to point." Harry said in a dry voice. Darcy lowered her hand but did not stop talking.
"So you can do all these magic tricks, right?" She asked in an excited voice.
"They're not… tricks." Harry said through gritted teeth.
"Harry," Thor said. "I think that…" Thor was interrupted when suddenly a weird red energy wave shot through the air, all nearby glass was smashed as cars were flipped and policemen were sent to the floor. Everyone looked at Jane who appeared to have been the source of the red energy, she fell down to the floor. Thor quickly rushed over to her with Harry following behind her. "Jane!" Thor said as he helped her up.
"Thor?" Jane asked.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"What just happened?" She asked in a confused voice.
"Place your hands on your heads and step back!" One police officer ordered while holding a baton, just as the officers pulled out their guns and aimed it in Jane's direction.
"This is woman is unwell." Thor replied.
"She's dangerous!" The officer responded.
"Look you know who we are, unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years." Harry interrupted. "We're handling this, stick to your level."
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