When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
A brown haired adult sighed as he stood outside the room, he took in several deep breaths. He thought about what he was going to do, now was his last chance to back out, he could and nobody could blame him. But no...no he wouldn't, no more scars and no more torture, at least not from...him. He took one more breath before he opened the door.
"Father." Theodore Nott Jr, also known as Theo to his friends, said as he entered his father's room. He found his father lying down in bed, he was wearing no clothes on the upper half of his body. His lower half was likely equally as clothed but was thankfully covered by the bed sheets. Next to him was a red haired woman, sleeping in bed and covered by the bedsheets, probably also wearing no clothing.
At first Theodore though it was just another prostitute, but from the shivering and facial expression of the woman in question he realized that this woman was probably not paid for whatever had just happened.
"What?" Nott senior said bored drawl upon seeing his son.
"Father, do you mind getting rid of your little..." Theo paused as he tried to think up the right word. "...'guest'."
"Nah," Nott Senior shrugged. "not much point, I'm going to obliviate the bitch later anyway." He said, he was either ignoring or not hearing the whimper coming from the woman.
"Right...well, I have someone who has come here to greet you."
"Who?" Nott Senior asked.
"Just a good friend of mine." Theo said before he pulled his wand out and aimed it at his father, Nott senior's eyes winded and he quickly tried to get up but suddenly lost the ability to move when his son hit him with a body bind spell.
"What the Devil are you doing?!" Nott senior demanded just as Theo summoned his father's wand into his hand.
"You can come in now." Theo called, a few seconds later Grim walked into the room, his hood up and his face covered in shadows.
"Nice work." Grim said to Theo who nodded in thanks before looking at his father.
"You...you betrayed me?!" Nott senior blurted out with disbelief.
"I'm sorry dad," Theo said, though his voice was far from apologetic. "I've just had enough of your shit, after today you're not hurting me, my brother or my sisters again."
"Take her," Grim said as he gestured to the woman. "get her help."
"You got it," Theo nodded before he walked over to the woman, he slowly reached his hand out and took her hand, she flinched but didn't say anything. "it's alright," Theo said in a soft voice, "we'll get you help, I'll get you away from him." It was slow but Theo was eventually able to get her out of the bed, he waved his wand and created a towel to cover her before he lead her out of the room, she didn't speak beyond a soft 'thank you' to Grim and Theo.
"Nott senior," Grim said as he pulled his wand out, the tip glowing a blood red colour, "let's talk." He said as he walked towards the wide eyed and pale pureblood. "You stupid, little...
"Mother...fucking...bitch." Harry sighed as he rubbed his eyes, he sat up and shook his head to clear it. It took him about a second to remember what happened, he was thrown through a window when the room exploded and he was pretty sure that he had hit his head when he landed, he was very sure that his neck was hurt as he could feel it fixing itself. Harry looked up and saw the window he had fallen through.
"Bruce," Harry heard Natasha's voice, he looked around and saw her lying stomach down on the floor with a pipe on top of her leg and glass shards next to her. "you've got to fight it, this is just what Loki wants." She said, Harry looked past her and saw Bruce Banner on his hands and knees, a low growl was coming from his voice as his body was shifting. "Bruce, I will get you out of this, I promise. I swear on my life that you will walk away and..."
"Your life?!" Bruce roared, his voice was no longer the usual calm voice that Harry and Natasha had associated with the man, it was now loud and filled with anger. Bruce roared again as his shirt started ripping, his skin turned more green and his body began increasing in size as he began moving away from the two as his transformation continued.
Harry quickly got his wand out and hit Bruce with a cheering charm, hoping to calm him down but unfortunately it didn't appear to be that effective, Harry switched tactics and hit him with a stunner in the hopes of knocking him out before he could fully transform. The stunner had hit Bruce but did nothing beyond push slightly.
"Damn." Harry said before he got to his feet, he waved his wand and the pipe flew off of Natasha's leg. "Are you hurt?" Harry asked as he helped her up.
"I'm fine." She replied.
"Good, go." Harry said as he looked at a now fully transformed Hulk. "You don't want to be here right now." Natasha looked at Hulk and couldn't help but agree with that statement.
"Good luck." She said before she began running away. Hulk heard the sound of running and turned around to see Harry standing in front of him.
"Hey big guy," Harry said in a soft voice as Hulk growled. "I don't know if you remember me, but I am not your enemy. Please, I just want to help you and if you please just work with me then we can both go into..." Hulk cut him off with a loud roar and charged at him. "crap baskets." Harry sighed before he teleported behind Hulk just as Hulk tried to smash him, Hulk looked confused and disappearance of his target. Harry quickly hit him with a trio of cheering charms. Hulk turned around and lunged at Harry.
The Hulk showed a surprising level of speed for someone so big and Harry was grabbed by the waist and raised into the air. Hulk growled at him, the Hulk's bright green eye locked onto Harry's grey ones as he glared at him. Harry took the opportunity to read the Hulk's mind and saw that the scepter had indeed been building up the Hulk's anger and was what was causing him to be so angry, there was also a residual trace of it still left that prevented him from stopping to calm down and ruined the effectiveness of Harry's cheering charms.
Which meant that Harry's best bet at the moment was cognitive recalibration, AKA hitting him really hard on the head, unfortunately that could and probably would result in Hulk getting stronger and more angry, but it also meant that he would be more likely to be effected by the cheering charms.
"Um...friends?" Harry asked hopefully, Hulk dashed that Hope by throwing Harry hard enough to dent the wall that he crashed into. Harry slid down onto his feet only or Hulk to follow up with a punch that sent him crashing through the wall, Harry rolled several times before landing on his front. Harry groaned and shook his head as he felt his body heal itself, it took a few moments but eventually he was fully healed. "Fine, you want to play?" Harry asked as his suit replaced his clothes, his hood came up and his mask covered his face. "Let's play."
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