When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Look there." Harry calmly gestured to the small passageway in the mountain, Sif looked at it for a second before realization hit her. The chariot entered the passage, the sides scratched the side and the passengers hoped that the chariot didn't break, the sparks coming from it didn't help ease their fears. All of a sudden they were blinded by a flash of several colors, just like when travelling through the Bifrost.
A few seconds later the chariot arrived in a new world, bumping off the ground as it landed before sliding a short distance away.
"Ta da." Loki drawled in a bored voice, though it was clear that he was rather proud of himself. Harry and the others looked around, this world was definitely not like Asgard. Barely any sunlight thanks to the huge army of clouds in the air, dead bodied littered around a land of black sand. It looked like a whole dessert had been dipped in dark magic.
"Well, we're here at least." Sif commented as she looked around. "I am sorry for doubting you." She added to Harry, looking embarrassed.
"It's fine." Harry waved her off.
"Do I get an apology or a thank you?" Loki asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No." Harry and Sif said at the same time.
Harry wasn't sure how long they had spent flying, the sky hadn't changed at all, everyone sat in an uncomfortable silence. Sif was sitting still, glancing between everyone when she wasn't looking around at the horrible world they had found themselves in. Loki was also glancing between people as he didn't really need to focus on the controls much seeing as there wasn't really anything that they could crash into and they were flying in one direction. Thor on the other hand was caring for Jane who was sleeping on the opposite end of the chariot to Loki.
Harry was simply sat opposite Sif, one hand was petting Padfoot who was sitting next to him, his other hand was twirling his wand, ready to use it at a moment's notice. Nobody was saying anything as the ship flew over a collection of dead bodies and ships.
"What I could do with the power that runs through her veins." Loki broke the silence when he saw Thor place a blanket over Jane.
"I suppose it's a good thing that you're never going to get it then," Harry responded before Thor could. "you couldn't handle that type of power."
"She's doing well," Loki gestured to Jane. "for now at least." He added.
"She's far more worthy of that power than you are." Harry replied.
"Please," Loki scoffed. "this frail, mortal woman?"
"What is it with you non-immortals forgetting that you are mortal?" Harry rolled his eyes. "If I cut your head off - don't tempt me - you would be dead, the same way if I cut your throat."
"Are you saying you wouldn't be?" Loki sneered at him. Harry didn't respond immediately, he instead aimed his wand at his throat. He applied a spell to stop pain before sending a small cutting curse at his throat. Loki's eyes widened just as Sif gasped before she and Thor stood up, only to stop when they saw it heal and after the dripping blood returned back into Harry's throat. Padfoot let out a small whine as he sadly shook his head.
"I'm a true immortal," Harry said to Loki. "so trust me when I say that you are not worthy of the powers you have, or even the powers you want. What you are Loki, is a spoilt brat."
"What?!" Loki snapped out of his shock. "How dare you talk to me like that?!" He demanded as he got to his feet.
"I dare," Harry said as he stood up and walked towards Loki. "you are an idiot."
"I will not be insulted by you!" Loki hissed. "You judge me when I know what you are! I know all about you, 'army killer'!"
"Watch… your… tone." Harry said in a low but threating as he took another step closer to Loki, Harry's eyes flashed briefly, Loki took a step back before he could stop himself. "Do you remember that spell I used on you?" Harry asked. "The one that caused you severe pain."
"What of it?" Loki stiffly replied.
"The first time I ever experienced that curse was when I was fourteen years old," Harry said, surprising Loki. "and at the time it was placed on me by a man who was considered the most powerful wizard alive. And I have experienced it more times than I can count. You think you know pain? No… I know pain. I get that you think that you have suffered more than anyone else but you haven't."
"No," Harry cut him off. "this is where you zip it, the adults are talking."
"I am older." Loki mumbled.
"I am more violent," Harry said in a warning voice. "from what I understand your whole thing is that you didn't get to be king and Odin lied about your heritage. I get why the last one angers you, when I was a kid they wanted me to fight in a war but weren't willing to give me more information than they felt was necessary. If I learnt that I was adopted and was a frost giant then I could admit that I'd probably get destructive but I wouldn't kill innocent people just because I was angry, even at my worst I never intentionally went out and killed innocent people. As for not being king… boo fucking hoo, asshole. There's a prince in England who is likely to die from old age before becoming king.
When my parents died I was sent to people who turned me into their personal slave, they beat if they felt like it and even for fun. They starved me, they degraded me, they fed me false truths, saying my parents were drunk criminals! Which was not funny when I had learnt that they sacrificed themselves to save me from the most dangerous dark lord of all time! Odin, despite all his faults, does care for you, I can tell. He could have killed you, left you to die but he didn't. He took you in, kept you fed and educated and happy and healthy. He found you a mother who cared for you as if you were her own. As far as I am concerned, you hit the fucking jackpot." Harry said as he shoved Loki who fell into his seat, staring at Harry with widened eyes. "You listen to me now," Harry hissed as he kneeled down and looked Loki in the eye.
"Odin should not have kept your heritage from you, I agree with that, he should have told you. But despite that, you had a family."
"There are children that will everyday find themselves abused, struck, starved, tortured, made into slaves and sometimes even killed by those responsible for caring for them. You were lucky to not be one of them, because with your life span I can guess that the suffering would last a very long time."
"You want to be a king but I don't think that you would be good one, because if you can't care for your own family then what hope do you have for caring for the hundreds of people living in Asgard? You don't think Odin cares about you? Fine, what about Frigga and Thor? Because you kill a part of them everyday because of your actions, how do you think Frigga feels? Huh? You don't care about the pain she suffered when she heard that her son not only invaded another world, killing hundreds of innocent people, but also ended up in prison?"
"Thor, despite his claims, is holding out hope for you." Harry paused long enough to let Loki look at Thor, who met his gaze with a straight face, showing no emotion. "You don't even care about your family, why should we let you be put in charge of kingdom? I do not doubt that you have suffered, and I do not doubt that what happened was a big deal to you, but stop tormenting your family and innocent people for Odin's mistake." Harry huffed before sitting down in his seat.
Padfoot let out a small whine and placed his head on Harry's lap, allowing Harry to pet him. Thor looked saddened, and like he didn't know what to say. Loki's face was changing through several emotions before he eventually shifted into a blank and emotionless look. Sif on the other hand was looking at Harry as if she had seen him for the first time, she felt like saying something but in that moment did not know what to say.
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