
A Night Out

"Wake up Harry," A soft female voice cooed in his ear. "wake up, come on, that's it darling. It's time to wake up Harry, Harry...Harry...WAKE UP!" The voice screeched, Harry's eyes snapped open. He saw Padfoot lying down next to him, looking at him with concerned eyes.

"Did I wake you?" Harry asked in an apologetic voice as he reached out with one hand and began petting Padfoot's head. "I am sorry boy." Harry added before he yawned and forced himself to sit up. "Go watch TV," Harry said, knowing that the dog was intelligent enough to know how to work the TV. "I am going to go to the bathroom then I will make you breakfast." Padfoot barked before rubbing his nose against Harry's head and licking his face before he happily walked out of the room, thinking about his breakfast.

Harry stood up and tiredly walked to the bathroom as a white shirt suddenly covered the upper half of his body, he walked into the bathroom and after completing his usual morning ritual he went into the kitchen where Padfoot was sat on the floor in front of the soda, TV remote under his paw as a cartoon played on the TV. Next to him were two dog bowls, one for eating food and the other for drinking water.

Padfoot looked towards Harry and barked while gesturing to both bowls with his head.

"Alright, alright." Harry chuckled before his wand appeared in his hand, Harry waved his wand and dog food flew from a cupboard and poured itself into his food bowl just as Harry summoned the other bowl, he caught it and poured some water into from his wand before he walked over and put it down next to Padfoot who had already begun eating. "You're welcome." Harry smiled as he patted Padfoot on the head he walked back to the kitchen so he could begin making his own breakfast.

Harry made his breakfast before he took it with him and sat on his sofa while placing it down on his table, he looked at the TV and saw what Padfoot was watching.

"Batman again?" Harry asked Padfoot who barked and gave him a look that Harry translated into 'shut up and watch'. "Fine." Harry rolled his eyes and watched alongside Padfoot as they both ate their breakfast and watched as Batman tried to escape Arkham Asylum.

Harry had sat down in a bar, honestly he preferred to stay at home but he tried to get out of his apartment at least once every couple of days, not counting when he walked Padfoot. Harry was sat at the bar on a wooden stool, wearing black trainers, blue jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. He sat quietly nursing a drink while observing the people around him, some young and some old.

"Hey," A voice said, Harry looked up to see a pretty black haired, blue eyed bartender standing on the other side, wearing a black tank top while the rest of her body was hidden under the bar. She placed both of her hands on the bar and smiled at him. "can I get you anything else?" She offered.

"No, thank you." Harry said in a quiet voice with a small shake of his head. Harry noticed a badge on her top, the name 'Rose' was written on the badge.

"Suit yourself," She shrugged. "I don't think I have seen you here before."

"My first time here." Harry admitted after taking a sip.

"Well, I hope it's not your last. By the way, I know you probably get asked this a lot but the hair, is it..."

"It is naturally white." Harry interrupted with a tired voice that betrayed how many times he had to answer that particular question.

"The eyes too?" She asked.

"Yes." Harry said with a small nod.

"Sorry for asking, I was just curious." She said in an apologetic voice. "I'm Rose by the way."

"I kind of worked that out." Harry said as he gestured to her name tag.

"Yeah," Rose snorted in amusement. "I suppose it's a bit of a give away. What about you? What's your name?"

"Harry." Harry answered but did not say anymore than that.

"You're not much of a talker." She noted. "Have you ever thought about changing your hair colour? You know, dying it?"

"Yes." Harry said.

"Why don't you then?"

"Because I don't want to." Harry said as he finished his drink, the conversation continued for another minute or so with Rose constantly trying to get more words out of Harry while he stuck to saying the minimal amount of words needed. "Alright well thanks for the drink," Harry pulled out some money and placed it on the bar. "keep the change as a tip or whatever." Harry said before he stood up.

"You sure you don't want anything else?" She asked.

"I don't have anymore money." Harry replied.

"Wait," She said quickly when Harry was about to turn and leave. "are you single?" She asked.

"Not interested in a relationship." Harry said apologetically.

"You sure?" She said with a small pout.

"Very." Harry nodded.

"Fine, no relationship, what about a night at your place?" She asked. Harry was silent for several moments before he responded.

"If you make it one time only and at your place, then you have got a deal." Harry replied.

"What? Don't want to bring anyone to your place?" She raised an eyebrow.

"My dog doesn't like it when I bring new people home." Harry shrugged.

"You have a dog?" She asked.


"Probably better come to my place then, I am allergic to dogs." She said in a disappointed voice, Harry wasn't sure if it was because she couldn't come to his place or because she could not have a dog. "My shift finishes in fifteen minutes, think you can wait that long?" She asked.

"I suppose it'll be worth it." Harry said before he sat back down.