
Chapter 3: The Phoenix and the visit

Chapter 3: Start raising Phoenix today, professors come to the door

Alvin couldn't believe his luck. After the basic guarantees in his first 40 draws, he was astonished to see that the last ten consecutive draws had provided him with three gold cards, including the buff reward from the beginner card pool.

Excitedly he stared at the two gold cards on the screen, watching as the light slowly dissipated, revealing their contents.

1. Name: Albus Dumbledore

Quality: Gold

Talents: Transfiguration: 8 (Legendary), Dark Magic: 8 (Naturally Skilled in Azkaban), Defence Against Dark Magic: 8 (Champion of Justice)

Spells: Most black magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration.

2. Name: Phoenix (Pet Card)

Quality: Gold

Gender: Female

Talent: Nirvana

Abilities: Healing (Tears), Messaging, Apparate.

3. Name: Gellert Grindelwald

Quality: Gold

Talent: Dark Magic: 8, Prophecy (only the two strongest talents are shown)

Spells: Most black magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, ancient black magic.

Looking at the three cards in front of him, Alvin was stunned. The two of the most powerfull wozards were as formidable as he expected, especially Dumbledore, possessing a level eighth talent in white magic and transfiguration, along with an equally powerful talent in black magic comparable to Grindelwald.

The phoenix card intrigued him, a symbol synonymous with Dumbledore . Having a phoenix as a pet meant that even in Hogwarts, he could use the phoenix to Apparate and leave whenever he pleases. However, Alvin soon found himself in a dilemma. Each gold card allowed him to choose only one talent or spell to strengthen his own.

For Dumbledore, there was no doubt – he had to enhance his talent in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Alvin's current Defence Against the Dark Arts talent was only at level 4, which was considered within the range of your avarage genius and still needed significant improvement.

But with Grindelwald's card, the choice became even more complicated. Alvin wanted to strengthen his Defence Against the Dark Arts to level 6, which would make him second only to both Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Even Snape, Sirius Black, and James Potter, the most outstanding figures of their generation, had a talent level of 5.

However, considering that his talent for dark magic is already at level 8, if he integrated Grindelwald's talent, he could reach level 9, the highest level in the system evaluation. Alvin pondered for a moment and finally made up his mind. "It's fine. I'll strengthen my defence against the dark arts in the future. Let's first experience having a full-level dark magic talent."

"System, integrate Dumbledore's Defence Against the Dark Arts talent and Grindelwald's dark magic talent."

"Ding, the fusion has been completed."


As Alvin played with Fury, his newly-named phoenix, he immediately felt a strong bond formed between the two of them. After a while, he decided to check the rest of his draws.

He found that he had received 500 Galleons and various spells, along with six purple cards:

1. Transfiguration *1

2. Potions *1

3. All Incantations *2

4. Occlumency *2

Closing his eyes, Alvin combined the spells, immediately he absorbed the information about the spells in to his mind. After a few minutes have passed, he opened his eyes again. feeling confident that his secret would be safe, thanks to his newly acquired Occlumency knowledge.

With the usage of the few cards, Alvin's strength had a major increase, and even his magic reserve doubled. According to the system, an ordinary young wizard has a magic power reserve at around the scale 1 when they enter Hogwarts, which will eventually reach 5 when they graduate or when they become a full fledge adult wizard. Now, Alvin's magic reserve is comparable to that of an ordinary adult wizard or a Hogwarts graduate.

Despite the increase in his magic reserve, Alvin knew that his achievements in magic would depend on his knowledge and skills. He lacked a wand and had yet to learn wandless magic, but he was already equipped with a solid foundation of knowledge in Potions and Transfiguration, equal up to a second year student at Hogwarts.

As the days passed, Alvin continued his training, studying and improving his understanding and familiarity of spells and various magical knowledge that he manage to gain. He knew that the more he practiced and train, the better he would become. The system's knowledge was a good starting point, but he had the potential to surpass its limitations through his own dedication and effort.

Finally, the day came. July 31st.

What would happen on this day? Alvin was filled with anticipation and excitement as he awaited the arrival of the professor that was supposed to visit his home and answer his questions about Hogwarts. His magical journey was about to begin, and he was ready to embrace the wonders and challenges of the magical world.

Professor Snape stepped into the house, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a sharp gaze. Alvin led him to the living room, where they sat down to discuss Alvin's magical journey.

"I must admit, Mr. Gaunt, your sudden appearance in the magical world was quite the surprise," Snape said, as his eyes narrowed slightly. "But I assure you, Hogwarts is the best place for young witches and wizards like yourself to learn and harness their magical Capability's ."

Alvin nodded, maintaining an air of curiosity. "I'm eager to learn about this magical world, Professor Snape. The letter said I was accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm just not sure what I need to prepare for school and where to buy the necessary supplies."

Snape's demeaner softened slightly. "You have received a list of required books and equipment along with your acceptance letter, I presume?"

"Yes, I did," Alvin replied, keeping up the act.

"Very well," Snape said. "First, you'll need a wand. The wand chooses the wizard, as they say. We'll be visiting Oleanders, a reputable wand shop in Diagon Alley, where you'll find a wand that suits you best."

"I've heard about Diagon Alley," Alvin said, trying to sound excited. "It's a place filled with magical shops and wonders, right?"

"Indeed," Snape replied. "Diagon Alley is the heart of the wizarding world in London. You'll find everything you need there, from wands and robes to spell books and potion ingredients."

As Snape explained further, Alvin couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the chance to truly immerse himself in the magical world he had longed for.

The day continued with Professor Snape guiding Alvin through Diagon Alley, introducing him to various shops, and helping him select the right wand at Oleanders. Snape's demeaner remained stern, but Alvin could sense that the professor was trying to be helpful in his own way.

By the end of the day, Alvin had everything he needed for Hogwarts, and he was filled with excitement and anticipation for the start of the new school year.

As he bid farewell to Professor Snape, Alvin couldn't wait to begin his magical education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His journey in this new world had just begun, and he was ready to embrace every adventure that lay ahead.

(Note: I have retained the content and made a few minor changes and edits for better clarity of the chapter.)

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