
Chapter 2: The Card Drawing System - Starting with 50 Consecutive Draws

Chapter 2: The Card Drawing System - Starting with 50 Consecutive Draws

"Gold coins are the sole currency in the system. Considering that most traversers are often orphans and financially challenged, this system has intentionally abolished the recharge system, ensuring that all gold coins are obtained within the system."

"Then I thank you," Alvin replied, feeling a mix of gratitude and amusement.

Having the system alongside his own assets brought him twice the happiness, but he couldn't help but miss the joy of splurging on in-game purchases.

"Yes, the thrill of spending money on in-game gold is gone," he mused.

Although Alvin felt somewhat helpless about the lack of in-game purchases, he reluctantly accepted this new reality.

Upon researching the system further, Alvin discovered that its primary function was to draw cards using gold coins.

Drawing cards required spending 100 gold coins at a time. The cards were divided into four grades: white, blue, purple, and gold.

White cards included basic spells for wizards, magic materials, and gold Galleons.

Blue cards offered offensive or defensive spells, such as the Disarming Charm and Severing Charm.

Purple cards were rare and provided access to hard-to-learn magic spells, like Occlumency, Patronus Charm, Apparition, and various subjects' comprehension, such as potion-making and transfiguration.

Gold cards were character cards. Drawing a character card allowed Alvin to select and improve the knowledge, spells, or even talents of that specific character.

To obtain gold coins, Alvin found it was quite straightforward. Completing certain achievements rewarded him with gold coins or card packages. Additionally, after entering the school, he could access the daily task system, which granted him 100 gold coins for completing small tasks each day.

The daily card draws also provided an opportunity to acquire cards. However, it was important to note that the chance of drawing a gold card was excluded, and the maximum card grade he could draw was a purple one.

"System, is there my panel?"

"Personal panel generated for host."

Host: Alvin Gaunt

Age: 11 years old

Birthday: October 31st

Identity: The behind-the-scenes boss of Alvin Investment Company, a fresh graduate of Garden Elementary School, and a prospective freshman at Hogwarts.

Bloodline: Witch Spirit (Awakening, increase strength until fully awakened)

Magic Scale: 3

Magic Items: None

Charms Talent: 5 (Outstanding)

Transfiguration Talents: 3 (Unremarkable)

Divination Talent: 0 (Troll)

Black Magic: 8 (Born Azkaban)

Gold: 5000

Alvin: ? ? ? ! ! !

Upon examining his black magic talent score of eight, Alvin couldn't help but feel concerned about going to Hogwarts. He couldn't imagine shouting "Azkaban" during the sorting ceremony and being the first student in history to be sent directly to Azkaban.

"The host does not need to worry. Except for the system, no one else can quantify the specific information of the host's talent."

"That's fine," Alvin breathed a sigh of relief, reassured that nobody else would know about his black magic talent score.

With 5,000 gold coins in his account, Alvin's excitement grew. After his rebirth, his mobile phone was nothing more than a brick, let alone a mobile game card.

"I haven't drawn a card in a long time. Let's see what good things my luck has accumulated over the past ten years."

Alvin clicked on the card draw interface, and a pop-up window suddenly appeared.

"To celebrate the successful binding of the system, we hereby open the legendary character set card pool: Light and Dark Kings - White Devil Dumbledore, Dark Lord First Generation Grindelwald."

"When the host gets either the White Devil Dumbledore or the Dark Lord Grindelwald, he can get another legendary gold card."

"This effect will only take effect once in the upper card pool this time. After that, the bottom guaranteed card pool will be a random gold card, and the bottom guaranteed card will be drawn after 50 draws."

"This system also comes in sets, but it is worthy of being a novice card pool. Draw one for two, and make a lot of money," Alvin thought to himself as he looked at the 5,000 gold coins on the system, which coincidentally allowed him to use the guarantee once.

He went to the bathroom, rubbing his face fiercely and washing his hands several times to clear his thoughts.

"System, all 5,000 gold coins have been drawn."

Next, a pentagram magic circle suddenly appeared on the system interface, and ten streamers drilled out of it: 5 white, 3 blue, and 2 purple.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 100 gold Galleons (white)."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans Gift Pack (white)."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the magic spell: Light-creation spells."


"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the magic spell: Occlumency (Purple)."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a rare potion: Inspiration Potion (Purple)."

Alvin felt content with his ten draws. Obtaining 100 gold Galleons from the white cards was enough to cover his expenses for a year, putting his worries about gold Galleons to rest.

The basic spells he acquired were also valuable. As he obtained each spell, the knowledge and techniques on how to cast them smoothly appeared in his mind. Now, all he needed was a wand to start using them effectively.

Examining the reward from the purple card, he was pleased to have received Occlumency. It would ensure that the secret of his rebirth would remain hidden from skilled Legilimens like Dumbledore and Snape. However, Alvin knew he had to be cautious, as some fleeting thoughts and complaints could still be detected, and it was crucial to stay guarded.

Additionally, the Inspiration Elixir was a delightful bonus. The elixir, created by ancient potion masters, heightened brain activity, enhancing thinking, inspiration, and computation speed for one hour after consumption.

This is a panacea reward, whether used for researching magical spells or saving it for times of battle crisis, it is a valuable asset. Alvin recognized the significance of the Inspiration Potion and decided to keep it for future use. With a simple thought, the potion and other acquired items vanished, stored within the system's inventory, one of its basic functions.

"System, continue to draw," Alvin signalled, eager to see what more rewards he would obtain.

The subsequent rewards followed a similar pattern. Every tenth draw included one or two purple cards, and it seemed that the system guaranteed a purple card in each set of ten. Additionally, there were numerous basic spells, as well as gold Galleons and potion materials.

Despite the abundance of rewards, Alvin's expression gradually turned sour. He couldn't help but wonder, "What's the point? Is this card pool designed to have no guaranteed gold cards? After forty draws, not a single gold card has shown up."

Just when Alvin was starting to feel despondent and his hope began to wane, the last ten consecutive draws were completed. Two gold, two purple, three blue, and three white rays of light shot out from the magic circle, with the golden rays of light shining so brightly that they overshadowed the brilliance of the other three colours.

Alvin's eyes immediately caught sight of the dazzling golden light, and he couldn't contain his joy. Finally, after all the draws, a gold card had appeared!