
Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

***This is a Harry Potter pre-canon fic.*** [The fic also involves Kingdom Building and real-world muggle geopolitics.] 1969, London Magnus, a 9-year-old boy got lost while watching a parade with his mummy. He looked around for her but only tired himself out, eventually taking a break under a tree in a park. But, that moment changed not just his, but also the destiny of the entire world. Because that tree was not normal, it contained inheritances from an ancient world-renowned wizard and a certain king. The tree had waited centuries for someone worthy and finally, it had found one. But what was so special that made little Magnus worthy? It's not possible that no other 9-year-old child ever slept under the tree in the past centuries. "OH! What a surprise, but a welcome one. At least, now I can rest easy that I made the right choice." The ancient tree thought to itself. ______________________ Tags: No Harem, Kind MC, Strong MC, decently strong to OP MC, Some Kingdom building. More of a slice-of-life story. NOTE: Severus will not end up with Lily. *Daily Updates* [A/N: MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) Also, this story exists in the omniverse ruled by Grandpa Universe] _____________________ For advance chapters and more fics -www.patreon.com/misterimmortal ______________________ ***I do not own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

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504 Chs

364. What Is This?

"Horr..." Summer flew to Magnus and sat on his shoulder. She had a letter tied to her. He quickly opened it and found out it was the result of the O.W.Ls. Outstanding (O) was the highest one could get and as he expected, he got an O in every single of the 10 subjects he took.

"What about you, Rag?" Magnus asked him.

Ragnar didn't have O in all, however. Since Ragnar knew theory really well, even in Charms he was able to get an Acceptable. Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts were also Acceptable. Basically, all subjects that needed the use of a wand were acceptable. Meanwhile, he got an O in Potions, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Astronomy, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies and Study of Ancient Runes. In total, he failed in no subjects.

In short, Ragnar was satisfied, "Hehe, I cleared 11 subjects, and you only 10."

"I got O in all that I took. I would have tried potions if I could make even a single potion. Let me call Emma and Severus and ask them." he dialled Emma first, actually, he was planning on going to meet his girl, "Got your results?"

"Yup, it's a mix of O, E and A. I just got an A in Astronomy, Divination, Arithmancy and Muggle Studies. So I don't think I will be allowed to take these N.E.W.T subjects." She complained. In most subjects, one needed Outstanding [O] or Exceeds Expectations [E] to get into NEWT classes. Though Emma was sadder, she won't be able to be with him more now.

He chuckled, "Don't worry, you don't need those subjects anyway. You can study runes, that's the best for your later broom creation work. Okay, I gotta hang up and ask Severus."

"Okay, bye, love ya," Emma said from the other side and wanted.

Magnus looked around, there was his mum and Ragnar, "Hmm, same here."

"Hehe... Mr Pendragon, I will one day make you do it." She hung up, giggling.

Next, he called Severus, that man was depressed because he failed in one subject. It was Care of Magical Creatures, not just that, he only got acceptable [A] in History of Magic and Muggle Studies. This was disappointing to the perfectionist.

Magnus consoled him. Severus was never the animal lover type anyway so this was understandable. However, in short, he was happy with the results.

After breakfast and finding out about the results, he headed to work on other things inside his own lab in the basement.


"So you're telling me that as long as I use your staff, I can amplify any magic by 100 to 1000 per cent? This is amazing, what is this staff even made of?" Magnus inquired.

Merlin taught him really well. By now, Magnus had become efficient enough to cast 6 spells from the staff and not faint. Currently, he was going to use it to create a few Marauders maps, one that would cover entire states of the United Kingdom.

"I do not know what material it was, all I could feel was that it was heavily compatible with magic, my magic. I found the crystal inside the tree from which I made it too. My theory is that the tree grew on the ground where a mysterious object from the sky hit, engulfing the crystal as well." Merlin revealed.

"Hmm, maybe it's also made from Elder Tree?" Magnus inquired.

Merlin scoffed, "Huh, Elder tree is nothing but a really old tree that luckily grew on magical sand where a powerful ancient wizard was buried. The elder wand is nothing but a child's toy in front of my staff."

*Whistle* "That's amazing. So do you think I can cast Homonculous Charm from this staff that can make the map of the entire state magical?"

"You should be able to. But you need a vastly detailed map, one that has entire streets, small or big, marked on it." Merlin advised him.

"No need to worry, I already got it. MEDA keeps a map like this, it even has secret underground passages on it. Let's try it now." Magnus put the map on the ground and pointed the staff at it.


The homunculus charm was slow, a beam of red light hit the map, its first made the map resilient to stand the effects of time, then it slowly started to turn golden, each line on it started to become magical. By the 3rd minute, a lot of footmarks and names started to appear on the 1 metre by 1-meter map.

From a person driving, walking to sleeping, all was being recorded in it and shown in real-time. "AH! Ragnar!" Magnus noticed Ragnar in it, right inside the building he was in.

Now, the only thing the map could not do was show the insides of every house. The reason was, one needed to explore the place first, of course, none could see inside each home. Such a task of mapping needed huge manpower.

However, Magnus did one thing later, it was to make sure it could not track him, Ragnar, Emma and Severus and look inside his own house. Nonetheless, he was impressed by this, "It will take me a few days to make a map of each state, once that's done, we will be able to make the country safer than ever. However, I wonder if one day I can make a world map like this."

"That's absurd, how big of a map will you need?" Merlin asked.

"Umm... at least a map 100 meters by 100 meters big. Only this way we can see the streets. We can make it proportional to our own world, this way we can use longitude and latitude to pinpoint any location." Magnus planned. But, all this was for the later, he wasn't strong enough to make such a thing yet.


"So, what do you think?" Magnus arrived at MEDA headquarters and showed the map to Adrian.

"This... this is real-time?" Adrian inquired.

"Yup, you can check with one of your employees if you know where they went." Magnus suggested.

Adrian did just that and looked for a field agent. He soon found the man tailing someone on the road. "This is revolutionary. Our work will become so easy now."

"Exactly, I will make maps for all states in a few days. But remember, they must never leave this place." He warned as it would be devastating if an enemy got these.


Magnus spent his days playing around, training and preparing to take the mantle of Crown Prince. He was planning on taking the throne once he was 18 as well. Until then, he would keep on making something for the world that will keep his popularity high.

Just one morning, when he was out for a walk and passing by Sirius' house, he saw Sirius coming out, running angrily, "I WILL NOT RETURN NOW, BITCH! I hope all of you just die."

Magnus could see Sirius' mother standing at the door and shouting back, "YES! LEAVE! You are nothing but a disappointment, a blood traitor, a mudblood lover, a weakling, a shame on the house. Never show your face again here, for you are not a Black anymore."

Magnus shouted at her, "Woman, you know speaking words such as 'mudblood' are banned now?"

Magnus had a lot of clout in a magical world and especially families like the Blacks feared him greatly. So, as soon as Sirius' mother saw Magnus, she shivered in fear and ran back inside, shutting the door.

He helped Sirius pick his bags, "I see, you have made a decision. Do you need a place to live?"

Sirius thanked him, "Nah, that bitch doesn't know that my uncle, Alphard Black, named me his heir. He's dead now and I got all his money. I'm gonna buy a new place to live, then head to James'."

"What about Regulus? Won't he be a victim of their bullying now? From what I know, he's the only kid in your house, as even Narcissa has left after marriage." Magnus asked him, worried about the poor kid. Sirius was a fighter, a crazy guy. Regulus was an emotional kid.

Sirius shrugged, "No, even he's joined them, he tried to convince me to agree to my parents' demands. They want me to get engaged to some pureblood 60-year-old whore for their money, since thanks to you, the purebloods have lost a lot."

Magnus didn't believe it, "Maybe Regulus was just acting his part to not get the beating. But, I can't stop you. I will talk to him at school. Do you need a lift? I can use Apparition, you know."

Sirius looked at his big bags, "Hmm... yeah, help me get to Leaky Cauldron."

"Sure," they disappeared.


Emma's home,

As schooltime was coming closer, she had started to pack her bags. However, as she was in the middle of it, her dad came to her room to ask her about her life.

"My sweetheart, dad hasn't been able to spend time with you. I hope Magnus is treating you right, you know, if you have any problem, you can tell me." Mr Whitehorn warmly said.

Emma smiled sweetly, "Dad, Magnus is amazing, he treats me like a dear one. He cares for me just like you and mum do."

"That's a relief to hear. Invite him home sometimes. We can eat dinner together, I too would like to talk to him about something as well." he suggested to her.

Soon, feeling awkward for not having more to talk about, he started looking left and right and noticed a transparent plastic box with the words "Gift for Magnus" on it. There were some small packets in it.

He, out of curiosity, picked one up and read the label on it, "What is this? A muggle item? Hmm... Emma, what is a male condom?"

"AAAA... DAD! Don't touch my stuff... please wait outside, I will come for dinner soon." Her face flushed and she pushed Mr Whitehorn out quickly.


She shut the door closed, her breathing had gone faster and her heart pounded like it'd burst. She was about to gift wrap the box and this happened. ~*sigh* Good Merlin, dad's knowledge about the muggle world is as deep as a pebble in the ocean. Lucky save.~

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You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

1 Stone = 1 Contraceptive Banana. [Effect: No need for pullout game, have control over your sperm. TIP: Make an army of the strongest and smartest babies ever.]

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