

Harry/Kara/Faora/Diana/Karen/Multi. Massive harem By megamatt09

Ser_borgur · Derivasi dari karya
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39 Chs

House of Zod Part Two: Farewell Dursleys

Faora took a step forward before she placed her hand on Harry's shirt and worked a couple of buttons open before she began to trace patterns on his muscular chest, with a predatory smile on her face as she kept her eyes locked firmly upon Harry.

"Truly the dream scape does not do you the proper amount of justice," Faora stated as she continued to work her hands around his chest and he smiled back at her.

"For sure," Harry responded as he gave Faora a simmering gaze, as the temperature in the room heated up by about fifty degrees due to the intensity of the look that they were giving each other. His shirt was completely pushed off of his chest and she ran her fingers slowly down his chest and abs, feeling what he had to offer.

"All this time, you've been waiting for me to meet you in the flesh and while we had a little fun in the dream world, nothing compares to reality," Faora stated in a seductive tone of voice, looking at Harry with pure and unadulterated "fuck me" eyes, a gaze that Harry returned.

"Nothing compares," Harry agreed, wrapping his arms around this vision of beauty before him, feeling the strength of her arms wrapped around him as well. The two lovingly looked into each other's eyes.

Faora leaned forward and Harry met her lips in a searing kiss, with the two of them working their tongues in each others mouths, clashing together in a battle for supreme dominance. As their tongues danced within the others mouth, hands roamed each other's clothed bodies.

Harry found that with Faora he felt things in ways that he never thought he could before, her kiss was attacking his mouth, hungry and wanton, and her hands roamed his body with such passion and intensity that he could not have felt with a normal woman. She could actually mark him and it would remain there, her arms wrapped tightly around him, along with her legs.

The two fell back on Harry's bed, causing it to creak a little bit, and Faora straddled him, before she continued the kiss. The two reversed positions a couple of times before Harry was on top and he kissed her breathless once again. The two of them were really getting into their actions, with Faora's strong legs wrapped around Harry's waist, pulling his strong body into hers.

She kissed the side of his neck, sucking on it.

"Baby, you're so horny, aren't you?" Harry breathed as Faora nodded as she laid back on the bed, her form ready for him.

"You know I am, I've been waiting for this for years, the two of us, together, in the flesh," Faora stated before she kissed him hungrily and sank her nails into his bare back. There was a moment where the two of them met in their tender passions, the two of them rocking back and forth with each other on the bed.

She paused and looked up into his emerald green orbs, and a smile crossed his face.

"I want you so badly, I can taste it," Faora told him as she continued running her hands down his chest and back and he reached forward towards the clasp on her armor and started to remove it.

"I want you," Harry responded, pulling off the armor to reveal the skin suit that was on underneath it. It hugged her curves in a tantalizing and drool worthy manner but it was about to come off as well.

After their round of fun concluded, Faora and Harry put their clothes back on and began to fly over the skies of the United Kingdom, on their way towards Gringotts. They actually took a rather long way around so they could have plenty of time to think.

"So you did have your doubts that I would show up?" Faora asked and Harry smiled at her, shrugging his shoulders. "If I was in your position and someone came to me in my dreams, even if they gave you ample proof, I would be quite skeptical as well. But as you can see, seeing is believing."

"And I'm glad that I believe you to be here," Harry responded as he squeezed the hand of his sister and the two of them picked up the pace as they got closer to the bank. "You gave me all of the proof that I ever needed that you are real."

"And I'm glad you believe that I'm real," Faora stated, the two holding hands as they flew through the air. The wind whipped through their faces as the two continued to pick up a fair deal of momentum. Their hearts thumped within their chests as they kept a steady pace. "The training that we did within the dream scape, it only scratched the surface of what the two of us can do."

"Flight, super breath, X-Ray Vision, super hearing, and heat vision, it's merely the beginning, isn't it?" Harry asked as the two of them kicked up a huge gust of wind as they circled around in the air with each other, both hands clutched together.

"It's merely the beginning," Faora admitted to him as the two of them continued their flight.

The truth was that there was an entire wide world of possibilities that they could explore, things that she could do to teach him how to best use his powers. Powers that was unlike anything the world had ever seen before, that was something that also brought a rather prominent smile to her face. He had the potential for greatness, in some ways he was great already, and that greatness would grow even further. She felt a stirring of pride of what she heard about Harry in the meetings.

"Your credentials will grow stronger, although you might find that only having credentials in a small and isolated corner of the globe might limit yourself and what you could do," Faora responded and Harry eyed her for a second, waiting to see what she had to say. Faora's face crossed into a knowing smile. "You told me at one time you had standing offers for university level education. It would be prudent to see if those offers are still open."

Harry was already a step ahead of her.

"They are, I checked this year, and made arrangements to do so after I complete my NEWTs this year," Harry responded as the two flew next to each other.

"You might be able to do so sooner than that, if you are able to master one of your abilities," Faora remarked to Harry and now he was extremely curious about this fact. He suspected that he would be told in due time. "Among many others, as I said your journey has only begun. And it will be one that we will take each step of the way and do it together."

Harry thought that point over; he knew that he taken a few steps towards a grander journey. It began at birth as Faora indicated and he grew stronger with each passing year. He tapped into more of his abilities each year, the strength, the speed, the gifts. Flight was the gift that he enjoyed the most and his green eyes simmered with the thoughts of unlocking more abilities than what the dark haired girl referred to as the big five.

The two of them flew by air, over Diagon Alley and felt the breeze blowing against them. It was a quiet night and if Harry recalled correctly, the Dursleys might not return until morning. He didn't know what came up and quite frankly he did not care. All he cared about was the fact that they were gone.

Andromeda wrote to him that if he wanted to try his Apparation exam, he could take it on August 30th as he went to get his Wizengamot certification. Although he was likely going to keep Andromeda there as his proxy, it was important to be qualified. Otherwise someone might attempt to take the prestigious Potter family seat out from underneath his nose.

That was the fact of the matter, the Wizarding World was an extremely political game, that was the nature of the beast. And Harry knew that there were more flaws in it than could be fixed by any sane person. It was not something that he had patience for, for he did not suffer idiots well and they were a rather regressed form of idiots. The Ministry's idea of progress was making sure they found a new and more frustrating way to maintain the status quo.

Still there were many resources that could be gained from this hidden world, and gold to be made, along with a flawed system that could be exploited.

"We must work within the system and exploit it's flaws, to achieve the maximum rewards."

There were times where Harry had a sense that Faora knew exactly what he was thinking, although to be fair, he felt more complete with her. There was something about her that made him feel like he could take on the world. And he supposed that Kara would be the same way once he met her in the flesh.

"When will I meet Kara?"

Faora figured that question was going to be asked. "Soon, I'm sure she's awake and….well she might jump you."

Harry smiled at her as the two of them continued to their destination. "That is one type of ambush that I can get behind."

"I'm sure you could," Faora responded as she flew with Harry and the two of them touched down on the other side of Gringotts.

There were a few things that Faora needed to do now that she was out of the box and technically a part of this world. Faora Dru-Zod did not exist; neither did any identification for her. Thankfully from her memories and shared knowledge with Harry, she was able to locate the one group of people that could allow her to gain the identification that she needed to function without detection.

The goblins were amazing for many reasons and one of those reasons were that if you paid them well and treated them respectfully; they did not ask too many questions. And they were able to do what you needed to do. Include create a complete and one hundred percent fool proof false identity with a past and everything. The dark haired girl walked forward with Harry.

"Harry, I didn't expect you to show up!" Sersi stated in an excited tone of voice but she cleared her throat, she figured that she should be more dignified. She was after all a daughter of goblin royalty so she should in fact act as such. The young goblin shook her head, keeping her breath from leaving her before she kept her eyes on them.

"I need Gringotts to do something for me, money is not a problem with me as you know," Harry whispered to Sersi.

Sersi smiled, she knew that money was not a problem, she had seen the size of Harry's accounts and they were extremely impressive. He made several wise investments, sure there were a few minor losses but they were offset by even larger gains. That brought Sersi a great deal of pride for her wizard client but she should remain professional.

"Sure of course, right this way," Sersi stated as Harry and Faora walked down the hallway.

"This is Faora," Harry responded as he introduced the woman with a nod, who offered a polite bow and grabbed Sersi's hand and kissed it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Sersi," Faora stated in a respectful tone of voice as she eyed the princess. "Harry has spoken most highly of you."

Sersi tried to hide her joy at the fact that Harry spoke in high regards to her but that was not something that she hid very well. Goblins were supposed to be masters at shielding emotions although she found it rather hard to do so.

"I'm sure he did, Harry is a valued client…that is to say Lord Potter," Sersi remarked, feeling that she needed to remain professional.

"I'm sure he is extremely valued by you," Faora said with a knowing smile as she watched Sersi. "And I'm sure that the Gringotts bank will allow me to achieve my ends as well, as I have come to you with a request to forge something that will allow me to move forward in this world without question."

Sersi opened her ears and made sure that there was no one monitoring what was happening in this office because she had a feeling that things should be discreet. And given that Faora was connected to an important client, she knew that it would be well worth her while to make sure that everything moved on through without any kind of hitch. She took an instant to go through the file cabinet.

"I'm not from around here, if you catch my drift," Faora informed her as she watched Sersi and the goblin princess nodded.

It was not something that was uncommon business for the people at Gringotts. Given the lack of documentations that purebloods had in the Muggle world, Gringotts had a booming business of false IDs, passports, birth certificates, and everything that was needed for identification in the Muggle world. Purebloods did not have anything was valid off hand so they needed that valid identification if they wanted to function in the real world.

"I see," Sersi commented, a smile crossing her face, as she watched the girl before her. "What is it you need?"

"An identity, and one that I can use to make my way around the world, without any one trying to look at me and try and nose into my background while I do what I need to do," Faora responded as she looked at Harry. "Something along the lines of….Alexandra Potter, maybe an older sister or….cousin of Harry Potter, I guess. Cousin would be the easiest one to swallow for any magicals who try to nose around."

Sersi smiled as she noted the information down.

"We also need a shell company, something that can allow us to buy more stock in the Muggle world but without it being traced back to us," Harry added and Sersi was intrigued, as Harry decided to explain her more. "It's….morally ambiguous as far as the Muggle World is concerned, but technically if you can cover the right tracks…."

"I can get it done, although it might take a couple of months to set everything up," Sersi responded, catching onto what Harry wanted straight away. It was business as usual for purebloods, hell Gringotts knew every single tax loophole known to mankind. For the right price, they could share those secrets.

Gringotts had set up similar false companies that technically did not exist in the Muggle World but at the same time did on paper. It was a common scheme for pureblood witches and wizards to buy up a mountain of stock under a faux company. Kind of hypocritical considering that many purebloods looked down their noses at the Muggle World, unless it made them money but that was the nature of the rather hypocritical beast.

Still Sersi knew of the process, her father walked her through it, it was part of her training. Which she reminded herself that there was one more year before she was certified as Harry's full time account manager without her father giving his bi-weekly performance reviews, that much made her smile a little bit.

"Take as long as you need, and about those Quidditch tickets….hang onto them, as many as you can, because I might have a use for them," Harry informed her as Sersi eyed him.

"Of course," Sersi responded, a smile crossing her face, she figured that would catch Harry's interest. Even people who didn't pay attention to Quidditch, enjoyed the Quidditch World Cup. It was bigger than the Superbowl was in American Muggle Football. There were people who paid money on a special wireless stream just to listen to the commentary and got drunk off their ass as they listened with rapt attention.

It was amazing the debts that they had to the goblin nation afterward as well because of all of the bets that were made. They made Bagman look restrained

"The false identity papers should be ready in three days," Sersi told both Harry and Faora. "And the shell company should be in place and ready to run in approximately six to eight weeks."

"And I want you to look into a company called Luthorcorp to see if there are any outstanding stock that I can buy," Harry added to Sersi who inclined her head with a nod to indicate she understood.

A little bit of stock here, a little bit of stock there, nothing that would lead Lionel Luthor to figure out that someone was buying into his company with the intentions of eventually gaining control of it. He took a long look at the shady business practices of Luthorcorp and naturally Harry found himself finding more dubious actions yet. He would have to make some changes.

"Okay," Sersi responded, rather curious about what Harry's intentions were regarding this but she had a feeling that she would find out all too soon. "Your investment reports for the last quarter, if you have any questions contact me."

Harry flipped open the book, he noticed that his grandfather made a few investments in Muggle companies decades ago, including a company named Wayne Enterprises when it was set up. If he remembered correctly, the current heir to the throne at Wayne, a young man named Bruce Wayne, had been MIA from Gotham for years. The rumor was that he was traveling the world to find himself after losing his parents at a young age.

Less serious rumors was that he was hiding from the mothers of illegitimate children that he had. But those were fresh from the tabloids, so Harry did not put any stock in them. They were less credible than the Quibbler was, although that magazine did make him smile with some of the ideas. Including the rumors that Cornelius Fudge, not to be confused with the dessert, was in fact allergic to fudge, not to be confused with the incompetent politician; surely it was quite the scandal.

It might even destroy his career.

"Thank you for your business today, and I hope that your gold runs pure," Sersi stated in a business like tone as they wrapped up the meeting.

Faora knew that she would need an identity in this world, which would make setting up the groundwork for the RAO Corporation much easier. She knew from her meetings with Harry that he had ambitions, many of them that she shared.

"So that's out of the way, my identity will be forged and I'll be able to get the groundwork started for our companies," Faora responded as she leaned forward and offered Harry a slight kiss on the lips.

There were a couple of things that they needed to do before they headed out, leaving for Harry's training. So they would have to keep Kara waiting just a little bit longer but given how long she had to wait, it was worth it.

Faora smiled, she would be burning with hot passion by now.

Rose took a moment to sit down, the twins were upstairs doing their summer homework, although if they were anything like their brother, that would not take too long. She thought about the year that was and also the year that will be. There were rumors that the Triwizard Tournament was going to come to Hogwarts the next year and the reason why was obvious.

The ties between international magical relations were the lowest that they had ever been….well since ever. Or at least in the last fifty years, when the records at the Ministry of Magic were mysteriously destroyed; at least that's what Rose heard through the grapevine. Funnily enough, it took nearly twenty five years to get the tournament restored; she heard whispers that next year might be the year when she was at Hogwarts.

Bagman and Crouch did so as a political gambit to salvage their damaged political careers that had been damaged by rumors of a gambling addiction and the disgrace of a son being a Death Eater respectively. Not to mention with Sirius being innocent, that opened up a lot of old wounds for Crouch. Fudge jumped on the bandwagon because that's how he rolled, he wanted to take all of the credit whilst others did the work. Dumbledore was the only one out of that group who wanted to strengthen International magical relations for unselfish reasons.

Voldemort's growing presence put the kibosh on an earlier attempt to put the tournament back on but now they were trying to bring it back. This year would be a banner one for international magical relations or to be more precise, the British Ministry of Magic trying to smell like a rose in the eyes of the international magical community. It was clear as crystal what the game was.

The entire Sirius Black fiasco set them back a lot in the credibility scale.

'The increased security detail indicates that there is smoke to the fire,' Rose thought, she had to report to Hogwarts two days early for an extended convention with all of the Hogwarts teachers. Leave it to Dumbledore to impart the knowledge that they have to accommodate a few dozen more warm bodies to the last fucking possible second.

Minerva and Lucretia tried to get her the information that they could find out.

As Lucretia told her, even her father, who led Fudge by the ear, was unable to find out much of anything, which told Rose how well that the Ministry plugged the leaks. For once they were doing something right, although she supposed that a blind squirrel found a nut once and a while. Although the full court press for the Quidditch World Cup had been given by the Daily Prophet and Sirius Black was a non-person since he had been proven to be innocent.

Rose spotted two press clippings, one detailing the mysterious disappearance of Bertha Jorkins, a mid-level Ministry worker who bounced around the departments over the years just to make up the numbers. The other detailed the death of a Muggle gardener named Frank Bryce, who was found right near the area where Tom Marvolo Riddle or Voldemort was rumored to have lived.

Now that Harry found out Riddle's true name, Andromeda did some digging. Riddle had his connections in the Ministry torch the records but there was always a trail if someone dug deeply enough.

And said trail could be found if one was resourceful enough, something that Andromeda reminded Rose of time and time again, a smile crossing her face as she thought about that point.

A knock on the door brought Rose out of her thoughts; she would have to share this information with Harry. Come to think of it, it was likely he received it already. Then again, the owl that Andromeda sent just arrived here. With a half dazed look in her eyes, Rose walked over and clicked the door open to reveal Harry standing there with a girl with short dark hair that she did not recognize.

"Harry, I was just thinking about you," Rose said as she gave him a brief hug and Harry raised an eyebrow. The red haired woman smiled. "Mind out of the gutter…but….who is your friend?"

"My name is Alexandra," Faora remarked as she watched Rose, eying the woman up, and down, she looked delicious enough to eat. Then again, there was something about the genes of the Evans line that made for attractive women, though Petunia was a glaring exception. "I'm a relative of Harry's on his father's side and I just looked it up. We spent the better part of the evening getting to know each other."

Rose offered a knowing smile, given the way these two were looking at each other; she had a feeling that they now knew each other very well.

Faora and Harry agreed that the truth would be told, although to be fair she did tell the truth. She was a relative of Harry's from his father's side, just not James Potter. One day, Rose, the twins, and several others that were trustworthy would learn the truth but only when the time was right.

"It's nice to see meet you," Rose stated as she was surprised with a tight hug from the girl before her.

"I'm sure you were a part of Harry's life growing up," Faora commented although she knew of the circumstances of what happened to Rose, second hand through Harry.

"Actually I couldn't be with him for nearly twelve years because I had to go into hiding because of…well because of someone called Severus Snape," Rose responded as she watched Faora. "And a few of the Death Eaters that thought raping, and killing the sister of Lily Evans-Potter would send a message to the world and would be a notch on their belt. And Ministry Law tied my hands regarding Harry, as he was shuttled to Petunia and Vernon before I could do anything. I actually could legally adopt the twins, because their papers had not been filed at the Ministry yet, so I went around them to the Muggle Courts. And if anyone had found out about them...well it would have painted an even bigger target on our backs."

By the time Dumbledore or anyone else found out, it was too late. They had already gone into hiding, and Andromeda was the only one who could get in contact with her.

"Snape's suffering," Harry stated, perhaps it was just him, but things would be problematic to be a fugitive being on the run without a wand arm and Rose wondered before a thought crossed her mind.

"He may have rejoined his old master," Rose commented as she held the press clippings towards Harry. "Andromeda sent me those recently."

Harry read the press clippings, detailing the seemingly harmless disappearance of a Ministry drone named Bertha Jorkins. Foul play was not ruled out but the official word from the Ministry was that she was on a holiday, that she left for three months ago. A man named Ludo Bagman had quoted that she was the forgetful type.

'Covering his arse,' Harry thought to himself as he read the press clippings.

There was another one with Frank Bryce, but the location caught Harry off guard.

"Rose, can I use your phone for a moment?" Harry asked and Rose nodded in confirmation, leaving Rose and Faora alone to talk.

This allowed Harry his moment to dial up Hermione's number. He knew that her mother got the Internet over the past year, which meant that she could look up some information for him the Muggle way rather quickly. While Harry was not sure if the Internet would catch on, it did hold some promise.

The phone rang a few times before Hermione answered.

"Hello?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione, it's me, Harry," Harry responded and this caused Hermione's tone to brighten immediately.

"Oh, Harry, is there a problem?" Hermione asked over the phone, biting down on her lip.

"Well not as such but I want you to look up something online for me," Harry told her over the telephone. He made a mental note to acquire a computer with an Internet connection for Rose but for now, Hermione would do the job nicely. "I need you to look up a man known as Frank Bryce, he lived in Little Hangleton."

"Just one second," Hermione responded as she waited. With the Internet being on a separate phone line, she could remain on the phone with Harry. Of course the dial-up service that her mother was not the fastest thing in the world.

Harry waited patiently as Faora eyed him, wondering what he was trying to figure out. There was a moment in time as he saw Amanda and Emily walk down the stairs but they paused, looking curious.

Both twins saw their brother on the phone, waiting to talk to someone and they also saw this mysterious girl with an alluring personality talking to their aunt. They had no idea what was going on but they were bound and determined to find out no matter how long it took. The wizard twirled the phone line and tried to calculate his thoughts.

"Okay, Harry, this is weird, I found a newspaper clipping online from over fifty years ago," Hermione informed him as she paused and Harry cleared his throat to invite her to continue. "Frank Bryce was believed to murder a family named the Riddles and their adult son named Tom. I did some further digging and Tom ran away with a woman named Merope Gaunt years ago, but returned home to Riddle Manor, believing that she was going to give him a son but she lied. At least that's what the official story says."

Harry smiled, he doubted very much that was the official story.

"Bryce was hauled downtown for questioning, he was the only one with a key to the house, there were no broken windows, no signs of entry, the room was locked from the inside," Hermione continued as she paused. "And on the victims there were no stab wounds, bullet wounds, poison in their system, or signs of strangulation. And no signs of ill health. They were just alive one minute and the next minute they weren't."

"The plot thickens," Harry responded and Hermione gave a noise of agreement.

"And then Bryce claimed that there was a young boy with dark hair and a brooding demeanor that left the house, he was rather tall," Hermione responded before she paused and it clicked.

"Sounds like our young T.M. Riddle," Harry stated and Hermione gave a yelp in agreement.

"Bryce was released due to lack of evidence, but the house….the Riddle Manor went through two sets of owners over the past fifty years neither living there, and a final owner….who kept it for tax reasons," Hermione stated, biting down on her lip.

"Did they say who it was?" Harry asked.

"Some guy named Archibald Smythe," Hermione remarked and Harry paused.

"Hang on a sec, Hermione,' Harry told her as he whipped out the communication mirror. "Sersi!"

"Yes, Harry, what can I do for you?" Sersi asked curiously from the other end of the mirror link.

"Archibald Smythe, does he hold any significance in the Wizarding World?" Harry asked to Sersi.

"Not as such no but as an alias yes," Sersi remarked as she smiled at him.

"If you could be more specific, I'll make sure you get a substantial bonus," Harry responded, knowing how the game was played.

"Well Smythe is a false name, a false trail, one used by Lucius Malfoy to buy Muggle real estate," Sersi explained to him, Malfoy disrespected her family line a few years back, so she considered this to be adequate compensation for the disrespect that he threw their way.

"So that's who owns the Riddle House, likely his master put him up to it," Harry commented but he would have a devil of a time proving it. Lucius likely covered his tracks rather well, Merlin only knew he had the money to do it.

He wondered if Voldemort was there, but he suspected that if he was, that place would have more security than Gringotts. It would take weeks to figure out how to get around it and that was not time that Harry had the luxury of.

And Snape was with him, likely in the security of the Riddle house now and out of reach.

"The plot thickens Hermione, the plot thickens. I'll talk to you later," Harry remarked as he hung up the phone, he closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Two people were likely dead, who knew how many more were unconfirmed? In fact one could argue that that most of the Muggle missing person's cases in the UK had to do with Voldemort or his Death Eaters. The Ministry only recorded magical death toll, not Muggle, because those people didn't matter to them.

"Well, Riddle's at it again," Harry commented as he turned to Rose and the twins.

"If we figure this out, we might figure out how to defeat him," Faora commented as she tapped the lighting bolt scar on Harry's head.

"Surely there's some kind of magical ritual that might help us?" Harry asked and Faora responded with a smile.

"Nothing of this world, but….well we'll discuss it later," Faora answered as she turned to kill some time until the Dursleys returned home talking to the twins.

Faora waited, patience was something that was honed within her pretty much since birth, she waited for the big event, the thing that she was bred for. The joining with Harry, the fact that one day that she would be with him, and she did hope that in the meantime that they would treat him with the respect and dignity that he deserved. After all, her brother was the closest that many of them would ever come to seeing a god in their pathetic lives.

Perhaps she was a bit foolish in thinking that people would actually be grateful at all Harry gave up for them. Despite it all, he did not seem fazed by it but it did annoy her that he was propped up as some savior, in a world that from what she determined did not deserve heroes. In fact, she would consider the Wizarding World to be a place where heroes went to die.

Harry was strong not because of anything that he learned there, he was strong in spite of them. They did not know of the true power that resided on the other side of those emerald eyes and what he could do to them all if he chose to. Faora smiled, they had much loftier ambitions in mind.

On the other hand, Harry thought about it, he was ready to get out of Hogwarts after the Christmas holidays. There would be a select few people that he missed when he left but there would be even more that he would not be disappointed to see the backside of. He was destined for great things whilst they were destined for mediocrity. That world was where ambition went to die, in favor of becoming a useless drone, a sheep in the herd, or rather a lamb being led to the slaughter, the blood being spilled.

Both Harry and Faora heard the car doors slam.

"It appears that your aunt and uncle have returned home," Faora commented in a crisp tone of voice as she folded her arms. "I can hardly wait to meet them."

Harry anticipated that meeting, because he knew that the Dursleys would not know what they were getting themselves into.

Tolerable, cool, crisp, that was what could be used to describe the Dursleys and the relationship that Harry had them over the past, six or seven years. There was a sense that there was a bomb about ready to go off every time both parties were in the same room but both sides remained cool to each other. Vernon had his moments, Petunia seemed to learn her lessons, and Dudley was Dudley, he was what he was trained to be. There was really not much hope for him as evolution was not on his side.

Vernon opened the door, he was already in a foul mood to begin with, given the fact that he had to go and correct a billing dispute. And in the end, he had to pay full price, which was highway robbery. He was an honest man; he paid all of his taxes. Add to the fact that Grunnings had one of the worst quarters ever and investor confidence was at an all-time low, his mood worsened.

Then there was this diet that the school nurse made his son go on, it was profiling against his son and he had half a mind to get his solicitor on the line towards that school. His wife convinced him not to.

Everyone had to go on the diet, which was harsh. Granted, he came to understand why Dudley had to go on the diet, grudgingly so. His wife, she could stand to lose a few pounds, not that Vernon would say so to her face. He actually had a few functioning brain cells. And the boy….well the boy was the boy.

But he was a proper sized man, so he didn't deserve to eat food that real men did not eat. All of these salads and rice cakes, they were the food of girly men.

Speaking of the boy, Vernon spotted him sitting on the couch with another one of his harlots, actually he did not recognize this one. This one was dressed in some kind of battle armor with a helmet on.

Faora changed out of her street clothes back into her full battle armor, figuring that she would make a lasting impression on the Dursleys before she took Har-Zod on his way. She saw Vernon staring at her, trying to find his voice. Petunia seemed scandalized and Dudley, well he was dumbstruck.

"Who are you?" Vernon asked in a demanding voice, never mind the fact that this girl towered over him and she could crush him into paste if she should choose to do so. That fact never entered Vernon's miniature brain.

I'm Harry's sister, Faora, and I wanted to meet the family that so graciously took him in all of those years ago," Faora remarked, her voice offering a certain inflection of sarcasm through it. She doubted very much that the Dursleys took him in. It was coercion on the part of Dumbledore, which a small part of her admired, but only a small part.

Vernon looked at the girl, wondering where she came from. His tiny brain was trying to process her sudden arrival and his beady eyes kept on the dark haired girl before him.

"What kind of name is Faora?" Dudley managed and Faora offered him a grin and narrowed her eyes towards him which caused the pig to take half of a step back.

"What kind of name is Dudley?" Faora asked as she looked at this poor specimen with pity. The fact that this thing shared any DNA with her brother was an insult but even the best had some rather undesirable branches on their family tree. "Harry told me all about you."

"The boy told you all about us, did he?" Vernon asked, his temper and not to mention his intelligence had been lessened by the diet. His beady little eyes fixed on Faora. "He's been telling tales to make himself look more important but he is nothing but a selfish little freak…"

Vernon's throat met Faora's hand as she choked him until he went purple in the face but stopped before he could black out. Funnily enough, that was an improvement for Vernon. She watched him, eyes narrowed, a dangerous, dangerous look on her face, and a nasty scowl etched upon said face. Vernon was likely about ready to say something stupid, something that appeared to be very natural to someone of his limited intellectual process.

"I'd mind what you say around your superiors," Faora told him stiffly as she allowed Vernon to drop to his knees and he clutched his throat.

A smarter man than Vernon Dursley would have kept his trap shut after the first and only warning that he would receive from this girl. Faora was in a merciful mood tonight but it turned out that the Walrus was not going to accept her kind generosity of allowing him to be among the awake and the breathing for another day. If he would have left well enough alone, then what happened next was not going to happen.

Vernon Dursley blew his stack and Faora wondered if he had a death wish.

"I've had it, after all I've done, I've allowed the boy to live in house and home, and he is nothing but an ungrateful, good for nothing…"

Faora snapped, grabbed Vernon by the throat and this time she hurled him with all of her might halfway across the room. She only bothered to hold herself back to the point where it would not kill him. It would be too humane to kill him. He went flying head first and with a loud crash he went through the wall.

There was a Vernon sized hole in the wall. He still breathed but it was merely only out of instinct now, and his body shuddered to a stop.

Petunia clasped a pair of hands over her mouth and her eyes widened, as she looked at Faora with a gasp. The expression on her face was one of someone who had their brain short circuited from shock. It took her a moment to consider what happened, her mind nearly broke from the shock of seeing what happened to her husband.

As for Dudley, well a series of unfortunate events happened.

He tried to run backwards.

There were two problems with this. The first problem was that Dudley running would be a comedy of errors to begin with. He did not have the mobility to do so he began to slip and slide like a pig in slop as he tried to get away from this woman that launched his father through the wall like he was a paper airplane.

The second fundamental flaw with this whole process was that Dudley barely had the ability to go forwards. Therefore going backwards was going to be a chore and half for the useless lump. So what he began to do was stumble ass over tea kettle and land on the floor and knock himself out, like a comedy routine.

Petunia gasped this time.

"You killed him!" Petunia yelled as Faora strained her ear and listened for Dudley's heartbeat.

"No, he's still breathing," Faora stated in a dismissive tone. "Although it is a wonder why he has not dropped dead of a heart attack or had been mistaken for a hog and led to slaughter."

Petunia looked scandalized that her precious Diddydums was anything other than a perfect little angel. It was wrong for her son to be thought of in such a way.

"What about Vernon?" Petunia asked finally finding her voice, as she looked towards Harry for a brief second but then realized that criticizing the boy in any way was not good for her long term health.

"Vernon….well he's alive but I doubt very much he will be waking up," Faora stated in an uncaring voice. "He was warned once and if I'm not mistaken, this was not the first time he was put through a wall for insubordination but this will be the final time for him."

"Vernon was warned more than once, it isn't our fault that he doesn't know how to use that brain," Harry remarked as he kept his eyes on Petunia before he strode over to check on Vernon.

Yeah the lights might be on but there was no one home.

"He will be forever put in a vegetative state, being forced to being put under care, at least until the point where they bleed your bank accounts dry and they mercifully pull his plug," Faora stated as she eyed Vernon. In her opinion, that could not have happened to a better individual. Vernon was warned more than once.

Petunia was unable to formulate a response other than opening her mouth and closing it again and again. She looked like a wide mouth tree frog trying to catch flies. Her son was down on the floor and even if he was awake, he would be unable to get up. Petunia had no idea what to do. She did not want to join her son and husband in the state that they were in.

Suddenly she found herself unable to move. Petunia had been put in a state that she was aware of everything that was going on around her but unable to remove.

"Amazing," Harry commented to break the silence, removing the helmet, feeling that it obstructed her face too much.

Faora and Harry pulled each other into a long and deep kiss, and she wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him. His body was her wonderland and she ripped his shirt open, to see his muscular abs and chest, before pushing him down on the couch.

Dudley laid on the floor, Vernon was in the wall somewhere, and Petunia stood there, unable to move or stop what was going to happen next.

Faora watched Petunia's reaction, she could not move but boy did her eyes say many things. They said many things about what she thought about the display that she had been forced to watch. How she had been humiliated by seeing another woman be given more pleasure than her husband ever given her in all of their years of marriage. The dark haired Kryptonian's face crossed with a grin.

"I bet you liked that, didn't you?"

Petunia could not answer because of the circumstances that she was in but at the same time, the look on her face said more than enough.

"I bet you would have liked some of that, wouldn't you?"

There was no response but again Faora had no need for her to respond, the look on Petunia Dursley's face said more than enough. The wanton desire for her nephew, who she was most certainly not thinking of as useless freak right now, crossed her eyes, and a triumphant smirk crossed Faora's face.

"I bet you would have liked it if Harry held you down and fucked you, treating you like the dirty, depraved whore that you always wanted to be," Faora breathed as she placed her hand on Petunia's forehead. "How about it, one taste at some kind of satisfication? You want it, don't you? You want Harry to pin you down and make a woman out of you, in ways that your pathetic meat sack of a husband couldn't?"

Petunia's ability to speak was returned to her and Harry watched her, seeing where this was going.

"You want him don't you?" Faora asked as Petunia watched her, struggling to speak. "You want your nephew, no matter how wrong your foolish morality thinks it is, don't you? No matter how much you hate him, you want him to ravish you. To give you more pleasure in one day than you ever experienced in your entire life."

"Yes," Petunia breathed, humiliated at the thought but she could not lie.

"Well, we don't always get what we want," Faora remarked with a grin and Petunia watched them with widened eyes.

"You can't do this….after that….after that….I can't stand it."

"Well, you should have thought about that before you treated me like shit all of these years," Harry remarked with a knowing grin, knowing that he got his ultimate revenge on his aunt.

"Are we done here?" Faora asked with a grin crossing her face.

"Yes, there's nothing left to do here," Harry responded with a smile, he did let Rose know that he would return for the Quidditch Cup.

There was a pause where Harry stood there, and locked eyes with Petunia.

"I would say it's an honor but that'd make me a liar," Harry responded before he collected his things. Hedwig was on her way to Gotham, no doubt she would find him in due time.

Harry stepped on top of Dudley, not bothering to care. Faora did the same thing, sure they could fly over him but they didn't even bother.

Faora did however give him a parting kick to the balls as did Harry, because they wanted to give Dudley something to remember them by and wanted to cut down Vernon Dursley's future genetics.

It was over a day before the spell wore off and allowed Petunia to move. That gave her plenty of time to think and be frustrated.

"We do have a very productive summer ahead of us, don't we?"

That was not a point that Harry would argue against as he flew side by side with Faora, back to the cavern that she set up for training underneath the caves where his mother found the crystal that contained his genetic material within.

"Upon my fourteenth birthday, I will be able to head to Castle Peverell where I can see what I can do about waking Lily up," Harry responded and Faora responded with a brief nod before something came to her.

"You know, the timeline of when Lily lapsed into suspended animation and when my mother stopped caring about the world around her really happened around the same time," Faora commented in a thoughtful voice. "Ursa spent a lot of that time in that meditation chamber, trying to possess Lily."

"The key word being try?" Harry asked and Faora responded with a nod.

"Yes she tried but obviously she failed, as it is a very imprecise process and she could only really influence her at night or when her mind was stressed," Faora stated as she flew next to Harry, getting closer to their destination. "Which I'm assuming happened fairly often considering the war that was going on around you at the time."

"You're saying the killing curse broke her mind?" Harry asked and Faora nodded.

"She was trying to possess Lily the night it happened, I'm sure of it, but her soul traveled into Lily's body," Faora stated as she thought about it. "If I may state a theory it seems as if that the Killing Curse kills one soul and thus it did not account for two. Adding to whatever ritual Lily used to protect you and give you the protections when you lived with….them, it must have destroyed her."

"What happened to her?" Harry asked and Faora smiled in a sardonic manner.

"When she found out that the General had his spirit stripped from his body and sent into the Phantom Zone, she managed to muster up enough emotion to off herself," Faora informed him but she seemed uncaring about this. "The bitch finally was gone from my life although Krypton was wrapping up around that time."

"So what is this training that I have to do?" Harry asked her, wondering what they would cover.

"Kryptonian history, Kryptonian sorcery, science, things that I only lightly touched upon in the dream scape, plus powers that I cannot teach you in there," Faora ticked off calmly. "Do not worry, you will be done by the time the Quidditch Cup happens and then you can head over to Castle Peverell. I doubt Lily will go anywhere."

Plus as Harry reminded himself, he might have to determine a way to revive her. The problem was that a case like hers was unprecedented; there was no Earth magic capable of reviving her. He scoured the Hogwarts library ever since Sirius told him what happened but found nothing because something like this had never happened before.

The two touched down to the ground.

"The training area is down here," Faora whispered to Harry, and the two of them entered the cave, flying towards the bottom.

No sooner did they hit the bottom but a passionate voice piped up with a finally.

Kara shot out like a blur and grabbed Harry, tackling him, before slamming him against the cave wall and capturing his lips with hers in a searing kiss that caused his toes to curl. There was only one thing for him to do and that was return it with equal fire and fury.

"Well, Kara's awake," Faora responded briskly.

Harry noticed.