Life does not usually lead people to the desired path even when the efforts are immense. After a death full of pain our character is reborn in a world of magic and fantasy but unfortunately he is in the worst place of all, he belongs to a family of Death Eaters.
Name: William Rosier
Age: 11
Wand: Elderwood, twelve inches, rigid. Incorporates two cores, the first of thunderbird and the second belongs to the heart of a fairy.
Family: Rosier
-Rosier Family
-Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
-Castelobruxo School of Wizardry
-Gryffindor House
-Pruna: the griffin that William won in the lottery.
-boil healing potion [100%]
-forgetfulness potion [90%]
wiggenweld potion [68%]
-flame protection potion [63%]
-Peace filter [72%]
-Numbing Potion [79%]
-Herbicide Potion [64%]
-Explosive fluid [59%]
-Wingardium Leviosa [90%]
-Tarantallegra [100%]
-Finite incantatem [70%]
-Rictusempra [45%]
-Nox [79%]
-Lumos [100%]
-Lumos Maxima [60%]
-Fulgari [55%]
-Alohomora [74%]
-Incendio [41%]
-Engorgio [30%]
-Reducio [26%]
-Petrificus Totalus [49%]
-Vulnera sanentur [42%]
-Anteoculatia [32%]
-Ascendio [5%]
-Atabraquium [28%]
-Avensegium [14%]