
Harry Potter and the White Death Eater

Life does not usually lead people to the desired path even when the efforts are immense. After a death full of pain our character is reborn in a world of magic and fantasy but unfortunately he is in the worst place of all, he belongs to a family of Death Eaters.

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102 Chs

Chapter 86: A possible heir

Shit" was the only word that came to William's mind at that moment, he had to find a way to avoid being grouped with the golden trio, he didn't deny that under other circumstances it might have been a good idea to be friends with Hermione as he should have been, but the thought of being close to Ron Weasley and Harry Potter made a knot in his stomach.

He was surrounded by students on all sides, Colin had pulled out his camera to take a picture, but Percy stopped him.

"Enemies of the Heir...next will be the Dark Blood," Draco laughed as he read the inscription, giving Hermione a meaningful look, "Who is the Heir, Potter or Rosier?"

"Which one it is, I think it should matter to you, the words detail exactly what the enemies of the heir should fear. The way I see it, if Potter is the heir, then you should be hiding between your father's legs, don't you think, Malfoy?" William smiled triumphantly.

"Rosier!" the Malfoy heir roared in annoyance.

William crossed his arms calmly, "What?"

"You...you...you...killed Filch's cat," Draco let out these words, then a confident smile appeared on his face, "you can't stay in the castle tonight, you'll have to go back to your homes, cast out like rats."

"Sigh..." William sighed wearily, "it is because of people like you that the holy 28 are a joke these days," he approached the cat and removed it from the lamp, "it is petrified because of the position it is in, it was taken by surprise while walking through the corridors, this is not magic for children.

"It's not for you to judge, Rosier," Percy interrupted this time, "I doubt Harry and his friends could do it, but you, on the other hand. I can't speak for you, only that you weren't in the dining room during dinner. The professors are on their way, they will be the ones to pass judgement.

William raised his shoulders, "As you wish, but you will have to swallow all your words one by one, Mr. Prefect."

Percy didn't change his expression even in the face of William's provocation, but other people in the crowd thought differently. Cho Chang was watching everything that was going on, looking at William among all the people present, another person who seemed more nervous than usual was Ginny.

Then the crowd of students started to disperse to make room for the higher ranks within Hogwarts, the professors arrived.

"What's going on?" asked Professor McGonagall, struggling to get to the front of all the trouble, then when she arrived she saw the writing on the wall and Filch's cat in William's hand.

"What happened?" she asked looking at William, but he just pointed at Ron.

"The Heir of Slytherin opened the secret chamber," everyone laughed at William's explanation, even the twins.

"What?" Ron was surprised, he looked at William angrily, "Your jokes aren't funny."

"Why not? If you were the Heir of Slytherin you'd be famous among the students and you'd fill the attention quota your family doesn't give you."

Ron's face was a mess, the truth was William had no intention of getting revenge for everything Ron and Percy had said about him, but the situation warranted it, he had to make the moment funny to avoid the whole problem of the Slytherin heir and the Muggle-born students.

"William, stop it!" Hermione was the one who intervened in the matter to avoid further teasing of her friend, William gave her a look and raised his shoulders, this was not the time to make a scene.

Professor McGonagall sighed wearily, glanced at the four children at the center of the problem and asked again, "What happened?"

Harry stepped forward to speak for those present, "We were walking down the corridor when we found this on the wall, and the cat was hanging from the lamp, it was... dead."

"Petrified," William corrected.

"My cat!" a cry came from the crowd of students, Filch appeared "My cat is dead" he took her in his arms, he was devastated, but then he slowly stood up and looked at Harry.

"You people," he shouted angrily, "you killed her!"

"N-no," Harry excused, "we didn't do anything to her, I swear. She was like this when we arrived."

"You lie!" the old man roared loudly, "I want them to pay!"

William laughed slightly, the corners of his lips quivering slightly at the situation, seeing that the expression on the golden trio's face was truly as the word golden says.

"No one's going to do anything, Argus," the solemn voice came from the other side, the Headmaster appearing.

Dumbledore saw what was written on the wall, dark memories flashed in his mind, "First of all, the students should return to their respective dormitories, prefects please."

"Gryffindor with me," Percy started to gather all the students, the trio had also taken a step to go with the group to their dormitory, but William didn't step forward and just stayed where he was.

"Harry, you have to stay, I need to talk to you. You too Mr. Rosier."

The four students gave their version of the events, the teachers listened attentively to everything, even so Argus Filch kept saying that they murdered the cat.

"Headmaster if I may speak I think the students were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, the problem is that I never saw Potter and Rosier in the dining room" declared Professor Snape.

"Severus" Lockhart interfered among all the professors "Harry was answering my correspondence, that's why he couldn't go to the dining hall."

Then the glares focused on William "They found out, I'm the heir of Slytherin."

"Stop talking boy, you embarrass us" The voice family reached William's ears "The boy was in the library until a moment ago, the headmaster is aware of this boy's devotion to knowledge"

"You are right Madame Pince" Dumbledore stroked his beard "This is not something a wizard of the children's age can accomplish, Mrs. Norris is only petrified, I understand that Professor Sprout has a production of mandrakes that may be useful in a few months when we can revive the cat, you need not worry Filch. As for this" I point to the words on the wall "We must prepare for any problems the castle may face"