
Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter AU A young man from our world wakes up as Harry Potter but with a big twist. He's not the famous 'Boy Who Lived'; that's his younger brother, Charles Potter. Armed with memories from his past life and all the Harry Potter stories he knows, he faces a magical world that's both familiar and full of surprises. This Harry is on a secret mission, using his knowledge to quietly change things from behind the scenes. It's a story about a hidden hero, making big moves, in a magical world full of adventures and challenges. Release Frequency - 1 Chapter/Day Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe. Support my work at - https://www.patreon.com/TalesByJaz

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241 Chs

Chapter 43: “Legacy of the Potters Part - 2”

Arcturus sat back, the chair creaking slightly under his weight. The light from the fire in the room danced in his eyes, making them shine with a mix of warmth and deep memories. 

"I had to engage in the war incognito, Harry," he began, his voice a mix of solemnity and a hint of regret. "The Black family name carried certain... expectations, a legacy that many thought would side us with Grindelwald. But my conscience, my very sense of right and wrong, wouldn't allow it. So, I fought hidden behind the mask of an Unspeakable, facing dark wizards without revealing who I was."

"I distinctly remember the day I saw Charlus on the battlefield for the very first time," Arcturus continued, his voice taking on a tone of admiration and respect. "Charlus was a sight to behold. He was formidable, an unyielding force against the dark wizards. His courage was not just evident, it was inspiring, instilling hope and bravery even in the most frightened of soldiers."

As Arcturus delved deeper into his recollections, the tale took a darker, more ominous turn. "Then, on one particularly harrowing day, I found myself unlucky, face to face with Grindelwald himself. The sheer aura of his dark magic was suffocating, overwhelming. Standing before him, I knew that I stood no chance against such formidable power." Harry could almost feel the palpable despair and fear that must have gripped Arcturus in that moment of reckoning.

"But then, as if ordained by fate, Charlus appeared. He was like a beacon of hope amidst the encompassing darkness. Charlus showed up just in time to save me, much like he did with Dorea back at Hogwarts. It's as if destiny chose him to be our guardian."

"He joined me and engaged Grindelwald in a fierce duel. His magic was a whirlwind of power and precision, a true testament to his skill." Arcturus's voice trembled slightly as if the intensity of that battle was being relived in his mind's eye.

"The duel was nothing short of epic. As it raged on, Grindelwald, in a fit of uncontrollable rage, cast a vile, life-threatening curse towards me. I was unable to evade it in time." Arcturus paused, his face clouded by the painful memory. "There I was, on the ground, in pain like I've never known."

Harry could almost see it: Arcturus helpless, Charlus battling the dark wizard fiercely. "But Charlus, recognizing me despite my disguise, did something remarkable. He risked everything. With a swift movement, he swooped in, shielding me from further attacks. Together, we retreated from the battlefield, narrowly escaping the clutches of death."

Arcturus's expression softened a rare glimpse into the emotions of a man who had seen and lived through so much. "That singular act of bravery, of selflessness, changed everything for me. It was then that I truly understood the depth of Charlus Potter's character. It was in the flames and chaos of that battle that our friendship was forged, a bond that was shaped and tempered by the very fires of war."

As the embers in the grand fireplace of Black Castle glowed softly, casting a warm, flickering light across the ancient room, Lord Arcturus Black continued to weave the captivating story of Charlus Potter.

The narrative now progressed to a pivotal chapter in Charlus's life, one marked by both love and defiance.

"The war, during a brief lull when Grindelwald shifted his malevolent focus towards MACUSA and the German Ministry, seemed to slow down, giving us a brief respite from its relentless pace," Arcturus began, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "It was during these quieter years, amidst a world still teetering on the brink of chaos, that Charlus and Dorea Black chose to unite their lives in marriage. Their union was more than a mere joining of two souls; it was a silent rebellion, a stand against the prevailing norms of our society. Their love was a beacon of light in the midst of the surrounding darkness," he said, a note of pride unmistakable in his voice.

Arcturus's gaze seemed to drift to a distant memory as he spoke. "During this time, they were also blessed with the birth of Fleamont, your grandfather. It was a period marked by sporadic skirmishes with Grindelwald's forces, but nothing that could overpower the indomitable spirit of Charlus."

The narrative then shifted, the tone growing heavier as Arcturus recounted the supposed end of the war. "The first news of Dumbledore's victory over Grindelwald brought a wave of joy and relief. But this was short-lived. We soon learned of Grindelwald's escape. The rumor was Dumbledore allowed it, unable to sever their past ties. It was a betrayal, a stark reminder of the sacrifices of those who had fought and fallen. This event turned many old wizarding families against Dumbledore. Since then, our trust in him has never been the same."

Arcturus's tone was heavy with disappointment. "The war intensified once again, and yet, Dumbledore hesitated to confront his former ally. He remained secluded in Hogwarts, even as the situation outside worsened."

Arcturus's voice grew heavy with disdain as he continued. "Charlus, however, couldn't stand idle amidst this turmoil. He took it upon himself to face Grindelwald. Their battles were the stuff of legend, each more perilous and taxing than the last. Charlus was pushed to his limits, his magical prowess and courage tested at every turn."

Harry listened, his admiration for Charlus Potter swelling with each word.

"But fate can be cruel," Arcturus added, his voice lowering. "Grindelwald, recognizing Charlus's growing strength, decided to eliminate him. In a moment filled with deceit, during a chaotic battle, Grindelwald disguised himself and struck Charlus with a devastating curse. The attack caught Charlus completely off-guard."

The aftermath of the curse was both tragic and profound. "Though Charlus survived, he was irrevocably changed. The curse left him with deep wounds that never fully healed. His days as a warrior, a defender of the light, were over." Arcturus's voice was thick with sorrow, echoing the pain of a bygone era.

Harry felt a deep pang of grief for the great-grandfather he never knew, a man whose life was a testament to unparalleled courage and sacrifice.

"After many years, Dumbledore finally stepped forward to defeat Grindelwald, but the victory came at a high price. Many heroes fell during those dark days. Charlus lived on, but he was a shadow of his former self, burdened by the curse's lingering effects. Dorea, his heartbroken partner, passed away not long after, leaving a legacy of love and loss."

The room fell into a solemn silence, the weight of the story hanging heavily in the air. Harry pondered the sacrifices and struggles of his ancestors, their lives indelibly marked by war, defiance, and resilience.

Arcturus concluded with a sense of profound respect, "Your great-grandfather, Harry, was more than just a wizard. He was a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope during our darkest times."