
Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

A young man reborn into his favorite world. He was granted some request after his death, but the problem was that the granter had no control over how those request were to be granted. Watch as he grows from a single boy in the dark to a protector who wishes to light the path forward for the magical world one step at a time. ———— I just couldn’t read other fanfics cause this idea just kept ringing in my head. It’s my very first time writing or posting anywhere. And I obviously don’t own any of the settings, but so what? I’m doing cause I felt like it and for the fun of it.

Alexander_the_grey · Derivasi dari karya
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206 Chs

Ch. 23 Greyback

On my way to Knockturn Alley I put on a proper cloak and added a glamour to my face so that no one would know even my fake appearance. Add in a notice-me-not charm and you're ready to visit the seedier side of the wizarding world. I also got Sol to let me shrink her to be in my chest pocket just in case, in exchange for her favorite food and some pampering of course. She'd do it without the rewards because we both care for and want each other to be safe, but she's my friend and I also want her to be happy, so in exchange for things that make her uncomfortable i give her things that make her happy.

I made my way through the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley to reach Knockturn. As I walked some people tried to test me by sending some weaklings to harass me. I let them only see my eyes. My eyes with the color of fire, and made them glow through the shade of my hood while giving them a dose of Legilimency for good measure. Two of the guys that came for me fainted and the the last one stumbled back in fear, fell and actually wet himself. It was really hard to hold back my excitement at how badass I felt as I walked away.

No one bothered me after that little display and I was safely able to find the White Wyzern. It was in one of the corners within the alley. Dark, dingy, dirty and depressing. There was no colors besides brown, gray and black present in this place, only people who lost their way and fell from whatever grace they once had, if they ever had any. So I walk up to the heavily tattooed bartender and ask for Geri. He looks at me for a second, hands me a key and tell me to head upstairs to room 4.

Would it hurt for anyone to liven the place up a bit. Or at least class it up. There are plenty of places in the world where very illegal things happen and look nice, but wizards tend to think that having an illegal profession means you have to live like a fucking bandit. I mean even Diagon alley isn't that clean and it's one of the most important places for the magical community in Britain.


Anyway, I made my way to room number 4 and casted the Homenum Revelio charm to know how many are in the room or hiding around the place. I also used my self created magic sense to have full view of everything in range, making it so that if anyone tries to rush to the room I'll be gone before they can do anything to stop it.

And so I enter the room to see three cloaked figures. Two were tall and large, standing behind a smaller figure sitting on a chair, waiting for me. And six outside hiding.

"It would appear that you are Geri yes?" I ask while closing the door behind me.

"And you must be Mr. Folster." Replied a woman's voice, with a bit of something else other than politeness in her voice.

I pull down my hood to reveal my older appearance. "In the flesh." Giving them a smile. "Now what can I do for three werewolves such as yourself? Although I have published that book, I do not believe I've ever had contact with any of you. It was just a belief and a lot of researching, never met many werewolves." I continued getting straight to the point.

"We need help. You say werewolves can live amongst everyone else and we want you to help with that. Prove you wish to help us." Was the cloaked woman's response in her proud voice.

'Ah, so that's it.' I thought to myself after doing a secret Legilimency sweep on her. 'She's isn't asking to for help. She's demanding it from me to prove I am worthy of collaborating them. Ha! Like I need to prove myself to this random werewolf chick just cause she showed up first. My plans to improve the treatment of people with lycanthropy will work fine with or without this woman. Plus, even if the original story didn't show everything, werewolves certainly joined Baldymort and no significant female character was one. The only important werewolf who fought against them was Lupin.'

"A lot of people 'need' help. So why should I help you? Someone i know nothing about. Who's face or identity I do not know. With motives unexplained. Goals unmentioned. And I won't mention the place you chose since I understand that you have limited options, but I will mention the other people you have hidden around the place and the fact that those two behind you seem to be ready to pounce any second., while I came alone as a show of trust." I replied dropping my smile and answering her in a purely business manner.

"You dare speak that way to our lady you fuckin-" and that was as far as the brute on the right got before I raised my hand and slammed him into the wall.

"Be quiet when I am speaking to your so called lady. She asked for a meeting to acquire my help and has shown me nothing to encourage me doing so. You are giving a worst impression of anything that would be mentioned." I say with clear venom in my voice.

The magic coursing through my body started to leak out and made the entire room feel heavy, making it hard for the three of them to breathe, as my eyes became like true flames again. "I am not the one here who is supposed to impress. You are the ones who were supposed to impress me." I declared in an absolutely cold manner.

I released the man, turn around as I let my pressure return to normal hearing gasps for air. I reach the door, grab the doorknob and without turning around spoke three words in a voice devoid of emotions. "And you failed."

With my declaration done, I pulled my hood up and headed out of the pub.

I felt a few of the people I tagged as werewolves following me and the rest rushing into the pub. I'm assuming they want to check if those three are still alive. With another sigh, I decided to lead the four following me to a more open area and wait for them to catch up.

As the four hooded figures approached me I kept silent. Slowly enhancing my already massive strength, speed, flexibility and reflexes. I have the explosive strength and speed of a Wampus cat, coupled with the strength of a Phoenix and it's stamina instead of immortality, boosted through magic, I believe I can shatter boulders without too much of a problem.

One of the figures steps up a bit and starts to yell at me in a snarling manner. "You reject our lady, insult her by doing so, risk her death and you think you can just leave!?"

"You asked for my help and then are surprised with rejection after I've felt threatened, seeing people try to force me to accept, while getting no reason to specifically help you or your group." I replied calmly. "Are you all incapable of actually thinking like grown men? If so, I will have to retract some of what I've published because you barbaric gits are proving me wrong."

The four figures snapped at what I said and prepared to rush at me. I mean these guys should be wizards but decided to rush me physically, are they stupid?

In response I used my enhanced strength to stomp heavily onto the empty street, causing it to shake and cracks form throughout, making the four trying to run at me to stumble and trip.

I then lift the loose stones i created with my stomp, transmute them into decently sized barbed harpoons and launch them at the fours legs. Three ended up pierced and yelled out in pain, whilst the forth managed to jump over the ones targeting him. Interestingly it was the one who yelled at me. But I simply sent a quick petrify-incarcerate-stun combo to completely immobilize him while he was in the air. Then I turned to the ones on their knees due to not being able to get my harpoons out and transmute the ground into chains before stunning them.

All in all, I think I did rather great for my first true battle. It wasn't against actual wizards, and it wasn't the full moon so their powers weren't all there, but for a soon to be 13 year old I think I did pretty badass.

"Now what to do with you?" I ask myself while tapping my chin. "Death or life? They attacked me for a stupid reason after asking me for help. So death then?"

"No! Please I beg you!" I then her the woman's voice yell at me again.

I turn to see the trio I had left behind with an additional two.

"Don't really think you're in a position to ask anything from me." I said off-handily.

"Please show mercy!" She implored

"You don't get it do you?" I said in a cold voice, looking directly into her gray eyes. "I don't fucking care what you want to do or achieve at this point. You've insulted, looked down upon, demanded and now threatened me. And you have the gall to try and appeal to my mercy now? That is what you should have almost started off with when your goon interrupted us."

She was stuck because it is precisely as I said. They asked me for help, then they acted like they were better than me, and finally actually trying to attack and claim his life.

"I will give you my life if you spare them." She finally said in desperation.

"Why should I care about your life?" I answered with no emotion. "You mean nothing to me and hold no value to me. If that's all either leave or try to save them and fall with these fool."

I had finished speaking with these arrogant idiots. It was time for me to clean up this mess and be on my way. I've already been out of the house for too long.

"What if I say my full name is Geri Grayback?" Yelled out the women in desperation.

I had paused. That statement didn't compute for a moment. But when it did, only hatred of that name emerged. And so my magical power and, for the first time, my bloodlust surged out of me. Every bit of hatred I had accumulated for those who would throw themselves with those inbred psychos was coming out, causing the remaining werewolves to step back in fear.

"You are related to that animal." I finally said as if the reaper judging a sinner.

"Th-That m-man will le-lead our p-people to their death if he con-continues. I want a dif-different path." Said the woman as she trembled before my gaze.

Her eyes then widened as she looked into the emotionless flames mine seemed to have become. She felt like her entire life was forced out of her brain, as her memories were dragged out piece by piece, until nothing was left to see. She was laid bare before the man and could do nothing to stop it. When it finally stopped, her legs collapsed under her.

I retracted the aura I was letting it out and everything became calm again. The werewolves were looking at me with absolute fear.

"Your life shall be mine now." I then declared. "You shall do what I order to fulfill my goals and when you have proven yourself I will let go of your chain. You will have the choice to continue helping me or leaving and living as you wish at that time. This shall be an unbreakable vow. Death for either if it is broken. Do so and all those present will be spared and you shall be involved in my efforts to change this stupid and rotting society." I held out my hand for her to take and vow.

"I swear that as long as you help the werewolf people you shall have my absolute loyalty and life." She answered, on her knees in front of me and holding my hand.

"Then so it shall be Geri Grayback. You shall meet me at the time and place specified on this paper tomorrow. No one else will come with you. My aide shall be with us. We will get you cleaned yo and looking respectable before my true business starts. Do you understand?" I ordered and confirmed.

She put her hood down, revealing a stoic woman, with messy and unkept raven black hair, steely grey eyes and determined expression. " I understand master." She then declared.

"Good." I simply answered. I removed my magic from and healed those I fought, then I left for my home.

'It was a busy day' I thought as my head was finally able to hit the pillow.

You finally get to see some of what he can really do. And don’t complain too much. If he went up against most professors he would still get beat up so to the skills and experience they have, but his magical strength is the real deal and his knowledge and practice make him pretty strong. He lacks experience and official training though.

Also created my own original werewolf character. Thought giving Fenrir a daughter who opposes him was a neat idea.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts