
New Beginnings

Hermione had just enough time to say, "Place Luna in Gryffindor next year" before McGonagall lifted the battered old hat off their heads.

The sorting hat's confirmation that they were married saw them greeted with total silence as they made their way over to sit beside Neville, as he congratulated his new friends the spell was broken when McGonagall announced the next name to be sorted.

The couple were then bombarded with questions, which they politely ignored in favour of watching the staff's reaction while chatting to Neville. Harry felt no pain in his head when Quirrell turned around so the chances were good his scar was just that, Snape's permanent scowl made it difficult to get a read on him while the normally serene Dumbledore appeared as if he'd swallowed a wasp. He had to be nudged when the sorting was over and just signalled for the feast to begin, the old wizard obviously had a lot on his mind.

Harry reckoned he would be paying a visit to the headmaster's office sooner rather than later, Dumbledore would be disappointed.

They had just finished their meal, Harry trying not to eat too much because his stomach wasn't used to it, when the headmaster stood and gave his beginning of term announcements. Once again they were reminded that the forbidden forest was in fact just that, and again the third floor corridor was deadly.

They found themselves being escorted by McGonagall in the direction of Gryffindor tower, being a prefect down and having a married couple in her house led to her taking responsibility. Harry wasn't sure if it was just for a chance to question them prior to Dumbledore's summons, they were adopting the headmaster's style of not telling lies but definitely not supplying the entire truth.

"Where did you two meet?"

"We met on our first day of school, we've been best friends for years."

"When did you get married?"

"Today on the train apparently."

This caused Minerva to do a double take before Harry continued, "We had intended to get married in the future but the ring I gave her means we were married today."

"How did you get a hold of that ring?"

Harry faked a look of puzzlement, "It's a Potter family ring, I'm head of the Potter family by being the only one left, why shouldn't I have my ancestor's ring to give my girl?"

McGonagall was now the one puzzled, "Mr Potter, where did you hear all this?"

"Our new friend Neville told us, why wasn't I supposed to know my rights?"

They had reached the Gryffindor portrait hole so she was spared from answering, after telling the Potters the password she led the pair further down the corridor until stopping at a suit of armour standing in a recess. "Charles we have two for the married quarters, you need to set a password that will allow you entry."

Quick as a flash Hermione offered "Australia!" McGonagall's quizzical expression prompted an explanation, "My family are considering moving there, Harry and I have already started researching magical schools to decide what part of the country suits us best. Some of them look fantastic and for us a warm Australian beach will beat a drafty old Scottish castle every time."

'Charles' stood aside, revealing a hidden door, they entered what appeared a cosy one bedroom flat with its own large bedroom, sitting area, bathroom / shower and compact kitchen, they could be quit comfortable here.

Minerva's mind was still on the password though, "Mr Potter would you really move to Australia? Your parents would have wanted you here."

"Professor, my entire life I have been told my parents were no-good lazy drunks who died in a car crash, you saying they would have wanted me to attend here means nothing to me."

McGonagall couldn't believe what she was hearing, "James and Lily Potter were two of the kindest and bravest people I've ever met, they are heroes in our world!"

"Yet their son ended up living in a cupboard, treated no better than a slave. If that's how you treat your heroes professor, then maybe you can understand why Australia appears so attractive an option to us."

Minerva had no answer, she'd told Dumbledore that night he was making a mistake leaving Harry there and now it would appear they could end up paying for it. Harry Potter leaving Hogwarts to attend another school would be a hammerblow to the prestige of Hogwarts and its headmaster. Albus wanted to talk to the boy tonight but she now thought that would be another huge mistake, although they appeared quite open she could sense that their answers were carefully considered before being given, not something she was used to with first year students.

Minerva had been asked by Albus to enquire if Harry had seen the Weasleys, she thought this was a strange request but then Albus wasn't exactly what you would consider normal.

"We seem to be missing a few students, they all have distinctive red hair, did you by any chance spot them in the station?"

"Is their mother a wee fat woman with an extremely loud voice and obnoxious bossy attitude?"

Minerva wasn't sure how to reply to that, "I've never heard her described that way before but it could possibly be, why, did you see them?"

"Well this woman in Kings Cross was shouting about muggles and platform nine and three quarters, she then grabbed me and started to drag me away. In school we're taught how to deal with that, you scream blue murder for help, so that's what I did!"

Minerva was almost afraid to ask, "What happened then?"

"Last I saw of the nutters, they were being led away in handcuffs by the police, I left to get on the train and find Hermione."

This was not how she envisaged her day turning out when she got up this morning, but it wasn't finished yet, Mrs Potter had one last shock for her.

"Professor as our head of house we are required to inform you if we leave the school, according to 'Hogwarts a History' as married couple this is our right. It is our intention to leave after our last class on Friday to spend the weekend with my parents."

Minerva could only nod, "Please give me that in writing after you receive your timetables tomorrow, I know this whole marriage thing must come as a bit of a shock, if there is anything I can help you with please don't be afraid to ask."

Minerva was the one in shock at Hermione's saucy answer, "Professor, this is our wedding night and I think we'll manage fine without any help."


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