
Harry Potter and the Legend of a Phoenix

A Phoenix has risen! A new prophecy is written, clashes among both sides, Anthony enters the fray. Will he save his new friends and so-called Phoenix? A young man who didn't achieve anything in his life was granted another chance. No one had really loved him in his past life and he didn't really have the chance to grow up. But after his death he was sent to a place he could start over again. The MC decides that he's had enough of having no impact in anybody's life and his willpower is reborn! Now he's in a new world with no clue to do except to become powerful. Follow his journey and watch how this young man leave his regrets behind and start anew! *Updates some of the earlier chapters so that the MC is more relatable and his logic is also a bit more logical. Overall I have bettered the MC, it’s clearer in the later chapters though, I still don’t want my MC to be an all-knowing God. I need some character development to keep it fresh. So this means the MC will not be OP from the start. *None of these characters are mine except the ones that are OC. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers.

TFDM · Derivasi dari karya
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37 Chs

Spirits II

(A/N): Wow, 100K views in 4 days. You guys are simply amazing. I don't know how to thank you. Yesterday we even were at spot. 111 on the power list. You guys are awesome and I want you guys to know it! Thank you for all your continued support and I'll try to keep up the pace. I'm definitely enjoying writing this story and I can't wait for you guys to see how it'll unfold. Thanks for joining me on Anthony's journey and have a good day!!! :)

Lycan turned to me and congratulated me for summoning a spirit. He seemed proud of me.

"Good job on summoning your first spirit! It definitely took me more than one try to summon one. But now I'll have you meet another spirit. The one I'm bonded with…"

Suddenly there flashed a brilliant light. It's like someone changed the brightness from the sun to its maximum. A Spirit was now standing opposite to me. It looked like a divine figure and was literally emanating light with a halo on its head.

Lycan was standing beside it and he had markings in his neck. They seemed to be runes of some sort. But the runes were emanating light. They were nothing like the rune I had gotten from Oni.

The figure finally spoke "Hello young child. I've been observing you from inside Lycan. You're an interesting one I have to say."

I tried to look at the figure but he was too bright. It was like talking to God except I had already spoken to God and he turned to be a boring ass ball. This spirit seemed to be much more interesting.

The spirit shook its head "Where are my manners, I'm Lux also called Apollo, God or any figure of light you can imagine. I'm a Godly Spirit, and that's because the sun always shines."

It was kind of strange that there was a spirit for the sun. I mean it's literally a ball of nuclear energy in space but maybe I shouldn't question these things. After all this is supposed to be a fictional world in J.K. Rowling's mind. But it's curious how the world expanded to even consist of things that weren't spoken of in the books. It's interesting but could also be troublesome. Who knows what kinds of enemies I could face with all these new people that weren't in the canon.

Something that also piqued my interest is that the spirit seemed strong, very much so. It could smite me and kill me in one try. I wonder how Dumbledore would stack up against these spirits? Was he contracted with any spirits or was his Phoenix a fire spirit of some kind?

So I inquired ''Why wouldn't the spirits just take over and kill the humans?'' The spirit chuckled ''Don't give me any ideas haha!'' Lux continued laughing for a bit until his tone became a bit more serious.

''You underestimate wand magic young child, Spirits all use their own energy to create magic but wand magic is limitless if you become strong enough. The only limit is Death and even Death can be tricked. Your most powerful wizards of this time, Dumbledore and Voldemort could easily battle us. Not kill us of course but leave us in a long slumber. But with lesser spirits you could just destroy their domain and they vanish.''

Lux looked at the river menacingly and if you would look closely you could see the river shaking, going out of it's bounds trying to run away. But after a few seconds Lux had his signature playful smile on his face and everything seemed to calm down a little. You could feel the temperature going up if Lux was angry or had any dark feelings.

''You can make any spirit scared if you threaten their domain.'' Lux laughed again. The goat water spirit rose from the water and shot a water bubble at the speed of light directly at Lux and said. ''Not cool man, I just try to go with the flow but you Godly spirits always toy with us.'' Lux easily dodged the water bubble ''Being weak is okay, but remaining to be weak is a sin. Water spirits always take it easy, only a select few are motivated.''

The goat water spirit sat beside me and put his watery arm around my back. I was drenched instantly. ''Look at him kid, looking down on us, we Advanced spirits don't have any say in what the Kingly and Godly spirits do. We should call for a revolution! The working class shan't be used anymore!''

Ah so the goat water spirit was a communist, interesting. But he did have a point. It was cruel to use lesser spirits just because they have a smaller domain or less power. I looked at Lux ''Why do you treat the lesser spirits like this.''

Lux sighed and calmed down. ''I can't help it, it's a command that's been put directly into our brain by the Life spirit and the Death spirit. They did this so we would only fight among ourselves and don't fight against wizardkind anymore.''

Lux seemed to be mournful of his actions. I already thought that Lux was acting a bit out of character but who would be able to control Lux. He seemed immensely powerful. I couldn't imagine how powerful Life and Death would be.

Lux continued ''The only thing we're able to do is form contracts with humans now. We're not able to fully fuse with them like we used to. Life and Death ought us to be too powerful. They feared if we would collaborate we would be able to shunt them off their thrones. Life and Death are selfish after all… They take and create what they want, when they want.''

Lux sighed and sat down to the left of me. The goat water spirit gave Lux the stink-eye but remained quiet. He was clearly also interested in Lux's story. I looked around and I now could see more, more animals in the air that I had never seen before. I guess Spirit energy broadens your magic sense. I could feel the magic flowing around me and the different kinds of magic that emanated from Lux and The goat water spirit.

The Light Spirit continued his story ''For example… The deathly hallows. Death had met 3 brothers when they built a bridge. He commended them for their ingenuity and gave them each a gift. The older brother asked for a wand so powerful that he could never be stopped. The middle brother asked for a stone to see his loved one again. The youngest one was probably the most wise, he asked for a cloak that even could hide from Death. Death reluctantly tore a part off from his cape and departed.''

Of course I had already heard this story in the books but it was interesting to know that Death wasn't an all-knowing being but a spirit that could be tricked like any other. Perhaps that's why horcruxes exist in the first place.

I cut off Lux's story ''How would you rank Life and Death among the other spirits.'' Lux shivered at my question ''I would say they are way beyond Godly, they've never made contracts with humans and barely show their presence anymore. The only ones I can still feel remnants off from Life and Death are Dumbledore and Voldemort. They are counter opposites, much like death. Voldemort wants to kill as much as he can, which Death wouldn't mind. The more people that are dead the stronger Death becomes...''

Lux paused for a second ''Dumbledore is not necessarily one who fights for the Life but he is in a conflict with Death. Life and Death are in an eternal conflict bound to repeat. They've had many wizards who embody their teachings but not one wizard has managed to fully understand Life and Death. For example: Voldemort relishes in death but still desperately clings onto his own Life. If he would fully let go he would be able to transcend his current form. The opposite could be said about Dumbledore. He fears Death, but not his own, he fears for the deaths around him. He is desperate to keep them alive but sadly fate doesn't work that way.''

That was an interesting concept. ''Would one be able to rise from his mortal body if they would leave behind their mortal necessities?'' Lux gave me a smile and put his hand on my shoulder. Immediately it felt like I was being put in a microwave. The sheer radiation that Lux discharges is immense. Luckily after a moment it stopped, it seemed that Lux noticed my discomfort and pulled his hand back.

''There's never been such a case, but… I think it's possible. Sadly humans are selfish and can't live without their mortal desires. For example: You are desperate for connection, you want to be loved by others, especially your family. You wish to protect them and won't be able to let them go when the time comes... '' Lux said ominously.

I shuddered, when the time comes? I'm not sure if I'm prepared to let go all that I've devoted myself to in this world. I wanted to protect them, even if that meant putting my life at risk. And I didn't mind, if that's what it took to protect them, then so be it.

''When the time comes I'll be ready. I'll be strong enough to twist fate into my own desires.'' I said passionately. Lux looked at me and chuckled ''Twist fate? If that's the case you need to become as strong as Life and Death, since they're the ones that decide fate.''

I nodded and shifted my weight nervously. I knew I had to pass my limits to twist fate. But if that's what it took then I would. I'd train as hard as I can and learn as much as I could to be able to do that. Because life is precious, and should be protected.

[Lucifer POV]

Meow! Meow, meow, meow! Nya! Meow >:(

----------------------------------------------- Translation ---------------------------------------------

My friend had left me all alone! I was just lying in our bed, relishing in the warm beams of the sun. And when I suddenly awoke he was gone! I couldn't believe he had gone away before petting me or telling me I was the best cat in the world! I shan't accept this, I must have my daily dose of pets! I shall find him until it's the last thing I do.

I ran past the female vampire that my friend calls 'mom'. She called for me but I ignored her. I had more pressing matters at hand. When I was outside I could distinguish his scent properly so I went after him… How dare he think he could run away before giving me pets.

[Anthony POV]

There was a heavy silence, I could feel it literally bearing down on me. Lux kept observing me closely and the goat spirit constantly tried to put his hands in my pocket to see if I had any booze in them. Suddenly a white fluffy wampus cat arrived, it was Lucifer! How happy I was to see a friendly face. But he looked strange, different. I concentrated and let the magic pour into my eyes. Once again I saw strange creatures flying in the sky, spirits, and little animals I had never seen.

There even was a spider spirit who was crawling on me ''Sup'' it said. I didn't really know what to say so I just said ''Wazzaa!'' The spirit spirit smiled and gave me the spider version of a fist bump and ran off into the forest.

When I focussed my gaze back onto Lucifer I could see something strange… He had an extra set of legs! Before I could only distinguish him from a cat because of the abnormally large whiskers and wide eyes he had, but now I could also see extra legs. Apparently he could cover his legs with magic so nobody saw. A nifty trick I had to admit.

Lucifer jumped on my shoulder and meowed loudly at me. He was clearly angry with me and even hissed me. I totally had forgotten about him and he clearly wanted me to make it up to him. So I scratched him between his ears and all was well. He rolled up into Lux's lap and purred heavily. Nearly shaking the entire forest around us. Lucifer clearly liked being into Lux's lap, Lux was very warm after all and a cat likes being warm.

Lyan interrupted my thoughts ''That's enough mucking about Anthony, I will now teach you how to contract lesser spirits. Maybe other Advanced or Kingly spirits won't form a contract with you, but Basic spirits are pretty easy to contact.''

The goat water spirit suddenly stood up. ''No, no, no. He should be taught by a spirit how to contract spirits! After all, I know the spirits here and could put in a good word for you. But in exchange, I'd like some booze.'' The goat spirit said defiantly. He clearly wasn't having it any other way.

Lycan sighed and held his head with his hand. He was reluctant to agree to his offer but did it anyway. I could see from his expression all the way from the beginning that Lycan wasn't sure how to teach me how to contract spirits. And this seemed to be a relief. ''Fine, Spirit, What kind of booze would you like?''

The water goat spirit huffed ''Malt whisky, and you can call me 'Amalthea' I'm a woman by the way!''

What? The he-goat was a she-goat? What a sudden turn of events! And if I'm not mistaken Amalthea is the one who's horn was broken off to create the Horn of Plenty, also known to be the Cornucopia. The water goat sure was older than I thought...

First chapter of the day! Life and Death huh, they sure seem like powerful spirits! By the way, I'm not planning to make Anthony instantly overpowered off the bat. If he would be like that he would overshadow the plot which is definitely not my plan. I want him to have some character growth so the story is more enjoyable for you guys. Anyways, enjoy! And have a good day!

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