
Harry Potter and the House of the Snake

[Completed/Dropped] By a strange twist of fate, or perhaps a schemed turn of time, Harry is sorted into Slytherin. Will the famed house be able to bring out Harry's untold potential? What new friends and adventures await him in the proud house of the snake? Follow the story and keep tabs on a Harry who has grown to differ not only in personality but also in abilities.

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24 Chs

Is still Evil!

"Potter and the basilisk are both missing, headmaster." Minerva McGonagall stated thoughtlessly as Dumbledore, suddenly enraged, asked: "How could you let them escape!?"

Flitwick uttered in defense: "It wasn't our fault. The boy was already fighting it when we saw them and it ran away into the lake. By the time we caught up, he had jumped in it right after it."

"If it's Harry, I'm sure he'll kill it and come back." Hagrid added with a glare from Dumbledore: "Not if he had released it himself."

The Hall went completely quiet. Only a few shispers could be heard. The students could not believe what their headmaster had said a moment ago.

After a moment, McGonagall asked as she looked down towards the floor: "How can you be so sure?" And earned herself a glare from the old professor.

"Well, either way; we will soon know about it. Horace, contact the ministry. We need to get those snakes out of the school." He ordered.


Walking back to the dungeons, Harry saw Draco on the stairway.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Malfoy stopped him urgently: "There are aurors on the front door."

Harry looked straight at him before realizing: 'So, it has started.'

"What is the situation in the Great Hall?" He asked Draco who answered hastily: "Filled with aurors too."

Harry turned to go back up.

"Wait, where are you going?" The blonde boy asked, genuinely concerned.

As Harry reached the landing, he shouted from upstairs: "To the Hall."

Draco felt like pulling his hair out.


"Witness for the defence, Dolores Jane Umbridge." Umbridge bowed slightly to the minister and asked: "Charges?" She smiled as if she had practiced it a 1000 times.

"The charges are that Harry Slytherin, knowing full well about the illegality of being aware about the chambers' location and the danger they hold, opened it deliberately, thus releasing a basilisk. So far, no deaths have been recorded but one first year student, Ginerva Weasley, is missing. Is that right, Dumbledore?"

The cryptic old man nodded as Umbridge began: "Splendid! Correct me if I'm wrong, Supreme Mugwump." She directed herself at him: "Surely you do not mean to say that the apprehender of the Dark Lord, the ambassador of muggleborn rights who has his best muggleborn friend at every party with him, that Harry Potter orchestrated an attack and released the monster destined to kill all muggleborns at the school?"

Dumbledore blinked.

"Surely headmaster, tell me that is not what you meant?" She smiled at him like he was a lost child.

"But it is clearly said that only the heir can open the chamber." Albus Dumbledore retorted as Dolores Umbridge giggled.

"May I ask what is your source on this information?"

Dumbledore had none. It was all just

"Rumors, aren't they?" She composed herself as she stood beside Harry.

"Worthy members of the jury, I think this case as an open and shut one. There is no evidence against the defendant. No witness who saw him open the chamber, and we cannot punish someone based on rumors."

Amelia Bones liked how it was going. But one thing was bothering her. It was Dumbledore's sudden hatred for Harry. She decided to think on it later and to first focus on the courtroom.

Dolores was now moving in a semi circle behind his chair as she reasoned: "It is also reported that as the news of the monster was conveyed in the Great Hall, Harry quickly went to subdue it."

"Is that right, Mr. Slytherin?" She looked at Harry who replied: "Yes. As soon as Rubeus Hagrid brought the news, I rushed to take care of it."

"And is it true, my dear, that Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbldooore... tried to stop you from doing so?"

"Yes, it's true."

"And is it true that you pursued the creature into the lake?"

"Yes. I went after it but knew that I could not kill it, so I came back."

Dolores Umbridge didn't say anything but looked towards each of the jury personnel before finally looking at the plaintiff himself: "I await your judgement." She crossed her arms.

"But what about the basilisk? Why did he not kill it?" Dumbledore raised a question.

"The boy has answered already, Dumbledore. And I can guarantee that the quality of out truth serum is top-notch.

Dumbledore clicked his tongue twice.

Without much debate, Harry was to be acquitted but because of the pressure exerted by many of the pro-Dumbledore jurists, the hearing was extended to the mid of October.

"I declare the case hearing adjourned until 15th of October this year. The plaintiff is suggested to gather proof against the defendant in the given time and failure to do so will result in the acquittal of H. J. P. Slytherin."


Im sorry for the small chapter but guys, ive got a hundred entrance tests coming up. Please co operate. (Next time itll be long, i promise)