
Chapter 69

Maybe there was some kind of sentimental value involved that he just wasn't understanding. A Vampire thing, perhaps?

Selene looked at him in honest shock.

"Harry," she said, her voice trembling in a way it never had before. "Do you really not get it?"

"No," Harry shrugged.

"Harry," she repeated. "You are a wizard whose magic is very potent. Magic is in the blood. For you to just give me blood to drink it's..." she paused, searching for the right words before shaking her head as she realized there were no right words to describe what had just happened. "It's unheard of. No wizard would ever willingly let a vampire drink their blood. That's like, one of the ultimate signs of trust you could possibly give a Vampire."

"Really?" Harry blinked, then shrugged. "I didn't know that." Then again, he did not know much about blood beyond it's effects in alchemy. And while he had heard of blood magic and had most definitely heard the dogma spewed by people like Draco Malfoy about 'purebloods' and how superior they were to normal witches and wizards, he did not know much about that branch of magic and had never put much stock into blood superiority.

"Would you..."

Selene squirmed a bit in her seat, her fangs worrying her lower lip. For some reason, this shy Selene made Harry's heart race just as much as the one who gave him those predatory smiles with half-lidded eyes did.

What a troublesome young lady.

"Would I what?" asked Harry.

"If..." Selene took a deep breath, seemingly to gather her courage. "Now that you know this, would you have still given me your blood if I needed it?"

"I don't see why not." At Selene's shocked face, Harry decided to elaborate. "I'm not like most wizards, especially most pureblood wizards, who is biased and prejudice against everything that is not considered pure by their standards. Nor am I like muggles, who are superstitious and have grown to fear things like Vampires and Werewolves out of a lack of understanding. I base my judgments on others by who they are, not what they are."

The Durlsey's had hated him simply for being a wizard. They hated him for what he was, not who he was. That, perhaps more than anything else, bothered Harry about his vile blood relatives. That unjust prejudice against someone who is different. It was the reason Harry had taken these beliefs on treating others based on who they are as people and not what race they belong to in the first place.

"I do not care that you are a Vampire. You could be an alien for all I cared. What matters to me is not what race you belong to, but who you are as a person," Harry continued, now only slightly aware of the way Selene was staring at him like he was the sole center of her universe. He was once again in one of his elements. That of someone who was giving a passionate speech. The politician, as Daphne once called it when they were speaking privately. "And you, Selene, are a good person from what I have seen."

For a long moment not a word was spoken between the two. Harry had already said his piece, and Selene looked like she was having trouble digesting his words. She had probably grown up being taught that witches and wizards would always hate Vampires because of they were, Harry mused, so to find one who didn't give two squats, for lack of a better term, was no doubt mind blowing.

"I... I see..."

Eventually, Selene did regain the ability to speak, as well as her previous composure. She gave Harry that same smile she normally did, however, this time there was something different about it. It looked like... gratitude? Yes, that was there, but there were other emotions as well. A good number of them that Harry could not quite identify because they were so jumbled together on her face. In her expression. Still, Harry felt he understood the gist of them, and they were generally revolving around gratitude towards him.

"You truly are a most interesting individual, amore."

"So I've been told."


"Ah! There you are, apprentice!"

Harry almost rolled his eyes at the overly exaggerated tone in his teacher's voice. As if the man did not know where he had been the moment he had arrived at the Flamel Estate. He had been eating out on the Veranda with Selene for the past two days, and each time his teacher had found him here. Logic dictated this was where he would be then.

Conclusion? Flamal was probably just trying to get on his nerves, like he always did.

Turning around, Harry and Selene both saw Nicolas and Perennelle Flamel walk out onto the Veranda.




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