
Chapter 16 – Staying with the Petersons, Narcissa comes to Hogwarts

Harry knocked on the white door in front of him, Sirius and Regulus were both at his side and both felt quite nervous as they had never been to a muggle house before. They would be staying at Ginny's house for the weekend, and Harry was hoping that he would get along with Ginny's parents. Not that it'd matter if he didn't but he preferred to, less drama that way.

"Harry" Regulus whispered "is there anything we shouldn't do when we get inside?"

"Yes, don't act like Sirius" Harry replied

"Hey" Sirius objected

"But just be yourself and don't touch anything you're not sure of"

"You ever been to a muggle house before?" Sirius asked

"Yep" Harry nodded

The door opened and Harry was greeted by Mr Peterson, who looked at the three of them. His gaze stayed on Harry for a few seconds longer, almost as if he was sizing Harry up.

"Hello" Mr Peterson said "your name is Harry, right?"

"Yes sir, I'm Harry Black" Harry answered "this is my brother Sirius and this is my other brother Regulus. Ginny had invited us other for the weekend"

"Ah yes" Mr Peterson nodded "come in"

The three brothers walked in to the house and began looking around, the cleanliness of it reminded Harry of Privet drive but this was different. The various pictures of Ginny and her family made it feel more loving, even the atmosphere of it screamed loving family.

The boys were lead inside, Mrs Peterson was watching TV along with Ginny. Harry smiled at Regulus and Sirius who had their jaws dropped at the sight of the television. Ginny smiled in amusement and Mr Peterson noticed their faces.

"Do you like it? It's the latest model" He said proudly

"Dad, they've never seen a TV before" Ginny explained "I told you that wizards don't use electricity"

"Really?" Mrs Peterson asked "I thought you were exaggerating"

"No ma'am" Harry said "we have magic so that gets rid of a lot of problems for us, and most wizards don't think the muggle world has a lot to offer. Forgive me, I'm Harry Black, we've met before. With me are my younger brothers, Sirius and Regulus."

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Mrs Peterson smiled "am I to understand that you're my daughter's boyfriend?"

"Yes ma'am" Harry nodded

"We'll have to have a talk about that" Mr Peterson said in what he thought would be an intimidating tone, but Harry and his brothers simply looked amused.

"Of course" Harry said "we'll just look around the house" With that the brothers left the room and started exploring.

"Dad" Ginny said "I wouldn't bother trying to intimidate Harry"

"What? Why not?"

"Because it may interest you to know that Harry is the strongest wizard alive" Ginny said proudly

"What? Him?" Mr Peterson looked at the door that Harry had left through, when he saw thought of Harry he thought that Harry was just some pretty boy.

"Yes, strongest wizard alive" Ginny nodded "he's already mastered wandless magic"

"Wandless magic?" Mrs Peterson asked curiously

"Yes, wandless magic is exactly how it sounds. Magic without a wand"

"Why don't all the magic people do it?"

"Because it's incredibly hard" Ginny explained "most adults can't do wandless magic and some can only do basic spells without a wand, while Harry can do any spell without a wand. Plus wandless magic can't be tracked by the ministry, so Harry is free to do magic whenever he wants"

"So he can do magic here?" Mr Peterson was getting a little bit worried, he didn't have a problem with magic but was unsure how he felt about someone he barely knew being allowed to do it in his house

"Yes but he won't if it makes you uncomfortable" Ginny said, she herself used wandless magic in secret all the time "did you know that he's also a genius? He invented a cure for werewolves"

"Werewolves?" Mr Petersons eyes widened, as did his wife's

"Yeah, he invented a cure for something that adult wizards have been trying to cure for centuries" Ginny smiled

Soon it was dinner time, Harry had offered to help but was told not to worry from Mrs Peterson who appreciated the offer. They all sat at the table, Mr Peterson sitting at one end of the table and Mrs Peterson sitting at the other. Ginny and the Black brothers sat in the middle with Sirius and Regulus on one side while Harry sat next to Ginny on the other.

"So" Mrs Peterson said "tell us about yourselves? Perhaps you first, Regulus, is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am" Regulus nodded "I'm the youngest brother, as you can probably tell, I'm going to start my second year at Hogwarts"

"Do you have any interests?"

"Yes, I like to read books. Normally school ones but I'll read anything, I'm also planning to try out for the quidditch team this year"

"Quidditch?" Mr Peterson asked

"The magical equivalent of football" Harry explained

"Yeah, I'm on the Gryffindor team" Sirius stated proudly "joined last year, Harry's on his houses team as well"

"Gryffindor? That's one of those school houses, correct?" Mrs Peterson asked

"Yes" Harry nodded "we have Gryffindor which is the home of the brave, Hufflepuff for the loyal and hardworking, Slytherin for the ambitious and cunning, your daughter is in Ravenclaw, which is known as the home of the intelligent."

"But, can't you be more than one?" Mr Peterson asked "can't you be ambitious and smart or loyal and brave?"

"Yes" Harry nodded "but you get sorted on your strongest trait, for example a poor person who wants to make money to prove themselves could be sorted into Slytherin for being ambitious or they could be sorted into Ravenclaw if they have a smart enough way to go about it. A brave person could be sorted into Gryffindor but if they think loyalty is more important they can go to Hufflepuff."

"Oh" Mrs Peterson said "how do you get sorted? Gwen said you're sorted by a magical hat"

"We do" Sirius answered "the teachers put it on us and it looks in our heads and decides where to put us"

"How...interesting" Mr Peterson said, not knowing how to react to that "so, Gwen has told us about all the classes you have at school, which are your favourites?"

"Mine is potions so far" Regulus answered

"I like transfigurations" Sirius smiled

"I don't have a particular favourite" Harry answered "but I do enjoy care of magical creatures"

"What are you planning to do after school?" Mr Peterson asked

"I'm going to go into business like my father or I may go into potions" Regulus answered

"I'm going to be an auror" Sirius said proudly

"An auror?" Mrs Peterson looked to Harry and Ginny

"It's basically a magical policemen" Ginny answered

"Ah" Mr Peterson said in understanding "it may interest you to know that I'm a muggle policemen, what about you?" Mr Peterson directed his question to Harry

"I'm undecided as of the moment, I've narrowed my options down but I haven't decided which one I want to choose"

"What are your options?" Mrs Peterson spoke "perhaps we can help you decide"

"Well, my first option is professional quidditch player" Harry replied "I have the ability to play professionally but nearly all professionals retire eventually and join the ministry. Plus I'm already more famous than I'd like to be, so having a huge bunch of quidditch fans chasing after me isn't my idea of a fun time"

"You know when you relate to someone?" Mr Peterson said "This is one of those moments when that's not happening"

"Fair enough" Harry chuckled "my other choice is teacher, which would be good if not for the fact that I don't like the current headmaster"

"Why not?" Mrs Peterson frowned

"He tried to read my mind" Harry answered "and that is about twelve types of illegal in our world"

"He read your mind? Illegally?" Mr Petersons jaw dropped "Gwen, has he ever tried to read your mind?"

"No daddy" Ginny shook her head "he wouldn't be able to do it anyway"

"Why's that?"

"The first being the fact that Harry had given me books on how to defend my mind and taught me how to do it, the second reason is because Harry took him to court over it"

"You took your headmaster to court?" Mr Peterson approved of Harry's choice "what happened?"

"It was awesome" Sirius grinned "Harry had gotten there and he realised that Dumbledore had the jury on his side, so he challenged Dumbledore to a duel"

"I thought that Dumbledore was supposed to be the world's strongest wizard" Mrs Peterson interrupted

"He was until Harry duelled him" Regulus spoke "everyone thought Harry was crazy for challenging the world's strongest wizard, especially because he was just a thirteen year old"

"What happened?" Mr Peterson looked at Harry and Mrs Peterson copied his movements

"I started dodging and blocking his spells" Harry did his best not to sound like he was bragging "then I let out a little bit of my magical energy to intimidate him, it worked by the way, so much so that he didn't notice my stunning spell him until it was too late"

"And now you have the true story about how my boyfriend became the strongest wizard alive" Ginny smiled "even though he downplayed it a lot"

"Anyway" Harry continued "enough about that, my other choice of carrier is to become an auror"

"I daresay you'd be good at that" Mrs Peterson said "I imagine that they'd love to have you working for them, what about your family? What would they like you to be?"

"Mr father would have liked me to join him, he's a businessman, he said I've got a good mind for business. I would but I don't find it interesting, my mother and grandfather are hoping I join him in politics"

"Politics?" Mr Peterson raised an eyebrow

"Yes, my grandfather is quite a famous politician" Harry explained "as the heir to the family I have to occasionally take part in politics anyway, but it's definitely not something I enjoy"

The group continued talking as they ate, Mr Peterson was slowly beginning to respect Harry, possibly even like him. Which was weird for him as he usually wanted his daughter to stay single for life, when she first told him she had a boyfriend he expected it to something that would last about a few months but they were still together.

Harry in Mr Peterson's view was very interesting, Harry was clearly the ideal guy for many girls and Mr Peterson could see that. Harry was handsome, rich, famous and powerful. But Mr Peterson was surprised by how humble the boy was, but what really made him respect Harry was the way he cared for his brothers. Harry was a family man, just like himself and there was nothing he respected more than a man who cares for his family

The next day the Petersons woke up to Harry and Ginny cooking breakfast together, they were amazed by the way the two looked completely in sync, they were even more amazed by the actual food. By the second helping Mr Peterson had decided that his daughter HAD to marry Harry just so he could serve more of that delicious food.

The weekend went great, everyone got to know each other, the Petersons learnt about the magical world while Sirius and Regulus learnt about the muggle world. They even went to a cinema which was great, Harry had to put silencing charms on Regulus and Sirius as the boys were too amazed by what they were seeing to stay quiet, but apart from that it was incredibly enjoyable.

Eventually they left the Petersons house, but Harry gave Ginny a quick kiss before they did.

"So" Mrs Petersons said once the three brothers had left "he's an interesting boy"

"That he is" Mr Peterson agreed

"Well?" Ginny spoke "Did you like him?"

"Oh yes" Mrs Peterson nodded "such a charming boy, good manners and not at all like what I expected"

"I know, I'm surprised" Mr Peterson added "a guy like him should be at least a little bit spoiled"

"Harry's never really cared about money or fame or that type of stuff" Ginny replied

"Do you think he'll invite you to his house?" Ginny's mum asked

"Probably not" Ginny shrugged

"Why not?"

"His mother doesn't like muggles" Ginny answered

"What? That's racist!" Mr Peterson exclaimed "how can they not like us for not having magic?"

"Dad" Ginny spoke "do you think that all muggles like wizards and witches? In the past they burnt them at the stake, nowadays some of them get abused by their muggle relatives. There was this one boy, he lived with his aunt and uncle after his parents died and they made him sleep in a cupboard and do all the housework for them"

"What?" Mr Peterson gasped "that's awful"

"Wait" Ginny put her hands up in front of her "before you go into policemen mode I'd like you to know that the situation was dealt with and they were taken to court" At least they were in their original lives.

Harry and his brothers spent the rest of the holidays being ignored by their mother, who looked like she wanted to say something but had refused to do so. Sirius spent an enjoyable week at the Potters house and was beaming by the time he had to come back.

Soon it was time for them to return to school, Harry was currently in an apartment with his two younger brothers and the three Black sisters. Narcissa had come with them as it was now her first year.

"What house do you think you'll be in?" Andromeda asked

"Probably Slytherin" Narcissa answered

"Good" Bellatrix said "you can join the rest of us, well apart from Sirius but that's only because he was idiotic enough to get sorted into Gryffindor"

"And what's wrong with Gryffindor?" Sirius challenged

"Nothing but you could have been with us if you had chosen Slytherin"

"Yes" Harry said "but Slytherin is a bad choice for Sirius, he wouldn't fit there as good as he does in Gryffindor"

"Harry" Narcissa said "Bellatrix told me to go to you if anybody bothers me, why is that?" Bellatrix and Andromeda suppressed a smile while Sirius and Regulus looked away to hide their amused actions

"I would 'deal' with them" Harry answered

"Deal? What do you mean?"

"Depends on how bad the person bothers you" Sirius answered "if they bother you enough they could end up hanging from the ceiling"

"They could end up thrown across the hall" Regulus added

"They could suffer through highly embarrassing pranks" Andromeda said

"They could break some bones" Bellatrix added her piece

"Aren't you all exaggerating a little bit?" Narcissa asked

"Cissy" Andromeda replied "we just told you things that Harry had actually done"

"Who did he hang from the ceiling?" Narcissa asked

"Lucius Malfoy" Andromeda answered

"Who did he throw across the hall?"

"Some Slytherin who insulted Harry's girlfriend" Sirius answered

"Whose bones did he break?"

"A few different people" Bellatrix said

"Wait, before I forget, who did he prank?"

"The headmaster" Regulus answered and Narcissa jaw dropped

"In my defence, he deserved it" Harry said in his own defence. The compartment door opened and Ginny entered.

"Hello guys" She greeted everyone

"Hi Gin" Harry pecked her on the lips as she sat down next to him "by the way, this is my cousin, Narcissa, she's Bellatrix's youngest sister"

"A pleasure to meet you" Ginny said to Narcissa

"Likewise" Narcissa responded "your name is Gwen Peterson, correct?"

"Yes but you may call me Ginny"

"Okay, 'Ginny'" Narcissa said as if she was testing the word in her mouth

The group talked for a while before they arrived at Hogwarts, once they got there, they took their seats at their house tables. Narcissa was sorted into Slytherin and gladly made her way to the table where she sat next to Harry who pulled her into a one armed hug.

Dumbledore made his speech but it wasn't like Harry was listening, soon the food came and everyone began eating. Harry noticed Lucius Malfoy glancing at Narcissa, he looked at Lucius and flashed his eyes a little to scare the boy off and it worked as Malfoy's face was now looking anywhere apart from at Harry.

"Does anyone else feel a bit cold?" Narcissa asked the group and everyone looked at Harry who was innocently eating his food.

"Little bit" Andromeda said "I wonder why, Harry?"

"Yes?" Harry looked up from his food

"You did the green eye thing again? Didn't you?" Bellatrix accused

"I may have" Harry admitted

"Well, who earned the displeasure of the green eyed monster?" Severus asked

"Malfoy" Harry answered "saw him looking this way and I thought I'd remind him that distance is his best friend when it comes to our family"

"Wasn't Malfoy the one you hanged from the ceiling?" Narcissa asked

"Not quite" Andromeda replied "he actually raised Malfoy to the point where he couldn't go any higher because the ceiling was in the way. But he only did it because Malfoy had insulted us and tried to attack us which is what caused us to be in that meeting where the headmaster tried to read Harry's mind"

"So" Bellatrix said "how do you think that the headmaster is going to want to talk to Narcissa?"

"Talk to me?" Narcissa repeated

"The headmaster has tried to talk to all of us" Andromeda responded "he waits until he has a good enough reason then he calls you into his office to have a 'chat'"

"You see, he'll pretend to be all caring and nice" Regulus took over "but what he really wants is to get to Harry. He'll either try to get you on his side so Harry will join him or he'll try to find out information about Harry from you"

"Why does he want Harry?" Narcissa looked at her eldest cousin

"Because he is Harry" Bellatrix answered "it makes a lot of sense when you think about it"

"Cissy" Andromeda spoke "Harry is the heir to the Black family, he is also the wandless wonder of the wizarding world, the creator of the werewolf cure, the world's youngest animagus and currently the strongest wizard alive. Who wouldn't want him?"

"Yeah, he'd be unstoppable with Harry at his side" Bellatrix added "he probably wants Harry to..."

"Guys" Harry interrupted "can we please stop saying the headmaster 'wants' me? It's giving me some disturbing images that I need to kick out of my head as soon as possible" Everyone took a minute to realise what he meant and realisation hit upon all their faces

"EW!" They all said at once

"What?" Narcissa was currently the only one who didn't get it "what are you talking about?"

"Nope, that's a conversation I am not having" Harry immediately responded

"Why not you? I don't want to do it!" Bellatrix exclaimed

"I don 't care who does it as long as it's not me" Harry replied "I will teach you spells, I will help you with your homework, I'll scare away all the bullies for you but I am not having that conversation"

"Fine, I'll do it" Andromeda sighed

"Thank you Andi"

"Will someone please tell me what you are talking about?!" Narcissa spoke, tired of being ignored.

"I will and I'll do it later in private" Andromeda calmed her little sister down.

The next day everyone went back to class as normal, Narcissa was on her own as she was the only first year in the family but she was making friends and spent time eating with her family so Harry wasn't really too worried about her.

Just before lunch Harry was walking through the hallway with Lily and Severus on each side of him, with Remus and Peter behind him. For some reason Harry had ended up giving James a piggy back and Sirius was now piggy backing on to James.

"Harry" Andromeda spoke as she came up to them "I...what are you doing?"

"Double piggyback" Harry gestured with his head to James and Sirius who just grinned

"Lovely" Andromeda said dryly "anyway, the headmaster has called Narcissa and Ginny up to his office"

"Oh" Harry groaned as he put James and Sirius down "what now?"

"Well, Narcissa and Ginny apparently hexed some upper year Ravenclaws and she's been sent to the headmasters office. Ginny has gone there as well"

'Harry, come to the headmasters office' Ginny's voice spoke in his mind

'Don't worry, I'm coming'

Harry sighed before walking up to the headmasters office, once he was out of sight he teleported directly to just outside the headmasters office. He pressed his ear to the door and listened in.

"Miss Peterson, be reasonable" Dumbledore's voice said

"No" Ginny's voice replied "Narcissa is not speaking until Harry comes"

"Surely there is no need of that"

"I believe there is, as Harry told you on numerous occasions that he is supposed to be present during all meetings with his family"

"My girlfriend is right" Harry entered, Narcissa and Ginny smiled from their seats while Dumbledore quickly masked his surprise

"Mr Black" Dumbledore said "I..."

"Did not call me" Harry interrupted "and you didn't call Professor Slughorn or Flitwick to come either, which is funny seeing as they are the head of both girls houses and should be present. But I will let this slide this one time, now go and conduct your meeting."

"I was simply planning to question Miss Black and Miss Peterson about an incident involving a few upper year Ravenclaws"

"Okay" Harry nodded "proceed, better yet, I'll ask the first question. What happened? Ginny?"

"Well Harry" Ginny spoke "I had met Narcissa in the hall then two boys came up and tried to flirt with me, Narcissa pointed out that I had a boyfriend and one of them told her to shut up. They then started threatening us and pulled out their wands but I disarmed them before they could fire then I hit them with the bat bogey hex"

"Well done" Harry smiled

"Thank you sweetie" Ginny smiled back

"Is what she said true?" Harry directed his question to Narcissa who nodded "good, in that case you're not in trouble"

"Mr Black" Dumbledore said "need I remind you that you are not a teacher and therefore cannot decide if someone is in trouble or not"

"Dumbledore, need I remind you that you are only a headmaster" Harry replied "you cannot call members of my family up for every incident, I know what you plan to do and it won't work. Right now the girls have told you their side of the story, I noticed that the boys in question are not here to defend themselves so until they argue otherwise this conversation is pointless"

"Mr Black they hexed fellow students, I cannot let this go unpunished"

"You can in this case, my cousin and my girlfriend are claiming self-defence and you have no proof that they did not act in self-defence. Do you have any witnesses that say they didn't attack in self defence?"

"No but..."

"So were you planning to punish the girls for defending themselves?"

"No" Dumbledore shook his head "I..."

"So why are they here?"

"I simply wanted to ask some questions and get to the bottom of what happened" Dumbledore answered

"Why did you call them here?" Harry asked

"What? I told you why I called them here"

"No, you lied about why you called them here, I want the truth"

"Are you calling me a liar?" Dumbledore's eyes hardened

"Yes, I am"

"How dare you?! I am the headmaster of this school and I will not be treated this way, you will not disrespect me like that"

"Dumbledore, believe me when I say I can disrespect you in ways a whole lot worse than that. But yes, you are a liar."

"What have I lied about?" Dumbledore replied

"Your reason for calling them up here" Harry responded "you have an excuse for doing so but you haven't told us you're actual reason. Last year there were at least five incidents that ended in hexing, that I know of, and you did not call a single one of those involved to your office for questioning. So, when you feel like telling the truth, call me and we'll have a discussion. Until then, this one is over, come on guys. Let's go"

Narcissa and Ginny stood up, and calmly walked out of the headmasters office. Harry turned and was halfway out of the door when he stopped, he looked to the headmaster and brought his right hand up to his chest height. Harry closed his hand slowly and the headmasters desk began changing shape, by the time Harry's fist had closed the desk was turned into a giant wooden ball.

"Don't mess with my family" Harry warned "that desk didn't do anything to me, what do you think I would do to you if you pushed me far enough?"

"Are you threatening me?" Dumbledore stood up

"Yes" Harry answered "I am losing my patience with you, if I find that one more member of my family is called up here for a stupid reason without my knowledge, then I will rain hell down upon you. I'll start with taking you to court and charging you with harassment against my house and I'll make it all up from there. Who knows what I'd do next? In fact, I don't even know, I get a bit out of control when I'm angry. Goodbye Dumbledore, stay in your limits and stay out of my way" Harry turned and left the office.

"Harry" Ginny said once he caught up to her and Narcissa "what happened?"

"I told Dumbledore that I'm getting sick and tired of him" Harry said "and I told him I'd take him to court for harassing my family if he continued"

"Is that all?" Ginny said with a knowing look

"Fine I also threatened him" Harry admitted

"Threaten him?" Narcissa's eyes widened

"I destroyed his desk then I told him that I don't know what I would do if I got angry, then I left"

"Mad but brilliant" Narcissa whispered

"Yes, he's mad and crazy but he's also brilliant and he's mine" Ginny kissed him on the cheek

"Thank you" Harry kissed her on her cheek "now let's go, I'll have to tell Bellatrix and everyone else about what happened before the whole school finds out"

"How do you know the school is going to find out?" Narcissa asked

"They always find out" Harry replied "always"

"It's a bit annoying actually" Ginny said

"Incredibly annoying" Harry agreed "by the way, those boys that you hexed, who are they and where are they?"

"Harry" Ginny sighed

"What?" Harry put on his best innocent look

"Don't play innocent with me, what are you planning to do to them?"

"Don't know, haven't decided yet, but I have to do something. I do have a reputation and they did mess with my family and my girlfriend"

"Just don't hurt them" Ginny said

"Fine" Harry rolled his eyes "I'll settle with public humiliation"

"Good, this is my corner, goodbye" Ginny left the group while Harry continued walking with Narcissa.

"That's incredible" Narcissa said "Bellatrix told me that Ginny was the only one who could tell you what to do but I didn't think she was telling the truth"

"She's just the only one I'm willing to listen to" Harry replied

The next day the two Ravenclaw boys entered the hall, they were a bit tired and were hoping to avoid those two girls. They felt even worse when they heard that the one of the girls belonged to the Black family and was Hadrius Blacks cousin while the other was his girlfriend. They mentally kicked themselves for not realising sooner.

They stopped thinking when they realised that everyone was looking at them, a few people were openly giggling and laughing at them. They looked at each other and backed up in surprise when they realised that their clothes had become see-through. They let out a cry and ran out of the hallway.

The marauders looked at who Harry looked back at the marauders and raised a glass to them. He glanced at the head table and saw Dumbledore who looked like he wanted to do something but chose not to.

Dumbledore sat at the table, thinking about his meeting with Hadrius Black. Not only did Hadrius see through his excuse he used to talk to the girls, he also destroyed his desk and threatened him. Dumbledore wasn't quite sure what to do with Hadrius Black, he was becoming a problem.

Hadrius was an enigma, Dumbledore couldn't understand how he possessed so much power and intelligence at such a young age. That much power in a teenager was impossible, wizards older than himself could not have that much power. The boy was a genius and incredibly powerful, he would make the perfect soldier but he could also make the perfect leader and that worried Dumbledore.

If Hadrius wanted, he could be a bigger dark lord than Tom could ever be, Dumbledore could stop Tom but admittedly he didn't feel he could do the same with Hadrius. Hadrius had beaten him at the age of thirteen and will continue to get more powerful, Dumbledore had to get him under control. It would be a shame to waste someone as talented as Hadrius, it'd be even worse if Hadrius went to the dark side.

Hadrius had apparently told people that he wished to remain neutral, this may have been acceptable to some but not to Dumbledore. To him, neutral meant someone who had not chosen a side and therefore a potential enemy and Dumbledore couldn't risk that with Hadrius especially since he could make the war way more easier for whatever side he joined.

Dumbledore began thinking of ways to get Hadrius onto his side, perhaps he could be honest with him, perhaps he could bribe him or offer him something of value. He would have to think carefully before the next time he approaches Hadrius.