
Chapter 12 –

Harry had dropped Sirius and the rest of his family off at their lessons, explaining to their teachers that they were in a meeting with the headmaster. Then he quickly made his way to his lesson.

"Hello Professor Flitwick" He entered the classroom

"Mr Black? You are late" Flitwick pointed out "Mr Greengrass has informed me that you were in a meeting with the headmaster"

"Yes I was" Harry nodded "the meeting had finished and I dropped my brothers and cousins off at their lessons and explained everything to their teachers. I was going to skip todays lesson seeing as I was already late but I enjoy it too much to do that"

"Very well Mr Black" Flitwick chuckled "take a seat"

"Thank you Professor" Harry smiled and sat down next to Lucy

"You're as charming as ever" She nudged him playfully

"What else would you expect me to be in a charms class?" Harry raised his eyebrow and Lucy groaned at the joke.

Later Harry was in his room and had written letters to his grandfather, father and even his mother. He had also written some for the magical law department.

"Kreatcher" Harry called and the house elf popped in

"Yes master?" The house elf asked

"Hello Kreatcher" Harry greeted the elf "I need you to do something important for me"

"Anything master"

"I have a few letters, I'd normally send them through owl post but I can't risk them being intercepted. First I want you to take this letter to the magical law enforcement department, then I want you to take the this one to my grandfather and then the next two to my parents. Don't let anybody else get take the letters, do you understand?"

"Yes master" Kreatcher nodded "Kreatcher understands, Kreatcher will do his best"

"Thank you" Harry handed Kreatcher the letters and the house elf popped away.

A knock was heard on his door, Harry magically looked through the door and saw Bellatrix, Regulus and Andromeda standing outside. He got up and walked over to the door and opened it.

"What's up guys?"

"Hello Harry" Regulus spoke "you know how you said before that you'd help us..."

"Help you with your spells" Harry finished "yeah I remember, come on in" Harry ushered them all in and their jaws dropped.

Harry's room was twice the size of the other Slytherin rooms, he had a desk, a king sized bed, a book shelf, a window with a water view as the Slytherin dormitories were in the dungeons which was next to the black lake. He also had targets on one wall, a pull up bar, and even a boxing bag.

"Wow" They all said at the same time

"You're room is way bigger than mine" Remus exclaimed

"That's because I made it this way with enlargement charms and a few other spells" Harry replied "now, let's get you lot to working. I'll start with the spells then I'll see Bellatrix's punch, so come on, Regulus I want you to disarm Andromeda and Andromeda you can disarm Regulus after."

Regulus aimed his wand at Andromeda and disarmed her, then he handed back her wand and she did the same to him.

"Hmm" Harry looked at the two "you're both good but you can do with some improvements. Regulus, you have the technique down perfectly but you need to work on your speed, whenever you have time I want you to practise the spell until you can do it in less than a second. Andy, you're good as well but you're exaggerating the movements a little.

We need to just improve your technique a little, we do that then soon you and Regulus will be able to disarm anyone. Keep practising with each other, I'm going to go check on Bellatrix, okay?"

"Okay Harry" They both said, Harry lead Bellatrix to the punching bag.

"Okay Bell" He said "show me a punch" Bellatrix nodded, she pulled her arm back and punched the bag. "Hmm, not bad but plenty of room to improve"

"Okay, so what do I need to do?" She asked

"Okay, first watch me. This is the punch that you did" Harry copied her punch exactly and the bag moved a little "now this is how I punch" Harry punched the bag so fast that Bellatrix barley saw it and the bag had begun swinging back and forth.

"Wow" She whispered

"Alright Bell, we need to work on your technique. If you punch wrong then you could end up hurting yourself, we also need to work on your speed and power"

"Um, Harry" She said "I'm grateful and all but is there much point in teaching me how to punch, I mean, we have wands"

"Yes you do" Harry replied "but what do you plan to do in a fight if someone takes your wand?"

"Oh, good point" She smiled sheepishly

"Besides Bell, this is perfect for you" He added

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if you like it or not, but you are a girl and that's what people see"

"What's wrong with being a girl?!"

"Nothing but that's what people see, they'll see a girl and they won't expect you to know how to fight. Your strength is in your magic but if they manage to disarm you then they'll think you're a weak and defenceless girl. That's when you'll surprise them by breaking their nose with your fist, understand?"

"Yeah" She lit up "oh, that'll be awesome."

"Yes it will" Harry chuckled "now show me that punch one more time and I'll help you improve it"

The three practised for half an hour under Harry's guidance, before they left the room. As soon as they did Kreatcher popped back in.

"Ah, hello Kreatcher" Harry greeted the loyal elf "how are you my friend?"

"Kreatcher is doing well master"

"Lovely, have you delivered the letters?"

"Yes master" Kreatcher nodded "Kreatcher has done everything master has asked"

"Brilliant, here have a chocolate" Harry tossed Kreatcher a chocolate "you need to eat more, you look underfed"

"Kreatcher is perfectly healthy master" The elf insisted but took a bite of the chocolate anyway, this was a long tradition between the two. Harry had been smuggling Kreatcher food for as long as the two could remember.

"How did my family react to the letters?" Harry asked

"Masters grandfather was furious, masters father had thrown a chair and masters mother had burnt a wall. Kreatcher was told to tell Master that masters family will be coming to Hogwarts tomorrow."

"Good" Harry smiled "inform Sirius as well, he'll need warning. I'll tell Regulus"

"Yes master"

"Kreatcher" Harry stopped the elf from popping away "finish your chocolate first" Kreatcher looked at the chocolate in his hand and smiled sheepishly.

"Yes master" The elf ate the chocolate before bowing and popping away.

The next day at lunch, Harry sat with Bellatrix, Andromeda, Regulus and Snape at lunch. Sirius sat with the Gryffindor's and Ginny sat with the Ravenclaws.

"Sirius" James said "what are you doing?"

"Huh?" Sirius turned to James

"You keep looking at Dumbledore" Peter pointed out

"Oh" Sirius smiled "that's because I'm waiting for the show"

"The show?" Remus asked

"Oh yes" Sirius looked back at Dumbledore "I'll tell you later but I am expecting something to bad happen"

"A prank? You did a prank without us" James accused

"Not a prank" Sirius shook his head "and Harry did it"

Before more could be said the doors burst open and three angry people entered. The first was Walburga Black who looked like she was resisting the urge to hex someone, next was Orion Black who had a look of barley contained fury and he was followed by Arcturus Black, the current Lord Black. And Arcturus looked absolutely furious, many of the students couldn't help but be afraid.

"Lord Black" Dumbledore stood up "a pleasure to see you, I..."

"I'm sure" Arcturus cut him off "I want to talk with you Professor Dumbledore"

"Now is not really the best..."

"Now" Arcturus said firmly.

Dumbledore was irritated, nobody talked to him like he was a mere boy yet this lord of a dark family did it. Dumbledore let a little bit of his magic flow out, the students were intimidated by the power they felt coming from him.

Arcturus felt a bit intimidated and was doing his best not to show it, while he couldn't beat Dumbledore he could at least give him a challenge. But before Arcturus could do anything Harry stepped in front of him and looked at Dumbledore, Harry slowly let out a little bit of his own magic and it eclipsed Dumbledore's.

Some people nearby felt their bodies become weaker, others came close to vomiting, but all were bloody terrified of the sheer power exhibiting from Hadrius Black. Eventually Dumbledore stopped and so did Harry, Orion was feeling particularly proud and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. Orion felt like his heart was going to explode when Harry smiled at him.

"Like my grandfather said" Harry spoke to the headmaster "now"

"Very well" Dumbledore replied "I will host this meeting in my office, you can guide your family there" Dumbledore slowly got up and walked out, the three Black elders turned and exited the halls.

"Sirius, Regulus, come on" Harry said and followed them, Sirius and Regulus quickly got up and followed. The three started walking up to the headmasters office.

"I'm very proud of you" Arcturus said to Harry

"Thank you" Harry nodded

"You as well" Harry said to Regulus, who nodded in thanks. Then he looked at Sirius "so, Sirius"

"Y...yes?" Sirius said a bit nervously


"Yes grandfather" Sirius said a bit more firmly

"Hmm, do you like staying in Gryffindor?"

"Yes" Sirius said immediately

"Are you doing well in school?" His grandfather asked

"We all are" Harry answered on Sirius's behalf "we're all within the top five in all of our classes"

"Hmm good" Arcturus nodded in appreciation "I'm proud of you, all of you" Harry looked at Sirius who had his jaw open, he gently shut it and Sirius snapped back into reality.

"So" Orion spoke "that redheaded Ravenclaw I saw, was she the girl you spoke of?" He asked Harry

"Yes" Harry replied "her name is Gwen Peterson, informally she is known as Ginny"

"Well, she certainly is a pretty one" Orion said "what do the two of you think about her?" He asked Sirius and Regulus

"Oh, well she's really smart" Sirius said "and she's funny and she's really kind"

"She's also very good at magic" Regulus added

"Yeah" Sirius said in agreement "she's always in the top five of every class"

"Really?" Orion raised an eyebrow

"Yes" Harry answered "if you all were willing to get over her heritage then we could gain an incredibly smart member of the family"

"You think she'd agree to marry you?" Arcturus asked

"I'd bet my life on it grandfather" Harry replied "and we both know that I don't bet, I win"

"True" Arcturus conceded, he had never won a bet against his grandson. He lost count of how many galleons he had lost over the years, that's why he had stopped betting with Hadrius. Though he kicked himself for into realising that it was a bad idea to gamble with a boy who gained half a million galleons the first time he betted.

Soon they arrived at the headmasters office, Dumbledore was sitting in his chair and two other teachers were there. Professor McGonagall was there in her position as deputy headmaster and Professor Slughorn was there as he was Harry's head of house.

"Lord Black" Dumbledore spoke "how may I help you today?"

"You can help me by telling me what the hell you thought you were doing by trying to read my grandsons mind" Arcturus growled

"Now, Lord Black, I'm sure this whole thing is a misunderstanding." Dumbledore said calmly

"A misunderstanding?!" Walburga snapped "How is trying to read someone's mind a misunderstanding?!"

"I did not read your sons mind" Dumbledore lied

"Are you calling my son a liar?" Orion asked with an edge to his voice

"No, I am simply saying he must be misunderstood" Dumbledore replied "young Hadrius was probably feeling emotional during our last conversation and..."

"Last conversation?" Arcturus interrupted, he turned to Harry "What happened during your last conversation"

"I assure you it's nothing" Dumbledore spoke

"Well" Harry spoke as if he had never heard Dumbledore speak "Regulus defended himself along with Bellatrix and Andromeda against Lucius Malfoy who they claimed had insulted them and pulled a wand out in a threatening manner. The result was Malfoy being thrown into a wall, Sirius notified me about the incident and I found out that they were all being sent to the headmasters office.

Me and Sirius insisted on coming with them, in the meeting I had to remind Dumbledore that Mr Malfoy had received no official punishment despite threatening three members of an ancient and most noble house."

"Now listen here" Dumbledore tried to interrupt

"It's my belief" Harry continued "that Dumbledore was planning on lecturing or punishing them and letting Malfoy go free. I then asked the headmaster why members of my family were called to his office after every minor incident while members of other families don't get called up despite being involved in far more serious incidents."

"No Sirius" Regulus whispered to Sirius who seemed to be resisting the urge to make a joke about his name

"And then?" Orion prompted

"I told the headmaster I didn't like him singling out my family" Harry replied "he tried to read my mind and I kicked him out of my head. If you need witnesses for the event in question then you can ask my brothers, Bellatrix, Andromeda and Professor Slughorn"

"Professor" Orion turned to Slughorn "is what my son claims true?"

"Well" Slughorn spoke nervously "I was just witnessing the conversation when I saw Dumbledore fly back off his chair, I have no experience with legilimency other than direct attacks with wands so I cannot say for sure about if that is true or not"

"Hardly matters" Harry smiled

"Why is that?" Dumbledore asked

"Because I sent a letter to the department of magical law enforcement as well" Harry smirked "expect a court summons soon"

"Mr Black" Dumbledore spoke

"Yes?" All male members of the Black family said at the same time, before they all looked at each other and a small smile made its way on their lips

"Mr Hadrius Black" Dumbledore amended "surely this is not necessary"

"I think it is" Hadrius replied "knowledge is power and if you're trying to forcefully extract it from my mind then you should be stopped. How many minds have you read? You appeared to have gotten overconfident, I presume you believed that 'nobody would be able to beat the great Albus Dumbledore'."

"Either way" Arcturus spoke up before Dumbledore could say anything "I will be taking my boys with me for now, they'll return after your trial has finished but not before that"

"But Lord Black, they must participate in their exams" Dumbledore objected

"And we will" Harry spoke confidently "if the trial date is close then they'll likely just miss one or two exams, we'll take them to the ministry to do their exams there and I will tutor them so they can pass. I'm more than capable of doing so"

"That's not possible" Dumbledore said

"Is it not?" Harry smiled "Professor McGonagall? Professor Slughorn? What do you two think?"

"I think it's possible" McGonagall answered

"Minerva?" Dumbledore was surprised

"Albus it's common knowledge that Mr Hadrius Black is a genius" She replied "the boy eases through his class and could probably take his owl exams if he was of age. I'm sure he could teach his brothers"

"Oh yes" Professor Slughorn agreed "the boy is a genius, in fact Mr Black has actually invented his own potion."

"What?!" Dumbledore blurted out in shock as everyone looked at Harry

"It's true" Slughorn smiled "he invented a new potion and had me check it and send it off to make it official, it'll be public knowledge by this time next week"

"You invented a potion? What potion?" Dumbledore asked

"It's a surprise" Harry smiled "you can find out just like everyone else, you're not special"

"You didn't tell us!" Walburga shouted

"I was going to surprise you" Harry shrugged "either way it proves my claim that I can teach my brothers enough for their end of year exams."

"True" Arcturus nodded "now come on boys, we're leaving"

The Black family left the headmasters office, leaving a thoughtful headmaster. Dumbledore always knew that Hadrius was smart, he always did get the best grades but to invent a new potion at his age was remarkable. Add in to the fact that he was the world's youngest animagus and a master of wandless magic and Dumbledore's desire to have Hadrius under his thumb increased.

The boy would be perfect if Dumbledore could get him under his control, he needed to make sure that Hadrius either stopped getting so popular or at least became his apprentice and give him credit.

As the Black family made their way down the hallways, they were talking about what had happened with the headmaster. The adults were furious, looking into the mind of a minor was a humongous crime, especially one of an ancient and noble house.

"Harry" A voice called out and they stopped, Ginny was walking to them.

"Ginny" Harry replied as he walked forward "come on, I'll introduce you to my family" He whispered in her ear.

Ginny nodded and grabbed a hold of his arm, the two walked over to the Black family who were looking thoroughly surprised. They were told that this girl was muggleborn yet she walked with all the grace of a pureblood.

"Mother, father, grandfather" Harry spoke when they stopped in front of them "I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Gwen Peterson"

"It's an honour to meet you" Ginny gave a small bow

"Yes" Arcturus spoke up "you as well, my grandson tells me you are a muggleborn, yet you seem more behaved than most pure-blooded girls your age"

"Yes I am" Ginny nodded "he has been teaching me the proper behaviour required when conversing with wizards with a status as high as your own"

"Hmm" Orion raised an eyebrow "has he?"

"Yes sir" Ginny answered as politely as she could

"What else has he taught you?" Orion asked

"He has taught me some spells sir, basic ones like stunning and disarming. He has also given me book on hexes, I've learnt quite a few."

"What types of hexes?" Walburga asked, speaking to Ginny for the first time

"Painful ones" Ginny said with a small smile and before Walburga could stop herself the small smile appeared on her face but she quickly hid it.

"You are aware of our family opinions on mudbloods" Walburga asked slowly

"Mother" Harry warned

"No, it's alright" Ginny spoke "yes Lady Black, I am very aware of your opinions and I intend to prove you wrong."

"Do you?" Walburga drawled "well, I look forward to the day"

"As do I" Ginny replied

"What are your attentions with my son?" Walburga asked

"I intend to have a relationship with him" Ginny answered "and if it blossoms into something more then I intend to marry him"

"Ginny" Harry spoke "me and my family will have to leave for a few days"

"When will you be back?" Ginny asked

"I don't really know" Harry admitted "but I'll see you then"

"You'd better" She warned playfully

"I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you two"

Harry kissed her on the lips, they made it quick as everyone else was still watching. Ginny waved goodbye and left.

"So that was the girl you chose?" Arcturus asked "I must say, she's not what I imagined you'd pick for a wife"

"What did you imagine? A boring but pretty pure-blooded girl?"

"No" Arcturus shook his head "I expected someone a bit more mad"

Soon came the day of Dumbledore's trial, the entire Black family attended along with many other important pure-blooded families. Dumbledore had chosen to represent himself, Harry didn't really care either way. The Black family lawyer was currently unavailable as he had been injured the day before.

Harry insisted on representing himself as well, more for the sake of the injured lawyer than his own. It took a bit of arguing but eventually his family let him do it, his father had argued that there was nothing he couldn't do so it wouldn't really matter if he wasn't a trained lawyer.

"Silence" The judge ordered and the trial began

"Ladies and gentlemen" Dumbledore spoke "I assure you that this is all a big misunderstanding, Mr Hadrius Black was simply a bit emotional and..."

"I'm willing to be questioned under Veritaserum" Harry shouted out before the crowd could get fooled by Dumbledore's words. "Are you willing to do the same?"

"Now, is that really necessary?" Dumbledore asked

"I believe it is" Harry responded before looking at the judge "I'm willing to undergo questioning under truth serum, and provide a pensive memory of the event in question. What about you Dumbledore, are you willing to do the same?"

"Now really" Dumbledore said "there is no need for this Mr Black, you've simply made a mistake. If you drop this matter then I promise you that you'll not be punished and I will not hold this against you"

Harry was about to respond when he realised that everyone was soaking in Dumbledore's words, he also realised that there were more Dumbledore supporters than in the crowd than neutral or dark supporters. Dumbledore must have made it that way, if it was a fair trial Harry would have won but this was not fair. It was then that an idea struck him and an evil grin appeared on his face.

"Uh oh" Sirius and Regulus whispered

"What is it?" Orion asked, gathering the attention of Walburga and Arcturus

"Hadrius looks happy" Regulus pointed

"Which means something is going to happen" Sirius explained

"Any idea on what?" Arcturus asked

"Probably something big" Sirius guessed

"And mad" Regulus added

"I demand a duel of truth" Harry announced and everyone's jaws dropped.

"When I said big I didn't mean that" Sirius whispered

Everyone had a right to be shocked, while duels of truth were not specifically banned, they hadn't been used in a thousand years. Multiple members could be seen trying to check if they were still allowed. Another reason for the shock was the fact that Albus Dumbledore of all people was the one being challenged, duels of truth had fallen out of fashion due to the injury and death rate. And to challenge Albus Dumbledore, even if you were the wandless wonder of the wizarding world was ridiculous.

A duel of truth ended whenever a participant was dead or unable to continue, the winner would be able to force the loser to answer their questions truthfully and do one thing for them.

"Mr Black" The judge said "are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes" Harry replied "it's within my right to demand one"

"Mr Black" Dumbledore spoke "this is getting out of hand, this is unnecessary"

"I think it is" Harry responded "especially when most the people here are in your favour, this trial is not fair and you know it. If you win then this trial then you get your questions and your one favour, if I win then I get the same. Do you agree or are you too chicken?"

"Very well" Dumbledore sighed "I agree to participate in this duel of truth with Mr Hadrius Black"

A light shined between the two, the crowd began whispering as the two took their positions to duel. Dumbledore was actually quite glad for this, he'd be able to teach Hadrius Black some humility and make himself look good. Perhaps Hadrius would then look up to him or ask for training.

"Prepare yourselves" The judge's voice echoed throughout the courtroom. Dumbledore took his stance, but Hadrius did not. He didn't even take out his wand.

"What is the boy doing?!" Walburga hissed to her husband who had began hoping Hadrius did know what he was doing.

"Begin!" The judge shouted

Dumbledore quickly fired a stunner at Harry, Harry merely raised his hand and swatted it away. Dumbledore was shocked but quickly followed up with a body bind curse which Harry dodged, Dumbledore fired a blue light at Harry who quite literally blew it away.

The crowd were stunned at Harry's casual attitude when fighting the supposedly greatest light wizard of all time. Dumbledore was furious and fired a barrage of spells at Harry who dodged or blocked them all with his hands. Once Dumbledore was done firing he looked at Harry who hadn't even broken a sweat.

"Aren't you adorable?" Harry smirked "well, now...now is my turn"

Lightning sparked from Harry's fingertips, it soon began travelling all around his body and was zipping all around him, but this was just the start. Wind began racing around the room, papers and quills were flying. The temperature dropped, everyone felt like a dementor had just entered the room.

Harry slowly began releasing a little bit of his power, little by little it was pushed out and the effect was clearly visible. Many members of the court had lost function in their limbs, water rose out of cups, sweat poured out of foreheads. Each and every one of them felt like death had come to their door, Harry pushed his magic towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore started off shaking, which soon turned into trembling, first he lost feeling in his hands and dropped his wand, he could barley hear it land on the floor. Dumbledore's legs gave out next, and he dropped to his knees, he had never been more terrified in his life. Looking into those green eyes in front of him, was truly the most terrifying thing he had ever experienced.

Suddenly everything stopped, the room turned to normal and Harry's eyes reverted back to grey. Before anyone could say anything Harry aimed a finger at Dumbledore and fired a stunner which hit the old man in the chest, knocking him unconscious.

"Well" Harry clapped his hands together "looks like I've won"

Nobody in the audience could speak, one member had actually been removed to go and have a healer check his heart. Silence crowded the room for ages before two voices broke it.

"WOO" Sirius cheered

"Go HARRY!" Regulus clapped

"My brother!" Sirius proclaimed proudly

"Ah...yes" The judge had regained his senses "it...appears that you've won"

"It appears that I have" Harry smiled "now excuse me" Harry aimed a finger at Dumbledore and the old man jolted up into a sitting position.

"What happened?!" Dumbledore began looking around frantically

"I beat you" Harry smiled

"NO!" Dumbledore shouted "That's impossible! There was no way you could've beaten me, you must be using dark magic!"

"Is magic dark?" Harry asked "magic is magic, intentions are good and evil, just like people. Let's not blame magic for your loss, but to satisfy you, I didn't use any illegal or evil magic. Now, I won, therefore under the terms of the truth duel, I ask you the following questions: first of all, did you try to read my mind?"

Dumbledore tried to not answer, but he couldn't. His mouth was moving on his own, he was about to try and lie when he lost control of his tongue.

"Y...yes!" Dumbledore shouted

"Have you been singling out my family?" Harry asked


"Why?" Harry asked his third question

"You, I wanted you!" Dumbledore answered "You're the strongest child I've ever seen and you would've been perfect as my apprentice. With you at my side my popularity would have grown twice as big and I would've been even more famous"

"No more questions" Harry said and a light flashed, signalling that Dumbledore could talk freely again. "But, I'm not done with you yet"

"W...what?!" Dumbledore blurted out

"Truth duel" Harry smiled "I got the truth from you and now you have to do something for me, anything I want remember."

"What..." Dumbledore growled "do you...want?"

"Simple, all of your money" Harry smirked

"NO!" Dumbledore shouted "you can't..."

"I can" Harry interrupted "and I am taking all of your money. I have an account at Gringotts that's only open to me and my brothers, I expect the money to be put in that account by this time tomorrow." Harry then turned to the judge "your honour, I have gotten the truth out of him. It's your job to punish him, now if you don't mind. I'd like to leave, me and my family are tired"

"Uh...yes...yes of course. You and your family are permitted to leave" The judge said quickly, he wasn't about to argue with the demon child that was in front of him.

"How kind of you" Harry bowed "good day to you sir" Harry turned and was about to walk out when he heard a voice.

"Wait" Dumbledore called "what are you?"

"If you wanted to know" Harry looked at the headmaster "then you should've won"

Harry looked away and walked out, the Black family followed him a few minutes later. They quickly made their way home before anyone could say anything.

"That was awesome!" Sirius shouted in joy "You beat Dumbledore, you actually beat Dumbledore!"

"It's amazing!" Regulus exclaimed

"My brother beat Dumbledore!" Sirius shouted as if he was trying to tell the world

"Yes, yes" Harry ruffled their hair "now go upstairs, I'll be with you in a few minutes and then we have fun"

"FUN!" Sirius's raised his hands in the air and ran upstairs, Regulus chuckled and followed after.

"Hadrius" Orion spoke "we need to have a talk"

"Of course father" Harry nodded "let's have it in the kitchen so my brothers don't overhear."

"Ah of course" Orion nodded, Harry and the three adults made their way to the kitchens

"Kreatcher" Harry called

"Yes master" The house elf entered

"Please go upstairs and ask my brothers if they want to eat anything"

"Yes master" The house elf nodded and popped away

"Did you actually say please to Kreatcher?" His grandfather asked

"Yes, I'd think after all the things he does for the family he'd at least deserve polite behaviour from us"

"It's a house elf" Walburga pointed out

"And HE is capable of wandless magic" Harry retorted "he's also the sole reason this house is habitable, I'd be more appreciative mother, in the muggle world they have no house elves or magic and house work usually falls on women." Walburga paled slightly at the thought of cleaning the entire house by hand.

"So" Arcturus spoke once they'd all sat down "would you like to tell me what happened in court?"

"Yes" Harry replied "I challenged the old man to a duel, won and then I forced him to commit his crimes and took away his money."

"My first question is about this new account you appear to have" Arcturus replied "why is this the first we're hearing of it?"

"Because you never asked" Harry replied "I made the account before my first year at Hogwarts, the day I rescued my brothers in Diagon alley to be precise."

"Why did you make it?" Orion asked

"Just in case" Harry answered "I don't agree with a lot of the things you've told me to believe, things like muggleborns are beneath us and stuff like that. I knew we'd have disagreements in the future but I never knew how far they'd go, so I set up the account in case any of you ever decided to kick me or my brothers out of the family"

"How much money is in that account?" Orion asked, Harry was pleased to notice that there wasn't any greed in his eyes, just curiosity and pride

"I'm not sure but enough to get by for a while, could probably last a good few years"

"Where did you get the money from?"

"The Black family has three children and three trust vaults, me and my brothers put half of our trust vaults in the account each year. Plus I've made money from other stuff as well, and I've added it over the years."

"What 'other stuff'?" His grandfather asked

"Many things over the years, I've charged people money for me to complete their homework for them as an example. During my first year I challenged a lot of the higher year students to duels and had them bet money, there was also the money I had won from Hugo"

"I thought that it was put in the Black family account" Orion said

"No" Harry shook his head "the money was given to me, you all told me to get Kreatcher to take it to the bank but you didn't me to tell him what to do with it once he got there. I told him to have the goblins put it in a small vault I had just brought with a portion of the money, then once I had made the account we're currently discussing I transferred the money into that account.

I had that vault left over so I sold the rights to a muggleborn family that I had met and then added their money into the account. I've also made and sold various toys at Hogwarts throughout the years, that plus I've been making notes for the other students. I sell them anonymously to the owl and newt students as they are the most in need of them."

"You're selling notes for owl and newt students?!" Orion's eyes widened in surprise

"Well, it's not like it's difficult" Harry shrugged then continued "I've also sold any second hand things that Sirius or Regulus can't or won't use and that includes clothes, toys and once Regulus has finished his first year it will also include school books.

Also, that potion I made will get me quite a lot of money when the potions society buy it off me"

"Bloody hell" Orion breathed "Son, do you want to work with me? A mind like yours is valuable for businessmen like me"

"No thank you father" Harry politely refused "not my sort of thing, but if you ever need any help or advice or even a different perspective then feel free to ask"

"This potion" Walburga spoke "what is it?"

"Simple, it's a cure for a very serious disease" Harry answered

"What disease?"

"This is a secret, I can't tell you" Harry replied

"Why not?!" Walburga demanded

"Because I plan to personally gift it to a friend of mine and I don't want anyone to find out before he has been gifted it"

"Very well" Orion said before Walburga could reply "now how about you tell us what you were thinking when you challenged Albus Dumbledore to a truth duel?"

"I was thinking something along the lines of 'this will be entertaining'" Harry answered honestly "the court was made up of Dumbledore supporters, it didn't matter what I said. They would've let him off lightly anyway, so I figured it'd be best to stop wasting time. Plus this way I truly damage Dumbledore"

"Go on" Arcturus said softly

"Dumbledore is a man concerned with power and fame" Harry continued "his reputation was damaged because he was beat by a teenager while my reputation improved because I beat him and because of that the Black family is now going to be more respected and feared than ever before. As for power, I simply reminded Dumbledore that there is always someone better, nothing more and nothing less"

"You could've lost" Walburga replied

"I could've also painted his beard pink" Harry responded "let's not waste time on what I could've done and let's celebrate what I have done. He tried to read my mind, I kicked him out and cost him his money and pride. You all benefit from this as the boy who defeated the great and mighty Albus Dumbledore is a member of your house. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired and would like to go to sleep. Good night" Harry stood up and bowed before he left.

"That boy would make a great businessmen" Orion commented

"Businessmen?" Arcturus scoffed "Please, that boy is going to join me in politics, he's perfect for it. Never seen a more Slytherin mind then that one"