
Harry Potter and the Bonds of Blood

On the day of the Wizarding World’s greatest victory, a single person was left mourning her loss. With her newborn child sleeping safely in her arms, she wailed as she saw the state of her late husband who died saving her and her newborn child from the monster who plunged her home into darkness. She left England with her son. Aware of the prophecy that was not yet fulfilled and knowing that the danger would be upon her son once more, she left, hoping to bide her time and prepare herself and her son. ============================================= So… Big AU story, as you can tell from the synopsis. I’m planning on maybe scaling things up somewhat in terms of power levels while also trying to keep up with the original story. I’m also going to be adding in some details that will not be canon so don’t expect the story to be completely in line with the original story. Though I’ll try my best to keep the fanon to a minimum. Oh and as usual, a whole lot of sex. A bit of a different dynamic from what I usually write, but it should be fun. It’s technically gonna be a no-harem story, but not exactly. You’ll understand when you read it. Give it a go if you want. And I have a habit of doing quite a bit of Slice of Life. So the story progression is going to be a bit slow at the start. ============================================= Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes. If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters there. www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Derivasi dari karya
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26 Chs

Bonds of Blood 0018: Gabrielle’s Request

After a particularly fun couple of hours that ended in quite a bit of their fluids splashing on the floor, Harry and Fleur were lazily cuddling on the couch without any clothes. Fleur was sitting on Harry's lap with her legs folded together and had them resting on his other thigh. Her hands were wrapped around him and her face was buried in the crook of his neck. One of Harry's hands was resting on the small of Fleur's back as he rubbed faint circles while the other hand was stroking her thigh.

"'Arry…" Fleur asked him lazily without raising her head.

"Mhm?" He asked.

"Why do you call me a succubus?" She asked.

"Because you literally are a succubus," He said with a smile gracing his lips as he tilted his head and rested it on Fleur's head, mixing his brown hair with Fleur's sliver.

"I got that much, dummy. What is a succubus?" She said without much weight in her tone.

Harry chuckled, "I know what you mean…" He gave her thigh a little squeeze, "Succubi are creatures from muggle folklore. They are considered sexual demons that suck the lives of men through sex." He gave her a basic rundown of what a succubus is according to the tales of folklore that his mother used to read to him when he was a child.

"What?" Fleur pulled her face away and looked at him with a sad expression, "You think I will suck your life?" Her eyes almost seemed to be tearing up.

"What?" Harry smiled wryly, "Of course not. I call you a succubus based on how beautiful and sexy you are. Plus you are a Veela, literally a creature in conjunction with mystical beauty that men can get hooked on. I wouldn't be surprised if the succubi demons in those folklore tales are actually referring to Veela." He explained to her before kissing her nose gently.

"I could never hurt you…" She said in a childish and whiney tone as she kissed his chin and buried her face back in his neck, resting and enjoying his scent filling her nose up.

An hour or so later, "We have to leave," Harry said to her.

"Can't we stay for a while longer?" She asked lazily. She didn't want to get dressed.

"It's already sundown, your mother will get worried." He said as he looked up at the ceiling that showed the real night sky, having been turned 'transparent' by him at some point.

Fleur groaned annoyedly, "You and your logical arguments." She blamed Harry.

She got out of his embrace and walked around the section that was still walled. The walls had a view of the top of a mountain at night. She grabbed her and Harry's clothes which were thrown carelessly to the sides before pulling her wand. She cast a cleaning spell to get rid of any dried remnants of their fluids from the clothes before handing Harry's clothes to him and quickly getting dressed.

She didn't feel like giving him a show since he'd made her leave her favorite place, "Let's get going," She said with an annoyed undertone.

Harry just smiled amusedly and summoned the room's control orb into his hand before making two of the walls disappear, revealing the room as it was before.

"I think we should take the orb." He said as he shrunk it to the size of a marble and put it into his pocket.

"Why do you get to keep it?" Fleur put her fists on her waist and looked at him confrontationally.

"You can have it. I don't mind." Harry just threw it at Fleur who instinctively caught it, losing all her momentum.

"Nooo…" She whined, "You're supposed to fight me for it." She stomped her foot and threw it back at him, making Harry laugh.

"I know. That's why I didn't." He caught the orb that she hurled at him and grabbed her arm, pulling her down the stairs "Let's go home."

When they walked out of the room and entered the outer library, Harry was struck by an idea, "I wonder…" He pulled out the orb and looked at it for a few moments.

"What is it?" Fleur asked him curiously.

"This whole place is a two-person thing… What's the deal with a single orb?" Harry asked rhetorically and pulled out his wand, "Geminio." He cast the Doubling Charm on it.

At that moment, the orb turned into two orbs, the other was promptly caught by Fleur who examined it.

"I don't think that was your basic Doubling Charm, 'Arry…" She said, noticing that the orb seemed much more real than something that was magically doubled.

"I didn't actually need to cast the spell. It could double on its own. We just needed to tell the orb to double itself." Harry confessed.

"Oh, cool, I get my own orb now… Here." Fleur handed the orb to Harry who took it back with a confused expression.

"It's for you though." He said while trying to hand it back to her.

"I know, that's why I'm giving it to you." She nodded and smiled at his perplexed expression, "I don't have any pockets. You can just hold on to it for me until I need it."

"All this work for nothing…" Harry grumbled and made the second orb disappear back into his orb before putting it in his pockets.

"You were the one who abruptly started trying to double the orb," Fleur said with a shrug. She acted like she hadn't just wanted to fight Harry for the orb a minute ago. She didn't actually care about the orb and just felt like arguing with him for a bit at that time.

Harry just laughed tiredly at her antics and they got out of the now-cleaned mansion, they then Portkeyed back to Fleur's home.

"Mama, we're home…" Fleur called out as she entered her home. Harry meanwhile was being hogged by Gabrielle who wanted to talk to him about something.

Apolline came out of the kitchen and said, "You're just in time, dinner's just about ready. Help me set the table, Fleur."

"Sure." Fleur agreed and went to help her mother.

With Harry and Gabrielle, "I can't cast spells very well…" Gabrielle told him with a whiney tone.

"It's okay, honey…" Harry rubbed her silky hair, "You've just started school, it's normal for you to need time to get things right. It will be a while until you can cast spells as well as your mom or me or Fleur." He said in a gentle tone.

"I get that, I already knew I would need time to catch up to sis, but I'm bad even compared to my classmates…" She said while holding the hems of her clothes.

Harry narrowed his eyes, "Did someone bully you or say something to you?" He asked in the same gentle tone.

She shook her head, "No, everyone knows what happens when they get on your bad side." Gabrielle cutely giggled.

"You're a smart ass, aren't you?" Harry said as he started tickling her waist. In no more than a few seconds, she was awash with laughter as she fell over on the couch trying to beg for mercy.

When Harry freed her, she spent a few minutes recovering and asked, "What's a smart ass?" She asked innocently.

"Oh…" Harry was tongue-tied, "It's something you shouldn't say." He said with a serious tone.

"Then why did you say it?" She asked while curiously tilting her head.

"Because… I'm older. When you're as old as me, you can say these things too." Harry said with a tired sigh that was mixed with confusion, helplessness, and a tiny bit of dread.

"I see." Gabrielle nodded thoughtfully, "Can you teach me spellcasting? I don't want to lag behind the people in my class." She said imploringly.

"Sure, no problem. We'll figure out what your issue is and then we'll fix it together." Harry agreed easily. He didn't mind helping her out with something so simple.

"Pinky Promise?" She asked while extending her pinky toward him.

'"Pinky Promise," Harry amusedly smiled and crossed his pinky with hers, "Though why didn't you ask Fleur or your mother? I'm sure that they were more accessible for you."

"Mama's busy with other things and Fleur bullies me…" Gabrielle pouted before continuing, "And I finally have a reason to play with you."

"You don't need a reason to spend time with me. You can just come to me whenever you want." Harry laughed and pulled the girl into his arms.

"Dinner's ready, come to the dining table kids," Apolline's voice made Harry try to get up, but Gabrielle was hugging him for dear life.

"Gabi…" Harry called her out after she didn't let go of him for a while. He tried to pry her arms open, but she resisted vehemently.

"I want to keep hugging…" She said in a whiney tone, "You're warm…"

"You're just as spoiled as your sister if not more…" Harry shook his head and held her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he stood up.

When Harry went to the dining table and sat with Gabrielle in his lap, Apolline interjected, "Harry has to eat his food too, Gabrielle. Sit on your own seat." She said sternly.

"No." Gabrielle lashed out, "I don't want to let go."

"Gabrielle!" Apolline said in a stern tone that demanded obedience.

Hearing Gabrielle's whimper, Harry added, "It's fine, Mrs. Delacour. I don't mind. And indulging her wishes every once in a while is going to be good for her…" He laughed and rubbed her head as she looked at him with starry eyes.

"You spoil her too much, Harry…" Apolline shook and served the food for Fleur.

"Thank you, Mama…" Fleur said with a giggle as Harry served himself another dish.

"Can you feed me, 'Arry?" Gabrielle asked Harry with puppy eyes.

"You're 10, you can eat your own food," Fleur said snidely.

"You're just jealous that he's feeding me and not you." Gabrielle showed Fleur her tongue and hugged Harry tighter.

Harry coughed at his current situation and said, "I'll just feed the both of you." He didn't want dinner to devolve into an argument between the sisters. Because their argument almost always ended up with them physically fighting.

Apolline saw how Harry gently fed both Fleur and Apolline alternatively while not eating anything himself. She felt a little stuffy in her heart as she looked at the three of them, 'Do you see them, my husband? You chose such a nice boy for our Fleur…' She thought to herself.


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