
Harry Potter and Great Old One

follow Achille story into the world of magic. This world is not as simple as it appears on the surface. Great dangers lurk in the darkness, waiting for the slightest breach to slip through. ------------------------------------------------------------ this world is more powerful than the original. . Feel free to criticize. no harem. no system. --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: All rights except my oc's belong to J.K Rowling

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chapter 7: So, is this magic?

Achilles has been aware of his powers for six months now, ever since his father helped him unlock them. He has spent countless hours experimenting with his abilities, pushing the limits of what he thought was possible. Achilles was still hesitant to reveal them to his friend Emmy. He didn't want to risk being ostracized or treated differently because of his abilities

Despite his reluctance to share his secret, Achilles couldn't help but feel like he was living a double life. During the day he went about his normal routine, attending classes and hanging out with friends, but at night he would retreat to his room to practice his powers in secret. It was exhilarating to have this newfound power, but it also made him feel isolated from those around him.

Physically, Achilles had undergone some changes since discovering his powers. He had grown stronger, his muscles more defined from all the training he had been doing. His eyes seemed to have a new intensity to them, and his movements were more fluid and controlled. He couldn't help but feel like a different person altogether, and it both excited and frightened him.

At first, Achilles struggled to control the intensity of his powers. He would often accidentally apply too much force on an object, causing it to break or shatter. But with time, practice, and guidance from his father, he was able to develop better control over his powers.

One day, while helping his father at the forge, Achilles found himself bored with the menial task of lighting the coal. As he stared at the pile of coal, he wondered if he could use his powers to light it instead of using a match or lighter. Focusing intensely on the pile, he summoned all his concentration and willpower and directed his energy towards the coal.

To his surprise, a small spark ignited, followed by a small flame that grew bigger and bigger until the entire pile was alight with a blazing fire. Both Achilles and his father were astonished at what they had just witnessed. They had never known that Achilles possessed the power to create fire, let alone control it with such precision.

Despite his mother's initial concern, Achilles continued to practice and hone his abilities in secret. He spent hours each day experimenting with the fire, trying to push it to its limits and see what he could do with it.

Achilles was fascinated by the power to control fire. Trying to shape the flames into different forms. At first, he struggled to control the flames, and it seemed like they were controlling him instead. But as he continued to practice, he gained more and more control over them. He could make the flames dance and twist like snakes, or form them into intricate shapes.

But one day, when Achilles' mother caught him practicing in his room with the fire, she was furious. She scolded his father for not explaining the dangers of his powers to their son and for not being more careful.

Feeling guilty, Luc sat him down and talked to him about the importance of using his powers responsibly and not showing them off in front of others. He explained the dangers that came with his new abilities and told him how important it was to keep them a secret from the outside world.

Together, they created a set of rules that Achille would have to follow while practicing his powers, and they agreed to keep it between themselves. From that day on, Achille became more cautious and practiced his powers in a controlled environment, away from prying eyes.

With the guidance of his father, Achilles began to delve deeper into the mechanics of his abilities, seeking to understand the nature of his powers and how he could continue to control and harness them. Together, they spent countless hours researching and experimenting, attempting to create a comprehensive theory that could explain the origins and limitations of his abilities.

They delved into ancient texts, modern scientific research, studying everything from the properties of matter and energy. Slowly but surely, they began to piece together a framework that could help them understand how Achilles' powers worked.

Achilles also discovered that his emotions played a vital role in manipulating this energy. They hypothesized that emotions could help facilitate energy conversion, enabling Achilles to control it more effectively. The more they explored, the more excited they became about the possibilities of this energy and its potential applications.

With practice and training, Achilles can learn to control his powers without relying on strong emotions. The key to achieving this level of control is intense concentration and focus.

As they worked, Achilles' passion for understanding his abilities only grew, and he began to see them not as a curse, but as a gift. He marveled at the incredible potential that lay within him, and he knew that with his father's guidance and support, he could unlock new heights of power and understanding

Luc recalled the theory of the fire triangle while lighting the forge. It suddenly dawned on him that there might be a connection between this theory and Achilles' magic. They began to explore the idea further, and eventually, they realized that the principles of the fire triangle could be applied to Achilles' magic. However, in the case of magic, these components are replaced by different factors.

Through their research, they discovered that the fire triangle's three elements - heat, fuel, and oxygen - could be replaced by different factors in Achilles' magic. Heat could be replaced by emotions and intention, fuel by his inherent magical power, and oxygen by his control. This meant that Achilles needed to maintain control of his emotions and magical power, just as a fire needs to be kept under control to prevent it from burning out of control. As they delved deeper into this idea, they realized that the key to mastering Achilles' magic was to follow the laws of the Fire Triangle.

Therefore, to control magic, it is crucial to maintain concentration and focus, and Achille must learn to harness their emotions and channel their intentions effectively. Through training and practice, they can master their power and control it even without strong emotions.

Ever since Achilles began practicing and honing his magical abilities, they've observed an interesting phenomenon. The garden surrounding their home has transformed into a bustling sanctuary for various types of animals. Birds of all colors now perched on the branches, rabbits hopped about freely, and even foxes would occasionally make an appearance. It was almost as if the garden was enchanted, and the animals were drawn to the magical energy emanating from Achilles. His parents were amazed by this development and couldn't help but wonder if Achilles' powers had somehow tapped into the natural world.

As Achilles continued to hone his magical powers, those around him began to notice a change in his aura. It was as if he was becoming like a flame himself. When he was calm, his aura was soft and comforting, like a gentle fire on a cold winter's night. But when he became concentrated or enervated, his aura changed drastically. It became intense, like a raging inferno, suffocating those around him with its power.

His mother in particular was becoming increasingly concerned. She had always been protective of her son and now, with the added knowledge of his powers, she feared that he might be in danger.

His father, on the other hand, was fascinated by Achilles' transformation. But even he had to admit that the changes in Achilles were becoming more and more pronounced.

His friends, once close, are beginning to distance themselves from him. Even at his beloved boxing club, he feels like an outsider, as his entourage changes and he struggles to connect with those around him. However, his coach remains by his side, offering support and encouragement.

Worse still, even Emmy, his closest friend, has begun to change. She's grown more distant, less interested in the things that once brought them joy. As much as Achilles tries to ignore it, he can feel the widening gap between them, and it scares him.

Despite the potential risks, Achilles continued to experiment with his powers, pushing himself to new heights of magical ability. And with each new discovery, his aura grew stronger, like a wildfire that could not be contained.

Achilles had been feeling anxious about his friendship with Emmy, and he knew he needed to talk to her.

He decided to wait until he saw her at school, and as soon as he spotted her in the hallway, he walked up to her

Achilles felt a knot forming in his stomach as he approached Emmy. He didn't want to lose her like he had lost Jack and he didn't want their friendship to be ruined. As they sat down, he could feel his palms getting sweaty and his heart beating faster.

"Emmy, we need to talk," he began, trying to sound as calm as possible.

Emmy looked at him, concern etched on her face.

"What's wrong, Achilles?"

He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I've noticed that you've been distant lately and I'm worried that it's because of me."

Emmy's face fell.

"I'm sorry, Achilles. I've been meaning to talk to you about this. I didn't know how to tell you."

"I have to move," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"we're leaving at the end of the month."

Emmy reveals that her family had to move to another city due to her father's job, and that she had been struggling to come to terms with the idea of leaving Achille and their friends behind. She expresses her sadness and worry about having to start over in a new place, and assures Achille that their friendship will always remain important to her.

Achille listens to her with empathy, understanding how difficult it can be to move away and start anew. He expresses his support for her. They spend the rest of the day reminiscing about old times and making new memories, cherishing the time they have left together before Emmy's departure.

Achilles felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Oh, okay. I'm going to miss you, Emmy."

Emmy smiled sadly at him.

"I'll miss you too, Achilles. But we'll keep in touch and we can always visit each other."

Achilles nodded, feeling grateful that their friendship wasn't ending because of his change. He knew that he still had a lot to learn about controlling them.