
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

predicate · Derivasi dari karya
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50 Chs

the journey continues

IIIII realize protested "Hmm, it does make sense somehow," Cho said with some disappointment on her face, maybe because she did not realize it sooner.

"How about you! What house will you put yourself if you are the sorting hat?" asked Marietta.

"that my dear will be hard to answer. but I can choose any house I want."

"What kind of answer is that!" protested Laura.

"Well, to tell you the truth I have not still decided what house I'll be in. I am qualified in all the houses so I think the sorting hat will have a hard time sorting me but it will be up to me to suggest to the sorting hat where I want to go. Well, enough of that, and let's go to another topic. what is your take on the news about Sirius Black and Harry Potter?" I change the topic to hear what does the wizarding world is thinking.

"It's a shame that Harry had to experience all that," said Cho looking sorry for Harry

"My mother says that The ministry messed these two things big time. She said that it was like Armageddon inside the ministry," said Marietta.

"Well my father said that some of the purebloods are starting to gather and make a protest but are being stopped by other purebloods," said Laura.

"rumours are going around, that minister Fudge is angry with Dumbledor for medling and not caring about, not only in Harry's case but also to a member of the order of the phoenix." laura interjected.

"any other rumours going around?" I ask curiously.

"I did hear from my mother that there is a movement to oust Dumbledore or make him relinquish his position in Wizengamot," Marietta spoke in a low voice.

"I overheard on the leaky cauldron on our stay there that Sirius escape, and now looking for revenge for those who wronged him. especially that Peter Pettigrew." Cho said.

"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the trolley?" a shout was heard outside our compartment making the three girls pay attention to the door. they did search for something in their belongings and stood up. looks like they are going to buy something. I also stood up out of curiosity about what that trolley looked like and what does it sell.

manoeuvring my way to go outside to peek at the trolley I excuse myself from Laura who is in front of me. As I walk outside our compartment the trolley is only a compartment away. It was pushed by a plump, friendly witch, and some of the sweets were likely supplied by Honeydukes.

i did see Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Jelly Slugs, Liquorice wands, and Pumpkin Pasties. i do wonder if they have drinks available.

the three also followed me towards the trolley.

" you three order first." i said to them

Cho nodded, "three orders of cauldron cakes, pumpkin pasties and Liquorice wand please."

The witch in charge of the trolley pack their orders. As cho is about to hand over their payments i stop her. "i got this, my treat for my new found friends." they smiled at me after hearing it. "also add a dozen of chocolate frogs to the bill."

Marietta took thier orders, i took mine and paid the lady, then we return to our compartment.

after going to our seats again i distribute 3 chocolate frog to each. and smiled at them. they did say thier tanks and they started to eat. it was time for lunch after all. i took one small extendable suitcase on top of me where the luggages where placed and place it on top of the table.

i opened it and make sure that Laura, who is beside me, can not see what i am doing. i did send Moriah a mind message inside my mini world to tell asuna prepare some sushi using my stock of tuna in the storage a few minutes ago.

I pulled four plates of sushi one for each. " it's is currently lunch time and I don't think sweet and deserts should be the main dish of a lunch."

The three girls are shyly quiet.

"Thank you for the meal." Said Cho.

"Try it I import that tune from a far place, the best tuna sushi you will be able to taste in this world."

As I handed them chopsticks.

We ate and gossip and ask questions about each other more as the journey continues.

My mind is still contemplating on what house I should be going to that will not gather to much attention on my self. Still I can not decide, but it does comedown to two choices. Slytherin or Ravenclaw. I don't want to be in Gryffindor to much key characters are there. Nor in Hufflepuff I will stood out so much in there like a sore thumb. I will be definitely be Slytherin but do need to lay low too much there. being in Ravenclaw has some benefits so still undecided.

To kill time I show the girls my card game project. I made an example on the cards that was on the chocolate frogs. I did got three cards. Now I explained to the girls if those chocolate frog cards have a tack and defence written on them like example the card Marietta had a Dumbledore collectible. Let say her card had an Attack power of 2000 and I have a Monster card, a dragon, with a defence of 1900. The dragon will be defeated and be pun in a graveyard. But I do have a spell card that can resurrect the cards in the graveyard and summon it back in the battleground I can return my Monster card during my turn. And the jinx card she have place in her side counters my spell card and so on. They did make a lot of suggestion on many cards and I took notes of them.

The scene outside changes every a couple of minutes. This journey was to Long almost eight hours and currently night time. Finally we have arrived at the Hogwarts station stop.

All the girls are exited and so did every first year I did see. The old students guide as on where to gather. I saw Hagrid with his lamp shouting "fers' years! Fers' years"

I slowly move away and find a seclude place back in the train I did said to the old student who was in the training entrance of the train that I forgot something in my seat and needed to get it quickly.

Finally alone I called for Gazlowe and he apparated me to the other side of the banks. I cast a notice me not charm on myself and waited in a dark place where the first year will pass to enter Hogwarts. After a few munites of waiting I saw the students arriving and waited to join them once they passed me I went behind the last group of students and walked with them blending in.


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