
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Derivasi dari karya
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162 Chs

Chapter 54: Dreamlike

The practice method of Occlumency is very simple, you only need to empty your brain. However, emptying the brain here is not thinking about nothing, but completely emptying one's brain, abandoning all emotions, and entering an extremely rational state.

   The simple training method does not mean that it is easy to learn. In fact, Occlumency is an extremely talented spell, and people with no talent will not improve even if they practice for ten years.

   Novices often confuse emptying the brain with a daze when they just practice. Such practice is useless and will only make people a fool.

   In theory, as long as the brain can be completely emptied successfully, it means that the Occlumency is successfully released. But in fact, beginners can only enter this state by meditating for a while in a quiet and comfortable state, and they cannot move.

   This degree of Occlumency cannot be used as a defensive technique for chanting mantras. Only by entering the occlusion of the brain in an instant under any environment can it resist the mind.

   There are some masters of Occlumency who can even conduct daily life in an Occlumency state, and Snape is one of the best.

   Snape kept his brain closed all year round, even when he was teaching students. This can be seen from his cold eyes that don't carry a trace of temperature and emotion.

   Mike has always been a person who does what he thinks of. After deciding to practice Occlumency, he immediately tried to empty his brain. However, he apparently made the mistake that beginners often make, conflating emptying the brain with being in a daze.

   So in the floral-scented air of Godric Valley, Mike gradually fell asleep on the sofa.

   Consciousness slowly sinks, and when Mike opens his eyes again, he finds that he has once again come to the blue sea of ​​light.

   The alarm bell in my mind is loud. The dream last night can still be explained by thinking day by day and dreaming night by night, but now I dream of the same dream again, but I can't explain it.

   subconsciously summoned his own magic wand, but found that the magic wand sleeve that was originally hidden in his forearm was missing. Mike fumbled around for a while and found that not only the magic wand cover, but also the dagger he hid on his waist and the greed pendant on his chest had all disappeared. Now he was only wearing a very ordinary plain mage robe.

   After taking two deep breaths to force himself to calm down, Mike began to look around.

   It's okay if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw Mike.

   Not far from him, the familiar dead tree stands quietly. However, unlike the last time, this time only a petite raven fell on its branches.

   The raven saw Mike found himself, and yelled and flew towards Mike. Seeing it, Mike turned his head and ran away without even thinking about it. He didn't want to experience the feeling of losing control of the magic to his heart.

However, the two legs naturally can't run the wings. Mike just ran out and felt his left shoulder sink. He turned to find that the raven had landed on his shoulder. He was using the dark brown one. The pupils looked at Mike curiously.

   Not feeling the raven's malice, Mike stretched out his right hand to grab it. But just as the hand approached, he was pecked severely by the raven. Under the pain, Mike quickly took his hand back, checked the injury on his hand but found that his hand was unharmed.

   "Gah! Gah!"

   The unpleasant cry of the raven came from his ears. Mike looked at the source of the sound and found that as the cry sounded, the surrounding scenery slowly began to change.

   The light blue light around him began to dim quickly, and blocks of dark blue bricks emerged. In just a moment, they formed a room that Mike was very familiar with.

   "This is... Ravenclaw Lounge?" Mike couldn't believe it.

   It should be night now, all around it is dim, Mike relies on the faint moonlight to search carefully.

The statue of Ms. Ravenclaw is still erected in the lounge, and the bookshelves are full of various books. The full-length mirrors placed in the lounge because of the stinky beauty of the seniors are still there. This is indeed The Ravenclaw Lounge is correct.

   Mike walked to the full-length mirror and looked in the mirror, but was surprised to find that the mirror was empty and there was no sign of himself.

   The wind came from his ear, and the raven standing on Mike's left shoulder slapped Mike with his wings.

   is tolerable or not!

   Angry Mike decided that he must give the broken bird a bitter taste today, but turned his head to find that the raven was pointing its wings in the direction of the bedroom, clearly wanting Mike to look there.

   looked in the direction the raven was pointing, and saw a girl slip out of the dormitory like a thief.

   Her face was covered by a gray mist, she couldn't see her face at all, Mike could only tell from her exquisite body that she was a girl.

   The girl is wearing a Hogwarts school gown with a blue tie around her neck. From the appearance of her attire, she should be a Ravenclaw student. But the hand of her wand was emitting a faint blue light, and she looked at There was a claw mark on the back of the girl's right hand, which is the source of the blue light.

   She seemed to be unable to see Mike, sneaking around for a while and then walking up to the statue of Ms. Ravenclaw like no one.

   Mike's curiosity soared, and hurriedly followed to check.

   I saw the young girl facing the statue of Ms. Ravenclaw. She raised her hands to her chest and held her hands together in prayer, while still chanting words in her mouth.

   "You are the breeze from the quiet lake, you are the prophet who explores the truth, you are the most beautiful human being in the world, and your stupid students are here to ask you to open the door to wisdom."

   As the girl's voice became more and more fanatical, the claw marks on the back of her hand began to emit a dazzling blue light, and on the statue of Ms. Ravenclaw, a blue light door was slowly opening.

   The girl yelled excitedly when she saw Guangmen, and then she quickly covered her mouth because she was afraid of waking her classmates.

   Watching the girl enter the light gate happily, Mike on the side was already stunned.

   Although he doesn't like reading miscellaneous books that can't help him improve, he still read the famous "Hogwarts, a School History".

   It is clearly recorded that Ms. Ravenclaw came from a peaceful lake. Combined with the situation just now, the "you" in the girl's mouth clearly refers to Ms. Ravenclaw.

   "So Ms. Ravenclaw is so stinky?" Mike muttered to himself.

   But when I think of the two-sense spell that Riddle used to summon the basilisk in the original book, I am relieved. Shouldn't they only allow Slytherin to be second, and not Ravenclaw to love beauty?

   On Mike's shoulder, the raven showed a very humane look of helplessness after hearing Mike's murmur.