
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Derivasi dari karya
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162 Chs

Chapter 151: Unannounced Visit on Valentine's Day (Part 2)

Seeing the three Weasley brothers swearing to the death to defend his eldest brother, Mike knew that he couldn't make much sense today.

So he simply stopped going around the bend, and said straightforwardly: "Okay, okay, then you can give me that map, I'm useful."

"Why do you want this? Monitor Percy?" Fred's eyebrows were almost squeezed together. "I advise you to give up. Really, isn't it good to be upright?"

"Damn, where did you think about it, I'm to investigate the heir!"

"So you suspect Percy is the heir?" Fred is not a stupid, and he immediately understood the hidden meaning of Mike's words, "This is impossible! Percy is a Gryffindor, how could it be Slytherin's? Heir?"

"But your Weasley family is also pure blood, isn't it? It's still one of the most noble Holy 28 families. And you ask yourself, is Percy's original strength really as strong as he shows now? Maybe it's because of Slytherin. His inheritance made him suddenly stronger." Mike sneered, "Okay, give me the map quickly. Besides, keep it secret for me and don't tell Percy."

Mike's words directly silenced Fred. Mike was right. Although their Weasley family have always been staunch supporters of blood egalitarianism, they are indeed pure blood, and their blood is more than most pure blood. A lot higher.

Moreover, Percy did not match Gryffindor in character, he was greedy for power and money, and was ambitious. In Fred's view, these were Slytherin qualities.

But Percy is his brother after all.

Fred struggled for a while, and finally took out a shabby yellow parchment from his arms.

When Mike saw this, he reached out and grabbed the parchment and wanted to take it away, but he didn't succeed. Fred held it tightly and didn't let go.

Regardless of Fred's gloomy expression, Mike increased his strength, and the parchment gradually stretched under the pull of the two, as if it was about to be torn.

Seeing this, Fred hurriedly released his hand, and Mike put the survival map that he had finally brought into his arms and said, "Thank you! Also, don't worry too much, I hope I guessed wrong."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the door of the lounge.

"Hold on!" Fred stopped Mike suddenly, with a very ugly expression on his face. "The password to open the map is'I solemnly swear that I did nothing good.' I hope you didn't lie to me."

There was a surprised look on Mike's face, and Fred had almost forgotten the password without saying. Although he had already known the password for the map of the point of life after reading the original work, Fred's initiative to tell it the password obviously meant that Fred believed what he had just said.

With a smile on his face, Mike gave Fred a thumbs up and walked out of the Gryffindor lounge without a word.

Before he could get far, Mike was stopped by Harry.

"Sorry Mike, how can I help you?" said Harry panting, lowering his head.

Looking at Harry who was guilty of dying in front of him, Mike smiled and hammered him with a punch to comfort him: "It's okay, I already got what I wanted."

Since Mike has developed a bit faster recently, his strength has also become stronger.

Harry, who was lightly hammered by Mike, couldn't help but step back two steps. Although the place where he was beaten was a bit painful, but seeing Mike's face didn't blame him at all, Harry's face finally showed Gave a cheerful smile.

Perhaps because he had never had a true friend before, Harry cherished every friend very much.

This is also the reason why Harry knew that Mike was here to find out about Percy and would take him to find Ron. He didn't think about it so much at the first time. He only thought that he had to help his friends.

Just as the two were chatting with a smile, Mike suddenly felt a pair of eyes watching them in a dark corner not far away.

"Who is it! Come out!"

Almost instinctively, the black pearwood wand suddenly appeared in his hand. Mike pointed his wand at the shadow and let out a burst of shout. Harry, who was talking with Mike, was taken aback by this sudden scene, and hurriedly took out his wand, and pointed to the shadow as Mike did.

"Don't, it's me."

Ginny Weasley walked out of the corner with her hands in a surrender gesture and said timidly.

Seeing that the person in the corner was Ginny, Harry let down his wand with a sigh of relief. But Mike was not as naive as Harry, still pointing his wand at her, the flame curse was ready to be cast.

Let alone how suspicious Ginny was following them, the suspicion of her heir has not been cleaned up yet.

"Say! What are we doing following us?"

"I, I want to help you." Ginny saw that instead of putting down his wand, Ginny saw that the tip of the wand was lit up with a red light, and her body trembled violently, and her voice trembled, "You Don't you want to know about Percy?"

Hearing this, Mike finally put down his wand, turned his head and looked around for a while, only when no one else was here and asked: "I'm sorry, Ginny. I'm a little too nervous about your brother. Do you know what?"

Ginny in the corner still maintained a surrendering posture. Just now Mike's hideous expression and cold eyes gave her a great shock. She had an inexplicable feeling that Mike really wanted to kill herself.

"Um, I heard Percy's roommate talk about it. Percy would often talk to herself alone during this time." Ginny said tremblingly. "The dark circles under my eyes are obviously heavier. We all guessed that he was I don't often practice spells on my own until late at night."

Halfway Ginny paused, and took a sneak peek at Mike before continuing: "In addition, his mental state is not very good recently, and he often gets angry because of some trivial things. We are all guessing whether he is doing this because he is broken in love. ."

Being irritable and often talking to himself, these performances are very consistent with the situation of being bewitched by the notebook. Insufficient sleep caused serious dark circles, which means Percy often stays up late.

What does he stay up late for? Practice the spell?

It is indeed possible, but Percy does not have a responsive room where he can practice at will. Where can he go?

A storm of thought blew up in Mike's brain. Although there were still many things he didn't understand, he was almost certain that Percy was behind the basilisk attacking him and Penello.

Of course, the final piece of the puzzle is still short of a complete finalization.

Thinking of this, Mike showed a harmless smile on his face, and asked in the softest tone:

"Then, have you seen a black notebook. No, it should be a diary with Tom Riddle's name on it?"

Although there was a smile on his face, Mike's eyes were cold. At this moment, he was carefully observing Ginny's expression, hoping to see the flaw in her face.