
chapter 2

The story starts like it's supposed to, with a twist.

A glimpse of the present, Key's parents are looking at a map, and find a bakery.

"Finally, we're here, I was hoping we would make it", said Kai.

"We can't stay here, if we do, they are going to catch us", said Kevin.

"We're not going to stay long, I just want something to eat", said Kai.

A waitress comes, who's revealed to be Abigail.

"Abigail!" exclaimed Kai and Kevin.

"Kai, Kevin", said Abigail, with a big smile.

Abigail puts down the food on the table, and hugs her friends.

"How's our daughter and nephew?" asked Kai.

"Their fine, what you should be wondering if you were followed. It's dangerous to be in a place so public", said Abigail.

Kai, Kevin, and Abigail block out the windows, and doors to be cautious.

"We had no choice, our old enemies finally found us and they're not alone. They're with you-know-who", said Kai.

"So,it seems Dumbledore was right", said Kevin..

"So, How long will you be staying, do you need a special place to hide or should I just lead you to the nearest hidden valley?" asked Abigail.

"I wish we could stay, I miss our daughter and we didn't get to know our nephew, but we must go back so those faes don't panic, could you give us some food for the road?" Kai sighs.

"Of course, but I want to give it to you", said Abigail.

"Now, don't taunt them, of course you can take some food to go, how about some cake", said Keni, holding two smoothies on a tray.

"Hey, you're one of Key's friends", Kevin recognized.

"Keni, pleasure to meet you, Mr and Mrs. Walter", said Keni.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Keni", said Kevin and Kai.

"Mom, why are you working here?" Kai asks Abigail.

"To keep an eye of the faes that come here, since they are dangerous times and this place is sweet", said Abigail.

Kai giggles.

"Keni and Ms. Abby, no time to distracted, hi Mr and Mrs. Walter", said Toni, with rollerskates and gives desserts to people.

"Right, Betty?" said Keni.

Betty flies to Kai and Kevin.

"Oh, hello, what would you like to take with you?" Betty asks Kai and Kevin.

"Seven cakes, please, strawberry cake, chocolate cake, lemon cake, aqua cake, nature cake, orangeberry cake, and blackberry cake", Kai answers Betty's question.

"Okay, and it's great to see you, Mr and Mrs. Walter", said Betty, as she writes in a notebook, then flies off.

"I didn't think we would see so many of Keni's friends and see my mom", said Kai.

"Yeah, it's crazy, but we need to focus, we need to get back to those faes who we swore to protect", said Kevin.

"I can't believe that Sugarfrost is out of the job, otherwise we would be able to find a better place for these poor faes, well I still appreciate helping her", said Kai.

"It's crazy that she is younger than us, yet she is more experienced in the industry", said Kevin.

"Well, we have been hiding away to protect our daughter and we have been helping needy faes, so we have been busy", said Kai.

"Here's your seven cakes, hope we get to see you again Mr and Mrs. Walter", said Devin, while holding the cakes, and puts it on the table.

"Thank you, wait, by any chance could you come with us to hold these cakes?" Kai asks Devin.

"Of course, I would love to help my friend's parents", said Devin, with a smile.

Kai and Kevin teleport out of the place with Devin who is holding all seven cakes.

They ended up in an abandoned building.

"Qua senor", said Kai.

The abandoned building becomes a nice looking building with flowers, nice floors, walls, and doors.

Teenagers and pre-teens come out hiding spots and surround Kai and Kevin.

"Whoa!" replied Devin.

A 12-year-old boy who has red hair, white skin, wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Roy.

"Who's he?" Roy asks Kai and Kevin, while looking at Devin.

"Devin, fae, who are you?" Devin answers Roy's question, while looking annoyed.

"Roy, but you obviously can tell I'm a fae, we are all faes here", said Roy.

"Interesting, so is some fae orphanage?" Devin asks Kai and Kevin.

"More of an alliance, all these faes are powerful, but they don't have parents and they don't trust Hogwarts or any fae schools because they think they are bad influences", Kevin explained.

"That's understandable, but crazy, I've been a student at Hogwarts for a while and it's actually good there and there is a class for faes, yet even the witches and wizards are learning about us", Devin told The faes.

"This can't be true, but then again Key and Makai have learned there and they are powerful", said Roy.

"So, you don't totally hate Hogwarts, you just worried your morals will be duped by going to school?" Devin asks all the faes.

All the faes nodded.

"Me and my friends make any fae feel welcome and even though we aren't in the same house, we cared about each other all the same", Devin reassures the faes.

"What house are you in?" A 11-year-old brown-haired girl asks Devin.

"I'm in slytherin", said Devin.

"You don't seem like a Slytherin", said the girl.

"I kinda am, I have a lot of ambition and I decide what I should do based on the situation no matter what the rules say", said Devin.

"So, you never got kicked out of school because of that, you're never afraid of that, and have a smile on your face", said The girl.

"Nope, me and my friends have broken the rules plenty of times, but still get to have fun, heck if it wasn't for Hogwarts, we wouldn't have had become friends", said Devin.

"You mean Key wasn't in the magical world?" A boy asks Devin.

"No, you see we sent our daughter with her muggle side of her family with her cousin because we wanted her to be safe", said Kai.

"But, why? Muggles hate magic?" Another girl asks Kai.

"Well, at first it was because it was a bad coincidence since the original guardians for her and cousin died a.k.a. My sister, so they ended up with the muggle family, and we were going to take her back once we reappeared into this world, deciding to come out of hiding; but she says she can't leave her cousin's side", Kevin explained.

"Anyway, that's enough questions, Devin, follow me", said Kai, then takes Devin's hand.

Devin and Kai go to the kitchen.

Devin puts all the cakes down on a kitchen counter.

"What's the real reason you ask me to come here? I know you could use magic to make the cakes fly, so why do you want me to come with you?" Devin asks Kai.

"I want you to give my daughter this message", said Kai, as she gives Devin a parchment and then whispers. "I would do it, but too risky, death eaters are getting more powerful and they are developing spells that might be able to track faes".

"Are you serious, if that's true, Key, makai, all my friends might never be safe?" Devin asks in a whisper, while looking worried.

"I know, but I have been working on a spell that could disguise faes as witches or wizards, so they won't suspect us. I was going to just put a protection spell around us, but that won't be strong enough, we need to disguise ourselves", said Kai.

"But, why not disguise us as muggles or how about a detector for death eaters?" Devin suggested in a whisper.

"I tried, but nothing our magic and dark magic don't work, even though some of us have ancient magic, but in the end that magic is still pure, so the only decisions I could come to is hide all faes, try to repair our old land, jumping place to place, and just go with the flow", Kai explains in a whisper.

"Wow, you really thought about this", Devin whispers.

Kevin walks into the kitchen.

"Yes, she has, let me explain how came to decision to hiding because our old land is gone forever can never be repaired, jumping place to place too risky, and going with the flow is not an option or any of us could die because we are not immortal", Kevin explains more in a whisper.

"Thanks for telling me, I'm going to send this message to Key", Devin whisper.

"Tell her we love her and we will try to visit her if we can be able to", said Kai.

"I will, I promise, take good care of those kids", said Devin.

"You are leaving already?" Roy asks Devin, as he enters the kitchen.

"Unfortunately yes, I have to visit a friend, so don't cause any trouble", said Devin, while on one knee.

"Fine, will you visit again, please", said Roy.

"I promise I will come back", said Devin, then looks at Kai and Kevin. "Bye".

Kai and Kevin smile.

Devin disappears.

"Is that chocolate cake?" Roy noticed.

"That's for later, now let's practice our spells", said Kevin, as he takes Roy out of the kitchen.