I've been very interested recently in the Harry Potter works again, and have read through a stupid amount of HP Fan fics by other creators, hence I thought screw it... i'll make my own take on it too! I really hope you all enjoy it, this will have a lot more passion from me as a writer as I also grew up around Harry Potter so it's nice to go back to something I use to love and love it once more with my own spin on things. Please upvote this novel for other people to enjoy. ------------------------------------------------- You can expect around 2 Chapters a day, 10 chapters a week, 40 chapters a month. This is taking my work and personal life into consideration also, hence why there is 4 less chapters a week.
It was a time like any other for all the muggles of the world, however, this wasn't exactly the same for the wizards and witches spread out around the world. This was but a time where the First Wizarding War had come into play, with Lord Voldemort himself leading the Death Eaters into the fray and reigning over what is otherwise known as the Wizards World.
It was a major conflict between the very foundations which would be later known as the Ministry of Magic and also the Order of the Phoenix.
[Godric's Hollow - 1981 - October 31st]
With the shade of night dawning upon the streets of Godric's Hollow, the nature having fallen asleep you'd believe it was a night like any other.
In one particular household, you could see two infants in a cradle, snuggled up together. They looked almost identical and were even more so in age. These were Harry James Potter and Philip Fleamont Potter.
Such a calming scene could only be described as peaceful and cute... however, like everything else, nothing lasts forever.
With their two kids having just been put in the cradle, James and Lily Potter (The Parents of Harry and Philip) decided to sit down for a while. Lily leaned against James under the candle lit light making for a cozy scene.
As they were sitting and not speaking much, this allowed for them to hear everything throughout the silence.
And just like that, they both began to hear the sounds of slight screeching, finding it slightly strange and out of place, James went to take a short look so as to see what was making said sound only to realize it had suddenly stopped as thought it never happened. walking towards the hallway, he saw the door slowly swinging to a stop with the dreadful wind and a slight fog drifting into the house. James suddenly felt a very ominous situation was taking place... he span as fast as he could only to see a black robed figure standing amongst the now foggy ground with a wand aiming straight towards James and a slight flicker of green sparkles coming from the tip of said wand.
James hurriedly dodged to the side swiftly evading the spell that was shot at him. Lily having currently been upstairs checking on the kids so as to see if everything was fine could be seen running down half the stairs before coming to a stop.
James and Lily knew all too soon as to exactly who this was that was currently intruding in their home, it made them slightly fearful yet also courageous when thinking about their two precious infants upstairs that they had to protect so dearly. However, this was Voldemort in his prime... it was akin to fighting against a bear as a child.
His power was simply too wicked and Lily witnessed on as James got hit by one of Voldemort's killing spells straight after his previous attempt, James simply didn't have enough time to retaliate and had even less power without his wand at hand. After muttering a few lifeless words to Lily who was currently standing on the stairs, he fell to the ground... and died. Lily ran as fast as she could to their kids room whilst weeping and hurriedly picked them up cradling them within her arms desperately.
Soon, Voldemort had caught up and proceeded to blast the door down before walking into the twins room only to see Lily with her back facing him in the middle of the room. By now, Harry and Philip was already awake and looking upon the current situation.. it was quite strange seeing a person they'd never seen before but still wasn't enough to cause them to cry or weep.
Lily turned around to face Voldemort, there was nothing she could do anymore.. she had already given all her strength away through the power of maternal and familial love to both Harry and Philip.
Voldemort slowly raised his wand with a sly yet grim grin over his face, before swiftly producing multiple rays of light all shooting towards Lily... and just like that, her last breath was taken from her.
Tears were still rolling down her face as she collapsed to the ground, her eyes became lifeless, the room having paper and toys strewn across the floor made for a very horrific sight.
After a round of laughter from Voldemort, he heard a slight weep come from the cradle beside him only to see two small infants staring at their mother's body on the floor. Voldemort slowly made his way towards the cradle whilst keeping his eyes looking at them and thinking about how wondrous this situation was for him. Harry and Philip both turned their heads towards the mysterious man that was at the edge of their cradle... they had never seen him before but for some reason felt he wasn't a good person. Naturally, they couldn't understand such things yet and so they didn't have too much of a reaction aside from a little weep which was to get their mother's attention.
Harry was looking at Voldemort with a few tears in his eyes whilst Philip was looking at him with a very dead pan expression. This caused Voldemort to smirk as he raised his wand, seeing that they were both twins, he had an abominable idea to kill one whilst leaving the other alive... hence he pointed the wand towards Harry and shot off a lot of very pale but mysterious green lights at Harry which further caused Harry to cry due to the intensity of the built up light. As the spell connected with Harry, a mysterious force seemed to completely negate the attack whilst forming a very thin white barrier with a pinkish hue around the two children. The barrier then summoned up a mass of green light before sending the same attack straight back towards Voldemort which he didn't expect in the slightest.
Voldemort had no time to prepare and was swiftly struck by what appeared to be his own spell causing his physical body to completely deform before slowly disintegrating, Voldemort had never seen such a power before, it had completely wiped all the power within his body and even proceeded to destroy his physical body leaving only his soul intact.... And just like that, Voldemort had perished before the might of the 'two infants'.
Thus the reign of the Dark Lord Voldemort had come to an end.
This is the story of the boys who lived against Voldemort.
This is the story of Harry and Philip Potter.