
Harem of the Dead: Into The World's End

If the world suddenly changes while you are in your sleep, how would you react to it? Leon is a young man who was deemed as ordinary, however, his connections and past experiences say otherwise. One morning, he was left with the front seat to the world that became merely the shadow of its former self. People have turned into flesh-eating monstrosities, otherwise known as undead, and their numbers continue to grow. As the world was taken over by such monsters, Leon only had one goal: that is, to survive. But he wouldn't succeed by just himself. He needs to gather companions and comrades, build relationships with them, and form unbreakable bonds that will put him and everyone on edge above the others. This is a story of the end and what came and will come after it. (↓Disclaimers Below↓) *Crossposted on RoyalRoad* *Reading the author's thoughts in each chapter can diminish your seriousness. you have been warned.* *Parents Strongly Cautioned* *Excessive amounts of swearing. *Dark themes such as death of many kinds. *People get eaten, most of the time. *Borderline R-18 stuff. Disclaimer: *Although this is a harem, it will be a paced romance. Where every girl will have their own arcs, complete backstories, and character development. *Perhaps this can be considered as a "weak-to-strong" novel but the characters are already pretty strong at the early parts. What they will develop is their relationships with each other, their attitude to their current situation, etc. Battle strength is included in the developments. *There won't be R18 scenes in the meantime, but I might post them later as some sort of extra chapter. Still, every time Leon does "it", it will only be mentioned implicitly. *The setting will use a fictional country that exists on Earth. I am sorry but I am really bad at geography so even though this is harder, I prefer it. For more information, an auxiliary chapter about this will be posted later on. It might contain some spoilers though. *The story will generally be written in 1st person POV, however, some chapters will be written in 3rd POV. Mainly when they feature the POV of different characters when the MC isn't there at the scene.

Silver_Fenrir · Seni bela diri
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23 Chs

Character Introduction! (Updated 04/28/24)

An auxiliary chapter that's made to give you brief information in regards to the characters in case you forget some. This will be updated once new characters are introduced. Some characters here may not be introduced yet, making it a minor spoiler.

Reference images, which are the closest ones I can find, can be found in the paragraph comments next to the character name. Please take note that I do not own such images and they are only to be used as references until I decide to actually commission an artist. (On hold/TBA)

[Latest Update (04/28/24): Added new character descriptions and revamped every other description to make them less of a spoiler.]

Characters You Should Probably Remember Well:

Leon Rauthier 

A young man with light-brown hair and purple eyes. He is an unassuming person as despite being in the most popular club at school, he didn't have many friends. Or rather, he didn't have one outside of the club.

Claire Angestel

A gorgeous young woman with wavy shoulder-length light purple hair and crimson red eyes. She has a mole under her left eye. She's a cheerful girl most of the time, befitting the title of the main heroine, I guess. 

Elisa Maven

A silent and cold beauty who wears glasses. She gives off a cool presence that can captivate many despite her not uttering as much as a single word. She has long black hair that is almost always braided with one side of her bangs covering her left eye and a pair of aqua blue eyes.

Alice Spencer

A cute and petite girl who has bright blonde hair with one side tied to a ponytail and emerald green eyes. She can, without a doubt, be considered a little girl even at her current age and although It isn't confirmed yet, that's likely the only thing she inherited from her mother's Asian genes.

Angelica Michel

A beautiful girl who always wears a smile that gives off a smile that gives off a mysterious vibe. However, that smile has also managed to bewilder and captivate many. She has short silver hair that only extends up to her neck and a pair of golden eyes.

Eden Laurent

A fashionable woman who likes to wear expensive clothes and accessories. She has auburn hair that she lets the strands loose, and a pair of silver eyes that make her the epitome of a cold beauty. But she isn't exactly cold per se, she's simply prideful because of her upbringing which was mostly influenced by her grandparents. (For anyone who knows of Japanese media, she's both the ojou-sama type and a light tsundere.)

Erika Hasegawa

A beautiful Japanese woman who fits the term "Yamato Nadeshiko" very well. She has smooth and silky black hair and a pair of beautiful eyes that match it. 

Clarisse Forth

With dark brown hair and eyes that match, Clarisse is a ridiculously timid person. She barely knows how to stand up for herself but was able to leave peacefully for long most probably because of luck.

Amelie Angestel

Claire's mom. She doesn't look any different from Claire, aside from the fact that she's a middle-aged woman who emits a mature presence full of adult sex appeal. ("Ara ara")


Amelie's headmaid. She has Nordic blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes, features that would make one mistake her for a princess if she didn't wear a maid uniform.

Characters You Should Remember But You Can Forget About Them After Their Arc Is Over:

Jean Albert

Claire's childhood friend who came after Leon. He was in love with Claire but the love was, unfortunately, terribly one-sided. He was the child of a famous mercenary and also became one later.


A mercenary who was originally part of Jean's father's mercenary company.


A retired veteran and a distant cousin of Daniel Laurent.

Daniel Laurent

A renowned inventor and businessman. He became in charge of a community that was setteled on a Mall at Salena.