
Harem for The Dragon God

Being born into a world of fantasy Kenji Itsumora always wondered why everyone looked down on him until one day when he made a huge discovery. "My father was from a family of dragon gods?!?!" Kenji asks with confusion in his voice. "Yes and that means you are a dragon God yourself." The woman answers with certainty. "Don't I have to be a dragon to be a dragon god?" Kenji questions stupidly. "Not in this case. You possess the means to use that power, and you should use it to conquer everything." The woman Responds with a smile on her face. Yes I will gladly use it to conquer the world and will make my own harem!! I want everything and anything I can get! No one will ever look down on me again if I become the ruler of the world! This world was already plagued by such evil that it made Kenji look pure and more like a hero. Follow along to see where Kenji goes and what comes from his journey! -------- ------ ------- Warning!! R18 Content is included! Sex scenes, Potential incest, and Yes gore. Since it is considered to be in the category obviously. Also please be patient for updates, as I'm also working on two other stories atm! But if you really enjoy it, make sure to let me know! Powerstones, Reviews, and comments! Disclaimer: Cover does not belong to me and if it is yours and you want it taken down, let me know immediately. ---------- Also feel free to check out my other works! "My Own Succubus" "Why Can't I Be the Hero?!?!"

Kota_Sama · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

The Doll

An amazing view but now it's time to go find these horses so we can leave later on. I can't believe that doll was expensive but again I don't see that being a problem.

My family has quite a bit of wealth regardless of us losing our kingdom a long time ago. Thanks to smart investments my father made in a few traders.

But that reminds me of how I need to find this damn guy who killed my mom.

"Where to now Kenji?" Riyori asks while holding the doll.

"We need to find a person who sells horses." I respond while scratching my head.

This place is huge so it's not going to be the easiest to find a damn person who sells the horses we need.

"I might know where to find one." Riyori says while looking ahead.

Ahead of her seemed to be a shop with some strange signs all around it. But one of those signs had a horse on it, so that could potentially be the place we need to go.

"Well let's check it out." I say while walking towards the shop.

Riyori followed behind me but she didn't say too much since she was focused on that weird doll of hers. Anna she called it, but something tells me that I'll learn more about this so called doll.

As we got close to the shop we were greeted by a man with raggedy clothing who didn't appear to be the wealthiest. But it does seem to be his shop so I can't really argue with the way he dresses.

"Ah, here to check out my shop young man?" The Shopkeeper questions.

"Yes, do you happen to sell horses?" I respond with my own question.

"Of course. How many do you need?" He asks while his gaze shifts towards the doll.

"Two." I say while pulling out my pouch.

"Ah. That'll cost you 10 Cheziels." The Shopkeeper replies.

This place is really getting old with these prices but I'll put my faith in the horses he has here. Obviously they must be good since horses usually go for about 5-6 Vielvins.

Which isn't that much when you look at it but that's because most horses can be found easily if you know where to look. But that'd take some time since we don't already have a horse on us.

"Here you go." I say while handing over the coins.

After taking them he went around and brought the horses over to us. They were surprisingly nice horses and I expected them to be since the price was insane.

A nice white stead followed by a darker stead with a healthy look to both of them. It's good to see that he takes good care of the horses here but now we have our horses.

I brought the horses along as we looked for a place to stay for the night and it didn't take long since an inn was right around the corner. It wasn't very far from the shop we just stopped at.

"The horses will be okay here." Riyori says while leading them over to a post.

A small glint of pink light emitted from her hand and suddenly it looked as if the horses wouldn't move.

"What'd you do?" I asked while staring at the horses.

"I put a spell of protection on them so no one can steal them. It's harmless for the horses." Riyori Responds with a reassuring tone.

"Alright. Well let's head inside and get a room or two." I say while heading up the steps.

"One will be fine." Riyori replies with a bit of an embarrassed tone.

For someone who sees me as a friend, she gets embarrassed quite easily. I'll figure her out sooner or later.

"Welcome to The Vinta Inn. How many rooms will you be needing?" A Woman asks from behind a counter.

"Just one." I answer while pulling out my pouch once more.

"Okay that'll cost 15 Dintel." She says.

"Here you go." I reply while handing her the coins.

"This key opens the third door on the right. Just follow the hallway there." The woman says while pointing towards the hallway.

I walked over with Riyori and it didn't take much to figure out which room was ours so we went inside.

"This is pretty nice for how cheap it is." Riyori says while looking around the room.

She wasn't wrong either, this room was definitely worth way more then 15 Dintel but I guess they aren't desperate. They seem to keep this place in good shape so I guess our stay here will be good tonight.

"I definitely have to agree." I reply while surprised.

I will probably let her have the bed, even though it would be nice to sleep next to a beautiful girl like her.

"Do you mind sharing?" Riyori asks while sitting on the bed.

"Huh..?" I respond.

I could feel my cheeks getting red, ahhh.

"Not at all." I muster up the strength to say.

Of course I'll sleep in the same bed as you Riyori! Ahh why couldn't that be the answer I used from the start?

"Let's get some sleep then Stupid Kenji." Riyori says while getting into the bed.

I joined her on the bed and made sure to leave some room since I didn't need her thinking I was just some pervert. After a little bit I managed to fall asleep but something woke me up all of a sudden.

"Kenji, what an interesting name." A feminine voice says.

Upon opening my eyes I am greeted by a woman with a black and red dress, purple hair, purple eyes, and she even had a book. Don't tell me that she's the doll from before!

Though she looks a bit small for an adult but I think she's an adult?

"I knew I wasn't crazy." I said quietly while looking at the doll.

"Of course not. But there's something odd about you. So I revealed my true self." She replies while staring at me.

This doll lady thing is really bizarre.

"What are you and uh.. How old are you..?" I ask while keeping quiet.

"I'm over a hundred years old." She answers.

"I see. What is your name?" I question.

So she isn't a child and is quite old actually, but what is she trying to figure out about me exactly?

Something obviously peeked her interest in me or she wouldn't have taken that form.

"Call me-