
Hardwork System

A simple loser and nobody finally gets the chance to redeem himself... However, the price he has to pay is just as high as the rewards. Will he decide to live a relaxed, unremarkable life? Or will he grab his fate and do everything in his power to achieve his goals?! Stay tuned to find out!

Azure_Sky_2580 · Seni bela diri
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11 Chs

9. Morning of the Exam!


"Who wha-what happened!?"

A loud abrupt noise rang inside Mo's head that caused him to jolt out of bed.

*You have requested an alarm for 5.30, didn't you?* Answered the system nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but I didn't ask for it to bleed my ears. Damn!" Mo picked his ears and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Mo got out in a towel, his abs poking out. The yellow-ish glow from his tanned white skin made his abdomen look like a spartan shield armor.

Mo admired his reflection in the mirror, flexing his muscles and striking a pose. He couldn't help but feel proud of his physique, the result of years of hard work and dedication at the gym.

"Alright, Mo, time to seize the day," he said to himself, his voice echoing in the bathroom.

He got dressed and headed downstairs to make breakfast. As he walked through the living room, he noticed a photo of himself on the wall, taken during a bodybuilding competition. He smiled, remembering the feeling of accomplishment he had when he won first place.

"I've come a long way," he thought. "But I'm not done yet."

Mo poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table. As he ate, he thought about his goals for the day. He had a big presentation at work, and he wanted to make sure it went well. He also planned to hit the gym later for a workout.

'Now that I think about it, I havent checked my system for any updates yet'

"System, check status"


**System Status**


* Processor: Optimal performance

* Memory: 80% utilization

* Storage: 0.0075% capacity used

** Overall System Health: **

The system is currently functioning optimally. No critical issues or updates are pending.

** Recommendations:**

* Continue to perform regular system updates to ensure optimal performance and security.

* Monitor system performance and usage to identify any potential issues early on.

**Additional Information:**

* Last system update: 1 day ago

* Next scheduled system update: In 7 days

* System backup: Last performed yesterday


* Operating System: Up to date (version 12.5.1)

**Note** Congratulations on reaching the second level and acquiring the right to use 1 of 3 special skills!

"Woah, I've never seen that, let's check it out!"

**Special Skill 1: Flight**

*Description:* You are able to levitate for however long your stamina allows you.


+ Duration of flight.

+ Height of flight.

+ Speed of flight.

**Special Skill 2: Speed**

*Description:* Grants the user enhanced speed and agility, allowing them to move at superhuman velocities.

* Effects:*

+ Increased running speed and acceleration

+ Improved reflexes and reaction time

+ Enhanced agility and coordination

* Improvements:*

+ Speed Boost:Further increases the user's running speed and acceleration.

+ Agility Enhancement: Improves the user's agility and coordination, allowing for more precise and fluid movements.

+ Reflexive Strike: Grants the user lightning-fast reflexes, enabling them to react and counter attacks with incredible speed.

**Special Skill 3: Medusa's Gaze**

* Description:* Seduction works 2x as good on the opposite gender.

**Note:** The user's stamina will be drained 5x times as much as levitation while using this skill. While Medusa's Gaze uses 2x as much stamina as Levitation.

*As you have seen, the duration and effectiveness of the skill can also be improved through training and practice.*

The system suddenly spoke up

"Do you have any advice for me?"

*Hmm, my recommendations would be:*

*Speed* This combination would make you a formidable force in both combat and social situations. For example, if you are facing a group of enemies, you could choose a skill that grants you increased strength or agility.*

*Ultimately, the best combination of special skills for you will depend on your individual preferences and playstyle. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.*

"Hmm, although the skill of speed is obviously the better choice, it does cost me a lot of stamina. I would likely only be able to use it for a mere few seconds at best."

"Still, it is much more useful that just levitation, if I wanted to fly, I would have booked a plane ticket! Medusa's Gaze also seems to be useful, hehe- no wait, get it together!" Mo slapped himself a couple of times before calming down again.

"Hmm I think I'll pick speed, I'm already good looking enough as it is for now, and I don't think the levitation skill would be of much use. People would instantly call the cops if they saw me, if I was able to go invisible, that would be cool, but I don't so nevermind."

"Therefore speed is the best because it being more broad would help in many more ways."

Mo decided he would acquire the speed skill.

**Are you sure you want to go ahead with the transaction?**



**Transaction completed. Open the Special Skill tree to view options:**


**Advantages of Super Speed: (Currently unavailable due to level being too low)**

* **Enhanced mobility and efficiency**: With super speed, you could travel vast distances in a matter of seconds, saving time and effort. You could easily commute to work or school, run errands, or explore new places without the hassle of traffic or transportation delays.

* **Improved physical fitness**: Super speed would provide you with exceptional cardiovascular health and muscular strength. You could engage in high-intensity workouts and sports with ease, achieving peak physical performance.

* **Increased productivity**: With the ability to move and think at lightning speed, you could accomplish tasks and projects much faster than others. This would give you a significant advantage in your career, studies, or personal endeavors.

* **Enhanced reflexes and reaction time**: Super speed would grant you incredible reflexes and reaction time. You could avoid accidents, catch objects with ease, and respond to situations with unmatched agility.

* **Self-defense and protection**: In dangerous situations, super speed would allow you to escape harm or defend yourself effectively. You could quickly disarm attackers, evade threats, or apprehend criminals.

* **Exploration and adventure**: With super speed, you could explore the world like never before. You could travel to remote locations, witness natural wonders, and experience new cultures in a matter of moments.

* **Time management**: Super speed would give you the ability to control the flow of time in a way. You could slow down or speed up your perception of time, allowing you to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time or savor special moments.

"Woah! If I could get even one of these I would be a literal super human, even the shackles that normal people have to deal with would be like a cool breeze to me! Alas, I have to work harder and be patient before I can receive these gifts."

*I suggest picking from these*

**Available Skills:**

*Enhanced Speed:* Increase your base movement speed by 50%.

*Lightning Reflexes:* React and move at lightning-fast speeds, allowing you to dodge attacks and outmaneuver opponents.

*Sonic Boom:* Generate a powerful shockwave by running at supersonic speeds, knocking back and damaging nearby enemies.

"Alright, activate all!"

**Ding, skills have been activated**

"Haha, today's going to be a good day," he said to himself, finishing his cereal.

"I suppose I should use the bus for today, don't want people to see a blur fly past them, this isn't the Flash!"

Mo got up from the table and headed out the door, ready to face whatever the day had in store for him.

.... Half an hour later ....

The buss dropped Mo off infront of thee campus, and as he made his way to the university, Mo couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with a touch of trepidation.

He had failed once before, but this time he was different. He had learned from his mistakes and was armed with a renewed sense of determination.

Mo resolved to make the most of his time at university. Not only would he excel in his studies, but he would also use his free time wisely to prepare for the future.

He knew that the world was constantly evolving, and he wanted to be ready for whatever opportunities and challenges lay ahead.

With each step he took towards the university gates, Mo's resolve grew stronger. He was ready to embrace the challenges of university life and to emerge as a transformed individual, worthy of the love and support of his family and ready to make his mark on the world.

Mo learned not to rely on the system but on himself, the system was only a tool that would help him achieve his truest potential, but it would never do his work for him.

"I should not rely solely on the system but rather on my own abilities and initiative. The system, whether it be educational, professional, or societal, can provide support and resources, but it is ultimately up to me to take ownership of my goals and strive for the fullest potential!"

Mo had always been a bright and ambitious student, but his path to higher education had been far from easy. He had grown up in a small village, where opportunities were scarce.

But this time, he refused to let his circumstances define him.

Today, as he stood at the threshold of his new life, Mo felt a surge of gratitude and determination.

He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was confident in his abilities and his unwavering belief in himself.

As he stepped in front of the University's gates, Mo took one last, deep, breath. His heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

His eyes sparkling with anticipatio. He had worked tirelessly for this moment, and now, it was finally here....

"This is the begining of a new era!"