
Hard to Choose

George looked in Jean's direction, glad she was safe, the rescuers had pulled him out despite his rants about losing her. His heart nearly gave out, he had scratch marks from grazing against the trees but those were the least of his worries. Up ahead, he saw a tall guy with raven black hair talking to Scarlett, from time to time, his eyes drifted to Jean, he looked drenched all the same and he nodded when a staff handed him a blanket shaking his hand. "Who's that?" He asked the lady who was done dabbing his wounds. "He prefers to remain anonymous but he saved the young lady's life. Come on, we have to stitch up those deep cuts." *** Cover Credit to the Artist Source: Pinterest

FavourEkele_1969 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Chapter 5

Scarlett wrestled with her camera and tripod stand, it clattered to the ground when a group of students hit her while passing the hallway. She growled and picked it up getting it to stand.

The stupid school committee wanted to her take pictures for this year's school yearbook. She hated having to get her kit from the house, although she got used to carrying them around but not as often as the principal wanted her to.

Probably becoming a master at being a cheapskate.

Now people would be bribing her to take a second better-looking photo so they could 'Leave a Mark'

Jean smiled hugging her book and tilting her head to get a better look at Scarlett.

"You look so cute when you're mad"

"Don't tease me" Scarlett grumbled.

"No, you're a bunny wabbit"

"I've never been so I'm unexcited to take pictures...hold on a sec." She put out her hand.

Jean stood by a locker with her head tilted, holding her book, her legs crossed under her.

Her smile looked wooden, maybe from being told to smile. She walked over to brush her hair on her right shoulder. Bringing her head up a little to maintain a moderate tilt.

Jean laughed "What are you doing?"

Scarlett took the snapshot indifferently then she gathered her tripod.

"Following my inspiration" She straightened Jean's light pink sweater to cover the strap of her vest.

Jean's eyes lit up "So you want to tell me who my savior is? A lifeguard? Fireman" she wiggled her eyebrows.

Scarlett shook her head "Well...yes, a lifeguard" She nodded and groaned when Jean poked her "Tell me"

"You were saved okay?" She waved her hands and dropped her tripod in the process.

"You were so excited to tell me the other day"

Perhaps Scarlet was in one of her moods this week. Jean thought to herself.

"Okay, I'm going to art class"

"Lucky you"

"You should see my papier mache dog. Ugh, a disaster. She threw her head back.


Scarlett pouted her lip watching her go.


1 hour ago.

She just returned from the room where the AV club members gathered for a brief meeting and met George waiting by a corner close to the room where they secured the rest of their equipment.

"Hey George" She waved.

He stood upright "You saw him the other night, right?"

She rolled her eyes "Get over it"

He rubbed his neck, frantic, something bugged him about Dylan and it didn't settle.

"Don't tell her about him, alright, so we can move on"

"You mean so YOU can move on, Jean's going to be furious at you for saying this behind her back, what's wrong with knowing your hero?"

"It's nothing" He mumbled.

"Exactly, NOTHING, it'll fly over her head_George!"

She reprimanded when he gripped her wrist.

"Don't, please..." He said with pleading eyes.

She huffed, what was left were two pockets of steam coming out of her nostrils to complete the picture.


The evening set in with a spectacular golden sunset with rays of yellow melting into a violet sky. Jean had to stay back at the school gate, the security guard lingered beside her.

"Sure nothing's wrong Rafferty?" He inquired and she smiled.

"No, I'm waiting for someone"

"Okay then" He hung his backpack and hurried across the street.

She went up and down on her toes and puffed, checking the road for any sign of a red sedan, her phone flashed in her face when she checked the time and gave it a second glance.


The rookie must be a prankster for keeping her here up till 7 pm, she strolled down the pavement, picking up speed. She ran into someone and smiled when he steadied her.

"George" She huffed and veered around when a car honked.

He looked up at the car and the headlights flashing their way.

"Is that your brother?" He asked and squinted his eyes "Do you think we can_"

She put out her hand in a hurry "We'll talk later, gotta go"


He watched the car reverse into the road, he saw the driver and he winked at him and put his tongue out driving past him.


Jean adjusted her seatbelt at the rate he was going. Nonetheless, she hung on to the window and scrambled to sit upright

"Slow down, you're gonna kill somebody"

She said round-eyed, Dylan glanced at her. He had the nerve to even ask her how was school.

"Fine, until now" she hissed brushing her hair back settling down when he decreased speed.

"I don't mean to hurt anyone, not today of all days" He grinned, happy with himself.

"I meant me but that's fair" Jean muttered and took off her seatbelt, he tilted focusing on the road while she scrambled to get to the backseat.

"What are you doing?"

Jean patted the seat and dug in, her eyes sparkled when she pulled out a piece of paper that happened to be a five-dollar bill.

She scoffed "Cheap shot"

"Hey, I did a very good job at giving your brother a discount," He said draping his arm on the window driving with one hand.

Clueless. She thought reclining on the chair.

Dylan took a U-turn

"I_uh, it was an emergency." He explained tapping on the steering wheel.

"I stopped for a Fro-Yo"

"Sure, why don't we go home and I'll tell Scott you were incompetent. Okay stop the car"

He climbed out and flashed a light on the back of the car, she felt at the paint job, it looked as good as new.

"Did Albert do this?" She asked with a smile on her face amazed, he passed her a playful grin.

"I did it" She laughed

Two for the price of one, he thought as he got an earful of her rich laugh and her rich smile.

"I'm impressed"

Dylan pretended to doze off "You are?"

"Don't make me repeat myself"

He cackled as they went into the car and he continued driving, searching for the right address, the porch lights were on, he squinted at the number 68 and parked.

There was a twisted peach tree fenced in with pointed white studs by the house and an open lantern hanging by the branch to lighten up a gnome, he shuddered at the plastic smile it had holding a spade.

Scott did some examining of his own and bit his fist as if he just had a glorious reveal.

"You're a lifesaver"

Dylan nodded "Someone said just about the same thing"

Scott eyed Jean "What're you doing outside, get in there! Dad's inside"

Her eyes rounded lighting up


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