
HAPPY GHOST -the nerd's secret-

Reniya particularly is a simple person surrounded by people she mostly love..... has a boyfriend but broke up with her... still she continued her journey in college, then one day a bunch of people came and talked to her parents little did she know his dad's dad wanted to bring him back from being a runaway son but he didn't want to go... so Ren has been kidnapped by his grandpa to offer a trial for his father's doing as a runaway asshole which he stated... his child shall take over the karma in introducing her to their company enemy's son, Liyan Liyan is unexpected, a nerd boy who loves to eat and then there is this MMA fighter guy, a complete opposite of the Nerd

Art_Angel · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 8 City League

Happy put his hood on and followed, now he knows she likes to wander around even at night

they eventually landed at the newly opened lake where the fountain is opened for the first time.... it was a good scenery for her but it wasn't for him... he's only with her cos it's already night

while she is enjoying he looked up and saw the billboard tournament for the city league that is coming.... he'll be facing his enemy Kin Herem.... the one who brutally knocked his enemy last time

he studied in deep thought how to counter attack that guy... he's big and can throw a big punch... but he's more thin but flexible and relies on his own way of thinking, not just strength but ways to counterfeit him....

*you need to go back home* he typed in his keypad

"don't you wanna stay a moment!!" she asked

*I have to go- I have other matters!!* he typed

Reniya brought out her touch screen and gave him a number

"when you want to tell me something just text me ok- why use keypad anyways!!" Happy frowned and didn't know how to answer....

probably cos he just don't want his identity to be revealed to her or to anyone else

*I'll take you to the bus station*

"how thoughtful of you Happy- thanks"

he did walk her away and did not speak the whole hour made him want to shout.... when she got on she bid goodbye

"awww- how thoughtful of you! hahahaha!!!" Clarence who has been following them approached and started laughing

Happy threw him a punch and he immediately dodged

"stop that- ah- I said stop, this is not the ring!!"


they went back to the apartment where Liyan is currently living- inside is not that neat but everything is in proper place

"again- at least wash the dishes.... when you are Happy Ghost you're not neat- Liyan come out!!" he slapped him in the head then headed at the sink to wash something to use

"I'm exhausted- I also saw the billboard earlier!" Liyan said.... he went to the table and relaxed himself to the couch

"the league tournament is closer than I expected!!" Clarence spoke heating up the pan

"I have to prepare my boxing tournament before your league so keep your stamina and strength stable- your opponent is tough!!"

Liyan looked at himself in the mirror and answered

"I know!!"

he stared at the mirror for so long then asked

"Happy Ghost is staring at me!!" Clarence turned around and reached for the cupboard

"No you are staring at Liyan-"

"but all I see is Happy Ghost-"

"Nope- that is Liyan whom you put in a mask as Happy Ghost..."

"but Liyan is a nerd!!"

"shut up Liyan- come and help me cook.... next Saturday I'll escort you to your therapist!!"

Clarence threw him an onion which he caught

"okay!!" he got up and did as told


Reniya drank her tea next to her, she looked at the window and saw her favorite tree where she used to climb, they are back to their old house and sometimes go to his Grandpa's house when called

Lester said that the family will reunite next month when the siblings will come home... her father is the busiest at the moment and his grandpa went out of the city for some business, all she has is her mother who is also busy with the animals, the twins and their guard whom will be staying with them for some time, his name is Jackson Gal ... he's a married guy with a pregnant wife and he is a good person, often lectures the twins and be a person of the house to protect them

it was her grandfather's idea to have Jackson since he too needed money

she thought about Happy earlier, he was at their school and he was kind to her, he even escorted her around the city

*can I have an absent notice tomorrow* an unknown number popped

*who are you?* she replied back

*it's Liyan!*

*how'd you get my number?*

*does that matter*


*what's the occasion Liyan!!*

*business trip with dad!!*

"he's on business trip with his father!!" how is that possible, she thought

She just shrugged and replied ok... 'didn't know he's got a burden in his back' she sigh


the next day, Hailey excited inside the class with her sports bag

"I heard we are gonna hold a sport festival next week, so I brought my necessary equipment-" Hailey rolled her eyes and modeled towards Ren who wants to strangle


"oh c'mon babe, ya know me!!" Hailey sat next to her and opened her letter

"here ya go.... muah!!" Ren slowly took it without letting an eye slip

"what happened yesterday, I heard you cried!!" she asked... she rolled her eyes and looked at everybody, words spread quicker than he thought

"it's Kevin- but everything is cool now!!" she said and sat down

"Kevin again!! what the hell did he do!!" Hailey's brows rose up

"don't bother, I'll tell you on the way.... we still need to check the attendance at the gym!"

"how about nerd-"

"business trip!!"

"business trip- you mean like a real business?"

"yeah- after all, he's a rich man's son!!" Ren walked out and told everything to Hailey


Black Raven underground training space

Happy has just finished wrapping his wrist after a bit of arm up and training... he'll have a spar with a player for he next league....

"Happy- be gentle when fighting!!" Clarence commanded, he knows he could be a brutal person when he's inside the ring.... at times he will play along and proceed to play weak but when he's in his really peak he's a beast

"so how did you save Liyan from being absent!!" Clarence asked

"I told Ren I'm going on a business trip- don't worry about it!!"

"you suck at reasoning Ghost!!" Clarence laughed, tapped him and up he goes inside for a spar

having a spar... Clarence is good when it comes to reading Happy- he is putting his eyes in each corner of his opponent's movement and calculating his next move from left to right... from the first punch he already ripped a code and proceeded in entering a loop hole to punch back

Happy plays humble and let his enemy shoot on him.... but like a hacker calculating he will eventually find a code to destroy it's enemy brutally...

"he's really a smart player!!!" the coach came, he's got a nice sports bag in his waist and a new cap which he got from the other country

"coach Warren- when did you come back!!"

"just now- I wanted to come and see what's are you guys holding for a while and since the city league is coming of course I'm here to coach Happy!!" he said opening a bottle

"STOP HIM- Ghost that's enough!!" one player entered and snap out Ghost from his crises

"he's the same as always, once entered the zone he won't stop fighting his enemy!!" Warren laughed and slowly walked

"he's always like that!- just like his first match!!" Clarence followed

"I'm- I'm sorry... I didn't hear the bell!!"

"Damn it Happy- at least know mercy!!"

Happy bowed again and walked away

when he saw the coach he immediately smiled and ran towards them

"sup coach- when did you get back!!"

"just now and you became a monster right Infront of me again!!"

"I didn't mean that!!" he jumped and walked Warren to the table

"your game is coming by the end of this month Happy- be at ease cos that is soon, as for next week, we will be preparing Clarence" he just nod while Clarence put down a sushi on the table

"you said that was mine!!"

"buy your own- this is for coach!!" Clarence offered him and never gave some to Ghost

"how about you Clarence..... ya ready!!!"

"I'm all fired up- don't worry about me I've been studying my opponent-" he said and smashed the apple in two

"I'll go at the locker for a moment!!" Happy said and walked away

he wondered what is happening outside... all of them must be having a good time running at the oval ground

*Liyan when will you be back?* his phone rang a message... he put aside his phone and answered

*Maybe the day after tomorrow!!*


*I have a big business event next to this city!!*

*you have to be back soon cos they are giving points for the upcoming sports festival next week ಠ⁠ ⁠೧⁠ ⁠ಠ*




"he just replied *K how dare he!!" Ren activated her fury and typed

*is that all you have to say after I tell you something important*


"what are you talking about!!!" Hailey's asked

(new message)


*Asshole* she replied back after his reply


"pffttt" he laughed which immediately attracted everyone

"what's that- never saw Happy be happy like that in just a message!!" someone asked

"aherm- no I'm not!!" says Ghost and proceeded away to the people


AFTER 2 DAYS *Friday*

"why are you looking for me!!" Liyan sigh looking at the mad Reniya

"cos you've been absent for 3 days you said you'd come on Thursday!!"

"sorry something came up and I had to help out with the business!!" he said and walked inside

when he reached the class door a paper ball landed on his head followed by a book which he caught with his hand

"nice catch nerd!!"

"don't start, Mud head!!" Hailey threw the same paper back

Randal eyed Liyan, he just walked towards his seat and started his daily routine in listening to the medic class

as an art student, it was all new to him, the materials, people's and body parts

he just started sketching on the notebook and wait for the time..... their next class should be P.E all students are to decorate the lower part of university for the coming freshman and sports festival

Liyan isn't interested and all, and he is always alone despite being one of school nerd... a ball hit him in the back so he looked back and saw Randal

"sup Nerd!!" they walked towards him and one by one knocked his head causing his glasses to fall off

as soon as he wants to pick it up a small hand grabbed it

a girl with two lowered pigtail approached and gave him his glasses, she too had a glasses except that she is attractive and wears a pretty smile

"they ran to you quite often now!!" she smiles at him

Reya Dellen is her art classmate... she is quite the nerd but popular type since she is beautiful, she's also their class president and the one who talks to him often

"thanks-" he said and walked away

"Liyan- also we need a class reunion tonight for the sports event! your an art student not a medic!!" he just nod and proceeded back to the gym

his class is based on his picked subject... so most of the time he is with the medic because of gym, PE class and medical subjects...he's exempted for a reason of being a hidden Happy Ghost and no one like him has a back and forth subject from one department to another... -even I don't understand-

when she reached the gym, he's already late and bunch of ball applauded his face, all he did is take cover and walk back to the class like nothing happened, no one cares about his existence

"didn't that hurt Liyan!!" Randal laughed and scoffed towards him

"Wow- didn't know your as tall as me- but listen here, I'm your boss and you are the nerd!!" Randal bounced a ball in his head and wondered off

Ren who was watching pulled the giant mascot boat stick and smashed in on Randal ass

"you're such a F* bully!!!" Hailey ran to stop her and so as Liyan

"don't do that- what if he fights back!!" Liyan gently pushed her away

"well it'll be your fault, cos you don't know how to fight back!!!" Ren yelled at him

"look here president!!!" Randal walked towards her but Liyan eyed him and groped his neck backward

they all looked at him pinning Randal at the wall, he stopped from realizing and bowed a sorry

"you F* nerd- you dare" a blow of punch landed on his face followed by another kick in the stomach.... nobody stopped them to the point that Liyan didn't even hit the ground and just take the punches and kicks made by a guy a little bigger than him

a professor blew his whistle in attempt to stop them from making a scene and in the end they landed at the guidance office