
6. Chapter 6

A/N: Okay, three things! 1. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR AWESOME REVIEWS (I love them so much) 2. I shortened this chapter for a little pit of a two-parter. 3. I changed my username because let's just say my friends stumbled across my account, hopefully this won't confuse you guys and you still enjoy this story!

A pair of sweet lips had met Erin's and she couldn't get enough of them. Leading the stranger, who was the owner of these amazing lips, she slowly brought him into her room. He pinned her down on the bed and began to press gentle kisses against her neck and down her stomach as he pulled off her shirt.

Erin watched his every move as he continued to give her the sweetest kisses she could ever imagine. Suddenly, she heard him finally speak, "Oh, Erin. You're so beautiful", the familiar voice stated. Suddenly, he hovered over her, his shirt discarded, and Erin made eye contact with the beautiful blue eyes of her partner. Jay Halstead.

The sound of Erin's alarm clock went off, making her immediately sit up in her bed. "Oh my god", she groaned holding her head in her hands. After last night she had a raging headache from thoughts and dreams about Jay.

She just couldn't get him out of her mind and to be perfectly honest she wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or bad thing. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Erin decided the best thing to do was to go on a run, maybe it would help clear her head.


Jay smiled as he heard his little girl squeal as she went higher and higher in the air as she swung. As he approached Maggie and the woman who was pushing her, Jay found himself smiling even bigger than before.

"Daddy, look how high I am going", Maggie squealed as she continued to swing in the air.

Jay laughed at the little girls amusement as he walked up to the woman, whose face still had not been revealed, and wrapped his arms around her waist. He heard her laugh as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. As Maggie continued to swing, the woman turned in Jay's arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. Jay smiled into the gentle kiss and didn't want it too end until the woman pulled back and looked at him. There, in his arms, was the beautiful Erin Lindsay.

Jay sighed as he woke up from his amazing dream. As he tried to sit up in his bed he felt the dead weight of a sleeping Maggie curled into his side. He had completely forgotten about her request about to, in her words, cuddle with him last night after his parents left. Jay could swear that Maggie knew when he was in a bad mood or something had gone wrong.

It wasn't like he hadn't thought about Erin rejecting him when he kissed her, but it felt so right. He hadn't felt like that with anyone, even Maggie's mother. Erin made him happy and more importantly made Maggie happier than she already already was.

As if she knew that he was thinking about her, Maggie rolled over and was practically on top of Jay now. Jay laughed as she continued to roll around.

"Daddy, am I going to the zoo today with Mimi and Papa", she asked not even opening up her eyes.

"Yes, you are. Which means you need to get up", he said leaning over to tickle her stomach.

Maggie squealed as Jay tickled her stomach and she tried to roll over onto her stomach, "Daddy! Daddy, stop", she practically yelled into the bed.

"Well, Mags, Mimi and Papa are going to pick you up at eleven o'clock and it is now", Jay began to say as he looked over at his clock. "Ten fifty! You better get dressed", he continued watching as his little girl got a huge smile on her face before she skipped out of his bedroom.

Standing up from his bed as well Jay walked into the kitchen and made Maggie her favorite waffles just as she was coming out of her room.

"Yeah! Waffles", Maggie exclaimed as she took a seat at the counter and grabbed the plate.

Jay smiled as she continued to eat the waffles he had drenched in syrup for her, "Mags, you got some syrup on your face", he said handing her a napkin.

"Daddy", Maggie said through the napkin she had over her face. Jay looked up from his cup of coffee at his toddler sitting across from him. "Is Erin really your girlfriend", she continued looking up at her father.

Jay sighed as she looked at him with hope that his answer was yes. "No, sweetie. Mimi just thought we were dating", Jay explained watching Maggie sigh.

"I think that you should date Erin 'cause she's very pretty and you laugh more when she's here", Maggie explained as she got down from the counter and grabbed her shoes.

Before Jay could say anything return, there was a loud knocking on the door and Maggie immediately jumped up to answer the door.

"Mimi! Papa", Maggie exclaimed as she opened up the door and jumped onto her grandparents.

"You ready for the zoo, sweetie", Frank Halstead said as his granddaughter stood at his feet.

"Yup", Maggie said with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks for letting us steal her, Jay", Marie Halstead stated watching a confused smile come over her granddaughters face.

"Daddy, I don't want to be stolen. I want to stay here with you", Maggie begged as she ran over to her father and jumped in his arms.

"Don't worry sweetie, I will see you when you get back. Make sure you tell the elephants I said hello okay", he reassured her as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Maggie smiled as Jay sat her back down on the ground and she trotted back over to her grandparents, "We will have her back around four o'clock", Marie answered.

"No worries. Have a good time", Jay stated just as they turned to leave.

"Bye Daddy", Maggie called out as the door shut behind them.

Jay smiled as he heard her call out to him. Of course he liked when his parents took Maggie because it was nice to get a couple hours to himself.

About an hour after Maggie had left for the zoo, Jay found himself sitting on his couch watching some trashy tv show and his thoughts, for the thousandth time that day, drifting to who other than Erin Lindsay. Even though she doesn't know it yet, he is in love with her and there's no changing that. She may of rejected him last night, but he was going to fight for her.

All of sudden there was a knock on the door, startling Jay of his thoughts. Rising from his spot on the couch he walked over to his door to see the exact woman that was on his mind.

"Hey", he said opening up the door wider to reveal his beautiful partner standing there in workout clothes with her hair pulled back.

"Hi", Erin returned giving him a small smile.

A/N: Originally this wasn't a cliff hanger chapter, but hey why not! Review, Review, Review! If you do this I promise I will update as soon as possible!