
Chapter 4 Family Reunion

Authors Note:

Hope Y'all like Teen wolf

And I'm sorry if I hadn't posted a fourth chapter for these story, I had other things to worry about in life. But here it is.

Do not worry yourself, just because I hadn't posted a new chapters, does not mean I'm giving up on the story.


As his rig slowly came to a stop Leo  opened his door stepped outside and closes it. Behind where the passenger seat is the mother and both of her kids exited till they were strucked by the sound of sandi screaming out to her mother.

Leo stepped back and watches as sandi embraces her mother and siblings into a tight hug. For a moment the sight of them somehow reminded him of an empty void in his heart. Maybe that seeing the mother and her kids hugging each other reminded him of something that was long gone, but right now he knew that it was too late for that.

His eyes moved up and notices nalia waving at him and he then strolled forth bags in hand.

"I see you've found them. It's very sweet of you leo," Nalia said as she smiles at the sight of the four family happily crying in each other's arms.

"I couldn't allow them to split apart from one another," replied leo.

"No matter what, you did the right thing bringing them here," Nalia responded as she lightly tapped Leo on the left shoulder.

The two of them for the moment chose to let the family of four have the time. Nalia on the other hand was only informed by Leo just the day after yesterday. When she had heard what the spartan said, she figured that since after retiring from the unsc marines, she was wanting to go on a back water planet like earth and enjoy her first day as retired soldier whereas she would finally become one of the veterans.

She had expected the certain planet to be like one of the inner colonies. A planet filled life and advantuerer. She didn't mind the space traveling and going from one planet to another, it just sort of made her bored in some way. However, once she was given a chance to retire she immediately took the offer. But what she didn't expect was having to have been sent to a world, yet these planet was earth, except it wasn't the kind of earth she had expected.

After she was filled in on news about sandi and her family's situation sandi herself figures that maybe this decision of hers was not a mistake after all.

Suddenly the ex marine and the spartan two readied themselves when sandi, her mother along with the two young kids were walking towards the two of them.

"Mr. Leo. Ms. Nalia. Thank you for this. I am greatful for what you've done leo... You have no idea what it means for me seeing my familia alive and well," the mother said as she wiped a tear off of her face.

"No problem," Nalia said responding to sandi in spanish.

"As long as you and your family is safe, that is all that matters," Leo said with a simple nod.

The mother smiled, greatful for Leo and Nalia helping her daughter without questioning who she was. She then stepped forth readying herself and then seconds later she spoke.

"I would like to thank you sir leo, and you two Ms. Nalia. I am very greatful for what you've done," The mother told them as she took a moment to think to herself. "Please, help us. I know that you both know who we are, we are of from Mexico. I fled with my children to come here to America in hopes of starting a new life. But, that it isn't just about me. I want to do it for my children, so that they can grow up without fear of their life... Ple-

Before the mother could even finish her sentence, Nalia's left hand raised up to stop her right there and spoke. "Its ok Madam. I do not mind helping you and your children. Besides, I don't think Leo here would have any problem here," Nalia says as she peered up at the spartan.

"We do not mind the issue what you and your kids are in. We can help, unfortunately. We would need to give you and your kids documents that'll help y'all. We would also need to teach them English so that they can understand the people they might run into." Leo added in.

"Thank you... I can help. I am very good at cleaning and doing garden work. House work is also what I'm very great in." The mother says as she glance at the two of them greatful for their acceptance, but that doesn't mean she can't thanked them.

"You do not have to overwork yourself to thank us. But, I do not mind some help with the garden; perhaps you can teach me about flowers and planting," Nalia said, offering the mother a genuine smile.

The mother laughed with the woman until it was over. After that, she expressed her gratitude that both the woman and Leo were so accepting. "Of course, I am not against teaching. We can start on any day you choose."

"I will take up your offer. Ummm, sorry. What's your name?" Inquired Nalia as she mentally curses at herself for forgetting to ask her name.

"Lariana, or you can just call me lari for short." The mother says answering her.

"Sandi," Leo says calling out for her.

"Yes sir," Sandi answered.

"There's no need to call me sir. Leo is good enough... Here is the tydanol, it'll help you with your sickness," Leo told her as he handed over the three boxes filled with the small bottles in it.

"Gracias!" Sandi exclaimed as she surprised Leo by hugging him.

Nalia smiles at that as she then stepped forth and spoke out to the family of four. "I'll be helping you guys out, come on. I'll show you all your rooms," She said as lariana and the kids followed after her.

On the other hand Leo had went to the car and brought out a few more of the stuff that he bought for the house on the way. After that he left for the entrance door, and as his hand reached forth his hearing picked up on some shuffling and instantly he glanced to the right and saw some of the birds flying off into the night sky.

He could've swore that he heard something strange, as if it was a voice belonging to someone else, but soon he pushed the thought away thinking he was just hearing things and just entered the house.

Next Day Friday

March 1 

6:05 am  

Getting up this early in the morning was nothing that different to leo. After all back in his younger days as a cadet, he and the spartan two's were used to waking up a four am in the morning.

At first he didn't understand why as a kid. But after years of being cooped up in there he started getting used to having to it without much of a problem.

Yet here he was, getting ready for work. Or more likely his first time as a park ranger.

Grabbing his keys Leo then headed for the door. He had no need for food this early, seeing as how lariana and her kids were still sound asleep along with Nalia as well. Though sleep may have been very great for others such as civilians, but for a spartan, Its only a minor thing especially when his body only needed less then four hours of nap, seeing as how he was able to wake up at this early in the morning.


It did not take him long to arrive at the forest rangers' department. To his left and right, he could see cars owned by building employees, including Michael's and the other two new hires like him.

Leo exited his vehicle, then approached the building and entered it.

As he stepped inside, the Spartan was met with gazes from the staff. He did not mind because people in the U.N.S.C. Space and its colony worlds would casually shoot him and his fellow Spartans with expressions of fear, awe, and curiosity, among other things.

He walked towards the elevator, but before his hand could reach it, someone else spoke to him in a loud voice.

"Leo! Man, over here,"

Turning around, the Spartan noticed Joseph and Karhu approaching him, their faces filled with excitement.

"Karhu, Joseph. Good morning, what can I help you with?" said Leo as he greeted the two.

"Good morning to you too as well." Karhu says in response. "Want some coffee." she smiles briefly holding out a cup.

Accepting it For a moment, Leo looks down at the brown hot liquid of the drink, its scent pleasing him; it is not every day that he and the other Spartans get to enjoy drinks like hot cocoa or coffee. After about two to five seconds of sipping, Leo noticed that the other two were taken aback by how long he had been drinking it. "Thank you, this drink is great."

"No problem, man. We did not want to leave our third buddy behind, so we got it from the nearest Starbucks." Joseph told him, smiling brightly.

"No matter, this is very kind of you. I am not familiar with this drink. Leo thanked him for the sweet drink.

As Joseph shoved the compliment away, he patted the Spartan's arm. "Hey, this is on the house. Come on, the boss wants to meet with us."

Nodding in confirmation, the spartan continued after the two hires. For a short time, Leo thought he had arrived at where Bill's office might have been, but instead he was led to a large room that was roughly the same size as an average high school classroom.

When he walked in, the majority of the people in the room stared at him as if he were a celebrity. Wondering why everyone else was looking at him, the Spartan eventually figured it out when he noticed a woman wearing a comfortable black sweater with a red scarf around her neck and a dark blue jean on the flat screen TV. The newscaster was doing her best not to lose her cool in the middle of her speech because a number of people were bothering her as they passed by.

After a few moments, the newswoman began discussing the incident that had occurred on Wednesday. He figured that something like these would've happened fairly sooner then he guessed, and ironically, it actually came to be so.

Afterwards the staff of the building all closed in on Leo and the two new hires. Everyone else congratulated him in on what he did in the mall incident. They slap him on the back lightly as a tap, others were either speaking to him in a positive way while some threw in a few words of compliments.

Leo responded to each and everyone of them. Some that even he himself was not used to with how they were overly cheering for him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Leo questioned.

"Your famous new guy, that's what man." Commented one of the staff.

"We just turned on the TV to watch some news, and the people started talking about what happened in the mall." Says Bill Thompson as he introduces himself to the three.

"Good morning, sir." said the Spartan, shaking hands with the elderly man.

"Morning to you too as well Mr. Kornesean, come on. Why don't you three walk with me." Bill told them, gesturing for Leo and the other two to follow.

"So, what do you have for us, sir?" Leo inquired.

"Your very first task, that goes out to the two of you as well." Bill said, knowing the two children had heard him.

"Come on gramps. Please tell us?" Quipped karhu.

"I am glad you are excited to get started on your first mission. You will be on patrol, and if you see something wrong or someone in need of help, you three must assist them... However, I believe you will have much more to deal with at tomorrow's meet and greet event." Bill says answering him.

"Meet and greet?" Leo wondered because he had heard his aunt discuss the subject. "Where will you be hosting it, sir?"

Looking at the giant of a man, Bill could not help but tilt his head up slightly due to the spartan's height. "It is an annual city-wide event that takes place on March 2nd. And the reason I said it would be a lot for you is that it will be stationed near the forest. That is why I want the three of you and a few other county sheriffs to be there, keeping an eye on the area and the civilians."

"I see. Understood sir." Leo said in response.

"Aside from that, I am just glad my grandmother is awake and walking. She'll probably see me posted and would want a picture with me." Karhu commented, eliciting a look from Bill and Joseph.

"Speaking of grandma, how is she karhu? I heard what happened to her. Is she alright?" Joseph, slightly concerned, inquired of her.

"My grandmother, it is funny you say that. Cause she's right here in the building." Replies karhu.

Joseph's right brow rose in surprise. "What! Here, in our building!?"

"Yes, I told her to stay at home and rest once she was healed. But no, she is just too stubborn of a woman."Karhu told him, chuckling at the thought of her grandmother wanting to walk again.

"But how come I thought she would not heal for a few months?!" Joseph inquires as to how her grandmother was able to heal in such a short period of time.

"Well, it was entirely due to Ms. Kornesean and her company... I am not sure how long she would be in pain if they had not offered to help her with her injury." Karhu says thankful of Rosa Kornesean who was willing to help her grandma without expecting anything in return.

"I'll be damned. I don't know if that woman is either a savior or just too damn kind." Joseph exclaimed in amazement.

"Leo, you and your aunt are extremely nice. I am glad you two are not like the other rich people." Bill Thompson said relieved to hear that his old friend Cilla could still walk.

"No problem. Knowing my aunt, she would gladly assist anyone in need." Leo responded nonchalantly.

"Speaking of your aunt, is she going to be in the meet and greet event?" Joseph asked wondering if she'll actually be there.

"She will. The mayor of the city has invited my aunt because of her caring attitude and the fact that she was one of the politicians who previously assisted him." Leo replied, thanking his aunt for explaining it to both him and the others during dinner.

"Well that's good to hear. Cause my parents would've definitely want to meet her... Did you know she came by our restaurant once and ordered some food, you should've seen the looks my parents and customers had on their faces. She's like a celebrity to all of them!" Exclaimed Joseph.

What the kid was quite true, and Leo couldn't help but agree with what he and the others has spoken of his aunt. Back in unsc space, his aunt was one of the few people whos helped with the spartan-2 program. Though whether it may have been an unsightly image during that certain day, his aunt still hadn't given up and so did all she could to help the kids out, especially him. Though, that didn't mean she will forever have those image erased from her mind, not ever.

Then along came the great war, known by the covenant, but to the unsc and humanity, it was a fight for the right to survive. It was also from there on she did her best to assist anyone who was in need of aid. Marines armies, and soldiers alike, even their allied aliens who was part of the arbiter's seperatists.

So something like helping one planet or country was nothing of an issue to his aunt. Heck, he had a feeling that if she so chooses to become mayor of the town or president, she would've been one way before he even came to this world.

"Ahhh! There she is!" Bill let out as he saw his old friend cilla talking to the receptionists.

When the elderly lady heard him her head turned to where the familiar voice came from, and from there she saw bill. Her eyes widened in surprise for she was happy to see her friend.

"Bill! Wow I'll be damned! It's good to see you old man." Cilla says walking towards and giving him a simple hug.

"Hey, hey. I could say the same to you too old woman." Bill responded to her in a friendly remark.

After the two had hugged it out, they then departed from one another. From the side, cilla saw two other individuals. One was Joseph. The boy who was the son of the two Zhang couple, commonly known by the town as the owners of the red restaurant buffet.

However, when her eyes landed on the second individual, cilla couldn't help but feel like something was not quite right with him. To her eyes, the man was young. He was about the same age as both her and her twin brother when they first arrived here on Yellowstone three decades ago. The looks that seems to be showed on his face was bear in a gravely and blackened tone.

And out of all his image, the man was simply the tallest person around here, and she sure as hell could tell that he was the tallest one there is in town. Except a few other creatures she's seen in her long life.

"Hello Joseph, it is good to see you young man!" Cilla spoke as she gave him a hug.

"It's good to see you as well Ms. Cilla! I have to say, I can't believe you are able to walk just a week after your incident... But no matter what, you are one hell of a woman with a will to fight on." Joseph says congratulating her.

Cilla chuckles with hands on her waist and responded happily after she heard that. "Oh, it is no problem at all. Its gonna take a lot to bring these old woman down!" She told him while patting on where the injury once was.

With her arms folded karhu had to give it her grandmother. If there was two letters to describe her immortal of a grandma, it would be I & H, translating to Iron-Heart. Or in her own words, stubborness.

"That is all thanks to Rosa kornesean. The woman is a savior and a great help to the people of these town." Commented Karhu.

"Uhhuh. The lady is a big part of my recovery... Thanks to her, I can walk once more in a short amount of time, although I'll have to get used to  walking with this new leg of mine." Cilla says referring to the brand new limb.

"Limb!?" Joseph inquired, pondering what she meant by that; he assumed Cilla had a simple injury such as a stab wound or a gunshot.

"Let us just say that the weapon I was struck with was laced with a potent poison that nearly killed me. And thanks to Ms. Rosa, I have gotten a new leg." Cilla told him and was about to continue speaking when someone called out to Leo, cutting her off mid-sentence.

"Hello, Mr kornesean! Am I correct?"

Cilla and those nearby turned to see who was calling out to the Spartan. She notices two people dressed in very casual outfits. One, a man about the same height as Joseph, who was six feet tall, but on the other hand. The man stood two inches taller. He was dressed in black jeans with a white t-shirt inside. He wore light blue pants and brown boots.

His partner who was walking next to him was a woman. She was of Latino ethnicity. She stands five feet eleven inches tall. She reached into her light blue trench coat and extracted what appears to be her badge. Everyone could see she had a handgun in her right pocket, which was obviously locked in case anyone tried to take it.

The two evantually reaches them and came to a halt just four feet away from the five of them. The man gave them a genuine smile as a way to show they weren't trying to be forceful upon them with questions. Sadly, before he could utter a word, his partner spoke up for the two of them.

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen. I am Detective Nelson. Right here is my partner Kasie... I hope y'all wouldn't mind us barging in here unannounced." The woman spoke in greetings.

"Pleased to see you both. Tell me detectives. Why are you two here, and how can I be of assistance?" Inquired bill head slightly tilted in question.

"Well, sir. We hope you do not mind because we are simply here to ask Mr. Kornesean some questions... If you do not mind, that is." Nelson asked.

Bill and the others all gave him a look, and Leo couldn't help but come to accepting the two detectives request.

"I'll accept your inquiry. As long as it does not hindered our time." Responded Leo.

"Excellent. We are greatful for your compliance, though I assure you that it won't be long!" Spoke kasie in gratitude.

"Understood... What is it you wish to ask of me?" Replied Leo nonchalantly.

"Well. It is about the mall incident that took place on Wednesday. We saw you defend and save some lives on camera. Which of course, Michael was involved in. However, one of the men we imprisoned escaped." Nelson clarified, hoping he understands.

"Escaped!?" Bill murmured, his right brow furrowed in surprise. "And how is Leo suppose to help you two. From what I've heard, all he ever did was killed some hooligans in masks and saved the lives of those civilians?"

"Because the person who escaped left something that leaves the rest of our department with some minor problems." Answered nelson as she glance from Leo and then to bill.

"What is these message he left?" Leo's says arms folded as he looked at her inquisitively.

Nelson first turned to her partner gesturing for him to hand her something which he nodded and gave her a small tablet. And after nelson tapped in a few times she looked at Leo and the others, and in her hands she showed them the image.

What Leo and the others see was what looked to be the prisoners cell room. Every area is pretty much what an average prison room looks like. But, on the right side in the wall they saw an image.

"Is that what I think it is!?" Questioned Joseph as he pointed at the tablet.

"Yes, it's blood." Karhu spoke in response to his comment.

"So he's written names of his targets... If he is out there, it is safe to assume he will start killing all of these people soon. Is that what you came here for?" Leo replies, giving the two a slightly less inquisitive look.

"Correct." Answered nelson as she shot him a smile. "Just yesterday on thursday, we've found two of the killers Victims. One had his head split opened, the second. Well, let just say we couldn't afford to take a picture of him. Not that we didn't want too, but the sight of him was quite ugly."

"You think these person is going after me, am I right." Leo said asking her.

"Yes. Your name was the seventh one to be written on the wall in blood. We believe the killer is still here on Yellowstone, hiding and waiting for the right moment to kill you... We can place you under witness protection." Offered kasie as he peered up at leo.

"No need. I can take care of myself." Leo responded, eliciting a sigh of frustration from some of the others.

"Are you sure, we do not mean to urge you Mr. Leo... But your life is at stake here." Nelson said as she seemed perplexed by Leo's response.

"I appreciate your offer ma'am. However, I can assure you that I can defend myself." Replied Leo.

The two detectives glances to one another and held their sight for a moment and then went back to the taller man. "Alright then Mr. Kornesean. We won't pressure you any further, however. I'd advised that you at least carry something to protect yourself with. For safety measures."

"Nelson here is right Mr. Kornesean. If you aren't up for a witness protection. Then at least keep yourself armed at all times, we might never know when these serial killer is going to strike... Take care sir." Nelson partner kasie says speaking up next.

Leo nodded his head down and up once and watched along with the others as the the detectives returned the favor as they bid farewell to them.

"You sure that was a wise idea leo?" Bill said asking him as he looked at the man questioningly. "I'll I gotta say, is that's it's not a bad idea to have protection."

When he had said that Joseph was about to make jest to that but got an elbow to shoulder by Karhu who hit him.

"Yes sir. I'll be fine. What we should focus on right now is the task ahead of us." Responded Leo.

"Okay son, but better damn well have fun with you at all times. I wouldn't wanna lose another one of my boys again... Understood!?" Bill says this time sternly.

"Understood." Leo returned.

After the old man Bill had talked with the three new hires, they all left to put on their uniforms. And not long after of suiting up, each of them  went to their own individual  vehicles.

Only difference with their vehicles these times was that on top of it, in the roof was a magnetic beacon light that comes on like a siren of a regular cops car. Of course they wouldn't use in case of possible endangerment.

As the three new hires hopped into their car they then drove off to accomplish their very first mission of the day.


Leo meanwhile in his part of the town drove passed the intersection.

As he does, he saw someone walking very slowly in the striped cross line. And so knowing that this is going to take a while he stepped out of his and walked towards the elderly woman after closing his door.

The lady moved her head squinting as she tried to see who the sudden large shadow belongs to. As she looked, she glances up and see the large figure of Leo.

"Can I help you ma'am. You seem to be having trouble walking." Asked Leo.

As the elderly woman stared up at him she couldn't but smile lightly at him. "Oh yes please. I'll need it. These old body of mine isn't the same as it used to be anymore."

"Here, let me carry your bags." Leo offered as he reaches forth and carried the four bags of groceries.

The spartan could see why the elder woman was having trouble crossing the road. Which he doesn't blame her for, because she had with her four plastic bags, all filled with food and drinks, and substance that'll help her throughout her days. And not only that, he could feel how heavy the bags are. Not that it bothered him in any way, but to the elderly woman, Leo could feel that these bags had an estimation of ninety pounds, while only one other weighed around forty six pounds.

Not only will this much weight troubled the elderly woman, but so would her backpack and extra essentials within her walker. He may not have much sympathy for civilians in the smallest ways, but that doesn't mean that leo wasn't down to help those in need. Something his aunt advised him to at least try since he's living his new life here on earth.

Though Leo could've sped right past the old woman, Leo didn't come down to that decision for he wanted to make sure she makes it to her home which was clearly the apartment across the cross walk.

However, he and the elderly woman was about to reach the walkway when out of nowhere, a car can be seen driving past a couple red lights while behind it three cop cars was chasing after it. Leo's head turned immediately to where he spotted the elderly woman was. Dropping the bag on the ground he then rushes forth in mere seconds hoping to whatever God is up there that he'd make it in time.

The driver of the said car saw two pedestrians in the middle of the two way road and still continued on, not caring for what is infront of him. With his right foot the man stomped down on the gas pedal, he then hears the engine reving, and secondly after that the vehicle he drove sped right forth. While this happened he look to the back to see how cop was chasing him. One was at a car's length away from his vehicle, while behind that said cop car he could see two other of it's comrade speeding right behind it.

"Wow!... What was that?!" The elderly woman exclaimed, her gaze drawn to Leo, surprised by his unexpected action.

"The car driver did not think of stopping for you... Go inside your home; I have to take care of this!" Ordered Leo as he dashed back to his vehicle.

As Leo drove away after the driver and the police cars, he was unaware that the elderly woman had left a gift for him that had been stuck into the left side of his shirt when he handed her back the bags, and that she had spoken a few words after he had left. And as she finished her spells, she looked up and saw three ravens flying after the Spartan and the others.

After she finished her witch magic, the woman got up on her two feet without much difficulty and picked up her grocery bags before leaving for her apartment.


Leo pressed the gas pedal as he watched two police cars pursue the red sudan beige vehicle. The driver did something that surprised the two police cars, causing them to nearly collide with a light pole.

However, as it approached a sharp curve, the leading police car swerved to the side and pursued the sudan.

Seeing this, Leo simply skidded to a halt in his Ford Ranger and took the first right he saw. He wasted no time and hit the gas pedal right away. Suddenly, he realized his back had become magnetized to the backseat.

Following that, he slid open a cover, revealing a hologram. Within the holo screen, he could see the town's road layout.

And about three hundred fifty six feet away, he noticed a red dot blinking every now and then, indicating that his target was gradually cutting ahead of him.

Without hesitation, Leo accelerated, taking advantage of every available space. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the red arrow of the speed thermoniter moving from forty to sixty miles per hour. While driving his modified Ford Ranger Raptor, he knew he needed to maintain a certain speed to avoid accidentally running someone over.

It took him some time to catch up to the police car, whose siren was flashing red and blue just less then a hundred feet away from his posi. Leo then looks to his left and right sides, noticing that there were few vehicles in his path. With it, he immediately pressed the gas pedal, adding more power to the engine, and the Ford Ranger accelerated rapidly.

In the driveway the civilians who was driving their car chose the smart way and drove to the curbside and parked their cars, while watching as a red sudan sped right past them with a police car following behind. Then after the two vehicles had passed, another one, a grey truck who's size dwarfed the other two zooms right through their windows and mirrors.

Unknown P.O.V.

"Tell me again why we are following after a police chase!?" A boy says as he looked at his friend.

"Because we gotta see what's going to happen." His friend replied loudly having to speak louder due to the immense noise.

"But why! Isn't your father going to ground you, not only that. My mother will find out, and she'll ground me for an entire month!" The boy replied.

"Relax, nothing bad is going to happen. Besides, we won't need to get twenty feet closer to them. All we need is hide in a corner or on the top of a building and record the fun... So have a little heart scott!"

"What do you mean have a little fuuunn! What the hell stiles!" Scott exlaimed in shock when his friend had taken a sharp turn as his side slammed into the passenger door.

"Oops! Sorry about that!" Stiles stilinsky said.

Scott was about to reprimend hid friend but stopped so when he notices a truck speeding right passed them.

"Hey, it's that truck!" Scott told his siles pointing it where the vehicle was chasing after the cop car and the red Sudan. "Isn't that the same truck that we saw last night?"

"It is. Which means things just got a whole lot interesting!" Stiles says as he slammed on the pedal.

Leo's P.O.V.

"This is the greyven hill police department! Pull over. I repeat. This is the greyven hill police department, pull over, immediately or else!" An officer said speaking through the loud speaker of his vehicle.

The officer hadn't received any response from the driver of the red sudan. But instead got a middle finger from the man as he put one arm out the window.

The cop was going to speak once more for the third time, instead he heard vroom and turned to look left, and right there he saw a truck going past him.

The man curses underneath his breathe and couldn't believe what he saw. The truck was some sort of different modification of a Ford raptor ranger, only exception was that it is slightly bigger and different then its counterpart.


Even though he knew his siren was flashing when he left the elderly woman, Leo knows the driver of the red sudan could care less about the police or him. But that does not mean he will let this man continue his actions, because he nearly killed a nearby mother and her child while they were walking by at the last stop light.

So, with his last effort, he pressed the gas pedal once more, feeling the immediate speed of his car gradually catching up with the sudan every moment.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, Leo noticed the police officer doing his best not to run over any pedestrians; the good news was that they were all aware of the situation.

Leo eventually managed to remain on the right side of the red Susan. When he does, he rolls down the window from his side and discovers that the driver is only a teenager. And the Spartan guessed that the youth was roughly the same age as high school students.

The child occasionally casts a fruitless glance in Leo's direction. And from below, the kid pulled out his drink and threw it at Leo, only for him to knock it away. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop the kid from committing this stupid act, but that did not mean he was out of options. And with it he decided to sped right ahead and blinded the kid with his rear view light.

With this it causes the youth to shut his eyes as he tried rubbing it. What he did not realize was that he had driven past a wooden fence and hit a curb, causing the airbag to deploy and strike him in the face.

The spartan then came to a stop where he parked it in a nearby spot. Following that, he opened the door and slammed it shut before walking towards the sudan.

As he approached the vehicle, Leo wrapped his fingers around the door handle to open it. Unfortunately, he felt a click, indicating that it had been locked in place.

As he knelt down to peek inside, what he saw confirmed his suspicions. The kid appears to be unconscious, which was most likely caused by the car colliding with a tree.

Leo stood up and walked around to the opposite side of the vehicle, where the driver's seat would be. Before his hand could reach the door handle, he heard multiple sirens and turned around to see cops coming to a halt and exiting their vehicles one by one.

Leo returned his attention to the main thing he was doing and went to open the door, which, as expected, was also locked. So, knowing that the only other way he could do this was to grab the edges of the busted door and slowly begin to tear it apart while hearing creaks.

"Step away from the car!... I'm not gonna say it again, step away from the car!" A sheriff ordered as he pointed his gun at the spartan's back.

Without listening to the sheriff's instructions, Leo ripped open the door until he heard the metal break apart. After that, he tossed the door aside, only four feet away.

"Relax sheriff, I was only opening the door." Leo said backing away as he allowed the man to walk to the sudan, and spoke once more. "The kid is alive, he only seen to have received some minor concussion and a few bruises."

Sheriff Noah stilinsky lowered his weapon seeing that the man was of no threat to him. He then trekked towards the Sudan and went to check on the driver. What he saw was a sleeping kid. Hair about nearly as red as a Scotland man's. Clothes was of a jock head senior in high school.

"What is your name?" Noah said asking the tall man.

"I am leo, Leo kornesean. Forest ranger for greyven ville. I'm sure you know of Mr. Bill Thompson." Leo clarified.

"So your the new guy that the old man was talking about." Noah said chuckling as he sheath his gun back in its holster. "You know, now that I'm looking at you, your face look familiar... Ahhh! That's right. You were the one on the news, during the event that happened in the mall, am I right?"

"Yes, I am." Leo replied simply not interested in a long conversation.

"Thank you. I hope you know that. You've helped saved some important lives, ones that I cared about very much." Noah told him greatful for the man saving his son and twin daughter's life.

"No problem. I was only doing what was right." Leo responded nonchalantly.

With a smile on his face, sheriff noah stilinski chuckles for a moment as he stepped forth and held his hand out for a shake, to which Leo did not reject.

"Still, thank you. I appreciate what you've done... Even though you may have killed some. But, on the other hand, if it wasn't for you and the other guy, a high number of people dead could've happened... Huh, what's wrong." Sheriff Noah asked noticing that Leo was suddenly looking another way.

"There appears to be some commotion going on between two boy youngsters and a couple of cops." Answered Leo seeing boys who he guessed were a duo of friends attempting bypass the cops.

Sighing deeply sheriff Noah with his hands on the waist, he turns around already coming to understand who that was. "Stiles... What the hell are you doing here. Your supposed to be at school!"

Stiles looked on trying to explain until he and Scott was allowed in, thanks to his father.

"Haven't you looked at your personal email. I told you yesterday after school that there is going to be a schedule." Says stiles as he spread his arms out in an embellished way.

The sheriff was about to speak but ceased to, and knowing that his son was right about what he told him, which is true, for he didn't checked his personal email earlier that day. Which is because he would receive a slight amount of e-mails from other people.

"There's no school for three days, so that means Wednesday, Thursday and friday... And since there's isn't one today, I wanted to uhhm, you know, check out the new restaurant." Stiles says internally reprimanding himself for his sudden decision.

Noah stared at his son with an indiscriminately look on his face and shuts his eyes as he sighed deeply to himself. "Fine, you and your partner in crime scott here won't be in trouble. So I will do you two a favor here, get in your car and head home, now! Before I change my mind. Now, or else I'm calling both of your mothers!"

Stiles was about to respond to his father when he received a look that screamed try me. Scott McCall, on the other hand, had been sneaking looks at the other person whenever he had the opportunity. The man was unquestionably the tallest person in the area. And if he could remember back to the wildfire event, he would know exactly who he was. He now remembers seeing the man fight the werewolf while everyone was fleeing for their lives. And it was all thanks to the time he and Stiles, along with a few other kids, were watching while on the school bus.

Scott wondered if the man was like him but somehow had a feeling that it wasn't quite true. On the other hand, when by the time he and rules arrived. His monstrous side was urging to challenge this very man, not out of spite, no, he feels like that this man was of a threat to him.

However, when was looking at the man, he took a sudden step back when Leo looked his way. Scott's hand clenched tightly into a fist out of danger. Second after that he shook his head clear of what he just acted out on.

"Are you alright kid? You seemed troubled?" Asked Leo as he looked at the startled teenager.

Noah and stiles heard this and took a glance at Scott and sees that he was acting quite different then usual. Stiles seeing that something was indeed wrong with his friend decides to talk some sense into his childhood friend whereas he succeeded in effortlessly.

"Stiles, why don't you and Scott head home. Scott might be sick." Sheriff Noah says having no worries for the kids at the moment, not that he doesn't care, but because he knows that his wife and that of Scott's mother are both nurses, who would likely help the kids without question.

"Sure dad, we'll be out of you guy's way." Responded stiles as he then glances at Leo who was standing there menacingly as he gave them a simple nod acknowledging their presence. "Good to see you as well big guy."

"You'll have to forgive the boys. They somehow are a type of magnet to trouble." Said Noah.

"It's alright. They've done nothing wrong." Replied leo.

"Sir. I think we got some trouble!" A fellow officer said speaking up.

Sheriff noah turned around and saw two people. Ones he knew well to be the parents of the kid that was driving recklessly throughout the town's road.

"Let them through." Sheriff Noah said watching as the cops allowed the parents entry as they both trekked towards them worriedly.

~Until Next Time Readers~