
Echoes of Battle

– previously "The four of them slowly step out of the Valkyrie with their bolters aimed, and Arkhan has his powers ready. All four of them look around slowly for any enemies as they walk forward.

'Clear,' said Clovis. They all keep their guard up but lower their bolters a little.

'This place looks like a dump,' said Arkhan.

'And smells like one,' added Balphus.

As this was going on, the Valkyrie left, leaving the team on their own and officially starting their mission."


"Wow, we are quite far down," remarked Hann, his eyes scanning the towering pipes and the gaps between buildings overhead. "Focus, Hann," urged Clovis. "We're about to enter the interior of the hive. This is where we really need to be careful." As Clovis spoke, Balphus interjected, "Hey, Clovis, after this mission, I know a good bar around the garrison." Arkhan swiftly added, "Balphus, stop being a drunk for a second and focus." Clovis couldn't help but think, "Oh, by the Emperor, I wish I had a different squad."

— Clovis POV —

As my team and I approached the entrance to the hive's interior, I surveyed the surroundings. Numerous homeless people and others were disappearing into various alleyways, seeking refuge in the darkest corners of society. Upon reaching a bridge that marked the transition into the hive's interior, we discovered abandoned homes, their doors left ajar—either victims of thievery or claimed for a night by the destitute. When we reached the gate, Balphus entered the code, and the gate creaked open. Strangely, there were no guards in sight, and an unsettling feeling began to settle within me.

Entering the labyrinth of concrete and pipes, our footsteps echoed against the cavernous walls. There was an eerie normalcy to our journey, interrupted only by occasional glimpses of people who swiftly retreated at the sight of us. As we progressed, we reached an outpost, but to our dismay, no guardsmen were present. "Arkhan, I need you to sense any people around us," alright he said. Arkhan closed his eyes, chanting softly. After a tense pause, he opened his eyes and uttered, "There's no one here, no soul in the area but us, Commander," leaving us on edge.

— Arkhan POV —

Closing my eyes, I delved into my senses, attempting to feel the energy around me. An odd sensation lingered briefly at the back of my mind, only to vanish as quickly as it had appeared. Despite my continued efforts, there was a palpable absence of any presence. Opening my eyes, I reported, "There's no one here, no soul in the area but us, Commander." Concern etched across the Commander's face, he deliberated our next steps. "We'll contact HQ, but proceed forward," he decided. I observed as he assigned the new recruit and Balphus to investigate. A foreboding feeling settled within me; this mission was bound to be longer and more challenging than we had anticipated.

No one's POV –

As Balphus and Hann leave to investigate, Arkhan and Clovis operate the communication system to contact HQ.

Clovis's POV –

Turning on the communication system and entering the code, we patiently wait for a minute before the old screen flickers to life. A man on the other side addresses me, "Commander Clovis, what is your report?" I salute and respond, "Sir, we've reached the outpost, but there are no guards stationed here. I've dispatched two of my teammates to investigate. I wish to proceed with the mission, sir." The man on the screen seems to contemplate before saying, "Alright, but rendezvous with Team 8; they're in the same sector as you. Meet up at the old underground river at the edge of the sector and ensure at least one of you survives to provide updates. Remember, you have seven moons before a Valkyrie comes to pick you up. That is all." The screen flickers off. "So, we're meeting up with Team 8. If I recall correctly, they have a psyker as well. Looks like you're in for a playdate, Arkhan," I comment. Arkhan shoots me a disgusted look and walks away, muttering, "Damn that woman; if I have to see her ugly face again," before exiting the building.

Hann's POV –

As Balphus and I navigate through the outpost, he decides it's time for a conversation. "Hey, boy," he starts, and I glance back at him. "What do you want to do when we get back?" I replied, "I don't know." "Well, when we get back, you can join me for some fun. Haha, I know a great place in the red light dis…" Before Balphus can finish, a loud noise echoes throughout the outpost. We both halted, swiftly aiming our Lasguns. After a tense moment, we cautiously move forward, assaulted by a foul smell. As we progress, we reach a door that slowly opens, revealing a hallway drenched in blood, organs, and other gruesome sights. "I think I just threw up in my mouth," Balphus remarks, and I nod in agreement. Trudging over the blood-soaked floor, we make our way to the camera room. Inside, we find a few bodies, but not as many as in the hallway. We reach the terminal, and as I review the recordings, Balphus scans the room.

A some time later –

Balphus and I scoured the area, but the footage had been destroyed, and our search yielded nothing. Commander Clovis and Arkhan joined us as we continued our investigation.

"Is everything okay, Hann?" inquired Clovis as he entered the room, Arkhan trailing behind.

"Commander, we found nothing of use," I reported.

"God, it smells horrible here. Did we gain any valuable information?" Arkhan questioned. "I don't want to linger here any longer."

"Yes, we are done here," Commander Clovis declared. "We are to meet up with Team 8 at the old underground river at the edge of the sector, so pack up, and let's go."

No one's POV –

The team exited the outpost and proceeded along the main path, venturing deeper into a slum hidden in the darkest corner of the interior. There, they encountered children begging and a few women selling their bodies. Seeking a quieter part of the slum, the group pressed on.

Balphus's POV –

As we advanced into the quieter part of the slums, I noticed a man in black robes entering an alleyway. His robes billowed in the wind, revealing a pendant with a symbol I was all too familiar with. I tapped Clovis on the shoulder, and he glanced back at me.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I pointed towards the alleyway. "Heretic. He had the pendant." Clovis's eyes widened, and he nodded. Signaling the rest of the team, he quietly tapped Hann and Arkhan on the shoulder, gesturing for silence. Drawing his bolter, he moved towards the alleyway, while Hann and I readied our lasguns, and Arkhan prepared his psychic abilities.

Entering the alleyway, we traversed its length, eventually emerging on the other side into a bustling street. It appeared to be a marketplace selling everything from the darkest goods to food.

"Damn, we lost him," remarked Clovis. "And it seems we've stumbled upon a black market of sorts," added Arkhan. 

"Who were we looking for?" inquired Hann. "Balphus saw a Heretic," replied Clovis. Hann's eyes widened, and Arkhan chimed in, "I knew I smelled something other than rat shit," his face scrunching up in distaste.

"We should get out of here," I suggested. "We don't have anything covering our armor besides Arkhan. Yeah, these people wouldn't want guardsmen hanging around here," added Clovis. Everyone nodded in agreement, and we retreated back into the alley.

"We should find an abandoned building to stay in and rest. We've been walking all day," I suggested. As we navigated through the narrow alleys, we stumbled upon an abandoned factory.

Upon opening the doors, a loud creak echoed through the air. "Damn, that was the loudest creek this side of the Imperium," remarked Arkhan. I gave a sheepish smile as we made our way into the factory, discovering old machinery that no longer worked and discarded work clothes. We set up beds in the corner of the factory, and after finally arranging everything, I lay down, feeling the bliss of rest. The only thing that could make this better, I thought, would be some liquor.

Arkhan's POV –

I observed Balphus lying down, probably contemplating how liquor could improve the situation. "Arkhan," I heard Commander Clovis say. I turned to see him pointing at the spot next to him. I walked over and sat down. "What do you want, Commander?" I asked. "Tomorrow, I want you and Balphus to go back to the black market and try to find anything about that Heretic. If there's one, there are a hundred more," explained Clovis. "Understood, Commander," I replied. "I found a robe that Balphus can use," Clovis added. "That is all. Goodnight, Arkhan." "Goodnight, Commander," I responded. As I lay there, I couldn't help but think that tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

hope you liked the chapter and be free to comment im new to writing.

_Neoth_creators' thoughts