

Monsters from myths and legends have coexisted with humans for thousands of years in a world where technology and magic are almost inseparable. And they want to replace humans to avoid living in the unpleasant underworld. As a result, they began to terrorize humanity. When everyone is desperate, the gods revive the group with Pancasaka, who has the god's power to save the world. But their strength was no longer comparable to monsters. Therefore, the remnants of the Pancasaka group tried to revive their strength by recruiting new members and training them in a crater called Candradimuka. Rainer is one of them, and he is a descendant of Gatotkaca and Ravana, two opposites, good and evil. Can he use his two ancestors' powers to save humanity? Or was he swayed by an evil force within him and turned against the human protection organization?

Prati_fent · Fantasi
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5 Chs

1. Lost


Hide has rules; if you forget, then be prepared to be lost forever.

Rai tightly covered Jihan's mouth. The black shadows since the departure of Aruna, their sister, have been lengthening. Their house appeared to be surrounded. Left, right, front, back, roof, and under the floor It was as if someone was watching them from a nearby window.

Rai had also heard screams from his neighbor's house for two days. They screamed as one by one they vanished and were kidnapped by unknown people. And Rai was beginning to suspect that he and Jihan were the only ones left in their neighborhood, along with a group of people who were not vulnerable to kidnapping.

Rai held her sister's hand tightly; around her neck hung a hunting rifle belonging to her late father that was fully loaded with bullets, while on her back, a sheathed dagger that also belonged to her father was ready in case of a surprise attack on them. Rai did not want to lose his sister when Aruna left them for duty two days ago. It was a rule he had to keep. He would rather die than lose his sister.

"Help me...."

Cries for help were heard once again. However, no one wanted to help, as they were all trying to save their own lives.



"But ...."

Rai glared at Jihan; she found her sister too talkative and annoying. Rai couldn't take care of her sister while preparing for the worst. So, without thinking, Rai immediately put her sister in the closet.

"Wait here!" He ordered.

"Can't we both take care of each other?"

Rai shook his head. "I can't protect you while holding your hand, Jihan! You have to sit here, and I'll be in front of the closet to protect you, okay?"

Jihan looked at Rai, who was glaring at her; inevitably, the little ten-year-old girl had to cower in the closet, obeying Rai's orders.

Rai slowly closed the closet door; his sister paled with fear. But Rai didn't see the fear on Jihan's face; he kept closing the old closet door without another word.


Rai waited in front of the closet door in full alertness. He was literally on guard, just as his brother had taught him. His eyes were straight ahead, prepared for any eventuality.

"Arghh... Help me...."

One of the screams for help in that eerie voice came back again. Rai shuddered; he was getting tense. He prepared for the worst. But his body was getting colder, the sweat flowing on his palms was getting heavier, and his heart was beating fast. Rai was confused about what to do, but all he could do was stand and try to protect his sister as hard as he could.


"Arghh... Help...."


The neighbor's screams were heard again and again. This time, it wasn't just one, but three. Their screams were getting scarier. Rai wanted to know where the police, the military, and the bandits that the government had paid to guard the people were. Where was the Calder or whatever? Why was it so quiet tonight? There were no sirens of police cars, investigators, or commotion moving to save the victims; why was he alone here? Why were those kidnappers kidnapping innocent people?

"What exactly is their target?" "How can they kidnap without leaving a trace and remain undetected?" Rai questioned himself. Rai tensed, the black shadows growing longer. Was it the abductor?

Rai strangely walked away from the closet door where his sister was hiding. Rai crept up to the window to observe the scene.

Rai noticed many hideous, elongated, hunchbacked shadows near their house as soon as the window curtain opened a few centimeters. He shuddered, knowing these were no ordinary shadows.

A black shadow had seen turning towards him. And Rai could see the shape of the shadows.

Rai choked up as soon as he came face-to-face with the figure. The shadow turned out to be Ivan, his neighbor. But it seemed like he was just a figure resembling his neighbor, nothing more! Because the figure was extremely pale! Like someone who didn't have a drop of blood. His eyes stared blankly, like those of someone who has no soul at all. Yet strangely, his body had shadows almost as tall as coconut trees! Such a shadow could not possibly belong to a human.

Once they met eyes, the figure grinned at Rai. As soon as he smiled, he showed his anglerfish-like teeth, sharp and irregular. His mouth widened, enlarging and forming a hideous black hole. His tongue extended, sticking out from inside the black hole that had originally been his mouth.

Rai shuddered in horror, his body stiffening. The figure was creeping up on him and then suddenly moving toward him. Rai was horrified by what was happening, but she suddenly remembered his sister, and he dashed towards the closet where Jihan was hiding.

"You idiot, you're too slow!" A creepy voice appeared inside Rai's head as if mocking him. "He... he... he... he... he..."

"Rai! Help me!"

Rai felt like his life was being ripped from his body as soon as he heard Jihan's scream. But his movements felt so slow.

He smelled scorching, like a plastic tire burning, or maybe another scent he couldn't describe.


Rai heard another cry of pain, and it wasn't his sister. Rai was slightly relieved.


He opened the closet door roughly. But the closet was empty. Rai did not find her sisters anymore. Jihan's seat was now a burnt-out sphere. A burning scent wafted over her, to her sense of smell.


"Rai help..."

"Jihan... where are you?!!!