
Half-System In Cultivation Multiverse

(Author note - All the readers thank you for reading this novel . There are some technical issues so this novel can not take the part in Spring 2022 contest and i want to participate in contest so this novel will be continued in the same name as this novel and that novel content are same so please check it out all the next chapters are continuing in Half system in Cultivation Multiverse novel same name as this novel. Sorry for this inconvenience , you can check it out (continued novel) in my Novel section *. I already uploaded new chapter on my New Novel (continued novel) please check it out , thank you ) What is this Half-System? all of you what to know about Half-System but the Half-System you think it not the Half-System here it exactly opposite of your imagination. The story of the boy who Reincarnated in Cultivation World Where power is everything.But the road that the boy choose is not typical road that protagonist walk nor villain nor side charter now mob character the road that boy choose is very unique and unimportant. Hope this unique stroy of boy you all can like it and thank you for reading.

KING_Novel · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


[ The system is now being activated…]

"hers come my golden finger but what ? what name of the system is??"

"what system again is system only half installed or what"I asked

[ No host]

"then why is the half system the other MC got full system and i got half what's the meaning of this"

"wats up with this system ??"I asked

[Nothing host it's only that is Half system its Half-System]

'this system got in to my nerve' I thought

"what can system do system give me super power or what"

[ System can't do anything]

"wait what system can't do anything then what having this system"I asked

[Yes and no]

"What yes and no"i asked

[system can't do anything when others system aren't present]

"what???"i skimmed then thought 'whats up whit this what's having this system and not having'

[system main function cannot be active when other system is not present]

[system have two function]

[half function][status]

"i have idea about half function but what's up with that half function"i asked

[ half function: it's the main function of the half system it can use all function of other system to 50% .this function can be used only to one system

(this function can be leval up when system get level 5)

(other system one function be permanent if systems level up) ]

"this function can be cool but it can be useless when other system aren't present"i asked

[ host, don't have to worry about that in this universe there are multiple system because of the hundreds of universe collided with each other and become one]

"What??" i skimmed again

[yes host, system analysis that you are in a novel world that you read in your word but it different because the collided univers and it real world not novel world that in host memory ]

"but how you know that we aren in novel word " i asked

[ it because of this body memory]

[host would you like to accept the memory of this body]

"yes" i reply

[ Memory of Jin Chen will be transferred to the host ..]