
Half masochist with a system

please.. I'm not a complete masochist. did you know that I'm a known sadist? what do you mean I'm not acting like one? I'm on vacation.

Ruphas_Mafahl_8072 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

chapter 1

I am Shiro, I'm from a higher dimensions but threw my avatar down here to have some fun I also was granted a system by my cute little sister. She flashes in my mind with a sadistic expression. I smile. There's honestly no one cuter. Not even this succubus of a demon lords daughter whose caught me a moment ago.

I was falling from the sky from where I allowed my sister to throw me. I'm simply an avatar my core is still in a higher place and I don't need to focus here in particular. My body is better than most here I granted my self a few perks but most of the decision making was left to my cute little sister. I was reluctant but that was immediately killed when she seemed ready to cry. I who wouldn't allow her to immediately accepted her decisions but I made a few rules she couldn't break.

1 no controlling my entire fate.

She would get bored as well and before I give her the chance to even consider doing something like this I'd rather be her plaything so even if that meant she controls my life that's fine.

2 no coming here.

3 notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything notify me if there's anything.

She became a bit irritated when I said this on repeat but I couldn't say it enough. My core watches over my sister but I still enjoy hearing her say "help me onii-chan!~"

Surely she threw me here and the demon castle to be happy. My sister is extremely sadistic. The problem is my core is someone of high standing so there's a lot I didn't allow and honestly.. she gets it from me. So this is the only way she could have her fun.

Until I become powerful as this avatar..

When the young miss found me she flew in with her black wings and a grins spread across her face, shes probably already creating fantasies of our future together in her heart.

I smile as she straddles me. Both our breaths fills the room accompanied by the smell of sex and pleasure. In this world there are ways for demons to steal others talents. Lasses are better at it and succubus even better. The success rate goes. 10% for ordinary demons. 50% for lasses. And 100% for succubus. They can steal talent, skill, abilities, affinities, levels, etc. She can't steal my system however, higher dimensions and such.

Right now she's farming levels. She's already killed me 10 times. I of course have no right to resist as she is a succubus and I'm only a humanoid what ever. I didn't choose race specifications by the way.

Succubus may be the strongest race in this world I should have chosen it. With every kill she gains 1million levels because that's my level. If you're wondering how I'm dying with such a level the stats here are broken. Special skills and such defy level and since my special skill is my system she easily over powers me with her skill.

Everyone in this world has status but you will find its mostly well known people with hax or skill.

As I wonder what my first skill will be and how long a succubus can keep this up I die again.





[You have been bestowed causality manip]

I began to cry tears of joy. My cute sister~ I will reward you. I nearly returned to my core diving into the cute girl but was kicked away like a ragdoll. My vision returned and my core simply got up and sat there again idle as if nothing ever happened only that everlasting smile playing on my lips.

I could escape now. I blinked my eyes open. But I am curious... just how long can she keep this up before she goes to do something else. How strong will she become? While status numbers are overcome by skills and hax they play a roll in buffs and hax and can act as boosters.

I smile similarly to how my core is but upon seeing It she slaps me. Stunned for a moment I recover quickly. My confusion only lasted seconds. My smile I use as my core I'm often told other than being handsome beyond comprehension people want to slap me when I smile like that.

I almost smile like that again reflexively but I don't I still have questions.