
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Komik
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31 Chs

Unexpected Reunion

Takeda's excitement was contagious. "A practice match! And guess who it's against? One of the top four teams in the entire prefecture, Aoba Johsai High!"

"Johsai!?" Daichi and Sugawara gasped in unison.

"Aoba Johsai?!" Shoyo's eyes lit up with sheer excitement, his enthusiasm barely containable.

"Aoba Johsai..." Kageyama, on the other hand, felt a mix of emotions when he learned about the upcoming practice match against Aoba Johsai.

Shoyo couldn't contain his excitement and grabbed Sora's shoulders, shaking him with exhilaration. "Aniki, can you believe it? We're going to have a practice game with Aoba Johsai!"

"S-Shoyo, p-please, s-stop s-shaking m-me!" Sora stammered, trying to steady himself.

Unfortunately for Sora, Shoyo's excitement knew no bounds, and he continued to shake him with unbridled enthusiasm. The others couldn't help but sweatdrop at their interaction, a mixture of amusement and concern on their faces.

Takeda redirected his attention to Sora, Shoyo, and Kageyama, a warm smile playing on his lips. "So, you three are the troublemakers, the Hinata twins, and Kageyama-kun."

Shoyo stopped shaking Sora as he and Kageyama raised their brows in confusion.

"T-Troublemakers?" Shoyo asked. "But we haven't done anything to ruin the school's reputation...yet!"

'Yet?' Everyone else thought, sweatdrops forming as they exchanged uneasy glances.

Sora was still in a daze from Shoyo shaking him, and everyone could almost see imaginary stars circling around his head, depicting his disorientation.

Takeda approached them with a friendly demeanor. "I'm this year's club advisor, Ittetsu Takeda."

Hearing this, Kageyama and Shoyo immediately straightened their posture. "Hello," they chorused in unison.

Sora, on the other hand, managed to snap out of his daze and greeted Takeda with a warm smile. "Hello."

"I don't have any volleyball experience, so I can't give any technical advice," Takeda said, his sincerity evident. "But I'll do my best to help with anything else. Just ask."

"Yes, sir," Kageyama and Shoyo replied in unison, their determination shining in their eyes.

Meanwhile, Sora gave Takeda a thumbs up, his face lighting up with a grateful smile.

"Sensei," Daichi and Sugawara approached Takeda.

Takeda turned around to face them, his expression a mix of weariness and determination. "I've been all over the place arranging a practice-"

At this point, Sora stopped listening, his attention drifting away as he began daydreaming about the memes he had recently stumbled upon on Reddit.


Sora was jolted out of his daydreaming as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly retrieved it and saw a text from Hideo.

He opened the message, and it read: "Hey, Sora-kun, I know today is Saturday, but do you wanna come to the Tennis court? I have something important to discuss with you."

Sora raised one of his brows, curiosity piqued. 'I wonder what he wants to talk about?'

Sora quickly typed a reply: "Hey, Senpai, I'm in the volleyball gymnasium atm, what time are we going to meet?"

He waited, watching as three dots appeared on the screen, indicating that Hideo was currently typing.

Hideo's reply finally came through: "That's great! I'm on my way to the school, I'll text you if I arrive!"

Sora grinned and typed back: "Okay, Senpai!" Excitement buzzed within him as he anticipated their meeting.

Sora swiftly pocketed his phone.

"Aniki!" Shoyo suddenly shouted in Sora's ear.

"OH MERDE!" Sora exclaimed in French, his surprise evident in his voice.

Shoyo had no idea what Sora said, but he ignored it and continued excitedly. "Aniki, you're going to be our libero for the practice game against Aoba Johsai!"

Sora raised one of his brows. "Quoi?" he repeated in French.

One of Shoyo's eyes twitched, annoyed with whatever language Sora was speaking. "What are you saying?!" he exclaimed, clearly frustrated.

"Pouffiasse, ferme ta gueule. C'est ce que tu mérites pour crier à mes oreilles," Sora retorted sharply in French.

What Sora said translates to "Shut yo ass up. This is what you get for screaming in my ear."

Sora intentionally continued in French, relishing his small victory and still holding onto his pettiness over Shoyo's earlier ear-piercing shout.

Others once again sweat dropped from their interaction.

"Come on, you two, calm down," Takeda interjected, his voice soothing, his smile unwavering. "As Shoyo-kun said, you're going to be our libero for our practice game against Aoba Johsai, Sora-kun."

"Ah, is that so?" Sora switched back to speaking Japanese. "But why is that?" he asked genuine curiosity in his voice.

"It seems you didn't listen earlier, no wonder you had a look of disinterest," Takeda chuckled, his tone light but firm, reminding Sora of the importance of paying attention.

Sora then scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "Hehe, sorry about that!" he apologized, acknowledging his lapse in attention.

"Anyway, you'll be the libero as per the conditions stated," Takeda reiterated. "Also, you're not the only one; Kageyama will be the main setter for the duration of the match."

"Ah, is that so," Sora began, his brows furrowing in confusion. "Are they not interested in Karasuno as a whole?"

Tanaka's head whipped towards Sora. "Yeah! That's what I thought too!" he chimed in, his surprise mirroring Sora's confusion.

"Well, I'm still not sure why, but they want you to be the libero," Takeda admitted, his expression reflecting his own uncertainty about the decision.

"Anyways, the match will happen next week on Tuesday after school. Don't be late," Takeda said, emphasizing the importance of punctuality as he finalized the details.


The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink as the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the surroundings. The air was filled with a gentle breeze, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and the distant chatter of students heading home.

"Shoyo, you go ahead," Sora said, his voice soft amidst the tranquil evening. "I have something important to discuss with Hideo-senpai."

Shoyo blinked, the fading sunlight casting a warm glow on his puzzled expression. "Eh? At this time?" he asked, surprised at the unexpected timing of their meeting.

"Yeah, I don't know what or why, but Hideo-senpai wanted to discuss something with me," Sora explained, his voice carrying a note of intrigue as he shared his confusion with Shoyo.

"You're meeting with that cocky guy from the Tennis club?" Tanaka said with a salty tone as he overheard their conversation, his words laced with a mixture of skepticism and mild annoyance.

"Uhh, yeah. Do you have beef with him, Tanaka-senpai?" Sora asked, his tone curious but lighthearted, seeking clarification on Tanaka's reaction.

"Yeah, that guy likes the attention he gets from girls," Tanaka said, his expression turning slightly sour. "And he's shameless about it!" His annoyance was evident, revealing his distaste for Hideo's behavior.

"Chop!" Daichi chopped Tanaka's head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Tanaka asked, rubbing the spot where he was hit, his expression a mix of surprise and mild indignation.

"For backstabbing," Daichi replied firmly, his gaze unwavering.

"But it's true though?!" Tanaka protested, defending his statement despite the reprimand.

Sora chuckled, his tone light-hearted. "Well, not going to lie, Hideo-senpai is a good-looking guy," he admitted, offering a teasing grin to his teammates.

Shoyo gave Sora a playful nudge. "Aniki, are you trying to get the best of both worlds?" he quipped with a mischievous grin.

"Hahaha, that's up to your imagination, Shoyo." Sora chuckled, patting Shoyo's head affectionately, leaving the statement open to interpretation and adding to the playful banter between them.

"Wait, do you like guys and girls in romance, Sora-san?" Tanaka asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Sora simply nodded, choosing not to share any further details.

"Anyways, I'm on my way to the Tennis Club, see you guys!" With that, he waved casually and walked away, leaving his teammates, except Shoyo, in a mix of intrigue and surprise at his casual response.


Sora finally arrived at the tennis court and spotted Hideo sitting on the umpire chair, engrossed in his phone.

"Hideo-senpai!" Sora called out, his voice carrying across the quiet court, breaking the tranquil atmosphere.

Hideo looked up from his phone, a smile lighting up his face as he acknowledged Sora's presence.

"Oh, hey!" Hideo said as he jumped off the umpire chair and walked over to Sora, closing the distance between them.

The fading light of the evening painted a soft glow on their faces as they met in the middle of the tennis court.

Sora's curiosity shone in his eyes as he asked, "What is this 'important' topic you wanted to talk about?" His tone was casual, but there was a glimmer of intrigue, eager to understand the purpose of their meeting.

Hideo's voice held a note of excitement as he shared the news. "Well, it's that we finally have a coach for this club." His eyes gleamed with enthusiasm, and it was evident he was pleased to deliver this update to Sora.

"Oh? That's great then!" Sora said, his face lighting up with genuine enthusiasm. "So, who is it?"

"Well..." Hideo hesitated, scratching the back of his head, creating a moment of suspense that hung in the air.

Sora's curiosity grew as he noticed Hideo's hesitation. "Senpai?" he prodded, seeking to learn more about their new coach.

"Oh, is that the talented Sora that I kept watching?"

Sora's heart skipped a beat as he heard the familiar masculine voice behind him. The same voice that had taught him the basics of Tennis in his previous life. His eyes widened, pupils trembling with recognition. Unintentionally, his hands closed into fists, their slight tremor mirroring the emotional whirlwind inside him.

Hideo, unaware of the storm of emotions inside Sora, continued excitedly, "Ah, there he is! The world-renowned Tennis coach!" He gestured towards the figure approaching, his eyes shining with admiration and respect for the esteemed coach.

Sora slowly turned around to meet the new coach. The middle-aged man before him had blonde hair that caught the fading light, piercing blue eyes that held a depth of knowledge and experience, a fair complexion that spoke of years spent outdoors, a well-built physique that exuded strength, and a handsome face marked by confidence. He commanded a presence that demanded respect, and every movement he made seemed deliberate and assured.

Even though the hair color was different, Sora could tell this was his coach from his previous life. This was none other than...

"I'm Nicholas Winters, it's nice to meet you both!" he greeted them with a warm smile, his voice carrying a hint of authority and friendliness, confirming Sora's suspicions about his identity.

A whirlwind of questions swirled in Sora's mind. 'Why is Nicholas here? Was this some kind of multiverse conundrum?' The unexpected reunion with his former coach left Sora pondering the mysteries of their intertwined fates and the new chapter about to unfold.

"Nice to meet you, coach, I'm Hideo Oujiyama, the leader of the tennis club!" Hideo said, extending his hand for a firm handshake, his respect for the renowned coach evident in his voice and posture.

"Nice to meet you too," Nicholas replied with a gracious smile, reciprocating the handshake with a firm grip.

Nicholas then turned his gaze towards Sora, who had been observing him with a mixture of emotions.

Sora, feeling a blend of surprise, confusion, and nostalgia, stammered, "Oh-uhh...I'm Sora Hinata, nice to meet you." His words hung in the air, his voice laced with a subtle sense of disbelief.

"Nice to meet you too, Sora," Nicholas said warmly, holding out his hand.

Sora looked at Nicholas' hand, a mixture of emotions playing on his face. Slowly, he brought up his hand to reciprocate the handshake. Their hands met a connection forged in the past and present, sparking a wave of memories and questions in Sora's mind.

"Anyway, I know all of you had questions in your mind, so ask them right away!" Nicholas said.

Hideo raised his hand up. "Me!"

"Shoot it!"

"Why is a coach like you decided to go to a countryside high school in Japan?"

Nicholas nodded at Hideo's enthusiasm and question. "That's a great question," he replied with a smile, a glint of intrigue in his eyes. "The truth is, I was looking for a change of pace, a fresh start, and a chance to make a difference. So, when the opportunity presented itself to coach here, I seized it. I believe that talent can be found anywhere, and it's my mission to help young athletes like you realize your full potential."

Hideo listened attentively, satisfied with the coach's answer.

However, Sora didn't believe in his explanation. Being a former student of Nicholas in his previous life, he knew Nicholas wouldn't go that far in searching for talent. Nicholas would rather have talented people come to him.

Or maybe this Nicholas is just different. Sora is not sure.

"I have another question!" Hideo once again raised his hand. "What does it feel like to coach the current world number one at the beginning of his career?"

Nicholas chuckled, acknowledging Hideo's question. "Coaching the world number one was indeed a unique experience. Working with someone of that caliber is always exciting. But my passion lies in helping individuals, regardless of their ranking, to reach their fullest potential. Every student brings something valuable to the table, and my goal is to nurture their skills and passion for tennis."

Sora couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity that enveloped him in Nicholas's presence. He had so many questions, not just about Nicholas's sudden appearance in this life but also about the memories that lingered in the corners of his mind, memories from a life he had lived before. Yet, he held back, not wanting to reveal too much too soon.

As determination flickered in his eyes, Sora slowly raised his hand, a quiet resolve building within him. 'Wait, I'll try asking something,' he thought, wanting to be certain.

"Nicholas, do you happen to have a student named 'Aubert Hiro'?" Sora asked with a hint of anticipation in his voice.

Sora's mind raced with possibilities. If Nicholas was present in this world, did it mean that Aubert existed here as well? If so, it would lend credence to the multiverse theory.

"S-Sora-san! I literally asked about him earlier!" Hideo chimed in, an amused tone in his voice.

"Huh?" Sora responded, momentarily taken aback.

"What do you mean 'huh'? He's the current world number one!" Hideo clarified a touch of exasperation in his voice.

As the realization sank in, Sora felt a whirlwind of mixed emotions. It seemed his multiverse theory might indeed truth.

Nicholas chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hahaha! Seeing you two interact is quite amusing," he said, his voice warm and reassuring.

"Anyways, where are the other members?" Nicholas inquired, sweeping his gaze around the tennis court, his curiosity piqued.

"Uhh... well, he's absent, coach," Hideo replied hesitantly.

"He?" Nicholas asked, his brows furrowing in concern. Then, a sudden realization hit him. "Wait, don't tell me there's only three of you?!"

"Yeah, we tried to promote this club, but none are interested in joining," Hideo admitted, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"That's a shame, but hey, at least I don't have to teach that many students," Nicholas remarked, his tone optimistic despite the situation. "Even though I love nurturing talents, I can only do one at a time. So, fewer also means good. Quality over quantity, right?" He offered a reassuring smile, emphasizing the positive side of the situation.

'Yeah, this Nicholas is almost the same as the Nicholas I knew,' Sora thought, a mix of emotions flooding his mind as he observed the coach, feeling a strange sense of familiarity and comfort in his presence.

"By the way, coach," Hideo added, stepping in, "there's going to be a practice game against a player from Aoba Johsai, and they specifically requested Sora to play against him." Hideo's eyes flickered with anticipation, curious about how their coach would react to this news.

Sora was surprised to hear this. "Wait, who is this player?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"It's Kazuki Tanaka, the current number 2 high-school tennis player in Japan," Hideo explained, his tone filled with a mix of excitement and respect for the opponent.

Nicholas whistled appreciatively. "Nice!" he exclaimed, clearly impressed by the challenge that lay ahead for Sora.

"Okay!" Nicholas clapped his hands and turned to Sora. "I will start training you on Monday, so, don't be late," he instructed.

"Uhh, okay, coach," Sora replied, still getting used to the idea of Nicholas coaching him again after all these years.

"Oh, by the way, Hideo-san," Sora asked, furrowing his brow, "why does Tanaka want to compete against me specifically?"

Hideo shrugged his shoulders, a puzzled expression on his face. "I don't know," he admitted, equally curious about the opponent's choice.

"By the way, when will this practice match begin?" Nicholas asked, his interest piqued.

"Next week, Tuesday," Hideo replied, providing the specific date for the upcoming challenge.

"Next week, Tuesday..." Sora muttered, his mind quickly processing the information.

"Wait, that's the same time as the volleyball practice match against Aoba Johsai!" Sora exclaimed, a tinge of concern coloring his voice as he realized the clash in schedules.

"Oh..." Hideo responded nonchalantly, his lack of concern surprising Sora.

"What's with your reaction?" Sora exclaimed, clearly expecting a more significant response from his teammate.

"Well, I don't see any problems with it," Hideo said, his confidence evident in his tone.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked, his confusion giving way to curiosity.

"Well, since you joined two clubs, I took the initiative and asked Takeda-sensei if the volleyball club will have any practice games," Hideo explained. He continued, a determined glint in his eyes, "He said yes, and I talked with Tanaka to set your practice match against him in the morning."

Sora's surprise turned into gratitude as he realized the efforts his friend had made to accommodate his commitments. He smiled, appreciating the support from his teammates.

Sora's gratitude overwhelmed him, and he impulsively hugged Hideo tightly. "Thank you, Hideo-senpai!" Sora exclaimed, his voice muffled as he buried his face against Hideo's chest.

Then, in a moment of playful exaggeration, Sora added, "Marry me!"

Hideo chuckled and ruffled Sora's head affectionately. "Sorry, Sora-san, I'm straight."

"Aww, but can you at least be my future manager?" Sora asked, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Sure," Hideo agreed with a smile.

"Awesome!" Sora grinned, appreciating Hideo's support and looking forward to the exciting challenges ahead.

Nicholas watched the playful exchange between Sora and Hideo, a bemused smile playing on his lips.


It was already nighttime when Sora finally arrived home.

With a tired yet contented smile, he opened the door and called out, "I'm home!"

Sora then carefully removed his shoes, placing them neatly on the shoe rack, ready to unwind after a day.

Shoyo welcomed him at the entrance with a warm smile. "Welcome home, Aniki," he said, his eyes bright with affection and admiration, glad to have his older sibling back home.

Sora's nose twitched, catching a whiff of something burning. "Shoyo, why do I smell something burning?" he asked, his concern evident.

"Ah! The Katsudon!" Shoyo exclaimed, realizing his mistake, and promptly dashed back to the kitchen, his enthusiasm undiminished despite the culinary mishap.

Sora couldn't help but chuckle at his brother's culinary mishap.

He then entered the living room and spotted his younger sister, Natsu, engrossed in her sketchbook.

"Hey, Natsu, what are you drawing there?" Sora inquired, genuinely curious.

"Ah! Aniki! Look, I'm drawing a unicorn!" Natsu exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement as she proudly showed Sora her doodle.

"Yeah, that looks cute!" Sora smiled, genuinely impressed, and ruffled Natsu's hair affectionately. He felt a comforting warmth settle in his heart, surrounded by the love and creativity of his family.

"D-Dinner is ready," came Shoyo's voice from the kitchen, and when Sora and Natsu turned around, they saw Shoyo covered in a cloud of smoke.

Sora and Natsu couldn't help but burst into laughter at Shoyo's sooty appearance, while Shoyo looked away, clearly embarrassed by his cooking mishap.

"S-Shoyo, what were you trying to do with the Katsudon to make it that bad?" Sora asked, his laughter mixing with concern as he tried to comprehend the extent of the kitchen disaster.

"The fire was too strong," Shoyo admitted, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he revealed the reason behind the kitchen chaos.


"Itadakimasu..." Sora and Natsu said, their voices tinged with disbelief as they stared at the black ashes on their plates.

"Uhh... Shoyo, whose ashes are these?" Sora asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"That's the Katsudon!" Shoyo exclaimed, looking equally perplexed by the outcome of his cooking attempt.

The room fell into a brief silence before they all burst into laughter, finding humor in the unexpected turn of events.

"Well, this is our dinner, so we have to eat it," Sora said determinedly, mustering the courage to use his chopsticks and pick up a piece of the peculiar "Katsudon."

Sora unintentionally shook his hands, a slight tremor of uncertainty running through him. 'I hope this won't be poisonous,' he thought, his mind briefly clouded by worry.

He then took a tentative bite and chewed on it. After a moment of suspense, he was surprised to find that it was...

"DELICIOUS!" Natsu exclaimed, her eyes wide with genuine surprise, breaking into a smile. Sora blinked, genuinely taken aback by the unexpected taste. Shoyo, too, looked amazed, realizing that perhaps his experiment in the kitchen had yielded an accidental success.


As Shoyo put Natsu to bed, Sora found himself in the kitchen, washing the plates from their peculiar dinner.

'I can't believe I had an unexpected reunion with Nicholas,' Sora thought, his gaze drifting out of the window to the vast night sky.

"What's next? Am I going to meet the Aubert of this world?" Sora mumbled to himself, a sly smile playing on his lips.

Honestly, meeting your previous self in another world would indeed feel weird. The very thought left Sora intrigued, his mind buzzing with the endless possibilities of the multiverse, as he continued to gaze at the stars, lost in contemplation.

"What are you thinking about, Aniki?" Sora suddenly heard Shoyo entering the kitchen.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just thinking about how small we are in the universe," Sora replied, his voice thoughtful.

"That's deep," Shoyo commented, then sat on the counter and added, "By the way, the volleyball club is going to have a new coach."

Sora turned to look at his brother, curiosity piqued. "A new coach?"

"Yeah, we actually know who this is," Shoyo said with a smile. "To others, he might be a new coach, but to us, he's our volleyball coach."

"Oh, so it's Ukai-san," Sora replied. "But, how did that happen?"



The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the Karasuno High School campus. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, creating a serene backdrop for the evening.

"Hah!" Shoyo stretched his arms, the fading sunlight highlighting his determined expression.

"Cover your mouth when you stretch, you have bad breath," Kageyama commented, his usual sharp tone softened by familiarity.

Shoyo gave Kageyama an offended side eye and said "Tch!"

"Oh, come on, Kageyama! Let the guy stretch in peace," Daichi chimed in, trying to mediate between the two.

In the distance, Kageyama noticed Sugawara walking ahead of them, his posture slightly tense.

Kageyama, ever observant, immediately ran up to Sugawara, leaving Shoyo, Daichi, and Tanaka behind.

"What's his problem?" Tanaka asked, his brows furrowing as he watched Kageyama's retreating figure.

Shoyo shrugged, a playful grin on his face. "Who knows? Maybe he's just in a rush to improve his social skills."

"Sugawara-san!" Kageyama called out to him, his determined voice cutting through the evening air.

Sugawara turned around, his eyes widening in surprise as Kageyama finally arrived in front of him, catching his breath.

"I'll have to be a starter for this game, but I'll work hard next time to earn the spot!" Kageyama declared, his words laced with determination.

"Huh?" Sugawara blinked, momentarily taken aback by Kageyama's unexpected confession.

"Ah?" Kageyama faltered, his confidence momentarily shaken by Sugawara's confusion.

"Oh. I'm surprised. I didn't think you'd give me a second thought," Sugawara admitted, his expression a mix of astonishment and humility.

Kageyama, not one to back down, asked, "Why is that?"

"You're stronger and more skilled than me," Sugawara replied, his gaze sincere and respectful.

"But experience is not something to be taken lightly!" Kageyama asserted, taking a step closer to Sugawara. "That, and..."



They turned around and saw Shoyo, Daichi, and Tanaka approaching them, their smiles warm and supportive.

"I-I don't have the trust of other members," Kageyama admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability and self-reflection.

Sugawara observed him silently, understanding the weight of those words. 'That match in junior high really got to him,' Sugawara thought, recognizing the impact past experiences could have on a player's confidence and sense of belonging within the team.

"But I won't give in," Kageyama declared, determination blazing in his eyes.

Sugawara stared at Kageyama for a moment, a silent understanding passing between them. "Okay, I won't either," he replied his voice firm, signaling his commitment to support and uplift his teammates, no matter the challenges they faced.

"Suga-san! Daichi is going to buy us pork buns!" Tanaka said excitedly, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of a tasty treat.

Shoyo's attention shifted to Daichi, who was already stepping into the familiar Sakanoshita Store.

'It's been a while since I've seen Ukai-san; I should probably check up on him,' Shoyo thought, feeling a sense of nostalgia and the desire to reconnect with their former coach.

"Tanaka-senpai, I'm going into the store too," Shoyo announced, his decision made, and he briskly power-walked toward the store, his determination evident in his steps.

"Uhh..." Tanaka stammered, caught off guard by Shoyo's swift response.

Meanwhile, Sugawara and Kageyama watched Shoyo's enthusiastic approach, their expressions a mix of amusement and disbelief as they exchanged glances, both sharing a sweatdrop at Shoyo's eagerness.

As Shoyo entered the store, he spotted Daichi handing money to Ukai, engrossed in their conversation about the purchase.

A mischievous thought immediately popped into Shoyo's mind: He's going to scare Keishin.

With a playful grin, Shoyo sneakily approached them, trying to maintain stealth. However, his enthusiasm got the better of him, and in his attempt to be quiet, he accidentally hit a soda can, sending it rolling and ultimately knocking it over with a clatter.

The noise echoed through the store, capturing the attention of everyone present, including a startled Keishin. Shoyo winced, realizing his attempt at mischief had failed spectacularly.

"Uhh... surprise?" Shoyo said, his attempt at nonchalance failing as he sheepishly grinned, caught in the act.

Daichi sighed, trying to ease the situation. "I apologize for his-"

"Oh, it's you, brat!" Ukai's gruff voice interrupted Daichi, his surprise turning into a teasing smirk as he recognized Shoyo.

Ukai went close to Shoyo and playfully chopped his head, drawing an "Ow!" from Shoyo.

"What was that for, Old man!?" Shoyo exclaimed, rubbing his head.

"That's what you get for knocking that can. Also, I'M NOT THAT OLD!" Ukai retorted, his tone both stern and playful.

"Uhh... you two know each other?" Daichi asked, his confusion growing at the unexpected dynamic between his teammate and the cashier.

Keishin and Shoyo turned to Daichi and simultaneously said, "Yeah."


Taking the initiative, Shoyo stepped in to clarify. "Daichi-san, this is Keishin Ukai," he introduced.

"Ukai... wait, are you related to Ikkei Ukai?" Daichi asked, his eyes widening in realization.

"Yeah, he's my grandfather, why?" Keishin replied, curious about Daichi's sudden interest.

Karasuno Volleyball didn't have a coach at the moment, and this could be the chance to secure a coach who had a rich legacy in the sport.

"Uhm, is it okay if you coach us?" Daichi asked, his voice earnest and hopeful, realizing the potential this connection had for their team.

"Sorry, but I decline," Keishin said, his tone firm yet laced with a hint of amusement. "I learned from the Hinata twins that coaching is pretty hard."

Daichi blinked, taken aback by the unexpected reference to the Hinata twins. He gave a surprised glance to Shoyo, who was clearly not pleased with the comment.

"Hah!? What does that supposed to mean, old man!?" Shoyo exclaimed, his competitive spirit flaring up.

"I told you, I'm not that old!" Ukai retorted, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he ruffled Shoyo's hair.

"Ah! Stop that!" Shoyo protested, trying to evade Keishin's playful gesture, but ultimately failing as he grabbed Keishin's hand in an attempt to stop him from ruffling his hair.

However, Daichi was not willing to give up. "Please! Just give us a chance! We are struggling," he pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity.

Daichi then bowed. "Our team has immense potential, but without a coach, we're finding it difficult to channel our skills effectively. We're losing matches we should be winning, and the lack of guidance is holding us back from reaching our full potential. With your experience and knowledge, we believe you could make a significant difference in our performance."

Both Keishin and Shoyo stopped their antics and looked at Daichi, their attention captured by his passionate appeal.

Keishin assumed a thoughtful pose, his hand stroking his chin. "I'll think about it."

"What do you mean you'll think about it?" Shoyo interjected, his curiosity piqued. "You don't even do anything apart from managing this store and hanging out with your neighborhood friends."

Daichi shot Shoyo a stern look, silently urging him to let Keishin consider the proposal seriously.

Shoyo, realizing the gravity of the situation, felt a shiver run down his spine in response to Daichi's intense gaze. His usual exuberance momentarily subdued, he nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of this moment.

"Haa!" they heard Keishin sigh, his expression shifting from amusement to contemplation. "Okay, I'll start coaching you guys."

//Flashback end//

"And that's about it," Shoyo finished, concluding his recount of the past events to Sora.

"Oh, that's impressive," Sora replied, his admiration clear in his voice. He could understand the significance of having Keishin as their coach and appreciated the effort Daichi must have put in to make it happen.

"It certainly is," Shoyo agreed, nodding thoughtfully.

"Also, I don't remember the two of us being problematic towards Keishin-san," Sora added, voicing his confusion.

"Haha, yeah..." Shoyo said, a small smile playing on his lips.

Comfortable silence settled between the brothers as they shared a moment of quiet understanding.

Sora finished drying the plates and put his washing gloves down. "By the way, when will Keishin-san start coaching us?" Sora asked, his curiosity piqued about their upcoming training sessions.

"On Monday," Shoyo confirmed, anticipating the start of their coaching sessions.

"Monday..." Sora repeated, contemplating the upcoming schedule.

Then, Sora's reaction shifted as realization dawned upon him. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" he exclaimed, his hands immediately going to his face in a moment of realization.

"What? What's the matter?" Shoyo asked, genuinely curious about his brother's sudden distress.

"I forgot to tell you this, but the Tennis club had a new coach and he will start coaching us this Monday," Sora explained, his tone a mix of frustration and worry.

"Oh, that's cool," Shoyo replied nonchalantly, not immediately grasping the implications of the situation.

"Why are you so nonchalant about it? Do you have any idea how packed my schedule is?" Sora questioned, feeling a bit exasperated.

"I don't see the problem, did you forget that you practice Tennis on Mondays?" Shoyo pointed out, not quite understanding why Sora was so surprised by the clash in schedules.

"That is the problem! I have to practice Tennis on Monday, but I also have a tennis practice match on Tuesday along with Volleyball!" Sora exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as he tried to balance his commitments.

"Oh," Shoyo responded, finally grasping the extent of Sora's dilemma. His nonchalant demeanor shifted to a more understanding expression as he realized the complexity of his brother's schedule.

Shoyo then struck a thoughtful pose, his expression brightening as he suddenly had an idea. "I know, how about you don't stress about volleyball and focus on tennis?"

"Huh?" Sora looked at his brother, clearly surprised by the suggestion.

"I mean, think about it, Aniki!" Shoyo exclaimed, his excitement evident. "In tennis, you usually play in singles and you have to rely on yourself, and it requires so much mental and physical drain!"

Shoyo continued, his words gaining momentum. "But in volleyball, you can share those burdens with others! The team can support you, and you can support them. Maybe it's a chance to take a step back from volleyball and focus on tennis, at least for a while. It might ease your schedule and give you more time to excel in both sports!"

"That's a plausible solution, but I'm the libero for the upcoming match against Aoba Johsai. If I fail, our teammates will blame me..." Sora's voice trailed off, his worries clearly etched on his face.

Sora's mind immediately flashed back to the ball he failed to receive in his previous life and his teammates harassing him for it, a haunting memory that still haunted him. The thought of repeating that mistake weighed heavily on his mind, causing him to involuntarily shake.

Shoyo noticed his brother's distress. "Aniki, are you okay?" he asked, concern lacing his voice as he gently touched Sora's shoulder, offering support and reassurance.

Sora snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Shoyo, summoning a reassuring smile. "I'm all right, Sho," he said, appreciating his brother's concern.

He then ruffled Shoyo's hair affectionately. "I'll follow your suggestion, and let's rest!" Sora declared, choosing to embrace the comfort of his brother's advice.

"Uhh...sure," Shoyo replied, his tone a mix of understanding and mild concern.

"I'll wash up first; you can prepare the beds!" Sora said as he started walking away, heading towards the bathroom.

Shoyo observed Sora's disappearing figure, his thoughts turning introspective. He had known his twin brother for his whole life and looked up to him. 

"Aniki, whatever you're struggling with, I'm here for you," Shoyo muttered softly to himself, a silent promise echoing in his words as he prepared the beds, ready to support his brother in any way he could.